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i've pulled off week-long allnighters
i'm good tyvm
I even thought a website for this: 50pluscurvy.com - a website where lonely golden girls find love
the site will mainly attract 50+ fat rich grannies
to whom the mods would be pimped out to
awesome idea, yay?
almost any time someone new comes here, I look a little like this
Q: e.e. cummings User Badge -- Feature Request

user137487When: A user posts an upvoted question that: Uses no Upper Case characters, especially avoiding "I" for the personal pronoun. otherwise contains punctuation in non-code blocks; and "grammar" is not a substring of any edit reasons attached to the question the user earns an ee cummings badge...

@Mysticial Do we really want to encourage people write their posts in the style of e.e. cummings?
@TonyTheLion morning
warning: LF will be replaced by CRLF
> Relative time difference against reference is +16.2869
I think I made it worse :|
It used to be 1.6, so I guess now it's an order of magnitude worse.
Maybe you multiplied by 10 somewhere
I'll sleep on it.
lord, why do people put such long winded responses
@GManNickG looks like a fine question for Stack Overflow to me. Sadly my resident knowledge of on_error parameters doesn't allow me to pinch a hole in it from here. If it goes unanswered, I'll be sure to answer when I back in the civilized world
I hate on again, off again kind of bugs
randoms are the worst
@Insilico wassup?
I am depressed, I already spent a day on this. Most of the times this piece of code works. But for this one case it does not work.
And even for this one case, sometimes it works.
Sadness ... total sadness
You need some @ScottW to make you feel better.
Telkitty needs you to cheer her up.
which is?
Every time I see one of those dogs, I think about you.
You think about him all the time!
You're just too shy to admit it
Oh look - another chocolate whole-nut :)
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Eh? Scott has stolen your dog?
ITT dogs clone themselves and send themselves all over the interweb
Scott is his dog.
ITT dogs are capable of having conversations on Lounge<C++>
Hmm, I like the idea of multi-methods in C++
WTF is a 'multi-method'? I only have, like, ordinary ones.
I kept on receiving C++ related emails from microsoft, but I am registered there as an app developer/ owns a startup which makes apps - I have never written even one app using C++.
@Telkitty猫咪咪 they can smell it
@A.H. companies like microsoft, google and apple scare me - the more their machines trying to fit people into patterns, the more I want to hide
@Telkitty猫咪咪 It's because they assume you're planning to write apps that actually matter.
@MartinJames virtual dispatch on multiple arguments, basically.
And not just on this
Can I vent here?
@wilx We vent here all the time.
@Insilico they are trying to push REST
@Telkitty猫咪咪 Is this because you are oddly shaped and do not fit into any regular hole? :)
@Telkitty猫咪咪 It was a joke ("your app only matters if it was written in C++")
Well, my...coleagues write crappy code.
And then they waste my efforts.
@wilx the more I stand out as a weirdo special
@wilx Sounds like good material for The Daily WTF.
@Insilico I know :)
First they write crappy code for Windows without enough abstraction and then they force #defines through the *NIX code with the constants that are obviously Win32 API only.
Ok, we can define the missing constants but why the fuck are we using #define instead of an enum. :(
@Xeo Oh, like the arguments are a list of objects and the same virtual method gets called on all of them?
@MartinJames No
Imagine a typical shape hierarchy
@Xeo OK, I'm confused, (not for the first time:).
And intersects(square, square), intersects(square, circle), ... and so on
Also, about the waste effort, I have fixed the build by adding a little bit of abstraction and an enum. But since we are using CVS and some stupid issue tracker, my code has not been merged, yet. OTOH, people higher up the food chain, they have "fixed" it as well, using the #defines.
Normally, you could only dispatch based on the type of one of the shapes
So, now I am to merge my changes with theirs.
Multimethods allow dispatch through all of them
.... ahhhhh.. OK...
Think of it as an extension to the double-dispatch pattern
Just much better
It basically means I will have to revert mine and accept their own stupid changes.
@wilx hehe.. #define yourChanges moronic
WTF more fishpond issues. The UV lamp has failed and the water has gone green:(( The starter/choke box is warm, so must be lamp. I hope the water has not got in. Need to take it all apart.
le me watching boostcon videos... ORM ODB looks what cool kids would use... does anybody has any exp with it. Like I said it looks cool, but you know it would be useful to know if somebody actually used it.
Fuck, using namespace std; in headers everywhere.
Having a coworker that states error_code and error_category are useless. Do you guys agree ?
Morning chaps
Jeff left so?
Aww man
Oh yeah
I remember now.
@MartinJames are the fish ok ?
@Scottw I <3 you too :')
But now its time to eat breakfast
later chaps
I felt that error checking was probably not appropriate at this stage, as the OP is evidently in the very early part of the C++ learning curve. — Paul R 1 min ago
real men don't check for errors
real men don't make any errors
real men don't experience a C++ learning curve.
anyone know if I can have more than one file tab in qtcreator?
Hmmm. Robot not around these days?
> unsight
unsight int var x = 12;
@ScottW Sure we do. I know it's lunchtime
@TonyTheLion upvote?
@ScottW there is no time like the present time
Q: Should a name found in a dependent base class hide a namespace name at the point of instantiation?

willjWith the following code, clang 3.0 gives error: lookup of 'N' in member access expression is ambiguous, while clang 3.4 and gcc 4.8 both accept the code without error. struct B { struct M { void f() { } }; }; namespace N { struct M { void f() ...

@LightnessRacesinOrbit free rep awaits you ^
aw man
question put on hold
i was about to post an answer :c
anyone here play stardrive?
Never heard of that
me neither
its a 4x strategy similar to Galactic Civilizations
@TonyTheLion ooh
@Tuntuni aww
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I don't feel sorry for the question but for the answer I typed out. :p
His terminology was way off but I think he wanted to know how many values can an unsigned int store.
O well, too late now.
@TonyTheLion yuk no thanks
@Tuntuni One!
a bad question?
@LightnessRacesinOrbit All of them! :D
How does one even come up with code like this? — jrok 3 mins ago
Ugh? Why even ask this?
Did you like my answer?
Well, I laughed a bit but don't really like it :p
I think we shouldn't question what people do with their time.
@Tuntuni Why not? We're all part of one big society and if someone is wasting their time then their wasting all of our time. They could instead have been out solving world hunger.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit He's only wasting his time. You can always choose not to read (and answer) the question. And what does this have to do with world hunger problems? Each one of us should then also stop lurking in the Lounge and go out to solve world hunger...
this kind of stuff comes up all the time when writing a C++ parser ;) — willj 17 mins ago
Is this speed factor thingy a new feature on YT?
You can increase the speed of the video
0.25x, 0.5x, 1.5x, 2.0x
Default-virtual and forced-override broke some old AS3 code when upgrading from 10.X to 11.Y
@TonyTheLion Rule of Zero
Not Rule of One
Or are you talking about a rule I don't know?
@TonyTheLion lol, deep copy of what?
@Xeo That's what I meant.
Fixed my comment now.
I think that that guy goes in my university
oh, what makes you think that?
With your fucking exceptions without a stacktrace :|
The italian name and the fact that I clearly remember that iZod example made by my professor in his book.
oh right
@Xeo I don't know how you deal with it.
The cat in my avatar got fleas ... I got bitten :/
@TonyTheLion ahahah :D
How much rep do you need to be able to see how many upvotes and downvotes a question got?
Where is all the regulars today?
Is something happening I don't know about?
Are people actually working?
Group sex
damn, I missed the invite :/
It's not written in here :(
before 250 I guess
@Jeffrey It is? They may view the vote counts on posts - 1000 rep
Oh yeah
How did I miss that?
I still don't see it.
Oh right.
When you see it.
@TonyTheLion it's a great poster for a hooker :P
> But 8 km/s is blisteringly fast. When you look at the sky near sunset, you can sometimes see the ISS go past ... and then, 90 minutes later, see it go past again.[6] In those 90 minutes, it's circled the entire world.
That's what it does
Are you saying the purpose of the ISS is to go fast?
No, I'm saying that it goes that fast. I'm affirming your statement
but where is your tuna?
I don't like tuna
but you're a (big) cat? o_0
I'm fixing the fishpond, again:) Not much time for SO today.
What would be the best way to make my browser pass the link I click on to a python script I wrote? I guess I should use JS, but is this possible with JS?
While the script is active it should pass all links to the python script.
Any ways to do this?
ergh ¬_¬ come on eclipse, get it through your head, files have changed!!!
@thecoshman Build all/touch?
rebuild all
@MartinJames mvn build :S
..or is eclipse just bad?
its bad
and it should feel bad
eclipse is bad
it offers nothing!
it offers pain and misery
and sometimes despair
more it has not to offer.
actually... why am I still using it? I could use sublime to edit :P
my uni uses Eclipse
and claim its awesome
Oh, err.. OK, it looks like eclipse is, well, bad.
Oh I love Spaghetti. I love the way you suck them all into your mouth leaving the juice outside. And then you take the juice with your tongue and swallow it.
oh crap damn it ¬_¬ formatting rules are applied through eclipse...
@Jeffrey spaghetti is awesome
on the other hand qtcreator really sucks
Eclipse may be, actually, badder than my fishpond.
@thecoshman please tell me you have correct C++ highlighting and are willing to share
Heh - y'all using crappy toolsets, and suffering. I feel better now!
@thecoshman huh?
I just remembered why my file isn't loading. VS doesn't start it from that directory. Sigh.
That reminds me.
How do you find out the working directory at runtime?
Boost.Filesystem has something for that
That was what I was wondering, but I want to say it sends just the program name, not the path.
@Xeo yeah probably better to use that :)
@Jeffrey So using AJAX I could pass the link as an argument to my Python script? Is there a name for this process? (Never used AJAX :c).
@Pawnguy7 Working directory?
@Xeo "nope" because it gives the path to the exe or because the path isn't always the working directory?
@Tuntuni AJAX is the name of the process. You can never have enough jQuery for that.
@MartinJames where the program runs. doesn't have to be where the executable is located
@Tuntuni Yes.
And thus, you load files relatively from that location, etc.
@melak47 'where the program runs'? What?
@MartinJames you're in C:\Crap\stuff\crappystuff\, you run D:\things\your_thing.exe
@Pawnguy7 Oh - I stopped doing that relative-to-exe path stuff decades ago.
@MartinJames Your program is in "/foo/bar/baz". You open the console, navigate to /foo/bar, and execute "./baz/prog"
@MartinJames How do you define that?
For app data files, I ask the shell for a suitable place to open/create a working folder.
Squid Pasta?
@TonyTheLion guten appetit
@Xeo yup
nom nom
@Jeffrey Gagh?
@Pawnguy7 Usually 'CSIDL_COMMON_DOCUMENTS' path + '/' + 'exename'+'/'+'versionnumber'+'/'
@Xeo Yes to what? :p
@A.H. what?
@Tuntuni your question :)
There were 2 :p
So to both?
@MartinJames Are you saying, you don't load things using the full path for the relative, or?
@melak47 with have formatting rules that applied via eclipse... I am sure I could find matching tools else where, but meh, I'll just resave the file in eclipse
@thecoshman sublime has some highlighting problems with C++
Fuck non-xcopyable apps
@Xeo yeah..I prefer apps that just expect a relative path. no fucking registry crap, fixed paths that mess up reinstalls...
I don't care where the exe is. The exe will always find its working folder by itself.
@Jeffrey So when I get the link using jQuery, how would I pass it to my Python script on the computer?
@MartinJames how dare your app just put its crap somewhere? :)
@melak47 Oh, I don't use the Windows registry for anything, (if I can possibly help it:).
the only thing I hate more is crap that installs itself completely in %APPDATA%
@melak47 Dropbox
@Tuntuni github, chromium, ...
@melak47 :S
and github has some pretty large crap in there >_>
hmm, jottacloud looks like a neat dropbox clone...but they allow you to get up to 100 GB free storage through referrals, and a referral is 5GB a piece ... :3
Usually my installer puts the app.EXE, (and any extra DLLs), in Program files, (or PF (x86)), in a subfolder named as the EXE name + 'version'.
pff, installers...
@melak47 Yeah - you know, those things that customers can use.
@MartinJames self extracting zip
@Tuntuni you make an AJAX POST request to that file. The python file is executed and you can retrieve the POST values like any other POST request.
(assuming the script is on a server)
(or assuming your computer is a server)
@melak47 extracting to where?
@melak47 Some 'tmp' downloading folder?
@MartinJames you can specify default folders for these things..
Anything except a recognized installer just causes my customers to moan about permissions/privileges, Admin passwords and UAC popups.
@MartinJames so...ditch the installer, just a zip then :p
@A.H. does it? I've not noticed anything
@TonyTheLion oh internet
@thecoshman if you get sublimeclang working, that should fix it
I think. :D
Getting killed by the OS due to memory usage doesn't help at all :|
Fuck it
Who needs memory anyways?
@melak47 why would I use clang?
@Jeffrey It isn't. :/ Are there any other ways?
@thecoshman sulbimeclang uses clang to give you c++ autocompletion
@Tuntuni :/ oh. From Javascript (or the client side) that's the only way I know of.
@melak47 I see... but why clang?
@thecoshman because it is the only sane option if you need a library for parsing C++ code?
@Jeffrey Alright. I'll google a bit, grazie. :)
prego :P

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