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And many times the problems don't manifest themselves in clear and obvious ways.
Especially if you start from the assumption that finalizers work like that.
(for context, finalizers would only be used for what Lua calls userdata, which is an opaque type and used e.g. for communicating with other languages.)
Can't remember if it's possible to attach a finalizer to a table. I'll go check.
It is. Recommended way is to use a userdatum, doh.
I can agree with you that it's not the ultimate read on garbage collection. But I will surely find it invaluable next time someone tries to rely on a finalizer.
It just needs some caveats, that is.
"It's not actually emulating an infinite memory system", "If it were, it would be one piece of the puzzle, not all of the magic sauce", "It can still be used for other useful things"?
I think I'll start from:
> If the amount of RAM available to the runtime is greater than the amount of memory required by a program, then a memory manager which employs the null garbage collector (which never collects anything) is a valid memory manager.
And work from there.
It gets the infinity out of the way.
Cherry pick from that and write a new, better article!
Oh, I wasn't thinking of directing people to it. I was thinking of using the ideas in it in person.
What you quoted is really great, yeah.
Makes the point that the goal of the GC is to transparently work things out and it doesn't have to be gentle with you.
The problem is that while GC works really well in Lisp, it doesn't fit so well with Java or C#. At the same time, MS' people can't basically just come out and admit: "GC was a mistake -- it's making your life much more difficult. We're sorry, but was just screwed up." As a result, they're stuck trying to come up with at least semi-technical sounding explanations that aren't completely deceptive, but still portray GC as something other than a massive blunder.
GC is a massive blunder?
Since it is, however, a massive blunder, all such attempts are doomed to either have a fair amount of double-talk, are some inconsistencies (or both).
I've seen a similar claim but don't know enough about the technology to know if it was FUD or legitimate.
Something about thrashing and several runtimes' worth of overhead.
@LucDanton At least IMO, yes. It has at least a couple of problems. First and foremost, where RAII provides a consistent model for reclaiming nearly all kinds of resources, GC makes one kind (memory) arguably a bit easier, but at the same time makes all others more difficult. Second, with GC you get a fairly direct tradeoff between memory usage and speed -- and testing indicates that you need to use about 6 times as much memory to get around the same speed.
The facts that it ends up as one GC/runtime per application and that applications ended up acting as if it had the whole memory to itself were the main points IIRC.
Q: How to make template function friend of template class

GraemeI have a template class with private constructor and destructor: template <typename T> class Client { private: Client(...) {} ~Client() {} template <typename U> friend class Client<T>& initialize(...); }; template <typename T> ...

@JerryCoffin Oh, I see where your reference to Lisp comes from then -- what is the idiom called? use-with-function?
@LucDanton That's not a result of GC itself at all. At most, it's a result of how they happened to implement GC in the JVM and CLR.
That may have been what he was arguing against then.
Q: std::getline on std::cin

DilipIs there any good reason why: std::string input; std::getline(std::cin, input); the getline call won't wait for user input? Is the state of cin messed up somehow?

@LucDanton Isn't that like using or Java 7's klunky new try syntax?
@MartinhoFernandes I don't know. But it's dawning on me that C#'s using block may be inspired from it.
(well, only for the name, not how the code actually ends up looking)
@LucDanton I suppose the name varies, but yes. In fairness, I should add that even in Lisp it's still an idiom that requires active participation by the user, where RAII allows the user to remain oblivious of the resource management. At the same time, Lisp is based enough around idioms that in Lisp it's only semi-clunky, whereas in C# and Java it's beyond clunky and well into the kludgy category (IMO, of course).
@LucDanton I'd guess it is related -- and like in Lisp (but much more so) it requires the user of the class to write the using block so the resources get managed sanely.
Thinking about it, I have no idea what's the idiom in Lua for e.g. closing a file. Especially considering that errors can be propagated up. Not that there are many idioms in Lua.
Yes, there is an idiom that I remember. Something about passing the closure for cleanup to a helper function that makes a protected call or some such. So there's some 'ugliness' there as well.
Huh, I just saw a mod delete an answer that was at -3. It was not full of Wrongness™, but it probably deserved the -3. It was not spam nor offensive or any of that. Is this usual?
@MartinhoFernandes It's hard to say without seeing it. The most common reason I've seen for mods deleting an answer is simply that it's not (even an attempt at) an answer at all. That doesn't sound like the case here though. Can you give a link to the question?
It's not like it adds much value by being there.
But it is an attempt at answering. I would have expected it to stay there until either the poster deleted or fixed it.
Are negative score answers to be nuked now?
@MartinhoFernandes I have to agree -- I don't see much reason it should have been deleted.
@JerryCoffin, you just made the same argument my OS instructor likes to make against GC. :)
@Rob Hmmm...would I sound conceited if I said it sounds like you have an unusually good instructor? :-)
Haha, not really.
@LucDanton, what did you mean by "finalizer abuse"?
Treating finalizers as C++ destructors.
Using them with the assumption that they are guaranteed to be called?
Ah, alright. Just checking.
They're just a (lousy) safety net. It's might save you if you fall, but you don't want to fall in the first place.
If correctness depends on them running that's "abuse". IMO, that renders them close enough to 100% worthless that the language would have been better off without them.
Oh yeah, totally worthless. I cringe everytime I implement the "Disposable pattern".
if they're a pattern, my arse is lean
Well... it is a pattern.
There's definitely a recurring theme there: it's mostly boilerplate.
Heh... I assume that avoiding falling in the first place should consist of explicitly releasing resources where appropriate... but what about Objects whose internal structure you have no control of, and provide no means of releasing their resources? Are we relegated to merely hoping the GC actually reclaims them at some point?
@MartinhoFernandes Hmmm..."safety net" makes me think of (for example) the thing firemen hold for somebody to jump into out of a burning building. The problem is that in this case, instead of being held by good, solid firemen, it's being held by a bunch of lunatics who might decide to run away just as you jump...
Hence the "lousy" qualifier.
@Rob If they provide absolutely no means of releasing their resources, they're broken.
Now, you could say that the means they provide are not the usual, i.e., IDisposable. In that case, you have to either wrap them in an object that implements IDisposable and use using, or you write try-finally blocks manually.
Sucks either way.
Though the buggy ones that leak no matter what suck the most, of course.
Yea, that's what I was wondering -- about those that don't release their resources through IDisposable
And of course :))
It's the second time today I see a question asking for a C++ beginners book.
Maybe the search is broken.
Maybe Google is broken.
Well, searching on SO for "c++ beginner book" does not, unfortunately, yield The Definitive Book Guide and List in the first results :(
Wow, I didn't even know that existed.
Q: The Definitive C++ Book Guide and List

grepsedawk This question has historical significance, but is not a good example of an appropriate question. Read and learn from this post, but please do not use it as evidence that you can ask similar questions. See the FAQ for more info. Provide QUALITY books and an approximate skill level. Add ...

Never thought to search SO for books... Amazon or Google come to mind first.
Maybe we should have a better title?
The first Google result for "c++ beginner book" is a thread that recommend decent books.
"The Definitive Read That Fucking Book List?"
Got my vote.
I don't think that will improve search hits.
Is this crap?
I'm not well versed in an art of search engine spam SEO.
@MartinhoFernandes Yikes -- and looking though its list of "customers who looked at this bought" (or whatever that is), all of them look pretty awful as well. No wonder C++ has such a bad name (though one of those is giving a bad name to Java)...
Oh, didn't think to look at the "customers who looked at this bought" list. Yeah, nasty.
One thing I noticed when I bought C++ Templates: The Complete Guide was that all the books suggested were of the good kind.
C++ For Dummies? C++ is definitely not for dummies.
@MartinhoFernandes Hmm...people who buy good books are likely to buy other good books as well...
I feel like if it's aimed at beginners, you're probably going to see a lot of low quality in the "customers who looked at this also bought" section regardless of the book quality
@Rob Look at this one:
Not low-quality in the suggestions.
I'm finding it a very hard line.
Hmm, good counter-example
Good books suggest good books, bad books suggest bad books. Seems like two completely separate worlds.
Which is a pity. Would be nice if bad books had good books somewhere in the suggestions :(
You should call Amazon and sell them the idea ;)
If they'd put it in practice, I would gladly give them the idea (i.e. cheating on the "customers bought" list) for free.
@MartinhoFernandes It would be nice if they had (just below that) a: "but our experts suggest:" section. I doubt they'd find it politically acceptable though.
Yeah, no doubt authors and publishers would complain.
Some publishers make a living out of "21 days" books and such.
@JerryCoffin: Just cut the "but".
@DeadMG That might help, now that you mention it.
I'm down to just one shift/reduce conflict to remove and then I will have a LALR grammar for "DeadMG++".
@DeadMG Removing S/R conflicts isn't necessarily a particularly useful exercise.
I don't like the idea that I don't actually know if the parser produces the expected output
I read up a little on S/R conflicts and I know that the if/else thing is fine to leave as an S/R conflict
in fact, I think that the bison report indicates that actually, it will do the wrong thing
@DeadMG Are you sure it doesn't either way? Most S/R conflicts don't affect what it recognizes, just the "route" it takes (so to speak) from point A to point B. I once posted a diagram of a reduce/reduce conflict. For a S/R conflict, imagine an arrow going directly from a to E -- so the only question is whether it goes a -> E or a -> A -> E.
when you talk about, for example, the S/R conflict in else clauses, then people will expect S instead of R, because that's how the C grammar does it
Just found out something interesting. If you have an MFC editable combobox, select an item, then something calls to move the combobox, something in MFC code sends a select all text windows message.
No way to prevent that.
MFC is in need of replacement quite direly
@DeadMG not only C, but nearly every language in existence. But since yacc picks the shift, it's not a problem (and, IME, in most other cases the shift matches peoples' expectations as well).
but the Bison report seems to indicate that it picked reduce over shift for the if/else s/r conflict
and the other one, I don't even understand how it got to a conflict, so I'm not feeling good about it's chances of picking the right thing
@DeadMG Unless the FSF has added even more new bugs since the last time I looked, it should always pick the shift, not the reduce. Of course, I'd advise using byacc over Bison anyway, but I can hardly imagine even Bison screwing up something that fundamental.
could be that I'm just not reading the report correctly
apparently byacc can produce re-entrant parsers, which is definitely a reason to change
Q: MFC editable combobox selects text on its own. Don't want this.

XaadeI tested this in one of my sandbox MFC apps and confirmed this result. If an item is selected in an editable combobox, the next time the combobox recieves a windowsposchanging message, it sends out a select text windows message which selects all the text. Getting and selecting window text from ...

@DeadMG I'm just wondering 1. Why MFC still has so many bugs like this one. 2. Why MFC chooses weird ways like ignoring setting the height of a combobox and using the remainder to set the dropdown height in totally unpredictable manner, instead of having a drowdown height method.
@Xaade: I really don't know. MFC is in dire need of replacement anyway, and I think that Microsoft might be seriously considering it
although I'm less hopeful about byacc, since it does things like use C++ reserved words as identifiers
not sure how I'm going to include such a thing in my C++ project
@DeadMG Some of its "bugs" or what I would think of as bad style, is just unpredictably overriding behavior, like the height being used to set dropdown height instead of control height. However, this text selection thing, doesn't seem like a design intent.
oh well, was going to try to re-write anyways
@DeadMG Can you parse your language now?
well, I constructed a yacc parser that works, I'm pretty sure
but actually making that into a parsing program will be another matter, as it only generates decades-old C
If it actually generates complete C, then can't you just compile that C?
I could, if the parser were thread-safe
but since it ain't, I'd have to write another one anyway
People don't answer MFC questions around here.... anywhere I can go where I'd have a more reasonable expectation of an answer?
you could try the MSDN forums
they have MVPs and stuff who answer questions and I found it perfectly reasonable response times
Anyone knowledgeable about #defines ? Specifically, does it carry over to multiple .h files once a #define is invoked?
if they include the header with the define in it, then yes
when you use #include, then it just copy and pastes the contents of the file into the includer
so if you have a #define directive, then it will indeed carry over to any including headers
I see. so how come no conflicts when #define N 4 and #define N 5 is specified in two separate header files?
I was expecting, multiple definition errors
It's a preprocessor warning if a macro is redefined.
you won't get anything or any problem if they are not included together
else, the preprocessor might warn or throw an error
they're both included.. but I think I know why I'm not catching the error (CatPlus)
probably why is bc it wasn't showing on Qt's IDE
But why would it be a compilation error? N doesn't exist as far as the compiler is concerned.
gotta go command line, gcc I guess
thanks both
@Carlo Use @CatPlusPlus instead. It will notify them, and people are accustomed to quickly identifying the usage of @
No, don't use me, I'm quite sensitive. :(
@Cat I'll remember to make sure I use the gentler litter.
260 rep.
I downloaded a newer version of Bison, ver 2.5 which supports re-entrant C++ parsers
it has defines for Windows and stuff, but I'm not sure how the hell to actually get started with it
> man
Cygwin, tar jxf, configure, make, make install.
rep cap was reached via rep from upvotes only on 9 days
And, apparently, earned at least 200 reputation on 8 days
Apparently your answers never get accepted..... 2nd rate answers.
I could understand if it were 8, 9, but this doesn't make much sense.
apparently, you need to "make" it
I've got CMake but it doesn't want to make it?
You need to run configure, then make (with GNU make).
Why you no read.
No, it won't run without Cygwin.
Or MSYS, but MSYS is even worse crap.
I ignored furums link, it'd take forever
I guess that I shall waste forever installing Cygwin
Forever vs never.
Unless someone else pops in.... apparently @Cat has a concussion.
@Xaade Eh?
Wait no....
Don't.... maybe.....
lol hello all
@DeadMG Pick kernel.org mirror when installing.
It's one of the most reliable ones on the list.
but which of the six million billion packages do I actually need?
the first, third, and every prime number after that.
gcc, binutils, make and autotools (autoconf, automake). Maybe tar.
g++ 3.4.4? isn't that like, ancient? I thought GCC was on 4.7 these days
it is ancient
Cygwin only seems to come with Bison 2.4.2 as well
There is gcc4 package.
oh so I see
3.x is kept for MinGW sake, probably.
you know, I'm just going to stop asking "Why" when it comes to Unix-crazies
4.5, that'll suffice, I guess, I want to compile the output in Visual Studio anyway
By the way, why is the room title "Norway :("?
are you serious?
it's in reference to the whole bombs, shootings, thing
euh, not looked at cnn.com lately?
welcome to Earth you know?!!!
I would think it would be "violence :("
i was reading it as someone was sad about being in norway
fuck, it happened in Norway, so it's "Norway :("
It wasnt supposed to hit enter, stupid hand!
damn, this makes me feel so much better about when Visual Studio crashes my display driver
It should be "Can't we all just get along?" - Rodney King
@DeadMG huh? when does that happen?
practically all the time these days it seems
GCC 0.9 (first beta release) March 22, 1987
that is quite old huh
ugh :(
what VS version is that?
@hexa, yea that's old
almost my age :(
but ever since I ventured bravely into the world of a tool not provided by Microsoft, I suddenly feel so much better about them
room topic changed to Lounge<C++>: Why have one infinity, if you can have two?
@sbi cause one is long enough as it is...
@DeadMG hahaha
@TonyTheTiger Actually 1 isn't a long, it's an int.
@sbi hahah :P stop being silly :)

SSLI've done some research and so far haven't found anything very helpful. My question is whether or not there is a software I can purchase that will be able to identify at least most nude images, etc. when being upload from users to my site and not allow them to be posted? From what I understand, t...

Nice try, TSA
@0A0D sex? really? wow!!
@0A0D Holy caps, Batman!
No shit lol
tagged 'naked-objects'
@0A0D teh lulz
Q: C++ global extern "C" friend can't reach private member on namespaced class

fljxPlease consider the code: #include <iostream> using namespace std; extern "C" void foo( void ); namespace A { template< int No > class Bar { private: friend void ::foo( void ); static void private_func( int n ); }; template&...

@EtiennedeMartel Saw that one.. if they would cut the code to the actual problem it would get better views. I am instantly turned off by that question.
@0A0D Me too. But I'm intrigued.
I wouldn't answer it, but I would love to see an answer.
The answer is in the error message
Ok, got a question on MSDN, let's see if I get an answer now.
@0A0D Just hire bunch of students.
so I installed Cygwin
@DeadMG Think this is the fix? ideone.com/9l41j
how on earth do I use this make bs? I passed the path to the makefile to it and it said "Nothing was to be done." or something like that
@sbi @0A0D I edited this question to remove references to finding software. I think the answers are useful enough to keep the question open if one just addresses the reason it was closed. I also edited tags. Please vote to reopen.
Q: Software that can identify nude images? (or something similar?)

SSLI've done some research and so far haven't found anything very helpful. My question is whether or not there is a software I can purchase that will be able to identify at least most nude images, etc. when being upload from users to my site and not allow them to be posted? From what I understand, t...

You run make from the directory that contains Makefile.
Well, Please approve edit first.
@Xaade First it needs another approval, though. (I already approved your edit.)
It's still off-topic in my opinion.
There you go.
@0A0D: No, absolutely not. Read the question again, more thoroughly this time
lol naked-objects
Let's tag it with .
Tagging porn?
@0A0D No, it isn't. You can now answer how you would implement such an algorithm. It's an SO question now.
@0A0D I wouldn't have bothered editing the question except I thought it had good answers and would draw people into the site through a google search.
@Xaade: I was considering making that edit myself, but then I was too lazy.
@sbi Ok, then it is too subjective
There is no "right" answer.
It would be a Computer Vision problem
@0A0D Don't be silly. If someone asked for an algorithm to recognize, um, squares, you wouldn't close it.
Google solved it.
Image searching is awesome. Take an image, search by that image, and the results are very similar.
I was impressed @Xaade
@sbi This question still is not concrete the way it is currently presented.
BTW, here is a theoretical paper on it - luthuli.cs.uiuc.edu/~daf/papers/identnude.pdf
Don't need a theoretical paper.
@CatPlusPlus Actually, I once introduced the tag to meta, but Jeff deleted it. Damn Letdown.
Theories are for things that haven't been done.
It's still being studied in academia.
@sbi Yeah, I remember that.
because academia needs a reason to exist.
I have to completely agree
Yale studies how sexy a woman feels while drunk.
if he asked for an algorithm to recognize squares, nobody would be voting to close
@0A0D "Did you mean: computer vision nude images"
I would like a gay-porn detection algorithm, so I could make a browser plug-in and avoid stuff like lemonparty.org :D
@sbi same difference
@hexa Ok, I'm working against my male instincts to sniff something someone declares stinky.
@0A0D I see that you carefully avoided answering my accusation.
@sbi No, I don't agree with you. I don't think it should have been re-opened (though I see that you did)

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