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@Klasik Not much
How much HP do I have to have at the end of a quest
for the timer not to go off?
Maybe I'm not as jaded as Herb for having to write out every type for 20 years, but I've backed off my use of auto. Sometimes the extra effort to name the type is more beneficial, for readers.
Is it just me, or does the Sword of Life looks a bit like a forked dick?
If you think a heart is a forked dick head...
Nah, I know it is a heart. But look at it, it looks that way.
@GManNickG I think his argument that most of the time you will get benefits from using auto is valid. His point that you should "always" use auto is not (at least I think)
@AndyProwl can u look at my last question in stackoverflow? I cant find issue :/
@AndyProwl Yeah.
Look at that, people coming in and specifically asking that Andy answer the question.
No wonder I can't get to answers fast enough anymore.
@Klasik I took a look but I'm too ignorant to answer that, sorry
@GManNickG lol, no, people overrate me. I am just fast at writing simple answers
@AndyProwl thx anyway )
@Klasik no problem :)
Did you already catch up to my rep?
Ah, still 13k short
@Xeo badadum?
At the rate he's going, he gonna run over all of us C++ guys. :)
@AndyProwl I even don't know what do with that :)) it's looks like Google can't help me :D
@Xeo Still far
I'm at 4 LP / min
And even when I will, it won't mean anything
Is there a max-limit at 100 lp?
@Klasik I wish I could help. Do you have a book on MFC or are you self-taught?
Don't plant more than 17402.
lol, @Cat already knows the game by heart
Planted 21000
So then to the sorceress for what?
@AndyProwl I'm self-taught. learning from articles and from that what I can find in internet ) the reason of my question is that: I using to get keypress when window not in focus not MFC ) so I cant call MFC based timer from win32... I don't know how I can point it to do that...
Why aren't my links expanded
> You made 100 major health potions !
Damn, I think I'm really done with Candy box.
My inventory says I finished the game, I have the best sword and I bought the most expensive thing available.
@Xeo Time for something new? Start a company!
@Klasik Hm, normally when I am stuck with this kind of problems it's because of my self-teaching being too weak. Then I buy a book and try to learn the theory or basic mechanisms
right... let's try no extensions at all and see how long chrome stands for
@Klasik Perhaps there are idiomatic ways of solving that kind of problem in MFC that you do not know about, and I guess a book may cover it. But again, I don't know. Just an advice
@Xeo Isn't the game you're making an ASCII-art game too?
@ThePhD Nah, quite different
What are the lollies usefull for?
I only use single-characters for displaying stuff right now
Q: Empty variardic packs of enums -- do they make two functions different?

YakkThere is a technique I sometimes use when overriding template functions that goes like this: #include <utility> template<int> struct unique_enum { enum class type {}; }; template<int index> using UniqueEnum = typename unique_enum<index>::type; template<bool b, int index=1> using EnableFuncIf = t...

@AndyProwl Your URL has a # in it. Not sure if that matters...I removed it and it seems to have worked.
@GManNickG Oh, right, that must be it. Thank you
Anyway that's an interesting question. I think Clang is wrong
I'm listening to happy hardcore music.
Is there a way to get around the quest-timer?
@AndyProwl True its all about that ) then I think I need good mfc book :))
I want to get my items but bypass the timer entirely.
@Klasik Perhaps that's the best solution, yes
Haha there are secret levels.
@CatPlusPlus GMOOH.
Hey, everyone
You know those small little aentenna in Transporation Cards and Card Keys and stuff?
What are they actually called? I need to get my hands on some of them and I can't find anything like those embeddable passive ones in card keys and such.
@Klasik mfc like ms foundation classes?
@AndyProwl can u point me at good book? I will keep looking at the google but if u know good one it's will be great to know
@DeadMG I think he's talking about proximity cards.
@CaptainGiraffe yes
@ThePhD This?
A proximity card or prox card is a smart card which can be "read" without inserting it into a reader device, as required by earlier magnetic stripe cards such as credit cards. To use, the proximity card is held near an electronic reader unit for a moment. The reader usually produces a "beep" or other sound to indicate the card has been read. Proximity cards typically have a range of around 5 cm (2 inches) for reading, so the user often leaves the card inside his or her wallet or purse, and simply holds the wallet or purse near the reader. The term "proximity card" can refer to the ...
@DeadMG Ooh, thanks. An RFID tag.
@GManNickG Yeah, those cards.
Proximity cards are nice.
I'm trying to get an RFID and program it and put it into a bracelet.
If only they worked while in my wallet.
@Klasik Unfortunately I can't. I am really not an expert in MFC. Try to search on Amazon and read the reviews
I have to take it out every time. :<
That's what I do normally
@AndyProwl as I do ))
I did quite a few things in mfc back in the days, but is MFC really in line with current windows?
I like how "Cancel Build" in VS is actually "Kindly ask if VS could stop the build somewhere between now and the end of time".
I want to have a large amount of money such that I can put it on the bank and do absolutely nothing with it.
Just have it sit there.
I keep my proximity card in my tie then scan that instead
I never forget my tie!
@rightfold Have you tried candies?
I'm getting sick of candy.
Take it away from me.
@CaptainGiraffe No.
(But give me money for it.)
In lieu of real money it is a fabulous money saver.
I need to figure out how to buy RFIDs and program them...
Hm... I think I'll have to order a handful of them directly.
Holy shit there are a lot of crapsites and blogsites around RFIDs
Bin knows.
Take, for an instance, your disappearance (which I would enjoy greatly)
Let's see.
It's proving really hard to find a programmable RFID seller
I need beer.
Gimme beer.
Hey DeadMG, I'm new here, what's binning?
It means that a room owner removes your message.
But why?
it's what happens when your crappy help vampire message is a thousand years from desired or appropriate for this room
Thanks Rapptz, that's a bettter way to introduce someone to rules.
^ I think that's what I'm after.
... I think.
@rightfold This is the sound or progress, my friend.
@JtheRocker we do have them pinned on the right hand side too you know ¬_¬
also the room is clearly tagged "no-helpdesk"
@DeadMG clearly.
also, this is the C++ room, not the "Shitty C" room
You are as helpful as a bear.
So, is there any shitty C room?
a few people tried to start one, but, well, it's shitty
C rooms usually die quickly.
We had Lounge<C> but there aren't many C programmers anymore.
It's like C programmers don't have a sense of community.
So it died.
@ThePhD you generally don't program RFID tags, they just have an ID... generally you would scan that ID an associate it with say, a set of permissions for doors to unlock
@EtiennedeMartel Too bad C doesn't.
Sad to know that
I have never before seen mathematical equations as a wikipedia "reference" en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UTF-16
Also: Hey! The cat's back!
@JtheRocker Drop C, switch to C++.
Drop C++, switch to C#.
@Rapptz "We want the entire output if there's a compilation error." oh god, template<template<template<std::
also, no-helpdesk.
we usually only answer questions if they are interesting
I have considered learning COBOL as a career option.
If you're not able to read the error, you won't be able to filter it effectively, so yes, the entire thing.
Thanks guys for enlightening me, I'll keep that in mind.
How is jello green
@CatPlusPlus Is C# better than C++?
depends on the task
Can I ask how? (I only know C# superficially)
It's not perfect, but C++ is hilariously bad.
@CatPlusPlus What's your fav language?
@AndyProwl C# is extensive, so it allows you to focus on the design, not the implementation. The library is huge.
@GManNickG Yes, I am aware of that. I was mostly referring to the core language
I should have specified that
@thecoshman I want to program the RFID to contain more information than that.
I also need to find a reader...
@GManNickG This is a very arbitrary statement given in a language to agree with your position.
@CatPlusPlus Which proves you aren't a right person to answer that question :D
@AndyProwl Better compilation model for one. Simpler syntax. No UB. Reified types. Stronger typing. Goodies like properties, attributes.
@CaptainGiraffe wat
Named arguments.
C# has UB.
Or any "what language is better/good" question :D
In unsafe mode. :>
what about data races?
@GManNickG focus on design, not implementation. for instance
I suspect that the CLR/JVM must be forced to go with UB for those.
@CaptainGiraffe wat
surely it would be prohibitively expensive to check all accesses for thread-related errors
I don't count data races UB as language design problem.
@GManNickG wat is not a constructive response. fine.
it isn't
I'm just saying that you can't not have UB in concurrency.
@CatPlusPlus Sounds like a lot of arguments
@CaptainGiraffe No, I actually just don't what your first comment was saying.
@EtiennedeMartel You posted this before. Don't do that; I got super duper excited for something new. =[
I heard that it does not have a very powerful support for templates
@DeadMG So you must have UB?
@AndyProwl Also the implementations are better.
@ThePhD wat
@thePhD then you don't want RFID. All RFID tags contain is an ID that is transmitted via rf
@GManNickG Sorry x3
@GManNickG You could simply refuse to have threads, but that would be even worse, I suspect.
@ThePhD I did?
@AndyProwl It doesn't have accidental Turing-complete metalanguage if that's what you mean.
@EtiennedeMartel Yah.
@GManNickG You were agreeing with the positives of C# correct?
That's how I got it in my msuic library
I don't really count that as C++ strength.
C# has better support for functional programming than C++.
It's just another case of emergent complexity.
Which is a huge +.
@CatPlusPlus OK. Perhaps I should learn C# before asking about stuff
You're learning Haskell.
Do that first. :<
I am just not too keen on pure OO languages
@DeadMG You seem to be implying concurrency must have UB, is what I mean.
C# is trivial compared to C++.
@GManNickG Checking all accesses for thread safety would be prohibitively expensive.
@AndyProwl Yeah, that's meh.
@rightfold Right. Which reminds me I should go back to my chapter
@CaptainGiraffe Yeah, I was saying C#'s library is large so you get to worry more about "what's a good way to do this" rather than "how in the world can I even do this".
But I don't really notice that in C# too much.
Cat, what was the Lollipop max?
100 = (x - 122) * 500 / 86400
Yeah 17402.
@CatPlusPlus For instance, I don't like having to derive from IEnumerable in order to allow generic searching
@GManNickG Not only that, but I would declare that statement too, to be false.
@DeadMG I must be reading into your original statement too much, but why even check at all. I can (hypothetically) write a concurrent program with no checks and have no UB.
Also C# has LINQ.
@GManNickG Right, but you must define what happens if I write a data race.
@AndyProwl Define generic searching.
@DeadMG Ah, I get what you're saying. Ya.
@CatPlusPlus Is this good or bad?
@CaptainGiraffe Good.
@CaptainGiraffe I don't think it's really a true or false thing so much as a heuristic thing.
Been writing this in a state of severe sleep deprivation and I have no idea if it's any good.
@thecoshman Then what should I get, then?
@CaptainGiraffe Orgasmic.
@CatPlusPlus If I have a function template f(T) that calls begin()/end() member functions on T, I can create unrelated types that implement those member functions and use them with f()
hey guys what do you use to design html pages? something like this:
Really, I'm looking for a small, passive trasmitter that I can embed in something and program / write specific data into. I then obviously need a specialized reader device.
In Windows you have a yellow shield icon on some buttons. What does that mean? Why don't I have to enter the password of an admin user?
@AndyProwl Constraints in parametric polymorphism are generally a good idea.
Esp if having a constraint serves doubly as documentation.
@rightfold it's simply asking for your permission to do stuff
@CatPlusPlus Yes, the duck typing thing. But in OO languages like C# I have to express explicitly the fact that a type satisfies the requirements of an algorithm by letting it derived from IEnumerable
It seems to me this is dirtying the definition of types with information that belong to algorithms
It's sorta what C++ concepts are going towards, though it's possible they want to have ad-hoc checking whether type is an instance of a constraint or not.
concepts are solutions to this aren't they?
aka implicit interfaces
@AndyProwl Not really.
Isn't duck typing possible to do that in Haskell with type inference and {-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-}? Or am I being mistaken?
concepts are solutions to this aren't they?
In Haskell you have to write instances to typeclasses explicitly too.
Concepts are a solution to restricting types while producing meaningful error messages.
@CatPlusPlus forgive me, I'm still ignorant about Haskell. You mean like deriving(Eq)?
I don't consider interfaces to be a problem.
Does Haskell work well in practice?
@AndyProwl deriving creates instances for some standard typeclasses for you, but Eq is sorta like IEquatable in .NET.
You have to mark types as implementing Eq explicitly, because there's no other way to carry implementation of that typeclass.
I guess C# classes are not exactly the same since they have bound methods anyway, but
I love {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}.
Having that information in the type is a benefit not detriment.
@ThePhD what exactly do you need?

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