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A: Using an abstract class create different classes with user input

McGeeI suggest that you start by commenting out Square and Triangle so that you can focus on your Rectangle (or whichever shape you prefer). Your GeometricShape needs an abstract property called "area" see Your Rectangle constructor should not ...

I don't know what values will be passed through, the user will give those values after they pick 1,2,3 or 0 to exit.
In that case you need some variables to store whatever you read from the console. You have an example of this where you are reading the number variable in the do while loop. You can do it using Conslole.ReadLine(); Check out the examples…
I see...making it equal to a name like "number" instead of having it equal to already set int's or that right?
Hmm, not sure. But I have updated my answer with an (rough) example of a way to do it. Normally you would need error checking but this will work provided you always enter numbers when prompted.
So I shouldn't put my constructors in my main method? And I guess I don't need number in my argument if 2 already refers to square in another class. In my else if statements my Rectangle() says it is a non invocable member "rectangle" cannot be used like a method. But isn't rectangle a method and a class?
Agreed, you may not need "number" as an argument. Rectangle's constructor must be used with the new keyword to create a new object of that type.
Yeah I updated my code..I got rid of the base( number, width, height, area) next to each of my rectangle, square, triangle classes. Will that do anything...I have the same errors in all 3 my classes..I edited that to in the main description.
Hi I moved this to chat because SO guidelines
You still need to call the base constructor in your derived classes
so for example (continuing with rectangle) with your current update:
public Rectangle(int width, int height)
:base(width, height)

so you need the :base next to each class?
so for square
public Square(int height)
: base(height, height)

side = height;
public Triangle(int width, int height)
: base(width, height)

Triangle will be a bit trickier to do the area
and since Square only takes one height it will know that already?
Oh, you are assuming isosceles
Yeah I haven't really did much to the area...but I'm supposed to Declares the public, abstract, parameterless method ComputeArea() - the derived concrete classes implement the method ComputeArea().
yes, square only needs one parameter
    public abstract double computeArea
is a property
so that is correct?
Probably should really use a method so
the method would have to use an if statement right?
public abstract void double ComputeArea(){}
yeah an empty constructor
That method is not a constructor
it doesnt have any values
but how will the area from each shape know what to do
whoops sorry
    public abstract double ComputeArea()
        return double.NaN;
well the trick is that each shape will actually implement the method
So this is where the inheritance is cool
what is .NaN
These shapes have shared values such as height width area etc
NAN is "not a number"
maybe you should just use 0.0
that is predefined word in C#?
so...what happens to the
public override double computeArea

get { return (Width * Height) / 2; }
U know, I keep getting it wrong... sorry
you need public abstract double ComputeArea();
    public abstract double ComputeArea();
The override turns into :
with a read only so I would only need the get;
    public override double ComputeArea()
        return width * height;
and that would go on my rectangle class
and I will keep the ComputeArea that is in my abstract class
    public override double ComputeArea()
        // Given the side, return the area of a square:
        return side * side;
I would get rid of it and use a method
this one:
public abstract double ComputeArea();
in my abstract class?
with the get?
You really shouldn't use properties like methods. While Width and Height are properties of a shape, ComputeArea() performs some calculations so it should be a method
Just a moment
so...where do these getters and setters come into place...or should I not be using them
U don't use getters and setters in methods
Only for properties
It is confusing at first
I have this...
public int Width
get { return width; }


public int Height
get { return height; }

Keep those
They are definitely properties of a shape
oh wait
so you use get and set in properties
and since computeArea is a method....but all the methods will be different
but that's where the override comes into play right
do i need to add public abstract double ComputeArea(); to all my classes because now i have errors
The override keyword says that it will override the base class. In this case you MUST override the public abstract double ComputeArea(); method in the GeometricFigure Class.
Just a moment, I will code it up ;)
I ran my program and it crashed because of...
number = Int32.Parse(value);
if you entered something other than an integer, bad things will happen
I think I did enter a value
is it because I have some set to null
It wont let me type anything just keeps crashing
something about an int and string
yeah its bas
how do I Parse that correctly?
getting to that
just a tick
I come from a java background...there C# and java are similar but sometimes I just get stuck!!
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Rectangle r;
Square s;
Triangle t;
int number;

Console.WriteLine("Choose a shape from the following options ");
Console.WriteLine("[1] Rectangle");
Console.WriteLine("[2] Square");
Console.WriteLine("[3] Triangle");
Console.WriteLine("Enter the option number (or zero to terminate this program): ");
number = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
while (number != 0);

if (number == 0)
Console.WriteLine("Please press <enter> to terminate this program");
Try this
You are using visual studio right?
visual studio 2015
ctrl+k, ctrl+d
this will format all the indentations for you
hold ctrl then press k then d
It runs...but it doesnt ask for me to enter width or heigth
it just keeps asking to enter 1,2,3
because of that do while loop
stays in that loop as long as the number is not 0
so I shouldnt use a do while loop...
so why dont we move that if/else into the loop
I thought the if/else within the do/while would work great
yes it will be fine but needs to be inside the loop
Console.WriteLine("Choose a shape from the following options ");
Console.WriteLine("[1] Rectangle");
Console.WriteLine("[2] Square");
Console.WriteLine("[3] Triangle");
Console.WriteLine("Enter the option number (or zero to terminate this program): ");
number = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

if (number == 0)
Console.WriteLine("Please press <enter> to terminate this program");
else if (number == 1)
Console.Write("Please press enter the width and then hit enter: ");
I have to put the while...out sside what if after I enter the width and height display the area?
Its supposed to say after all of that...
The shape is a:
The shapes height is:
The shapes width is:
area is:
Is that just simple concatenation stuff?
sorry I went afk there
Do some Console.Writelines with the calls to the methods
for example:
within the classes?
in your loop
straight after you construct the shape
okay..and to diplay area I would just need... + ComputeArea
within my statement
else if (number == 1)
Console.Write("Please press enter the width and then hit enter: ");
int width = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
Console.Write("Please press enter the height and then hit enter: ");
int height = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

r = new Rectangle(width, height);
Console.WriteLine("The shape is a rectangle"));
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("The shapes height is: {0}", r.Height ));
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("The shapes width is: {0}", r.Width));
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Area is: {0}", r.ComputeArea()));
whoops, there is a stray bracket in there
whats string.Format??
I've never seen that
its like printf
click on the Format and hit F1
how do you indent correctly on Visual studio?
ctrl + K, ctrl + d
just hold ctrl and hit k and then d
So I think that gets you going pretty well.
Thats a realllll bug help thanks a lot your a life saver!
are you on often?
No worries. Good luck with the rest
a fair bit
do you mind if I email you or send you questions if I get stuck?
No problem.
alright man, thanks alot!!
I may not always have time to go into this much detail.
but I will help if I can :)
take care! :)

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