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1 message moved from Teenage Programmers Chatroom
6 hours later…
@Yvette I pinged you. Do you like to have a little conversation? I need a womans help.
@πάνταῥεῖ nah. I am going to say this once I don't want to hear "woman's help" or any discussion about gender in here. I am a programmer first in here. My personal life is where my gender count.
@Yvette I didn't ask for discussion here. But okey.
@πάνταῥεῖ stop it, gal
@JanDvorak Calling me a gal is completely going the wrong way down.
Sorry, man
gender -_-
Wait, what?
@ColdFire Even worse than the racist topic. I didn't ever mean to offend you BTW. It's more about my self reflection. I'll need to improve in any of these directions. That's why I'm posting.
You have been told to back off multiple times now.
I do not believe that you're that dull.
I wasn't offended. We just don't want heated discussions here.
Please accept that this topic is NOT suited for the SOCVR-room & take it somewhere else, as you apparently still feel the need to discuss it.
@πάνταῥεῖ best not to bring up
@πάνταῥεῖ Read & now let this topic rest.
seth right
21 messages moved from SO Close Vote Reviewers
2 hours later…
Exception java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to read from field 'com.google.android.gms.ads.internal.client.o com.google.android.gms.ads.i.a' on a null object reference
dancam.com.chords.ChordsList.ChordsListActivity$2.onItemClicked$39d17d12 (ChordsListActivity.java)
dancam.com.chords.ChordsList.ItemClickSupport$1.onClick (ItemClickSupport.java)
android.view.View.performClick (View.java:5204)
android.view.View$PerformClick.run (View.java:21158)
android.os.Handler.handleCallback (Handler.java:739)
1 message moved from [[iOS][Android][ChaosOverFlow]](chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/26424/iosandroidchaosoverflow)
iOS 10 push notification now working
1 message moved from [[iOS][Android][ChaosOverFlow]](chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/26424/iosandroidchaosoverflow)
iOS 10 push notification not working.
1 message moved from [[iOS][Android][ChaosOverFlow]](chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/26424/iosandroidchaosoverflow)
1 hour later…
I just want to make multiple instances of this jquery plugin :

var Slider = (function() {

var $container = $( '#ps-container' ),
$contentwrapper = $container.children( 'div.ps-contentwrapper' ),
// the items (description elements for the slides/products)
$items = $contentwrapper.children( 'div.ps-content' ),
itemsCount = $items.length,
$slidewrapper = $container.children( 'div.ps-slidewrapper' ),
// the slides (product images)
$slidescontainer = $slidewrapper.find( 'div.ps-slides' ),
$slides = $slidescontainer.children( 'div' ),
var Slider = (function() {

var $container = $( '#ps-container' ),
$contentwrapper = $container.children( 'div.ps-contentwrapper' ),
// the items (description elements for the slides/products)
$items = $contentwrapper.children( 'div.ps-content' ),
itemsCount = $items.length,
$slidewrapper = $container.children( 'div.ps-slidewrapper' ),
// the slides (product images)
$slidescontainer = $slidewrapper.find( 'div.ps-slides' ),
$slides = $slidescontainer.children( 'div' ),
// navigation arrows
$navprev = $slidewrapper.find( 'nav > a.ps-prev' ),
2 messages moved from JavaScript
no body can help me
    $.fn.simplecarousel = function(params) {
        return this.each(function () {

        // set config
        var defaults = {
            width: 970,
            height: 400,
            next: false,
            prev: false,
            current: 0,
            items: 0,
            slidespeed: 600,
            visible: 1,

        var config = $.extend(defaults, params);

        // configure carousel ul and li
        var ul = $(this);
        var li = ul.children('li');
1 hour later…
they should add that a as a feature
cause the only thing I know how to do is bold
Ya, it'd be super useful
this is a test
aww yis
7 messages moved from HTML / CSS / WebDesign
1 hour later…
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1 hour later…
I have this code in the view of my program. The function is not hit on dropdown change. Anything that I am missing?

@Html.DropDownListFor(model => model.ContentType, Model.ContentTypeList, new { @id="ddlContentType " , @class = "form-control" })

<script type="text/javascript">
$(function () {
$('#ddlContentType').change(function () {
var contentType = $(this).val();
url: '@Url.Action("Action", "Home")',
type: "POST",
data: { "contentType": contentType },
"success": function (data) {
if (data != null) {
I have this code in the view of my program. The function is not hit on dropdown change. Anything that I am missing?

@Html.DropDownListFor(model => model.ContentType, Model.ContentTypeList, new { @id="ddlContentType " , @class = "form-control" })

<script type="text/javascript">
$(function () {
$('#ddlContentType').change(function () {
var contentType = $(this).val();
url: '@Url.Action("Action", "Home")',
type: "POST",
data: { "contentType": contentType },
"success": function (data) {
if (data != null) {
2 messages moved from C#
5 hours later…
(also, the answer is junk and I'm out of votes)
So, is the w3schools recommendation going to stick around undownvoted?
2 messages moved from SO Close Vote Reviewers

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