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shitty c++ questions all the day
adn that'll let you create a... .wdproj project type?
something like that.
Wait, why is that necessary?
Oh wait. You're talking vs only right?
the long and short is that if I want to offer code completion then I need to know all the Wide files involved so I can parse them and find out what they have to offer.
just parse all the files
there won't be many :p
all the files where?
all the files everywhere
@deadmg what other ide integration will you offer?
I intend to offer at least basic versions of as many features as I can
I'm thinking language file for gedit and vim and stuff
eh, do that yourself, what do I care about gedit or vim
there are only two reasons why I'm offering VS extension: because I use VS, and to show that the components I'm building it from are useful for that sort of use.
Well, it would help more people use It
neither of those motivations requires that I offer for other editors
What are wides pointer types?
@Ell I think he has about the right idea. Especially initially, it's much more important to have one usable tool chain than half-assed attempts at five.
I guess. And I'm guessing more use vs than the others
@JerryCoffin More importantly, the VS extension is a relatively trivial driver that simply calls into my library components. If those components are up to scratch, it shouldn't be too hard to stick a relatively trivial driver on top for vim or gedit or whatever.
it's not like I pulled a Visual C++ and completely re-implemented the compiler
boost::optional<boost::variant<…>> or boost::variant<boost::none_t, …>?
definitely the latter
assuming that variant documents it, anyway
@EtiennedeMartel omg MLG! Polt soooooo gosu
haven't been watching, but Polt vs Naniwa sounds like fun
the strategy was so off the wall the casters were like "I don't fucking know what hes doing"
lol what did he do?
early rax into hellbats with tanks at the weirdest timings
hellbat/tank could well be a very nasty combo if Toss didn't open Stargate
and only has a couple of robo units
the casters were like "hes gettings this so youd think hed to this, but then hes also getting this, so he might be doing both?"
oh right
What the fuck are you guys talking about
Starcraft 2
then yes, Hellbat/Tank is really nice in TvZ
you're basically talking about packing a counter to almost every Zerg land unit in that mix
it's like Roach/Hydra, but way more powerful.
you could even heal the hellbats with Medivacs if you wanted to
#define hellbat/tank fucktheswarm
I'd just send some zergs round to the stargate, then rush his nebula with some antipesto. then you've got yourself an opportunity to roach/hydra his gas stations - hell be totally cut off then so you can easily rush him with mashed potato and hash browns
It's my starcraft 2 advice xD
you suck
antipesto is useless against nebulas
also, you're not hungry by any chance, are you?
It seems that assembling callq puts inserts a CALL instruction that takes a relative address as operand.
So the linker calculates the address of puts relative to the CALL instruction?
no, it's relative to the base of the file.
@DeadMG Intel's manual says that the operand of the E8 instruction is added to the instruction pointer.
that's a completely different thing (although presumably for a similar purpose)
Well, something has to calculate the relative offset and insert it there, otherwise it will go horribly wrong.
but a hardware instruction is quite different to the linker doing it
Well, I guess the linker doesn't care about instructions themselves.
But something has to tell the linker that it must perform some arithmetic to get to the right operand.
Like, <address of puts> - <address of instruction after `callq puts`>.
Ah, it appears a CALL instruction can either use a relative offset or a ModR/M byte, depending on the opcode.
x86-64 y u so complicated.
TIL SSBB has Tetris music.
I am playing Mafia with "druggs in my butthole" and "SkankyMc.SlutBitch"
at least SkankyMcSlutBitch got executed night 1 :P
I cannot sleep.
If people could stop deleting their own questions, that'd be great.
Is std::size_t guaranteed to be implicitly convertible to std::ptrdiff_t?
Oooh. cppreference is now higher than cplusplus.com in the Google results.
@rightfold Hmm. cppreference says that std::ptrdiff_t is signed. It may be not good to convert to std::size_t (an unsigned type) from it.
Oh. Wrong edit. :)
fuck, man
I only ate a lasagne today
now I'm sicker than I was last night
Maybe its the cheese?
Have you tried eating less but more often instead of one bigger meal?
I had trouble digesting a few years back, and by trouble I mean it was usually painful, and when I went to see the doctor he prescribed a few things and thats is one of the recommendations he made me to go with the meds.
^ this is a dupe
Oh, well I can't cast close votes just yet.
@Borgleader okay
I asked a question and it got upvotes? I didn't know that was possible for me :D
I'm gonna have to program in C soon. =[
@ThePhD Your job?
@ThePhD Youre going back in time to experience the dark ages of programming?
It's for some microcontroller stuff. =[
Or did you become buddy with Linus?
It was either VHDL on an FPGA or C on a Microcontroller. =[
I programmed an ATMega16 during my second semester in University
@ThePhD Well, you can't do standard and idiomatic C++ with compilers for micro-controllers (if there are).
welp, can't sleep again
fucking stomach
Then stop fucking your stomach. :P
I'm trying
definitely gonna have to go back to doc and ask for a new treatment strategy
What's the problem with your stomach anyway?
gallstones, supposedly
@DeadMG Can't they just remove your gallbladder?
let's hope so
cause I'm feeling pretty pissed off at being dicked around with antacids for four months and weight loss and shit
anyone recognize this address: ebrbusinessreg.eu
ultimately, the only thing I actually know for certain is that my ultrasound showed some gallstones (but apparently they're frequently asymptomatic), and secondly, that I'm getting much, MUCH worse recently
Okay, I was gonna ask.
If you have them on ultrasounds then you might just have to get a surgery to remove your gallbladder altogether.
Cholesterol gallstones can sometimes be dissolved by oral ursodeoxycholic acid, but it may be necessary for the patient to take this medication for up to two years
two years
my doc told me that I could have the surgery but he wanted me to try the weight loss first
that doesn't annoy me as much as the fact that this is gonna be like, the fourth time that I'm coming back to him and saying that I'm getting much worse.
... concentrating ultrasonic shock waves onto the stones to break them into tiny pieces. They are then passed safely in the feces.
^ Ask him to fire sound waves at it. :D
mayeb consult another doctor
@ThePhD Amp the ultrasound!
use laser :p
@ThePhD Better still: get the health service to pay for tickets so you can go to rock concerts. "Yes, I really need front-row seats -- it's for my health."
@ThePhD I've once tried standing in front of a large speaker playing very heavy bass. It's feel's like my belly's being pounded.
I just want some quality of life back.
buy a pet bat
@JerryCoffin I wouldn't mind getting treated like that. :D
I would
@DeadMG Yeah. Get a long term (for the rest of your life!) treatment. Have the core problem removed.
the primary issue with the surgery is
well, it can make things worse instead of better
Inherent with surgeries.
you can get things like chronic diarrhoea
Well, yeah. You're removing your gallbladder.
drink a lot of purified/spring water, do a lot of exercise
not sure if improvement if I'd have to wear nappies for the rest of my life.
Maybe it's better to go for a more active weight loss treatment.
The option of Firing Sonic Waves at it is still on the table.
@MarkGarcia Why would I?
@ThePhD And that is not surgery. :)
I've lost a fair chunk of weight now, and I've only gotten much worse.
@DeadMG less painful
what would be more rational is trying to put weight back on.
exsercise makes you stronger and happier
@DeadMG A healthy weight.
but don't listen to me, I am exercise/sports manic
fuck being a healthy weight
I'd much rather be a very unhealthy weight and not suffer from this.
There's... still firing sound waves at it. =[
That way you can keep your healthy weight and also feel nice. =[
the thing that makes your weak at the moment is not your weight
yes, that would be awesome, but doctor didn't offer it to me
maybe it's not available on the NHS
Well, offer it to him.
Tell him to make moves.
Im on fire, 3rd time I use boost in an answer in 2 days
what do you think I've been doing?
not like I've been saying "Hey dude, this weight loss shit is working out fine!"
@DeadMG Henry Ford said it best: "I figure God gave me so many heart beats before I die, and I'm not going to waste a single one of them doing exercise."
@Borgleader Yay! So you've resumed answering!
feels to me like at this rate, I'll be dead in a year.
@JerryCoffin you get more heartbeats when you exercise
@Telkitty猫咪咪 Less, after much exercise.
@JerryCoffin No point not dying of a heart attack when you're 50 if that means suffering till you're 80.
@Telkitty猫咪咪 [Try to] tell that to Henry Ford.
also the bonus endorphine @ side, the stuff that's free and makes you happy
@JerryCoffin he's dead, and when he was alive, he did not exercise much ... coincidence? I thnk not! >_<
I llke exercise - the only way I can eat a lot of delicious food, be healthy and not overweight
You could also just eat depending on your activity level.
well, admittedly, "Don't eat anything" would solve both problems.
For example, I program all day -- all I really need is a sandwich, a drink, and maybe another sandwich.
I need ExecutionContexts.
@Telkitty猫咪咪 Given the number of people born in 1863 who are still alive, I think it's safe to say that he'd be dead by now regardless of exercise regimen. He did, however, live to be 83 years old. When he died (1947) average life expectancy for men in the US was 64.4 years.
@JerryCoffin && my grandma is 101 year old this year - relevance: none >_<
Either SO or my internet connection is derping on me :(
@Borgleader So derped on me. Timeout all day. :c
Besides Henry Ford said that because HE SOLD CARS!
my connection doesn't do anything but derp.
Oh and why is a variant of classes in the same hierachy a bad idea?
I got a downvote for my answer
@Borgleader It is?
@Telkitty猫咪咪 I doubt it -- when he said it, he was already one of the richest men on earth.
ban using LvalueType.
Thanks to him 2/3 of the population from the country in which he used to live is OVERWEIGHT OR OBESE.
rich != !greedy
@ThePhD So I'm told
-1, variant is a terrible idea between base and derived classes. It should usually be used for things that cannot be cast to each other. — Potatoswatter 9 mins ago
@Borgleader Oh. Well, if you're already using polymorphism, there's no need to have a variant as well..
It's not inherently wrong.
Well check the question, OP was storing base class pointers in a vector
You're uh.
Example is just as bad as polymorphism, though.
Since you're checking type-id
@Potatoswatter: You is the wrong.
It's a runtime check, not a compile-time check
variant allows you to apply a visitor and be all compile-time and shit.
Also you should take that variant by reference...
So you're not making a copy...
But yeah, the underlying idea isn't bad.
@Telkitty猫咪咪 I think you're giving him a little more blame (or credit) than he deserves.
y u use typeid
Simply to illustrate the concept
If you have a better methodology go ahead :3 I'll update my post
I don't use boost variant but does it have a compile time check to know what index it currently is accessing?
i.e. variant<bool, char>, char would be index 1
@Borgleader @potatoswatter did point to what's probably the right answer in this case: make`draw` virtual, so you can call it without conversions.
@Rapptz Not built in, but it should be relatively simple to build one.
Oh I'm not debating his answer, I wanted to know why mine is wrong
Ah well I don't know if you actually wanted it to be in compile time..
Otherwise you wouldn't have used typeid..
@Borgleader Well, what I would say is that the OP clearly does not have a fucking clue at all about polymorphism and casting, else he would not have asked the question.
so whilst I'm not sure I'd label your answer as wrong or inaccurate, I'd probably say that it is not that helpful.
@Borgleader I'm not sure I'd say it's exactly wrong, but it is (at best) a roundabout, clumsy way to do the job. Given that the OP seems to be pretty clueless, I'd rather concentrate on one, simple, idiomatic way that works.
@ThePhD: By the way, I've been looking into adding a Wide project type.
Should ask the OP why would he new a gameObject, where it is most surely a abstract base class.
@DeadMG It'll take a significant amount of work. I'm going to be asking STL about how to make a special project type (for both Visual GCC / MinGW and Wide).
@ThePhD The core issue seems to be that there is no MEF project API.
@DeadMG Managed Extensibility Framework?
so if you want to create a VS project type, you have to use the old COM APIs
even using the managed layer they ship on top of it, it's hella ugly.
not to mention I wonder how to go from MPF Document to MEF ITextBuffer
and I don't even know if you can ship MPF and MEF in the same extension, or if VSIX and MPF play nice together
if I want to offer code completion, I'm going to need to have a project type, because you can't complete a file if you don't know what code is available from other files.
well, actually, I guess that I could find a regular C++ project and then just find all the .wide files it has in it...
so, uh, in short, the parser error recovery stuff is REALLY dense
Well, there's a lot of effort involved in making your own project type.
so I decided to put off finishing that work... I'm happy enough with the results for the bit I've done so far
Like, a lot of effort. :3c
yeah, I noticed
but then again, there is a shitload of work to be done before offering even basic code completion
I need to refactor the AST into a per-file tree combining view, for one
plus, of course, offering Intellisense when accessing a C++ header will no doubt offer some unfortunate Clang interoperation.
Possible dupe of his own question from <1h ago
@Borgleader :)
The code looked same-ish (algorithmicly speaking) so i thought he just reposted in hopes of getting more answers
@Feeds That's actually recursive. Interplanetary travel is also one problem we should solve here on earth!
I discovered a special promo code by waiting before I bought.
Now the whole total for the whole thing is below 2K.
I'm a genius~
@ThePhD What product?
@MarkGarcia Er. Not a product, per se...
Don't worry about it.
Remember -- I'm poor. :D
Just wondering. Has anywhere here ever used the O_DIRECT flag on POSIX for Linux?
@ThePhD Says the guy spending two grand on a new rig
ITT: ThePhD spends 2k on buying some product.
It's a PC.
I know
Oh okay.
It's weird calling a PC a "product" like it's singular :s
Maybe just me.
well, if you buy it premade then it is a product.
Yeah but he's building it.. I think..
... You are right?
I just wanted to riff on his unusual means of describing it to employ that he's a druggie
in the hopes of starbait
Then it's @ThePhD own product.
I find my lack of health disturbing.
@Borgleader Ah, Rackspace. The least bad cloud hosting company.
awww, c'mon no stars? you guys suck.
I was busy commenting on a noobish question
I can't find a free virtual machine program that I can install on my wife's WinXP home that will run Win 7 where I can make a shortcut from the XP desktop to run a Win 7 program in seamless mode.
@MooingDuck Just install Win7 on her PC?
@EtiennedeMartel not worth it
this endevor isn't that important
It's always worth it to ditch XP.
hey I like XP
also her computer is basically just internet and Word. upgrading isn't that important
It's getting old and full of security holes
we'll get her a whole new computer in the not too far future. We'll upgrade her then
I have XP on my VM.
And I like it!
Once I had OS X snow leopard on VMwere
it was not allowed by Apple, but I did it anyways
Hi <3 and yes my steam is almost always open
@ScottW be careful :)
that time of the month :p
Will go for a jog tomorrow ^_^
Not first 3 days
lol more determined than I am
also not jogging for 3-5 days every four weeks because it is better for the knee
I think it depends on the girl, I've heard some can practically not get out of bed some days because of the pain
a bit ... too much jogging. Once you are injured, it would take forever to heal
another reason why I am not jogging every day
that time of the month just gives me extra excuse for not jogging 3-5 days at a time
@ScottW hopefully not
worse in winter
you are not fat, you are just not thin ... like me. We are average sized citizens :p
lol ... if spending too much time on the internet can make a chick pregnant I would have raised an army >_<
A couple of years ago, I used to wake up in the night because of knee pain
only a couple of times
I have been taking extra care ever since
I will balloon like a bread in a heated oven if I don't :'(
and I dislike swimming in swimming pools - too boring
I haven't jogged for 4 days
back into my rigorous jogging routine tomorrow :D
Yep, that's an hour.
@ScottW Okay babycakes come to bed soon. <3
@DeadMG Lol. If I seem more derpy than usual, than you'll know it's drugs. :D

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