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Q: Rails - undefined method `model_name' when calling edit

knh190I have a form to edit a page, while it tells it's not a variable from what I have known from related questions. In view, an error is raised from this line: <%= form_for @wiki, :url => giki_path(, :html => { :method => :put } do |f| %> Where the @wiki does seem to be an instance, whi...

@toddmetheny traceback is too long. I use better_errors, in which the only prompted message is the undefined method line.
@toddmetheny I don't think so. It's implicitly somewhere in traceback. I'll update the code.
It occurs when I load the page.
giki_path( is this a valid path_helper?
@illusionist rake routes to check, yes. It is the path the form should post to.
Some more lines of Backtrace please, I want to understand which controller is accessing this view.
make sure @wiki is an instance of Wiki model
@illusionist @wiki.instance_of? Wiki return false. But not sure this check is correct. Since @wiki.class is Gollum::Page.
Do you have some suspicions?
what is Gollum::Page? I suppose this is not an ActiveRecord Model
Hi @knh190 Can you show the full content of the view edit.html.erb in a gist?
error pops from line #2 f the view.…
@illusionist yeah, it's git-based. It's not ActiveRecord then.
that is why the error is popping. form_for always expect the @var to be an instance of ActiveRecord model
But I am able to create a new page with form_for @wiki
You must have code like @wiki = in 'new' action in that case
@wiki in edit.html.erb is surely an instance.
The github repo is a bit behind the edge. But the functions are fine. The problem comes on editing.
your backtrace says that its an instance of Gollum::Page and rails is trying to call method 'model_name' on it
I didn't see where it calss model_name,
it calls internally; actually 'form_for' calls it
Hey @knh190 lets see if my solution works
@illusionist haven't worked out. I sent emails to someone may help me.
I have edited the lower portion of the answer
@illusionist Thanks! I'll check in minutes.
self.find tries to find persisted instance as you suggested?
while my model is not. so here's the problem?

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