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I'm getting into grime.
Guys, if you have 00100001 (binary), how do you extract the third 1?
Wow, great. Back to the beginning from 40 consecutive days. Man ...
@O0oO0oOO0ooO AND with 100
Oh jesus christ
This is retarded
but that gives you 001
Why does it keep erroring. D:
what's the error you are getting?
@O0oO0oOO0ooO If the bit is set it'll it'll return 100, if it isn't, 0.
But I want exactly 1
So you can either check if the result is equal to the mask or simply let integer conversion convert it to a bool (if you're using it in a if for example).
I want to see if the bit is set or not
bool third_set = ((my_int & mask) == mask);
@O0oO0oOO0ooO Then shift it.
But @Tuntuni's method is better.
Mask is shifted bit anyway.
Only in different direction.
This tattoo makes me feel like I want to avoid this person
Also comparison with mask is redundant.
@CatPlusPlus True. He wants it to be 0 or 1 though ..
Hmm, actually bool will do that.
hey morning cat
Then again it's probably a warning to coerce to bool without bool operator.
Yeah, you're right.
@CatPlusPlus It isn't in a language that isn't stupid.
Yeah but we're talking about C++. :v
I know.
can anyone here read chinese?
ching chong no
@nightcracker @Telkitty猫咪咪 might be able to, a bit
In a language that isn't stupid I wouldn't even expose the fact that it's a bitmask, as opposed to a flag-carrying type.
I wonder what this woman is doing now
^ Not even GCC agrees with ,e. What am I doing. D:
@CatPlusPlus I like .NET's approach.
@EtiennedeMartel How does .NET do it?
@Telkitty猫咪咪 can you read a chinese error message for me?
@Tuntuni Enums, which you can explicitly mark as flags.
@ThePhD Do what the error says?
@nightcracker can try
@Tuntuni You can mark an enum type as a flag witht the Flag attribute.
That allows you to do bitwise operations on that enum's values.
@CatPlusPlus It says both rebind and rebind_alloc are not templates.
@EtiennedeMartel Ahh.
... So how do I rebind it, if it's not a template?
No, it says that you have to disambiguate.
@nightcracker "Sorry, current webpage does not allow full screen setting, please visit v.qq.com to watch"
@CatPlusPlus ... Oooh
LOL it actually says "click for full screen"
main.cpp:20:38: error: non-template 'rebind' used as template
   typedef typename TAllocatorTraits::rebind< TMetaPair > TAllocatorRebind;
main.cpp:20:38: note: use 'Dictionary<TK, TV, TH, TKEq, TAlloc>::TAllocatorTraits::template rebind' to indicate that it is a template
main.cpp:20:38: error: declaration does not declare anything [-fpermissive]
Reading comprehension is dead.
Sorry. :c
Stateless lambdas in C++ are movable, but not copiable, right?
I'm getting a little bit of feedback on my anime plugin. That makes for a total of ~10 reactions over a period of three years.
I don't think state matters.
It's the matter of state.
That is, they're both movable and copiable.
I have this lazy tendency to pass lamba's by value.
I should check if this is costly.
without a capture they decay to a function pointer
if you do [] { .. } it decays to a function pointer.
It loses its inlineability?
Only if you explicitly assign it to a function pointer.
I'm not sure what the template deduction rules for it are though.
Inference will infer the unnamed type, not the function pointer.
It deduces the lambda.
What else?
I wish static functions were implicitly convertible to function objects.
It'd be pretty silly if it did that.
@StackedCrooked You never know. auto x = {1,2,3} is initializer_list, but f({1,2,3}) isn't with templates.
@ThePhD That would be like implicit conversion on steroids.
And I wish member functions were explicitly convertible to function objects which took an object X in its initialization list.
@StackedCrooked It'd be a better alternative than silly function pointers.
It would at least make functions appear like first-class citizens.
It would create a function object to hold a function pointer. Great progress :P
@CatPlusPlus Yeah, but you used decltype which prevents decay.
Oh, only in one of the two cases you did.
4 mins ago, by Cat Plus Plus
Only if you explicitly assign it to a function pointer.
Erza as Zoro. This must be the most otaku thing I've see all year.
@ThePhD Yeah that's what we were discussing
So yeah, then it can decay.
It's like C-style arrays
But seriously
@StackedCrooked You should keep the archive in a separate repo or something, it's 200MB to download via crappy SVN protocol now.
I would love to do

template <typename Fn>
void Invoke ( Fn fn ) {

void arf () {
     std::cout << "Arf!";

int main () {
     Invoke( arf ); // implicitly gets wrapped up in []() { arf(); };
@ThePhD What for?
Ease of use.
You'd use it exactly the same way.
The archive is 290 MB already.
Code and data should be separated. I violated the most basic software principle since the 50ties.
@CatPlusPlus I'd have to do &arf. And it gets uglier when I want to use member functions. :c
@ThePhD You'd have to do &arf where?
To get an actual function pointer to pass to Invoke()
arf and &arf are exactly the same when arf is a function name.
The code you posted works verbatim.
And it also doesn't handle templated functions either. :c
@CatPlusPlus I thought you always had to qualify functions with &
I've considered serving the archive files with svn cat to the google url.
Implicit wrapping wouldn't help, at least until C++1y lands with generic lambdas.
And it wouldn't really help with member functions anyway (and it'd be much better to just introduce bound member function pointers, instead of implicit lambda wrapping).
@StackedCrooked Wasteful.
Google will hate you.
I've frequently been tempted to use auto_ptr because it seems like a convenient way to "move" an object into a lambda. However, my compiler warning levels don't allow it.
@CatPlusPlus Right, I should prevent that.
Actually I wrote a cache script earlier today.
You shouldn't hardcode usernames in the scripts, either.
Well, I have two of them.
webserver and sandbox
What kind of layer of abstraction should I put on top of that?
Just assume the user is the right one.
Not sure what you are referring to.
Usually when you check uids it's just to prevent accidental run as root.
(And you should check for uid 0, not the name root, too)
You've been looking at my code?
if [ "$(whoami)" != "webserver" ] ; then
    echo "The indexer must be run by the webserver." 1>&2
    exit 1
@CatPlusPlus Why is that wrong?
I want to see how much effort would be to do shorter URLs. :v
@StackedCrooked Well, it requires you to have user named webserver and run the script from that.
Horribly inflexible.
I guess it would be inflexible if you wanted to distribute Coliru as a software program for anyone.
But that's not really how I initially approached it.
It's inflexible for development, too.
It's also because the script requires a certain set of permissions.
Or absense of permissions.
Anyway, this is all very foreign to me and I just hacked something together.
That's something I can't deny ..
Just checking for the username doesn't ensure that. :P
@CatPlusPlus On my machine it should ensure that at least..
Imagine you would have to redeploy to another machine, and forgot to set up permissions the exact same way.
TBH, I think for Coliru to be good it should run in a VM to begin with.
@CatPlusPlus Yes, coliru requires a dedicated machine.
Still needs a deployment script to ensure everything, and checking the username is not necessary.
And for development, you run this stuff locally.
I know you love live editing in production, but if anyone would want to contribute, they'll have a hard time doing anything.
I have a deployment script, but it's rather agressive.
I don't have a foundation of knowledge when it comes to web dev. I can't even tell whether you are right or wrong.
However, I see that my app is very tied to a certain configuration.
Which is generally a bad thing.
Also storage is something I never had to deal with before.
I don't feel comfortable being responsible for keeping the user data.
Anyway, I don't think you need that long-ass two hash system.
lol, that's just a detail
you guys complain about the weirdest things
Long URLs suck.
if [ -f "${INPUT_FILES_DIR}/main.cpp" ] ; then
    ARCHIVE_ID="$(md5sum ${INPUT_FILES_DIR}/main.cpp | cut -d ' ' -f 1)-$(md5sum ${INPUT_FILES_DIR}/cmd.sh | cut -d ' ' -f 1)"
    ARCHIVE_ID="$(md5sum ${INPUT_FILES_DIR}/cmd.sh | cut -d ' ' -f 1)"
This is the code which makes the url ids.
You also have duplicated logic between that and share.sh. :P
(And share.sh always does two hashes)
Duplication in bash scripts is nothing compare to js :(
But then again that's probably some compatibility stuff.
This code is not representative for my normal work!
Anyway, hash the two hashes again, and then use shortest unique prefix.
Problem solved.
Also storing everything into one directory can be problematic, hence why stuff doing this usually chops off first two characters of the hash and creates a directory out of that.
Actually, I never had a problem to solve probably. The hashes prevent duplication of submitted data. In practice this is like 0.01% storage saved.
I should have just used a timestamp for id.
Timestamps can collide.
Or a counter.
Counter needs atomic updates. :v
Doable without a database, but you'd be reinventing some wheels.
The flat directory structure might become problematic in the future. But I think it will hold until ~100k entries. Currently we're around 6k :)
It's slow on NTFS already.
Coliru use to handle requests sequentially.
I regret changing that.
The sandbox has a process limit of 20 processes. But if multiple users can run at the same time then it's reduced..
damn, 155 line column.
I never know how to split up initialization lists.
If a user runs his program he is the sandbox user. If multiple users run their program at the same time they are all the sandbox user. So they can delete each others files if they wanted to.
However, that's hard to pull off.
Keep several separate jailed containers ready.
It's not as bad as it sounds.
It's a very narrow time frame where this is possible. And if it happens to you, just click compile again and you'll be fine.
I feel dirty now.
Just making it single threaded would avoid all this.
At least I got the yellow background when compiling.
That's the single feature I feel most content about.
I'm getting warning: returning reference to temporary [-Wreturn-local-addr] ?_?
None of the other online compilers have that.
@Rapptz I seems like you are returning a reference to temporary?
Thing is I'm not
Don't lie to me.
Maybe it's a compiler bug, but I've never seen this one.
It's this code
template<size_t N, typename T, typename U, typename V>
constexpr const Type<tuple_element<N, triple<T,U,V>>>& get(const triple<T, U, V>& t) noexcept {
    return N == 0 ? t.first  :
           N == 1 ? t.second :
I don't get how I'm returning a reference to a temporary there, but okay.
common type conversion?
how so?
Dunno, what's T, U and V?
If you call this function with an rvalue as argument then it returns a reference to a temporary..
@Xeo int, float, char lol
@StackedCrooked not a local temporary, though
tuple_element 0 returns T, 1 returns U, 2 returns V.
@Rapptz Well, common type is int, which is then converted back to whatever tuple_element<....> yields and bound to the const & ref to that type.
time for a struct hack
tag-dispatch or something
@Rapptz struct hack { ... }; ?
@StackedCrooked Use the struct as a form a way to specialise, something like template<size_t N> triple_get; template<> triple_get<0> { ... };
template<class Triple>
constexpr auto internal_get(Triple&& t, int_<0>) noexcept
  -> decltype(std::forward<Triple>(t).first)
{ return std::forward<Triple>(t).first; }
or, of course, decltype(auto)
whats int_<0>?
Just a tag.
oh, and what purpose does it serve here?
You'd use int_<N> from the user-facing get.
@TonyTheLion forcing a certain overload
ah right, yes
and it a forward? hmmm
so your function forwards a t, I'm not sure what advantage your wrapper gives over just using std::forward directly?
@TonyTheLion Notice the .first
It's a getter by (template) index.
I'm assuming that comes from the Triple type you passed it
static constexpr auto get_map = std::make_tuple([].first, [].second, [].third);

template<size_t I, class Triple, EnableIf<is_specialization_of<Unqualified<Triple>, triple>>...>
constexpr decltype(auto) get(Triple&& t) noexcept{
  return std::get<I>(get_map)(std::forward<T>(t));
How would that look?
I like the int_<0> technique.
It allows for interesting abstractions.
@Xeo Heh.
@Xeo Erm, what is it?
His proposal.
@StackedCrooked What @Rapptz is trying to do, with a single overload to handle all member and qualification combinations.
oh the [].first thingy
Of course using my []proposal
I don't understand what [].first is.
You think that will be accepted?
@StackedCrooked Shorthand for [](auto x) { return x.first; }
@CatPlusPlus and more
Bjarne complains that C++ has become to expert-friendly.
I don't think your proposal is in line with his goals.
He should've created a better language.
@StackedCrooked I think whatever we have to do currently to get the same effect is even worse.
Besides it's not his language anymore.
Its not really owned by anyone
And he's been wrong about it before.
Bjarne was wrong?
I know, but I think his vision is not that far off from the committee's opinion.
Authority of the days long gone.
@StackedCrooked Of course, he's part of the committee
I really think that []foo stuff is pretty damn handy in a number of places.
And makes C++ actually easier for beginners
Gotta be aiming somewhere same, else you might as well not bother working together.
@TonyTheLion s/off/of/ :v:
@TonyTheLion That doesn't mean he is compliant with the other members. Not saying he isn't. Er..
I mean, std::transform(v.begin(), v.end(), v.begin(), std::abs), anyone?
But I do think highly of Bjarne.
@TonyTheLion He's actually rather open about what features C++ gets, if somebody needs them.
class X final and stuff - he isn't too sure why you'd want that, but it's still in the language
I wonder if you put litb and Bjarne in the same room, who could come up with the strangest C++ corner case.
@Xeo oh that's good.
@TonyTheLion litb
@CatPlusPlus You seem fairly certain.
and you're not the only one, apparently
I could easily bet that litb knows C++ better than Bjarne.
litb isn't just a random guy
no, he's litb
> Contact customer services. You’ll need to know 5 contacts from your contacts list, the month you created your account, and your signup email address.
> the month you created your account
I read that after 60 the brains start to degrade rapidly.
That's scary shit.
I cancelled a Skype account yesterday
@Xeo The fuck.
but I didn't remember the month, so she verified all the other data I gave her
and it was fine
my account was deleted
How did you look at the same fucking thing in the same moment I did.
I never liked Skype.
Because I never used it, so I don't know.
When it's just a random thing on starboard.
Its horribly slow
@StackedCrooked Me neither, but apparently everybody and their dog in the industry uses it.
@CatPlusPlus Wait. Its on the starboard?
Even scarier, some seem to still use ICQ!
10 hours ago, by sehe
http://justdelete.me/ huzzah - deletionists of the world, unite!
@Xeo oh that
Yes, you are dog.
@Xeo I remember those days.
@ScottW You're my baby too. <3
I have to go buy some breakfast
Yes I do
I am hungry
You are
The day I got Internet at age 19 is when my life ended and a new life started.
I couldn't get the tagging to work
But that doesn't mean you need to contradict me :P
Not sure which was the better life.
I don't remember the old one.
Once I live in London, I'll have a life again, I hope
and I prolly won't spend so much time here
or on Reddit
Life is overrated.
@ScottW Yeah, I would sit at home being bored.
Those were the days.
I don't even remember what I was doing without Internet?!!!
@ScottW there was a time before the internet?
@ScottW I've been in that condition.
argggghhh fucking spam control is FUCKING ANNOYING. FUCK YOU SO!!!
Yay, new minutephysics.
@Xeo I was watching vsauce last night. I'm addicted now.
I learned to juggle.
And magic tricks.
I'm attempting to learn guitar.
@TonyTheLion VSauce, MinutePhysics and SciShow - all awesome.
my fingers hurt
@Xeo Numberphile is also cool.
Oh yeah, those too
mostly math stuff
@ScottW oh baby <3 We can be miserable together.
Drink beer and smoke cigarettes in a gloomy atmosphere.
oh ciggy
I want!!
Fuck you for mentioning it. :P
lol, I wasn't trying to paint an attractive picture
@TonyTheLion No you don't.
hahah, I know
Oh that craving, if you only you were a smoker, you would know what I'm talking about.
Glad I'm not.
hehe, yea
man, I swear spam control has got worse on here.
hahah, Lounge surely is healthier than smoking.
If you trigger it multiple times in a short timespan, it gets worse :/
If it wasn't for the lounge I'd have three girlfriends already.
I love this Lounge <3

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