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You know what? Things.
@Eli @LightnessRacesinOrbit Thanks! There's no error it just does nothing, I'm running rm -f [filename1] [filename2] ...
Nothing on the screen at all? o.O
@R.MartinhoFernandes dinosaurs
@Ell i'm thinking he forgot to put a clean:
Can I see the makefile? (use gists/pastebin/somewhere other than just pasting here)
@SadStudent do pwd directly before
that or you're not running the target at all.
maybe it's not a .PHONY target, and a file clean exists
@Eli sure 1 sec
@LightnessRacesinOrbit umm but it does print the command
@LucDanton see here Eric Niebler (@ericniebler) heeft getweet om 10:17 PM on do, aug. 08, 2013:
@sehetw ...so long as there is no intersection between the set of all derived types and types that satisfy the semantic constraint.
ITT sehe quoting something newer than 3 years old
@R.MartinhoFernandes 500+ clock cycles to write a zero to one byte of memory? How can you possibly call that a waste?
[I always worry: was that far enough over the top to be recognizable as sarcasm, even over chat?]
> Les matchs se ressemblent, mais ne sont pas pareils.
-_________________- i can't read pastebins
@JerryCoffin Maybe.
Excuse brevity this has taken me 12 MINUTES to blindly type on
@SadStudent what about me? :(
it's not a masterpiece to say the least but I'm in the process of learning (usually with VS ) it's my first :|
@SadStudent no inherent reason for that to fail
I'd say there's some problem with the way you're testing it :) looking at the wrong directory, or something.
@SadStudent why are you using makefiles? :/
@BartekBanachewicz People are allowed to use Makefiles; get over it
@BartekBanachewicz I use make
@LightnessRacesinOrbit s/allowed/forced/ hehe
because for small things it's easier
no one wants to type a whole command line crap for rebuilding for that one small fix
It's because I come from a generation with sufficient underlying intelligence to understand Makefiles. I believe that was lost in the subsequent generation.
Hmm, for me, as soon as I need a Makefile, I'm past "small".
@EiyrioüvonKauyf Bartek would rather you install some beefy build system
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I believe you're just an old prick
@LightnessRacesinOrbit sorry pastebin.com/y8kw8sQ5 this is a partial ll output seems like all files are there
@BartekBanachewicz :D
@SadStudent No idea what that is.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit yeah yeah
scons or cmake or something
@LightnessRacesinOrbit ohnoes that's a whole one line to apt-get
@A.H. make sucks
@Rapptz No, not really.
@BartekBanachewicz gets the job done
Children these days, installing ten million packages just because they can. It's so very sad.
it was more of a theoretical thing they tried to argue with
but in reality, a JIT is virtually never going to beat a static optimizer.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit :| have you seen npm
@BartekBanachewicz I most vehemently disagree! He's really quite young.
@A.H. PHP does too, so what?
@LightnessRacesinOrbit What...? There is some alternative to hitting 'F5'? :)
@BartekBanachewicz have to learn it for some existing code so whether it sucks or not I have little choice
at least, there is little evidence that is going to happen
@SadStudent I can't see the files generalSwap or GenRangeTree in there. Nor any .o, or .a. The rm succeeded.
Oh my. Files with stars in the name.
Kill it.
@MartinJames You mean "<up><up><up><enter>", right?
With fire.
But carefully, lest you kill everything else.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit because productivity matters more than arbitrary limitations made by arbitrary linux/unix distro maintainers
@R.MartinhoFernandes ahaha
@LightnessRacesinOrbit LOL!
@BartekBanachewicz It's more productive to write a quick makefile in fifteen seconds than it is to read through the documentation of some high-high-level super-abstracted build system for a test app.
@BartekBanachewicz Your "old things are bad" mantra is tiresome
@LightnessRacesinOrbit well GenRangeTree is still there
Wonderful 101 looks cool.
I thought it'd be a lame game.
@SadStudent No it's not.
@SadStudent When using rm from make, you normally want to use -rm <whatever>, to tell make to ignore its return value. Make normally assumes return=0 indicates success and return!=0 indicates failure, but for rm that doesn't hold.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit you are assuming you spent hours reading low-level old-crap build system docs already
so that argument is flawed as fuck
@BartekBanachewicz That's how one starts, when actually fucking educated.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit never said that.
@BartekBanachewicz I jumped ahead
@LightnessRacesinOrbit That's how one starts when is educated badly
one shall learn GNU Make before learning scons
@LightnessRacesinOrbit then it's only your mistake.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit fuck no.
one shall learn first principles, um, first.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit meaning you tested it with some dummy files?
fuck if GNU make is first with anything
seriously, fuck your stereotypes
@SadStudent Meaning I tested what? What are you talking about?
learning GNU make doesn't take a lot of time
learn GNU make ONLY when having to deal with legacy crap
@LightnessRacesinOrbit when you said "No it's not"
> <@Bartek> {insert stereotype here}. Man, fuck your stereotypes.
@SadStudent I looked at the list of files you supplied. The file GenRangeTree is not there.
@BartekBanachewicz Wait, what?
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I am simply saying "don't waste time learning old and bad crap"
@LightnessRacesinOrbit And why would GNU make qualify as "first principles"? Perhaps you need to learn Control Data's build system before you even think about GNU make.
I feel like I missed an important piece here.
@BartekBanachewicz Why? o.O
1 min ago, by Lightness Races in Orbit
one shall learn GNU Make before learning scons
@LightnessRacesinOrbit O_O it's the second one the * is just something left from ls
@BartekBanachewicz Learning old things is not a waste just because the things are old. It might be a waste partly because the things are bad. In this case, the things aren't even that bad.
@Ell because it's a part of legacy crap?
@R.MartinhoFernandes they're screaming that Make is bad and you should use a high powered fancy schmancy build system instead
Oh, you just used the wrong word. Ok.
Carry on.
@JerryCoffin for some value of "first"
@BartekBanachewicz No I mean, why is make bad?
lol i just wanted to use schmancy in a sentence
@BartekBanachewicz GNU Make is not legacy just because you happen not to use it.
@Ell wait are you serious?
@BartekBanachewicz yes o.O
@LightnessRacesinOrbit it's legacy because it's old and bad.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit IOW, it's not about "first principles" at all. It's about "I went through this pain, so everybody else should too."
@LightnessRacesinOrbit does he ever actually say why
Make is generally unsuitable for huge projects with a large number of build configurations, but for smaller things it's perfectly reasonable.
i mean i can use adjectives too. doesn't make for an argument
@LightnessRacesinOrbit it's a waste because you can actually learn something useful
@JerryCoffin No, I really did mean "first principles", but you have to define the starting point somewhere. Otherwise the conversation will devolve into learning to read, first. Which is not useful.
Make is very useful imho
@LightnessRacesinOrbit for smaller things proper build systems are even easier than make
@LightnessRacesinOrbit also automake :|
you can target a very large amount of linux distros with it
@EiyrioüvonKauyf you just lost all credibility
@Ell you can target any os with a proper build system
ITT Bartek is an authority on credibility
@BartekBanachewicz it's your opinion therefore idgaf
Who in here ever had any credibility?
first work at Google
@SadStudent What do you mean "something left from ls"?
@EiyrioüvonKauyf dude, either shut the fuck up or start giving contrarguments
@BartekBanachewicz aren't you calling make a proper build system now? :P
@SadStudent: That's a filename, buddy [of a really badly-named file]
@BartekBanachewicz i care
well this escalated quickly
@Ell make doesn't target windows by default
@Xeo I sometimes swing mine around for great comedic effect when people believe totally outrageous things I say for laughs.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit While I realize that's what you think you mean, to a reasonably disinterested observer, (i.e., me) it's pretty clear that you're mistaken.
@A.H. mhmm i think we don't need to buy the elevator
@EiyrioüvonKauyf care about what
@BartekBanachewicz mingw
@JerryCoffin Thank you for your invaluable insight!
seriously, make makes it hard to write even trivial build files
@BartekBanachewicz Intermission: What arguments exactly have you given on why make is "bad"?
@BartekBanachewicz Wrong. Maybe it's difficult for you, but that doesn't mean it's actually hard.
@Xeo It's old. And something.
@EtiennedeMartel srsly ponies
(Serious question, I might've missed them.)
@LightnessRacesinOrbit no, it's perfectly right
@LightnessRacesinOrbit meaning I ran ls -l which puts an asterisk near executables, when running just dir there's no asterisk
@BartekBanachewicz Haskell is hard for me, apparently easy for you, make is easy for me, apparently hard for you
vim Makefile all: myfile myfile: crap.h g++ crap.cc that was hard
what if we wrote java programs to compile our code !
No tabs: broken.
@A.H. ..... java doesn't even compile it's own code it compiles to JVM bytecode
@Xeo it's non-intuitive, has no ways of going recursively over directories and requires to specify dependencies of files by hand
@SadStudent So, what you're telling me is that you provided a list of files that is not an list of files? Why are you wasting my time?
shit runs anywhere with a JVM
@A.H. Maven is pretty cool.
@EiyrioüvonKauyf have you ever seen a Sconstruct file?
@SadStudent Show me actual, verbatim output from your console.
shit runs anywhere with security holes with a JVM
@Ell haskell is hard for me
@BartekBanachewicz Lacking an objective definition of "hard", there's no real "right" or "wrong", just varying opinions.
btw ls -l doesn't write asterisks anywhere, for me
Can we move the "I have a make problem" discussion out while we have the "make is a problem" discussion?
@A.H. what if I want to build other language? Do I still have to install C++ compiler for that?
@BartekBanachewicz wait so both haskell and make are hard for you ?
@BartekBanachewicz Program("crap.cc")
@A.H. Haskell isn't hard per se. It's hard because it involves other concepts.
@EiyrioüvonKauyf and of course makefile is shorter and easier than that?
@BartekBanachewicz It kinda is.
Haskell is hard.
@R.MartinhoFernandes um, no.
I would just like to point out SConstruct is a Python Script
@EiyrioüvonKauyf and?
Enlighten us with your ignorance.
well what if I no have interpeter @BartekBanachewicz
@LightnessRacesinOrbit will do but I actually said that it was an ll output pastebin.com/Ls7qsUyh
@A.H. get a standalone package :v
also you don't have to use SCons really, there are other systems that actually do their job way better tham make
@SadStudent ll doesn't do asterisks either, but now we may proceed.
Really, a Makefile to build a simple C or C++ project is close to empty.
@R.MartinhoFernandes still longer than Sconstruct
@LightnessRacesinOrbit isn't ll just alias ll = ls -l?
@A.H. have you tried running a Javascript Engine ;D
and Scons file will be more portable and will work on wider selection of compilers
we should all use interpreted languages ! no building !
@BartekBanachewicz And you are basing that on?
@Xeo Probably.
@SadStudent There is no clear reason for this to fail. We don't know anything about permissions, or the way you invoke make, or a million other things. You'll have to do more debugging then provide more information.
@R.MartinhoFernandes main.cpp: ;, or something similar?
@EiyrioüvonKauyf ew JS
@R.MartinhoFernandes on the fact that, for one, make requires you to specify exactly which file is needed for which binary by hand? And write out compiler vars (which scons handles in Env?)
Show a SConstruct file to build a single-file C++ project.
2 mins ago, by R. Martinho Fernandes
Enlighten us with your ignorance.
I knew it.
3 mins ago, by Eiyrioü von Kauyf
@BartekBanachewicz Program("crap.cc")
> requires you to specify exactly which file is needed for which binary by hand
That is a good thing. I like to decide what my program is built from, thank you very much.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I build single files with g++ file.cpp -ggdb -pg
I prefer scones, (though croissants will do at a push).
@LightnessRacesinOrbit uh wait, what? How is choosing which files to build not deciding that?
@LightnessRacesinOrbit will do ... thanks !
@MartinJames Croissants are delicious.
Program() - 9 chars + program name. versus a:\ng++ program name
@EiyrioüvonKauyf what if I only have clang?
technically it's shorter on 1 file with nothing else needed
@EiyrioüvonKauyf it will be much shorter on more complicated projects
i use $(CXX)
or CXX=g++
@EiyrioüvonKauyf I guess by this standard, MS VC++ is better because its name is only two characters long instead of three? :-)
i build with 3 compiler versions
Wow, I'm glad I stopped conversing 10 minutes ago.
@JerryCoffin they were being pedantic about length
@Rapptz mhmm
back to invisiblebread
dropped another 2 pounds
inb4 batch files rulez
seriously, there's no reason to use makefiles except dealing with legacy crap linux/unix OSes
@EiyrioüvonKauyf Yes, I noticed. My comment wasn't directed at you personally nearly so much as the utter idiocy into which this conversation has descended in general.
@BartekBanachewicz you prefer windows?
@A.H. what is the context of that question? Because how is that relevant to anything?
@JerryCoffin sometimes llama :)
(I was wrong. The makefile is not close to empty. It's actually nonexisting)
@BartekBanachewicz as a programmer would you rather work with windows or linux ?
@A.H. depends on what I am working on
@R.MartinhoFernandes eh that. I'd say it's close to cheating, but alright :)
(FWIW I'm not saying this is good)
anyway yeah, comparing build systems on one file build is kinda nonsensical
how about g++ *.cpp
that's like comparing performance of algorithms with n=1
@DeadMG Damn. I must still be asleep -- I'm not coming up with any funny way to misinterpret that as Pounds Sterling. I guess it must be time for me to do something other than chat for a while!
@A.H. you will rebuild everything that way
@BartekBanachewicz and take a much needed compiling break
@A.H. ... Seriously.
@JerryCoffin he has a hole in his pocket
@Xeo Nothing at all is actually needed. Not even an empty file.
@JerryCoffin Arguably, there's no reason why it couldn't be "Dropped £2", except that being happy about that probably wouldn't make sense.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Yeah, I saw
@DeadMG Right -- interpreting it as £2 is easy. The challenge is to do so in a way that at least borders on funny.
@JerryCoffin "I'm sure will make some stranger happy to find them"
@BartekBanachewicz I didn't realize this was a serious discussion :P
@A.H. 2 hour break
@A.H. considering the argument pro-make was "it is make and is installed on linux by default", I am not surprised
yeah sorry my code is compiling
>> rebuilds all the libraries ever on the computer :3
@R.MartinhoFernandes I thought of something like: "well, you better pick them up quick, before somebody else grabs them.", but neither strikes me as particularly funny.
> another 2 and I will have dropped the same amount of money that Bartek will ever make from selling his computer programs!
@LightnessRacesinOrbit fmap (*1000)
Oh, wow, we just released "<ourproduct> 2.8.00 Alpha/Beta". Aren't we clever. derp
@EiyrioüvonKauyf emerge -e @world you mean?
Boy, that should be funny.
@BartekBanachewicz That was not the argument pro-make. It was, however, a fact stated during the discussion.
ITT no arguments pro-make
Baus: Why are you not working?
You: My code is compiling. Also all the code that runs on my box is compiling too. ALL OF IT.
Do you have a girlfriend?
@R.MartinhoFernandes nonono that's just reinstalling
i mean rebuild all of it
with all the options of course
fuck it
rebuild the kernel too lol
@EiyrioüvonKauyf What's the difference on gentoo?
@EiyrioüvonKauyf Meh, kernel actually builds quite fast.
Reinstalls target atoms and their entire deep dependency tree, as though no packages are currently installed. You should run this with --pretend first to make sure the result is what you expect.
The big things are compilers, DEs, browsers and stuff.
outside my program
Those take forever.
@Dave just take a fucking pen yo
dude i dont think thats gonna work
dood it will surely trust me
i woulndt lie to a breddah
now seriously what the fuck?
yea i need an api to output data in the screen
for what language? :cripes:
isn't it like the basics of basics?
but who cares
@Dave why don't you just google that?
Can I force a subclass to have a constructor taking a specific argument?
obviously i googled it
cant find anything about that
@Dave You're supposed to then read the results
@R.MartinhoFernandes ahaahaha
im using get async key
so it works outside my service
First result for c# draw on screen has it
@BartekBanachewicz You know what's interesting?
The stars are kept.
@Dave then perhaps you need to learn reading first?
@R.MartinhoFernandes ahahahha rotflmao
yay thats perfect thanks
Meaning we can have some highly starred thing that would look really ugly on the C# starboard, and then just move it there.
@Dave You're welcome, you lazy fuck.
this is what i mean when i say people don't google
Call it a starbomb.
no bro
@R.MartinhoFernandes we should totally do it sometime
ITT new weapons of mass chatstruction.
@R.MartinhoFernandes yeah please
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Bitter much?
@EtiennedeMartel Bitter? Not at all!
@EtiennedeMartel Dave had it coming
them c++ snobs
Seems to me the entire discussion about make can be summarized into the three stages of life: 1) What you learned before you were 6 is how the world has always been. 2) What you learn between 6 and about 30 is new and exciting (and will remain that way for the rest of your life). 3) What you learn after 30 is simply wrong and not how Jerry (or "God", if you prefer) intended the world to be.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Speaking of bitter, I could go for a beer right now.
But I'm stuck at work.
@Dave Do you see how you could have found that yourself in mere seconds?
@EtiennedeMartel I'm at work and I have a beer. Sucks to be you!
@EtiennedeMartel damn, beer.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit can you drink it at work?
yeah, i was searching with things like c# write text on screen
didnt think about draw
@EtiennedeMartel i could too
because US
@BartekBanachewicz Apparently.
@EiyrioüvonKauyf that explains a lot
shame on me i guess ?
14 secs ago, by Bartek Banachewicz
@EiyrioüvonKauyf that explains a lot
thats underage?
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Yeah, but it's probably not around 1 in the afternoon at your location.
awww you moved the funny starred messages
Although... it's always 5 somewhere in the world.
@EtiennedeMartel it's almost 6pm but I've had it for a while
@EiyrioüvonKauyf 20? you're a fucking kid.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit They're still starred!
@BartekBanachewicz Are you 21 or something?
anyone knows an api to write on screen
like write on screen whereever the fuck i want
like over things
@R.MartinhoFernandes that's the whole joke.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Only one. And not here :(
@BartekBanachewicz Hey, only me can joke about people being to young.
(Especially if it's about rightfold)
@EtiennedeMartel it works better when I do it, see?
Stop deleting messages.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit hehehe
Oh. You cannot have virtual static functions :\
@LightnessRacesinOrbit À s'en fendre la face.
@Pawnguy7 How the hell would that work?
@Pawnguy7 and how those were supposed to work? o.O
@Pawnguy7 well it sort of doesn't make sense
Oh. Right.
ok ok etienne la prochaine fois mam prendre au serieu comme vous autre
@Pawnguy7 virtual involves calling a function based on the runtime type of an object. static members work on no objects.
HOWEVER since you can access statics through member instances, there are edge case uses.
@Dave you could have done that from the start
You'll have to wrap those.
I have this base Packet class - basically, an id, and whatever other specific data. Anyway, I wanted to force a function that parses a string and returns the packet.
@Pawnguy7 String -> Maybe Packet a <3
I am confused.
you should be, I am being over-enthusiasthic over haskell
that's the time of the day for that.
@Pawnguy7 function with string parameter and returns a packet or nothing
Aw man, Bartek is starting to sound like Cat, and later rightfold.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Have you ever seen them in the same place at the same time?
@R.MartinhoFernandes and it's entirely your fault :3
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Does hearing count?
@A.H. If it has no override, you mean?
@R.MartinhoFernandes No.
@BartekBanachewicz Hmm, I did nothing.
@R.MartinhoFernandes your as in Lounge
I suppose I could have it as a member function, and not violate encapsulation.
I'm probably the regular here that first learned Haskell, but I am not constantly telling people about it.
because you're an introvert.
and I'm not.
No, because I'm not an advertiser.
look how much I'm not.
@R.MartinhoFernandes :f I don't like that phrasing
@Pawnguy7 you know friend functions are useful
@R.MartinhoFernandes I implemented (something a lot like) Haskell as a bunch of Lisp macros before most of you were born. :-)
Meh, doesn't count.
@A.H. but encapsulation!
but sharing without breaking object orientedness
@JerryCoffin that reads amazing
@EiyrioüvonKauyf it does break encapsulation, hence OOPness
sharing your privates with your friends is ok
@A.H. as long as they are female
I cannot picture how a friend function would help here.
unfortunately, C++ has no female keyword
@BartekBanachewicz its a gender agnostic language
@BartekBanachewicz Are you serious?
@R.MartinhoFernandes It counted perfectly well, thank you very much! (well, I did have an un-hygienic macro that screwed things up for a little bit, but...)
@R.MartinhoFernandes half-ly.
A: Whether to go for a member function or friend function when the function is supposed to change state of object?

R. Martinho FernandesTo be honest, I think the only reasons to make such a decision are syntactic convenience and tradition. I'll explain why but showing what are (not) the differences between the two and how these differences matter when making a decision. What differences are there between non-member friend functi...

@R.MartinhoFernandes I'll just drop the usual "but newbs can't dependency injection and proper design so they overuse friendship and make spaghetti relations"
Woo paycheck.
@CatPlusPlus let's celebrate
hm, what about a friendly Defcon today?
@CatPlusPlus At the 9th?
Also I made a pun and my friend didn't catch it. :(
@R.MartinhoFernandes some places pay you "until 10th"
@CatPlusPlus Approaching joke-port. Beware of low-flying puns.
but hey, I was serious. Does anyone here play DEFCON game?
or perhaps wants to start :v
New here? Learn you a newbie hints. Also Learn you some acronyms. And Live you a good life.
inb4 Learn you a Haskell.
@ShuklaSannidhya too many errors in that

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