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And the order of objects is correct in the command line, right? (Out of ideas too.)
Wrong order?
There is only one lib I'm linking with.
That's not the point.
It should be after the objects, IIRC.
g++ -lfoo bar.o
not g++ bar.o -lfoo.
Oh, before. Damn gcc.
Yep, that's what I'm doing.
(This was compiling fine on my other machine.)
@DeadMG how's the parsing going?
@CatPlusPlus what you up to?
@TonyTheTiger Parsing? uh...
been kind of distracted
with what?
well, mainly what I'm going to do when it can be parsed
Can someone just confirm that I'm not being dyslexic or something: pastebin.com/B12DeXj5
@TonyTheTiger Nothing.
the language is actually changing fairly rapidly as I add some new features and the syntax of some stuff has to change
for example, I just had to cut function and type literals, it just wasn't feasible anymore to maintain them
@MartinhoFernandes Try putting -lboost_system after the objects.
@CatPlusPlus wow! how boring!
Tried. Same thing :(
@DeadMG oh I see
@MartinhoFernandes Then specify the path to the .so directly.
Or -L/usr/local/lib first.
No change.
Like I said, there's no other libboost_system here.
Can you check the symbol with nm -CD instead of -Cg?
It's there.
Building Boost gave me the static library as well FWIW.
If you have it on hand you can try linking to it.
Yes, there's a static library too.
But it yields the same.
Can you build something that includes boost.system and calls boost::system::system_category()?
Let me try.
I can't.
This simple program ideone.com/PZb8l does not find that symbol with $ g++ -lboost_system foo.cpp
Compiles, links, runs.
What am I missing here?
Gah! Wait.
It linked to 1.46 for some reason. Interesting.
I only installed 1.47.
Don't tell me they broke this.
Nope works fine for me.
Ok, I'm... a bit happier that it's my fault.
(So what's interesting here is only how incompetent I am in setting up a system.)
Well, at least yours works :)
Where 'works' means it sometimes links to 1.46, sometimes to 1.47.
Mine doesn't link to anything :(
If you change the name of .so, does it bail out with "library not found" or something like that?
Also try -shared.
Please star this man.
Sorry no.
I have no idea why -shared would help here. What are you doing exactly?
Eh, that's my approach to GCC handling — just try random things and see if it works.
I don't have any idea either, but it worked.
Your single-line case needs -shared to link?
Though -shared is supposedly for linking shared objects, not linking to shared objects.
@LucDanton I'm doing exactly what I posted before: pastebin.com/B12DeXj5
@LucDanton Yes.
Did I mention GCC is completely awful?
-shared implies a lot of things so one of them could be the important bit.
Is this a case of stupid Ubuntu doing stupid things again?
If you really care to find what's doing the difference you can try out the verbose mode and e.g. pick out the arguments passed to ld.
I don't think breaking GCC would slip their QA, assuming they have something along this lines.
Using -shared is insane; it won't compile on my end unless I recompile with -fpic.
> What exactly do you mean "Operating System" ?! There is no "operating system" process... Which process is actually freeing the object?
Some people.
How do I show the differences between two lines of output from GCC in verbose mode?
Oh, diff is line-based.
Yeah, so far I got that the two lines are different.
You need a better differ.
What kind of output do you have, that you have a hard time noticing the differences?
I beg to differ.
Or open that with an editor, and break each word into a single line.
@Xeo GCC verbose mode is really verbose.
Ooh, new IPython.
With vim: :s/ /^M/g (the ^M needs to be input specially: Ctrl+V, Enter)
@MartinhoFernandes I used \r
Oh, maybe that works too :)
I can't find the linker call.
Welp, no significant differences between the commands passed to collect2.
Oh, it's collect2. I was expecting ld or something.
I get ld errors right after the call to collect2 so I assumed the latter is invoking the former.
collect2 is a wrapper around ld.
> The program collect2 works by linking the program once and looking through the linker output file for symbols with particular names indicating they are constructor functions. If it finds any, it creates a new temporary `.c' file containing a table of them, compiles it, and links the program a second time including that file.
It's obvious when you look at the name.
I like how it painfully accurately describes what it does, but not why.
Why would it need to link twice?
To call ctors for static objects, maybe?
@MartinhoFernandes Now the object file contains a table.
> The actual calls to the constructors are carried out by a subroutine called __main, which is called (automatically) at the beginning of the body of main (provided main was compiled with GNU CC). Calling __main is necessary, even when compiling C code, to allow linking C and C++ object code together. (If you use -nostdlib, you get an unresolved reference to __main, since it's defined in the standard GCC library. Include -lgcc at the end of your compiler command line to resolve this reference.)
Hmmm without -shared, there's no -lgcc.
First one is with -shared, second without.
Same here and it's expected.
Or is that the other way around.
Ooops, sorry, got it wrong.
The first is without -shared.
So instead with -shared you only get -lgcc_s, which I presume to be intended for shared libraries.
Now I know I can only read unified diffs.
I hate Ubuntu.
It's just that it happens to be the fastest to setup.
Except when it comes to getting your code to compile.
I don't remember having any problem with this.
I remember some years ago when I tried and couldn't compile hello world.
For some reason, the standard library headers did not come with the gcc package.
And now this, whatever it is.
Wait. I should try this on Windows. I was getting exactly the same errors.
Maybe your CPU is tired of all this compiling stuff.
I think this is the first time this CPU has been compiling C++.
Usually I only do C# and VB.NET here.
Nah, MinGW still won't have it. Whatever, Ubuntu it is.
Okay, we've done it. Link to the signed UK Snuff bound proof is here http://t.co/4rfvzUp - good luck and happy bidding :)
I wants it.
(You need to click on the picture at the landing page.)
You bid on it?
@MartinhoFernandes It was at £250 less than 30mins after that tweet. No way I can afford that madness. I got kids instead. :)
So you're going to wait until October and get a regular one, I guess :)
@sbi You should get one of these:
@MartinhoFernandes Worse. I guess I'm going to wait until next year, when it will be published as a paperback. :(
The Unseen University (UU) is a school of wizardry in Terry Pratchett's Discworld series of fantasy novels. Located in the city of Ankh-Morpork, the UU is staffed by a faculty composed of mostly indolent and inept old wizards. The university's name is a pun on the Invisible College. The exploits of the head wizards of the Unseen University are one of the main plot threads in the longrunning fantasy series, and have played a central role in 13 novels to date, as well as the three supplementary Science of Discworld novels and the short story, A Collegiate Casting-Out of Devilish Devices...
Oh, I know about the Librarian. I'm a Pratchett fan, too.
Discword MUD made me hate L-Space with passion.
@MartinhoFernandes Sorry. I am sure that there's a programming language Ook!, and I meant to link to it, but now I can't find it.
It's on the esoteric languages wiki: esoteric.voxelperfect.net/wiki/Ook
There it is!
Hm, I haven't played for a while.
I was under the impression you were playing Dwarf Fortress yesterday or something.
On the MUD, I mean.
Oh that.
Wait, it was David Morgan-Mar that created Ook!?
I know he created a pictural esoteric programming language.
Oh well -- literally visual programming in any case.
It's called Piet.
I only knew about Piet, but apparently he did some more.
That was enough to blow my mind already.

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