Obviously he wanted it to work as best as it could with multiple different storage types. That requires iterators and other such things. Even if he fixed storage to deque, the text class wouldn't scale well in terms of size, even if it allowed random access to the individual code points.
So if he cuts random access to code points, he can guarantee a range / begin+end interface, and also work with multiple container types.
@ThePhD in MSVC it's 16 bytes, in GCC it's 512. And I believe it rounds down to the best fit (minimum 1), so it doesn't actually overallocate I don't think.
Um... not certain. This was an attempted redrawing at what I had done back then. I think the idea behind it was to... well, say, if it is like on a floating layer over.. something (?), and they are holes in said surface.
@ThePhD All I'm saying is that I had an application that worked before, and before writing code depending on the CTP features, I checked that it worked.
Alright, this does compile without the TU so it's time to burninate exceptional<T>. I'll explicitly use variant<T, exception_ptr> if I ever need to anyway.
Um. Assuming just going with the wrap (not hyphens or by words), then I guess. I guess it was more of how to wrap, exactly. You need to insert it somewhere. I am sure it is trivial, just... not right now.
And yes. sf::Text has a findCharacterPos, as well as the font glyphs/texture option as you have stated.
Ah. I remember seeing that (or something similar long ago), but didn't find it in searching. I found two asking for help from 1.6, but.. nothing working.
I don't know what it was, but I assume there was some issue because they removed it. Now I don't know how to make small self-contained staticly linked snippets anymore :\
I would feel kind of bad if I just stole it. I like trying to make such things myself. Just feels cleaner. Hopefully someday I finish something that actually uses such a construct.