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@Rapptz lolwut, and it's the built-in one, too.
Great, more confusing C variadic function promotion rules.
Apparently signed char is promoted and unsigned char isn't.
And here I thought everything under int, signed or not, was.
gonna try sleep
wish me luck
good luck
@chris that sounds like an arbitrary rule =/
> C variadic function
you were expecting?
@DeadMG Hope you do better than me. I was lying awake for 2 1/2 hours.
@DeadMG i dont know...
@DeadMG Why wouldn't the unsigned form of char be?
What's so special about it?
Man, I'm having so much fun with Sejuani.
@EtiennedeMartel you play league?
want to play a game together?
Lines 21 and 24 don't exist. — chris 16 secs ago
@nightcracker Nah, I don't feel like playing right now.
I've had enough for tonight.
That said, I'm on NA.
ah haha
Making a tree...
I wonder if I should just do it using raw pointers & friends
> Checking for whether an element is in a map requires using the find function and comparing the returned iterator with the iterator associated with the end of the map.
Does no one know about std::map::count
I always hear this
@Rapptz I think find conveys it a bit better, but that's just me.
It's a bit lengthier at any rate.
@EtiennedeMartel I watched Scarlett vs MMA. Sweet games
I saw Scarlett get wasted by aLive.
It was so painful.
@chris if(map.count(key)) vs if(map.find(key) != map.end())
@Rapptz Neither is as clear as if (contains(map, key)).
But then that's just extra bloat in the library and has half a chance of being a member function anyway.
I can make up functions/syntax too.
It's called count because that way multimap gets to have the same member.
I forgot
is that shoutcaster dutch?
if you have a mystruct* meow = new mystruct[ 500 ];
And mystruct has a default constructor,
will that default constructor be invoked on all 500 elements?
Ah. Okay/
Nope, new mystruct[ 500 ](); would, though.
You can make it do that if you want
That game is so insane.
this shit is tight
I don't want it to. I want uninitialized data all the way until I explicitly ask for it.
I have a feeling you're remaking <memory>.
Just adding Allocator to my Dictionary class.
under uninitialized storage
Ah. I see it.
I think I might need that for the std::pair<const Tkey, TValue> I have, though
I think the shoutcaster IS dutch
he's called "rotterdam"
@nightcracker Netherlands
@Rapptz Except it seems MSVC doesn't have that yet. :3c
Ah. GCC does.
They support the Garbage Collection garbage but not that?
heard it from the accent :D
@Rapptz Oh wait, ti does
But I don't think I need that.
I need std::aligned_storage, really.
Should be added in VS2013 I think
Well, I was rooting for Innovation, but now I'm not so sure.
make_pair doesn't take variadic arguments, right?
Didn't see that one coming.
@ThePhD Not that I know of.
@ThePhD You can still make a tuple our of a pair.
poor shy koreans
@EtiennedeMartel std::tuple<> with just 2 elements?
You can't make a pair out of a tuple, afaik. I know you can do it the other way around like Etienne said but you asked for the tuple to pair.
This is turning into a XY problem.
Oh I'm wrong btw, it does have a weird form of construction with std::piecewise_construct
std::pair<std::complex<double>, std::string> p6(
                    std::forward_as_tuple(0.123, 7.7),
                    std::forward_as_tuple(10, 'a'));
    std::cout << "Piecewise constructed: "
              << p6.first << ", " << p6.second << '\n';
I figured out what to do.
I'm scared now.
Don't worry, it's okay. <3
Taeja vs Duck Deok
@ThePhD You remember that triple class I made?
I can't find it :(
I finally have a use for it
ooh found it.
@Rapptz Why do you need the triple class? :o
Making something similar to it and wanted to see how I did something
Has anyone had this before?
My cursor keeps flickering (Win 7)
it literally just disappears for one frame and returns the next frame
@nightcracker That always happened in XP whenever the teachers spied on someone.
fuck my porn
You all lied to me.
I hate all of you.
table = new Bucket[ capacity ];
^ this REQUIRES a default constructor. D:<
Oh, I think it's default-initialized.
And brackets is value.
I was thinking of primitives, which aren't initialized when you do that.
@ThePhD Sounds like a bug.
@chris Nope.
:c I don't believe you @Rapptz !!!
what do you guys think of Python's data model (everything's a reference)?
@ThePhD Hmm.
Even GCC says I need a default constructor. :c
That's interesting actually. :P
Bleh. Looks like I have to use std::aligned_storage<T>::type* table_buffer;
(I just tried too with unique_ptr etc)
int main() {
    constexpr triple<int, int, int> a{1,2,3};
    static_assert(a.first == 1, "..");
That's a silly static_assert
who cares, it works.
> — If the new-initializer is omitted, the object is default-initialized (8.5); if no initialization is performed, the object has indeterminate value.
— Otherwise, the new-initializer is interpreted according to the initialization rules of 8.5 for direct-initialization.
Damn C++ and it's ultra typesafety.
Whatever, I can cast my way out of this.
@ThePhD isn't that normal?
No. D:<
how do you expect it to construct shit then ? :P
I want to construct it myself, explicitly, for all items, damnit.
I guess array of pointers then
Eww, gross, no.
byte* ptr; problem solved
@ThePhD placement new ?
@A.H. I'm using std::allocator, so something like placement new, yes.
my solution for best solution
@Rapptz Looks like a plan, except the buffer isn't really "temporary"
Why do they call it temporary buffer anyways.
Don't know.
seriously don't know
Well, anywho, I got a byte* solution going just fine.
nothing temporary about it
The only thing missing is exception safety for the constructor.
are default constructors automatically noexcept?
yes, just checked.
@Rapptz Yeah, but out of memory and friends can still be chucked
so, gotta do some wrapping
Or use the Delegated Constructor trick.
For constructor exception safety and stuff.
I'm talking about a() = default being noexcept
I guess I have to get into the habit of marking everything I know doesn't throw as noexcept.
damn, cppreference doesn't say if vector(vector&&) is noexcept.
It... should be?
It's pointer copies.
It isn't.
Checked the standard to make sure.
Well, not according to the std::, sure
But in reality? Completely noexcept.
Yeah, std::basic_string's is.
without the noexcept specification I can't declare my move as noexcept
which means vector<my_class> won't move
Why can't you move?
Neither copy nor move would be noexcept to the std, so why not just move or copy anyways?
because all containers do move_if_noexcept upon insertion, etc.
if your move constructor doesn't have the noexcept specification then it won't be moved but copied instead.
Good night.
Lol, my dictionary has to have 2 allocators
Jesus christ is rebind hard
Eh..? It's.. really easy
template<typename T> struct rebind { using other = my_allocator<T>; };
Also, no using.
Also, I meant using it.
Still easy.
template < typename TK, typename TV, typename TH = Furrovine::FurrovineHasher< TK >, typename TKEq = std::equal_to< TK >, typename TAlloc = std::allocator< std::pair<const TK, TV> >, typename TMetaAlloc = std::allocator_traits< TAlloc >::rebind_alloc< std::pair< ulword, ulword > >::other >
@ThePhD Pfft. Get a better compiler bub.
I can change it so that I don't need MetaAlloc by requiring that the allocator allocates a Bucket instead of the pair value for those 2,
but the Bucket is an internal class structure.
I could replace Bucket with tuple, but I don't know if that'll incur a cost of any kind.
typename TAlloc = std::allocator< std::tuple<const TK, TV, ulword, ulword> >
The problem with this setup -- of course -- is that when someone iterates over the values, they'd get an iterator that exposes the Hash value and the Hop value.
@StackedCrooked lol
@StackedCrooked wait so which button cancels?
It's undisclosed information.
> Of course I was online the entire time. The only thing I could do is to close the window, which caused this masterpiece of UI/UX design to appear: imgur.com/ceXH6a5
It's from the new evil SourceForge installer.
Which puts adware on your machine.
@StackedCrooked dafuq
@A.H. The one that's not autoselected. (reddit comment)
I'm still using Google Code. I hope it won't turn into the next SourceForge.
@StackedCrooked why not github ?
Because github is too hip, maaan.
I started using Google Code in 2007 and never felt the urge to change.
When I first learned about Google Code I thought the idea was awesome.
Free SVN hosting man!
That was back when CVS was still the norm.
WTB relaxed constexpr ;_;
@Rapptz Oh you'll be fine.
You kids are spoiled.
@ThePhD Well, I made it look pretty
made it align n shit.
constexpr bool operator<(const triple& t) const {
        return   first < t.first  ? true  :
               t.first < first    ? false :
                second < t.second ? true  :
              t.second < second   ? false :
                 third < t.third;
I should make it a non-member function.
A song must have it lyrics.
@StackedCrooked SourceForge had SVN for couple of years at that point.
Google Code was nice though. No preapproval.
Now it's kinda outdated for DVCS hosting, with bitbucket and GitHub in the lead.
And SVN just sucks.
btw GitHub has SVN access. For some reason.
@CatPlusPlus To steal away SVN users.
Coax them into the git market.
Guys, does this look properly nested?:
template < typename TK, typename TV, typename TH = Furrovine::FurrovineHasher< TK >,
	typename TKEq = std::equal_to< TK >,
	typename TAlloc = std::allocator< std::pair<const TK, TV> >,
	typename TMetaAlloc = std::allocator_traits< TAlloc >::rebind_alloc< std::pair< ulword, ulword > >::other >
I noticed it the other day and it reminded me that SVN still exists.
Why are you using rebind in template arguments?
I wanted TMetaAlloc to change allocators if TAlloc did.
But I guess that's prone to mistakes down the line....
Yeah that's what rebind does, but it's typically used within the template and not exposed.
User already gave you the allocator, why would they give you a different one for the other argument?
It's because of thorny design issues.
The Dictionary type I'm writing uses a different scheme than the std::list chain-based Hash mapping of the std:: library. It's using open-addressing, meaning everything is stored in one contiguous array.
Okay. So?
The Bucket class which will contain the metdata-per-item is internal to the class, so I can't have someone give an allocator for Dictionary<X, X, X, X>::Bucket
Well, they don't have to, because you can rebind the one they give you to whatever you need
So, the idea was to follow in unordered_map's footsteps and take an allocator for the two things that mattered: the key, and the value.
@CatPlusPlus So it wouldn't be a good idea to let them pass in a separate allocator on the outside, then?
The Metadata allocator should just be an internal thing?
Well, one less template to wank about with for me in the declaration, then.
It's still erroring
Perhaps I need another typename

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