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I should buy champs soon, I have ~22k IP
Imaginary Points?
@Borgleader lol wat
do you have 30 already?
@EtiennedeMartel do you have runes already?
Influence Points
@BartekBanachewicz No.
I'm buying champions first.
@BartekBanachewicz I'm lvl 30, I have 44 champs. (I spent some cash around xmas to buy RP and I've been buying champs on sale since, so my IP has gone up)
@EtiennedeMartel that's dumb.
I can't hear you over the fun I'm having.
@EtiennedeMartel no, I mean you should make maximal use of free week rotations
and if you buy one universal set of runes it's gonna be much better, especially in early game
why is this league
why has this turned to league
A: write and read a 3d vector of struct in file C++

IlanSIt's not very clear what is relationTable for you. If you want to save your structure into a file, the easier way is to use boost::serialization see : How do you serialize an object in C++? you can do something like this : #include <boost/archive/text_oarchive.hpp> #include <boost/archive/text_...

Flat Armor, Scaling Magic Resist, and some flat offensive stuff
^ guy's first answer could use some encouraging votes
@Borgleader thanks a lot :)
Signals2 uses variadic templates, they are emulated in VS2012 at significant cost. Fixed in VS2013. Between Boost adapting to that and VS2013 landing on your desktop, give it a handful of months. — Hans Passant 6 mins ago
:| i downvote a lot of answers
@BartekBanachewicz l(aughing) o(ut) l(oud)
How many players do you need for Dotes/Lols/whatever?
@sehe I was wondering what a profile of Hans is doing here, TYVM
@CatPlusPlus 1
Fuck playing with random people.
@CatPlusPlus minimum of 6
if 3 v 3
or 3 v bots
@BartekBanachewicz lol :/ thanks for explaining that so patiently :<
@CatPlusPlus Most played modes are 5v5 and 3v3. LoL is introducing 2v2 and 1v1 too.
or 5 v 5
@BartekBanachewicz dam 1 v 1 should be fun :3
now why can't they make a freaking map -.-
@CatPlusPlus if you want to play with reasonable team sometime lemme know. I can get you people for both LoL and DotA.
Hi guys
I've never played that. :v: We should do Lounge thing or something.
@CatPlusPlus sure :)
@BartekBanachewicz and me :c
@EtiennedeMartel So, want an account?
@CatPlusPlus Shure.
Oh are you guys playing LoL?
@CatPlusPlus It's most fun if you know everyone on your team.
Otherwise you get teamed up with idiots.
Or dota
And that can get frustrating.
I need an email. If you want it private, mail me at [email protected]
@EtiennedeMartel Well I'll have no idea what I'm doing, so it won't be me who gets frustrated. :v:
@EtiennedeMartel this is an understatement; especially when those idiots try to rush turrets at level 5 and don't know what running away is
@EiyrioüvonKauyf Nothing wrong with hitting a tower at level 5.
@EtiennedeMartel they then lose the lane T_T because they die
I'm terrible at LoL, my teammates just make me jungle
@EiyrioüvonKauyf You seem like the kind of person who likes to blame others.
sorry by hitting the lane i mean attack-move and sit there
I don't want you on my team.
@EtiennedeMartel i only care about <tab> and damage on champions
You are a life saver! After resetting and losing my changes, Eclipse automatically updated the file. After hitting Ctrl+Z, it rolled back to the version I needed. — Colin 20 secs ago
@EiyrioüvonKauyf About what?
^ And another one saved from git. Wait. saved by eclipse. Something is off
@EtiennedeMartel stats bar
@sehe aren't they just not using it correctly ...? did they reset hard ?
@EiyrioüvonKauyf ...?
if someone gets the chance, can anyone explain why when sorting an array with 3 elements we write std::sort(myArray,myArray + 3) I don't understand the reason for writing +3 specifically.
personally i don't lose many things with git :|
just make more branches and use stash
@AmberRoxanna it's the iterator advanced by the length of the array that's the beginning and end iterator. myArray+3 is end+1 so 1 after myarray[2]
@AmberRoxanna std::sort requires a "begin" iterator and an "end" iterator.
The begin iterator references the first element of a sequence, and the end iterator references "one-after-the-last" element of a sequence.
@AmberRoxanna You said it yourself.
ok adios :|
Also don't use arrays.
work is over
You know youre a programmer when you say "optical drives deleted"
@AmberRoxanna Don't you find it strange that an array with 3 elements has a "+ 3"? Isn't that a weird coincidence?
@AmberRoxanna std::sort(std::begin(myArray), std::end(myArray))
Stranger things have happened.
good evening room
@CatPlusPlus you mentioned not to use array, do you prefer the use of vectors ?
is It normal to use several static keywords in your program?
@Rapptz that's a lot more efficient
How do people copy paste line numbers in the code on SO.
What text editor does this?
@AmberRoxanna Depends on your definition of "efficient".
@AmberRoxanna It's the same thing, just shows your intent better.
vim, if you're copying by selecting lines in a terminal like retard.
@Rapptz i get an error saying that begin and end are not apart of std ??
Need C++11 (and <iterator> if for whatever reason you didn't include any of the container headers)
Cool, Unity has Android project export, but it overwrites the manifest.
Thanks Unity.
> "I also tried to avoid using any sort of pointer in my code just because I don't like it when coding in .net languages" - I take it you don't value performance then. I mean, constructing List<byte> and temporary MemoryStreams in a loop. — sehe 9 secs ago
At least it doesn't overwrite the code.
@RolandSams of course
@Rapptz oh i see
@sehe ty for the help
In general do you people think that working with vectors instead of arrays is better ?
@Rapptz sadly:
A: How to clear the line number in Vim when copying?

seheIf you have line numbers, I'm quite sure you are not using Vim's yank/put operations (these will never copy the linenumbers, foldcolumn, icons etc) because in terms of the edit buffer, they don't exist. My guess is you are working in a terminal emulator and using the mouse to copy stuff to the c...

@AmberRoxanna it's a different tool for a different job. But I assume you meant std::array (not C style arrays)
So, I played League.
I'm exceptionally terrible at it. :D
It's an exceptionally terrible game.
Oh the trolls "John, when is ID releasing Half-Life 3?"
@thePhd high five!
I forgot what was wrong with dynarray
@Ell lack of proper core language support: it "breaks" the type system for generic programming (IIRC - only tried to remember the gist)
Oh right
Q: C++ function call results in garbage parameters

DanI have a C++ function that looks like this: static const unsigned int unknown = (unsigned)-1; static inline char * duplicateStringValue( const char *value, unsigned int length = unknown ) { if ( length == unknown ) length = (unsigned int)strlen(value); char *n...

@ThePhD Loles, or something else?
@CatPlusPlus Loleoleyoles.
The more I hear Carmac talk, the dumber I feel in comparison
@EtiennedeMartel You still haven't given me your email. Attention span of hummingbird on meth. :v
@Ell Everything.
@CatPlusPlus edemartel at gmail.
You're now part of the future!
Welcome to the world of tomorrow!
And stuff.
@deadmg so the fact you can store things and retrieve them from it? :P
from in a dynarray? yes
So they would be better if you couldnt put things and get things? :L
well, since that would lead directly to their removal, then yes.
@CatPlusPlus E-mail? For what?
Gimme yours if you want an account, too.
Cmon, gotta give me a few more clues other than "everything"
Bug report, I'm too stupid to understand how hyperlinks work
He could just do puts("C++Sucks");. Those C people always over-complicate simple things. — Maxim Yegorushkin 8 hours ago
@Ell jungler is important :v
@EtiennedeMartel cool cool cool
You know what I just thought about.
Since we're extending XMPP/MUC, we should go all-in and make a XEP at the end.
Oh nice, you guys are still here.
@CatPlusPlus Ah what?
@CatPlusPlus another extension?
@Potatoswatter hm?
@BartekBanachewicz What we're doing is an extension.
@CatPlusPlus so much bioshock :3
That's Futurama dummy.
@CatPlusPlus OIC
@BartekBanachewicz It's Too Early™ here.

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