if I have a houseruled feat that gives me +4 to sorcerer caster level, does that mean that I gain all of the features of casting spells at +4, like known spells, spells per day, etc?
heh, I was having trouble affirming my progress bars are right since this computer is so fast. When I looked closer, I have code in here to force it to progress slowly so I can watch :D
@DeadMG 4e? No. Accuracy is king, except for controllers
yeah, I was planning on going the Eldritch Knight route, and I could get away with something like 16 dex 16 str 16 con, dump int/wis, and 14 cha.
I figure that if I pick up like, just the +2 cha item you can get early on, and put my level up ability scores in Cha, I should be able to keep up pretty easily
@Tuntuni Another C++ Titan jumped at my mistake and crushed me, pointing out in the first line that he was talking about C++/CX, not vanilla C++. It's too late for me now. The best course of action is to just shut up...
I've been programming in D a lot lately and I run across serious bugs all the time. This is leading me away from D even though the language itself seems better than C++.
Some bugs I have run across just today when trying to read a text file. readText would crash on some text files with the error...
@ThePhD can you say "every serious game dev is targeting the lowest common denominator, and will not use language features which aren't available on all the platforms they target? Also, they're using the same old code bases written in shitty C-with-classes
Does anyone know what delete means in the following context? https://github.com/llvm-mirror/libcxx/commit/fd7481e96de307dd0e43c96d5b025b7c779f72d7#L0R3123
It's a compile-time assurance check, and allows you to explicitly get rid of a function and also prevent teh compiler from making a default implementation.
languages like Japanese and Chinese confer less information per syllable than English, but each one is typically shorter, so the bandwidth is about the same, at least verbally.