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MAIN-PARA is the name I gave to the paragraph containing the main loop.
@rightfold :echo @" will explain this to you
@rightfold Are you learning COBOL?
@sehe I copied it yesterday.
@not-kbok Yes. :>
Ach, PARA as in paragraph.
@rightfold :he viminfo will explain this
so vintage
@sehe :echo 'sehe, stfu' will explain this
@rightfold not accepted in my sand box mode
Vim ships with surprisingly good syntax highlighting and indentation for COBOL.
How is that surprising
I like how it reminds of computers in old sci-fi shows and lost.
What if STOP RUN. is removed from source? Parse error? Runtime error?
@milleniumbug Makes no difference on my machine.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I made it work in MSVC :)
I have no idea what the latest standard says.
@melak47 By... removing the top-level namespace? o_O
But you have to move the period to end the paragraph.
@R.MartinhoFernandes by removing all your stuff :p
using everywhere, all the meta things
Guys, stop posting things that don't compile on coliru, it's frustrating
AFAIK COBOL has no local variables :(
@not-kbok I made it not compile to show that it works, and rejects the other enum :/
@not-kbok Well, if you intend to demonstrate an error...
@melak47 I like it, but at the same time I want to be able to have those operators defined for the type without having to using namespace ::operators;
Uh yeah sure. Don't mind me
To make it feel as if it was part of the actual enum itself. =[
q_q I don't know why they don't just let use define operations on the enum class itself.
It would be so useful. =[
@ThePhD You can either put them in the global namespace, or using ::operators::operator|; using ::operators::operator&; ... in the enum's namespace
@ThePhD I just went with what he did, nothing stopping you from not putting it in namespace operators { ... }
man, I'm the tireds
Yay I can echo sound! With a latency of 0.05 seconds!
What's WTFy?
Extremely relevant.
Geese are 100% necessary for rsync.
@ThePhD They are doing synchronised dancing.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Three different font faces
they don't look geesy
@not-kbok Ah, haha.
@LucD @Xeo split as a cata or ana?
@R.MartinhoFernandes "quickly" and "securely"
"synchronize files fast and secure" fuck off
illiterate yanks
that escaladed fast
@ThePhD I think the idea is that they both look the same, yet exist in different places on the water.
I would respond to that,
It's 'shopped.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit That's probably the intent but it seems far-fetched
but I need to nuke my internet.
> MinGW was originally called mingw32 (Minimalist GNU for W32), following the GNU convention whereby Windows is shortened as "W32". The numbers were dropped in order to avoid the implication that it would be limited to producing 32-bit binaries, although, as of May 2013, it still is.
@not-kbok ZING, dat pun.
@not-kbok *shrug* it kinda works for me
@ThePhD what? which one?
storskarv, they make this kind of mess with their shit
@LightnessRacesinOrbit <3
opinion: mingw32 sucks
@not-kbok I refuse to work in VC++
Counter-opinion: MinGW32 is still the best working C++ compiler on windows.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I guess I'll use this version until VS2013 RTM ships with wheels support? :)
> However, if pigeon shit is harmful to masonry, it is surely capable of rotting flesh and blood. It is standing in their own shit that causes pigeons to lose their feet and not necessarily the chemicals used by man. The question needs to be why they insist on standing in their own detritus - to this I have no answer.
Where the fuck is that from?
@milleniumbug heh. if you say so. vs doesn't make me install an os inside my os.
Seems like the missing digits are caused by bird poop after all
@cHao I have no idea what you are talking about.
and it's not gcc.
which alone gets it a couple of points.
@cHao Hmmm, really? I disagree. The amount of things VS installs on my machine qualifies enough to be it's own OS.
Well, VS comes with a windows SDK, which mingw does not
It comes useful when you're targeting windows
@Ell I usually measure latency in ms or in frames. Anything beyond 4ms is annoying when dubbing
foo := Foo{
    A: a,
    B: b, // I like how this comma is mandatory in Go
@Ell What are you using? I prefer jack or pulse
Otherwise it's a syntax error due to automatic semicolon insertion! :D
@sehe PortAudio, but I think it's using pulse
> This is because people like Seth keep feeding the filthy animals
@rightfold a bit like in python, where it has significance
and maybe my 0.05 seconds figure is wrong o.O
@not-kbok mmm?
I like "you need to improve the accuracy of your reading"
@R.MartinhoFernandes ahh. msys might not be required, or something. but it's basically cygwin lite
You gotta love the passive agressive tone
@sehe Not always.
@cHao Stop FUDing.
So? It's not like you can't have WinSDK headers in your mingw?
why yes
No wait I think it's right. It sounds as if it's playing instantly
@R.MartinhoFernandes "MSYS, a contraction of "Minimal SYStem", is a Bourne Shell command line interpreter system. Offered as an alternative to Microsoft's cmd.exe, this provides a general purpose command line environment, which is particularly suited to use with MinGW, for porting of many Open Source applications to the MS-Windows platform; a light-weight fork of Cygwin-1.3, it includes a small selection of Unix tools, chosen to facilitate that objective."
> I suspect the high voltage power system around the railway stations could relate to the problem.
Yes, and unrelated.
@cHao MSYS is completely agnostic and not connected to MinGW.
I have MinGW and definitely not MSYS.
i just remember msys annoying the hell out of me
I love a precise memory for positive appreciations
> pigeons are just as disgusting as I feared in my nighmares
@cHao That's ok (I hate the thing too), but conflating its crappiness with MinGW is FUD.
and i'm fairly certain mingw was like "install this"
@cHao Nope, it was optional.
"fairly certain" - gtfo
MSYS is just a handful of executables, how in the world can it annoy you
also: What's with the 14y/o girl speak (oh wait, no offense intended if you're a 14 year old girl)
@sehe What are you talking about?
Also, it couldn't annoy you unless you accidentally written msys and pressed enter in your cmd.exe
@not-kbok By getting in your PATH and disrupting all your routine cmd.exe shell automation (lol)
@not-kbok (girly voice) `mingw was like "install this"
@sehe MSYS is a nice guy and does not do that
I'm fairly certain that standard mingw installer doesn't mess with PATH.
PATH is a fuckin' dumb idea anyway.
what would you do?
@not-kbok just making up an answer to your question. You know, D's-A style. Also: there is no such thing as a CLI culture in windows to disrupt :/
I like PATH. I only dislike that too many programs have indecency to put their own entries to it.
That kind of is the point
@milleniumbug It does not.
@Ell Well, people could start by, say, simply have one environment variable for each executable (at max) that they need to use.
@sehe D's A? You're confusing me.
@not-kbok devil's advocate
@milleniumbug "fairly certain" that "it's installer thingy was like 'ew, dude, I'm not messing with that! That's ruuuuude. I'm not getting in anyone's PATH'"
@cHao thank you
@sehe Am I right in saying you have used the Opus codec before?
@Ell Yup
damn it, they keep removing that tag. WHY
One point for Ell.
@sehe To be fair, there is a growing community of PS users
@sehe I'm not sure I know my terminology right. Is a "frame", the most indivisible section of data to be encoded/decoded?
@not-kbok Yeah, that abomination of syntax cruft designed to surpass perl/awk and cmd.exe at the same time! The only reprieve is integration with CLR and BCL
PS is cool.
I like typed pipes.
@Ell From rfc6716: 3. Internal Framing: The Opus encoder produces "packets" [...] to be transmitted as a single unit. [...] A single packet may contain multiple audio frames, so long as [...]. This framing is not self-delimiting. Instead, it assumes that a lower layer (such as UDP or RTP [RFC3550], Ogg [RFC3533] or Matroska) will communicate the length, in bytes, of the packet
I'm not confortable with the syntax but it sure is useful at times
this was a long time ago i messed with mingw. it might have gotten better since then. but it didn't feel right to me...too separate from everything else. maybe i just needed an ide to integrate with it
I just wish it was installed on vanilla versions
@Ell So, yes. But the specification doesn't say anything about protocol or perstistence format
IIRC it comes OOB on 7.
doesn't it also come with an IDE of sorts? :p
@sehe Right okay thanks :)
@melak47 PS? Yes.
oh by the way guys I just graduated
so what is @cHao on about :p
grats :)
@Ell I'm no expert, though. I remember someone else (Jerry, Luc?) being interested in Opus too
@melak47 Oh, MSYS, I think.
@not-kbok graduated what :D
@melak47 Engineering school or whatever it's called
@sehe Ahh right okay
Hopefully I won't encounter too many problems
(which I left 2y ago)
Fun fact: PS codename was Monad.
@not-kbok ...how's that work
@melak47 my long-ago messings with mingw and msys, and the eternal hatred for them that i gained therefrom
room topic changed to Lounge<C++>: A type family-friendly place. Remember to conflatulate the kbok [c++] [c++11] [c++-faq] [congraduations] [emunerations] [no-helpdesk]
@cHao ah :D
When I finished uni and got my first job they were all "no, you need to give us papers x and y" which I didn't have
12 mins ago, by sehe
I love a precise memory for positive appreciations
Two years later this is sorted out so now I have my diploma
@not-kbok How much was a new birth certificate, anyways?
They asked for your diploma?
@sehe What for?
@R.MartinhoFernandes No one did ever
why isn't /MP a default option :/
@not-kbok Then what did you mean by "papers x and y"?
@not-kbok so you did uni for nothing? :D
God damn it, I wanted to use this so badly as a parameter name ;c
@R.MartinhoFernandes My guess was birth certificate. I guess that wasn't it :/
@R.MartinhoFernandes You need to prove that you went abroad for holidays for at least 3 months
@Magtheridon96 Traditional alternative is self.
@Magtheridon96 This
@R.MartinhoFernandes That works too (hug)
@not-kbok Oh, you mean the uni requested it, not the guys from your first job!
@R.MartinhoFernandes Yep. Sorry that was unclear
or Me for the vb.net users among us
@Ell That's not traditional! That's revolutionary!
So I had to go on holiday for a long enough time and then they would give me my diploma
or me cos vb.net isn't case sensitive xD
Hi, I have a question, a Java one.
Then ask in the Java room maybe
Why Java people are prone to pseudo-smart over-wanking, like IoC Containers, ManagerServiceLocatorComponent, etc, while C++ guys are not?
@qble Good luck with that
@qble Ah. Nice save
C++ guys are people too!
@not-kbok your uni requires you to go on holiday? abroad? :p
Because Java is the world's biggest circlejerk
Probably because C++ programmers are closer to the ground than Java programmers, floating in outer space lacking in oxygen.
@qble In Java you need them because Java lacks wonderful abstractions or makes it very cumbersome to make and use them yourself.
Well, except IoC containers which are utterly useless.
@qble Hint: C++ guys do the same. They template wank, they over encapsulate. They inherit when they should aggregate, they don't use freestanding functions, they get smart with implicit conversions, overuse shared_ptr, introduce cowboy_casts
Basically, C++ guys have a tendency to prematurely optimize.
Java guys have a tendency to prematurely ejaculate code
@melak47 Yeah.
wow, I really sucked at C++ in 2008. so many missing #includes that break the build on "modern" MinGW
Haskell guys wank over their types. :3
@LightnessRacesinOrbit lol
I use free standing functions ;_;
@Magtheridon96 Good boy
I use Go ^_^
now I get to install Boost. that's always fun
@milleniumbug yes, I am thinking about that. But, Java people are also guys, and I think there are also smart ones. Maybe there is something related to application domain?
@rightfold There isn't anything else, right
@qble All those high-level design pattern (or whatever you call them) are applicable on large scale projects with a lot a programmers that are mildly competent and changes all the time
@sehe Values, but they suck.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit nuwen.net/mingw.html this one comes with boost.
@qble There's something related to the library culture. As well as "Enterprisey" clients
I still don't include cstdint and cstddef.
got my dev env up other than Boost; don't fancy going backwards on it
@qble When you choose C++, it's because it makes sense for your app, which generally isn't an enterprise-connected SOA ERP container
@Rapptz I never include those
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Well, sorry I couldn't warn you earlier, then.
I always include header X in file A if I use something from header X in file A.
@qble Yes.
@sehe I don't understand why Java people have more frameworks, rather than libraries
@LightnessRacesinOrbit going backwards? what?
@Rapptz I tend to forget <utility>.
@melak47 I've had such pain getting MinGW working on this PC, for whatever reason; don't feel like fighting that now I have compilation working
I think libraries are easier to use.
@qble The framework is designed with a specific type of app in mind, which is often what Java is used for
@R.MartinhoFernandes for forward?
The "framework" part is what makes it easier for the staff to communicate, work together, and be changed if that's needed
@not-kbok makes sense
@qble Yes, but Java doesn't care about easy to use.
@Rapptz forward, move, declval.
Exhibit A: lack of type inference for local variables.
I noticed forward doesn't need utility to be included in mingw..
1 message moved to bin
@Rapptz It comes with pretty much any other header.
The C# room isn't dead.
@qble tl;dr this is a management issue IMO
There are people talking there. For example, Larsson is.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I think now it's bootstrap and then b2.
@qble I can only assume because (a) there need to be more java programmers (b) therefore a monkey bust be trainable as J programmer (c) therefore they need lots of handholding: frameworks to require every other move they make and IDEs to generate do the rest.
@rightfold it is usually slow in weekends
@rightfold I'm one of that two people who are talking at the moment in C# room and Larsson couldn't give me an advice.
@JohanLarsson :P
@sehe So, it just children-safe-tricycle?
@qble It's more than just that. But, it sure looks like a good factor. I mean, the things I mention could have been held against C# community as well. And, TBH sometimes the .NET community does have the same diseases
But by and large, Java epitomized 'Enterprisey' software, whereas the Microsoft drones tend to be more pragmatic
There's 20ish people derping just under my window with shitty music playing on the autoradio of a car
@not-kbok Unsurprising
Why not?
It would be surprising if it were the autoradio of a tank. Or a floating mobile home.
Let's see.
Yup. That worked. Thanks for the invite.
Invites? Is rightfold having a party?
@not-kbok Sounds horrible.
He's having a party alright.
Under your window!
A LAN party.
We'll be coding in Haskell all night on the same network.
Cum suis
Damnit. Can't latinize LAN quickly
@rightfold What a hilarious typo
@not-kbok It wasn't a typo, I just changed my mind.
Your mind wasn't the only thing that changed. Or there was a glitch in the matrix.
@sehe LANzwans
@rightfold I know. If you'd make that kind of typo I'd suggest seeing a doctor.
@rightfold guilty as charged
3 mins ago, by rightfold
Let's see.
^ ... a doctor?
get '/' => sub {
    my $self = shift;
Beh, can't I do something like… sub ($self) { … }? :V
Sooooooo perl
IIRC you can in Perl 6.
called it
Are you using Perl to generate COBOL?
where is the party?
@R.MartinhoFernandes No.
Under my window
I did use Perl to generate Java though.
A few weeks ago.
@JohanLarsson on the network.
It's a LAN party.
Ew. I used C# to generate Java to generate UML models in Rational Software Modeler.
I'm hard core.
@sehe Hahaha.
Okay, that's was coincidental. :V
Wow, CubeWorld page isn't even accessible at all right now
LAN party > people party I think, never been to a lan party though

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