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Just noticed Japanese pronounce mayonnaise almost identically as Dutch-speaking people do.
My office cabling has reached critical-mass. I've been meaning to tidy it up for ages. I'll have a go tomorrow, though I fear that there are many spiders etc. under the racks/desks. There are many webs that have nothing to do with HTTP :(
@StackedCrooked 'Heinz'.
MPlayerX allows you to configure the position of subtitles. Top-Left, Top-Middle, ...., Bottom-Right.
I can not imagine why one would not want to use Bottom-Middle.
Seems like the most useless configuration option ever.
You don't need 1000 digits to calculate the first fibonacci number. — sehe 11 secs ago
^ perhaps a tad overly troll
@StackedCrooked IMPAHTANT
Somehow I ended up here and found it interesting.
@MartinJames catch (E_tooFuckingheavyAndTooManyUnlablelledCables const&) { throw std::own_fault("na nana na na"); }
@StackedCrooked Because ripped movies tend to have hardcoded subtitles (part of the rip) and you want other (native) subtitles, but not overlapping
Usually only animes get hardsubbed, because hardsubbing is incredibly dumb.
@StackedCrooked Summed up: "ER MAH GERD USA CENTER OF WORLD"
of the ten worst things to happen in this decade, nine of them take place in or because of America.
nobody else did anything bad or had anything bad happen to them.
@DeadMG lol right
would it be ok if I posted a question here to get more attention?
and apparently
one city's financial woes were more important than, say, that flooding in Thailand
or the bombings in London
the drugs war in Mexico
all of these things mere trivialities compared to one American city losing it's identity.
@JustinMeiners No.
@DeadMG ok
@JustinMeiners you would get more attention alright, but not the kind you want
plus, of course, the recession is only described in terms of what it meant for Americans, and the fact that it had causes all over the West and affected the entire West (and now looking like BRIC is going to be catching) is immaterial, I guess.
congratulations on your accurate summation of the content of the linked image?
I'm really sleep deprived.
then go to bin bed
The great thing about XAML is that even if the application freezes, all the animations/storyboards will keep playing.
Which makes me appreciate random pictures.
@StackedCrooked Put all your brain threads in a suspended state.
@Nican I recently read the brains become more excitable when sleep deprived. So a slightly different analogy is needed.
@Nican The bad thing about XAML: Absolutely everything else.
@Nican That's a good thing?
Man that'd piss me off. "Not Responding" but I still hear fucking sounds and shit.
It's like a horror scenario. Where the animations and the sounds don't stop and you can't turn it off.
> "Abused" Man snaps and kills wife, Confesses with Status and dead picture of wife on Facebook
Shit's weird.
Google Translation for this article is exceptionally bad though.
link dan gewoon in het nederlands
I'm truly out of my mind stackoverflow.com/a/18138628/85371
@nightcracker Precies!
Nokia strikes back!
Unconvincingly imo.
This kind of commercial would be illegal in the Netherlands I think
they turn into FUDfests about eachother's products incredibly quickly
@nightcracker not at all, comparative advertising is perefctly fine, you can name competitors. Just be sure to have backup facts, or you're liable to get sued for misrepresentation
It doesn't seem like a very fair comparison though.
@StackedCrooked hehe. Fair advertising :/ lol
@sehe That's what I mean with this kind of commercial. There's nothing factual about "our photos look nicer". You could say "we have 5 megapixels more than the iPhone" - but nothing of that is present in this commercial.
@nightcracker I think that they can make the case that their photos are better as long as it's not pretty unreasonable.
think about it - how many food companies advertise their product as the tastiest?
@nightcracker Huh. Have you even watched it? There's a LOT of factual there. The evidence is the side-by-sides. Of course, they better have the original materials to backup the claims
and as sehe said, it's hard to argue false advertising with the side-by-sides.
In Belgium comparative advertising is legal if objective criteria are used.
Used to be illegal though.
However, that clip seems to cherry pick.
let me rewatch the entire thing
I don't recall any factual data
It's a fact that the iPhone has a camera.
(that is relevant)
@nightcracker then you had your eyes shut. It's implicit, but that's marketing
("everyday more iphone photos are taken than with any other phone")
sales is everywhere
and this kind of thing is very sketchy and will bite you a lot in front of a judge (at least in the netherlands):
"at nokia we prefer quality over quantity"
I'm not a pro photographer and iPhone photo quality is good enough for me, that's all that matters.
@nightcracker Why? It's a non-comparative statement about Nokia
So what if there's another brand out there that makes better pictures..
@sehe not given the context
@nightcracker Meh. Talk about subjective
also, the sentence started with "but," directly referencing the comparison with iPhone
we need 3d photograph technology - it is never good enough to reflect a 4d world in a 2d space
@nightcracker I think it's hard to argue that Nokia were misleading, given the side-by-side shots with the iPhone.
Is het trouwens zo ellenlang geleden dat je hier was, of heb ik weer eens een naamswijziging gemist
Any idea what is wrong here?
@nightcracker That's art.
I sent "message", and... didn't quite get it.
rewatched the entire thing, not a single factual comparison in the entire video
@sehe ik?
@nightcracker You're biased. I can take at leat 6 stills that are factual comparisons
@sehe Photos depend on a lot of different factors than just the camera. It depends on the camera settings, lightning, whether the camera was held still, proper focus, editing, etc.
@sehe How can you call them factual if such data was not given with the photos making them irreproducable?
@nightcracker Precisely, which is why they make it clear in what kind of circumstances the pictures were taken. It's painfully clear that you've never read an (online) review of any (digital) camera - mobile or not.
@nightcracker How can you tell it's not? This is where the law conveniently requires you to back up the claims. I remember seeing footnotes in comparative print ads saying stuff like "numbers taken from report X, Jan 2009" etc.)
@nightcracker Most commercial camera phones do not have a serious amount of customizability, as far as I've experienced.
@sehe I've seen no such notes in the video
@DeadMG Yet you can expect Nokia to have exercised the full range of available tweaks to get the best result possible :)
of course I can
give me one second
@nightcracker I know right. I'm saying: the regulation works for print ads, why assume it doesn't for vid ads? It's just not on your screen, doesn't mean it's not there
the question isn't whether Nokia put serious effort into taking the best possible photos with their phone, it's whether or not they put equal effort into taking the best photos with iPhone
Nowhere does it say that the consumer must be able to independently verify any claim in each ad. It just says that the competitor can object to an ad if the makers cannot backup their claims, and they can (presumably) push for a ban
@DeadMG That, indeed.
welp, I checked my iPhone and the only setting I found was one that overlaid a grid on to the screen.
so unless the iPhone 5 offers a lot more (not impossible, I guess) it's difficult for me to see how the photos can be not directly comparable.
you guys call this a fair, factual comparison?
that's just two entirely different scenarios with different lightning
that's just not fucking fair
and this is high-speed photography - that's even more impacted by light issues
Who cares, fuck Apple.
Nokia had an ad for the Lumia where they photoshopped their images to look better.
and then they apologised
well, I'mma agree that you might have something for that one.
Everyone lies.
but most of the shots are in non-naturally-lit conditions.
anyway, Cat is right.
you'd be a fool to trust any marketer
I hope there are food places open.
it's 3:30 AM
if you're talking about games
any reviewer or journalist.
Not all reviewers are bad, imo.
Yay, one is open till 4.
my evil cat starvation plans are foiled
@Rapptz No, they're just institutionally dishonest.
@sehe "Is het trouwens zo ellenlang geleden dat je hier was, of heb ik weer eens een naamswijziging gemist" do you mean me?
stupid Daisy trying to catch a fly
@nightcracker They are idiots for thinking they can get away with that.
char * data = "Hello World!";
std::cout << sizeof(data);

4. How can that be?
Ordered a pizza.
Oh wait.
Why was I thinking you can use sizeof on pointers :\
@Pawnguy7 Yes, that's why.
Well, you can.
You get the size of a pointer.
I see that now, yes.
@CatPlusPlus They deliver pizza at 4 AM?
What a wonderful world we live in, eh.
lol I have never heard Cat++ order anything else other than pizza
Well, I could go to McDonalds, but I'd have to actually walk there.
@Telkitty猫咪咪 Careful -- he might order your execution next.
How is it that when you finally decide to ask for help and explain the problem, you see what you didn't before?
@CatPlusPlus McDonalds is open at 4 AM as well? Dude you live in paradise.
@CatPlusPlus ...and when you got there, they'd only have McDonald's crap, and you wanted food.
@JerryCoffin provide he knows where I live
@StackedCrooked I think the restaurant itself is open till 3, but there's 24h McDrive.
That's good enough.
@Telkitty猫咪咪 All he needs to order an execution is money. The hit man can deal with figuring out where you life.
I actually have roommates
Wouldn't want to sit in the restaurant and be awkward and all.
so ordering pizza would be slightly awkward at this time
Anyone there at this time would be drunk anyway.
Been there, done that.
@JerryCoffin Good enough.
@StackedCrooked Big cities.
Plus, student city.
@JerryCoffin how could you be sure the hitman would not get a wrong person?
I should get back working on my evil plans to create a NSA-proof messaging platform
@JerryCoffin They charge extra for that.
@Telkitty猫咪咪 All that matters is that they eventually get the right person.
the encryption is not the problem
it's the identity distribution without a central point of failure
@nightcracker You should name it Al Kaida.
in short, if "usernames" such as 91a06c215c224cffb4f4f227a013f476748e299dce32f1c536655e20f72d94ad were acceptable it'd be a lot easier.
but that'd make the entire thing unusable for normal users
Normal users won't care about it anyway.
why not just cut the middleman and call it "FuckyouNSA"
I used sizeof on a pointer AGAIN.
Dude, cut it out.
yeah, mr sizeof pointer
Woo, pizza, 20 minutes ahead of time.
I just ate one.
fuck you im hungry
Bon appetit :P
Also ahahaha the delivery guy called a flat in wrong building first.
oh the shame
"did you order pizza?"
Don't forget it's 4 AM.
the supermarket opens at 8
4 more hours
You should keep a shitload of pasta for situations like this.
kitchen is shared
would wake everyone up if I started cooking
I do have my own microwave though
Doesn't matter had food.
pasta yo
or soup
i have tins of random soup for 4 am
I have one of these in the microwave now
@StackedCrooked Laughing about them feels better than contemplating how I made the mistake not once, but twice.
Also can't you cook pasta quietly?
It doesn't require much noise you know.
^ this
this is uhm buns amirite
chinese buns
@nightcracker whomelse
@sehe Don't know - but I've been non-active for long amounts of time due to my personal situation
@sehe but I'm officially a student now so I've got tons of time in my new own place
Ah. ok. Welcome back
@nightcracker It means that iPhone doesn't have features that allow the other type of picture (like motion blur and stopmotion or whatchamicallit).
anyone got some nice game recommendations that will run on reasonably shitty hardware?
So they -accurately- show "this is what you'd end up with on iPhone", vs. "this is cool stuff you can do with the Lumia" (probably only with 10 years of practice) /cc @DeadMG
@sehe Scroll down
@nightcracker Duke Nukem 3D
@nightcracker I'm here :)
@sehe Scroll up
@sehe I mean this:
@nightcracker Just for what it's worth, bright sunlight is generally just about the worst light for taking pictures.
@nightcracker it says "best shot". AFAIK this means that the camera will automatically do a highspeed batch of shutters and select the best candidate (optionally with manual selection). My S3 has this too.
I reckon they mean: if you don't have it (iPhone...) you're out of luck and have to get veeeery lucky (which, as you can see, they didnt')
@sehe I'm talking about the radically different lightning conditions they use to compare high-speed photography, which naturally needs a ton of light
Anyways, the clouds are suspicious. But Apple has it's own Clouds :)
I didn't notice the clouds before this. Oops. I suck at visual input.
10 hours ago, by sehe
Ah thanks. I needed an entry level explanation like that.
I really do suck at visual input.
so i got bored and made animal exception classes
now i can raise Giraffe("i'm a giraffe")
Only for League players: raise Your("dongers")
@EiyrioüvonKauyf Next up, some exceptional animal exception classes: "DownSyndromeGiraffe".
one min
i'm still annoyed
i can't think of a way to make a variable string class
like class $(var)
how would i do it in C++?
@user2666399 Maybe I am using thread_group. What makes you think I altered the test?!. Of course the platform is different. I'm trying to help. — sehe 8 secs ago
@EiyrioüvonKauyf not quite sure what you mean.
i have a vector of {"class1", "class2", "class3" ... }
i want to make dummy classes for all of those
yeah, no
this is C++ - not Python
What do you hope to achieve using this?
so instead of doing class class1
do class $(var)
@nightcracker i can always write it with a templating library in C++ and then compile to a library hehe >:D worst case
@Pawnguy7 idk just proof of concept
What traits would these classes have?
doesn't matter
@Pawnguy7 DYNAMIC /orgasm
the point is how could i do it hmm :|
@EiyrioüvonKauyf your best bet is preprocessor magic, but that'd need custom syntax anyway
@sehe the magic is back
@EiyrioüvonKauyf or you could go extremely hardcore and somehow build up classes at runtime
how do you do that ....?
well in the end a class is just a memory layout with some functions
so you produce machinecode during runtime with a memory layout of objects and...
that is hardcore
Good night all
@Mysticial links times out
I always thought sehe's avatar was a gorilla until I clicked on it
@sehe Building Reputation in StackOverflow:
An Empirical Investigation
Abstract—StackOverflow (SO) contributors are recognized by
reputation scores. Earning a high reputation score requires
technical expertise and sustained effort. We analyzed the SO data
from four perspectives to understand the dynamics of reputation
building on SO. The results of our analysis provide guidance to
new SO contributors who want to earn high reputation scores
quickly. In particular, the results indicate that the following activities can help to build reputation quickly: answering questions
@sehe hmm... loaded instantly for me
@Mysticial yeah, just used Chrome. wget hangs Oh wait, it was intermittent, the wget succeeded now too.
@sehe I found it while googling for my user id.
Apparently I repwhored so much during my first few months that I got into that paper. lol
Looking at that chart, I was the biggest opportunistic abuser of FGITW of everyone listed there...
I don't think I should be proud of that...
huh, I just realized it's 4am.
I've been playing that Phantom for like, 1h 45m
IMO Tavern on meta is the best place for trolls on S.E.
I can troll to my hearts desire without real danger of getting banned
@Mysticial who do i whine to if youtube doesn't work // just the google support forums?
@EiyrioüvonKauyf yeah
What exactly is the problem you're hitting?
some videos selectively choose not to load and neither do the ads
which is really freaking weird
i'm wondering if the chrome upgrade broke it magically
I work on the Xbox360 app. So I can't do anything about anything else.
mhmm np
Also, tomorrow, the entire YouTube division of Google is going to a concert. So we're all OOT.
sorry to bug you
interns too?
I suppose. They won't be able to do any work anyway if everyone is out.
Is there anyway to check if a text file has been modified using the standard scanner?
you changed your avatar.
this is a sin.
@Mysticial You lucky bastard :(
Share the knowledge! Share the skills!
Also, you play TF2 right? friend of mine tells me he made about 30$ selling TF2 items on the market o.O
Hi there, somebody knowledgeable about git? I have an immediate question, if you don't mind
@TheGuyWhoCouldn'tTalkToTheGirl "The standard scanner"? Do you mean your standard issue tricorder?
I meant the scanner class.
@TheGuyWhoCouldn'tTalkToTheGirl Still not clear. What scanner class?
I am actually using Java, so I don't know the equivalent of that in C++, but whatever you use to read files in C++
@TheGuyWhoCouldn'tTalkToTheGirl Okay. Modified since when, compared to what, or what?
What I am doing is preparing a script that monitors my xampp server in real-time. I am using the Apache log for it, but since the apache log is constantly updating, I need to prepare it so it keeps updating and reading the latest file.
@TheGuyWhoCouldn'tTalkToTheGirl Sounds like you want inotify
But I don't have linux and I need it specifically for xampp
@TheGuyWhoCouldn'tTalkToTheGirl If you're doing Windows, look up ReadDirectoryChangesW.
Dude, you noticed now?
It's been like that for a while
I was hungry and ate a sandwich at like, 11:30pm. Baaaad idea.
fuck you
@Borgleader Don't bother giving a good reason for it, no. XY problem no doubt.
I wasn't sure if I should downvote but i checked his profile he's apparently a Master's Degree Student in Computer Science. He should know this makes no sense.
Why does everyone always needlessly store pointers in containers?
Because most ppl don't know what the fuck they're doing lol
@Borgleader, Someone didn't get your joke?
Or maybe it's just me, since I'm terrible at differentiating.
Sarcasm doesn't transmit well on the internet, he probably didn't get it
Q: plastic surgery in Thailand

user2666748plastic surgery in Thailand plastic surgery in Thailand reaches its prime at Vejthani Hospital. Our Plastic Surgery Clinic provides a wide variety of finest plastic surgery in Thailand for both women and men. Our dedicated physicians are extensively experienced and well trained in various fields ...

@Borgleader lol
another one for your collection
deleted by Community♦
Looks like some of the head honchos love a particular TV show :)
0 questions tagged c++ or c++11 or haskell
uh... what
oh its back now
This person isn't reading anything.
I mean, that was the main point of the answer. Wth does it have to do with my comment?
damnit a question was deleted as I was typing the answer
yeah sucks when that happens
Has anyone ever seen code that uses std::rel_ops?
@chris thats actually useful had no idea it exists
@chris Nah.
@A.H. Seems to be, but no one uses it, and I actually forgot about it for a long time.
Is there a way to safely import them for your class only without making the user do it?
Interesting, so sizeof(int) + 2 isn't required to be done at compile, even with constexpr.
if i use vector then it causes memory leaks — Jitendra 55 secs ago
i facepalmed so hard
@chris maybe he/she used a pointer to a vector !
or more likely a vector of pointer to prevent object slicing
since obj sounds like a base class
@A.H. In that case, it's an easy fix to use smart pointers.

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