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7:00 PM
Event is starting, :D right?
Back to the topic then! what are we doing again?
lmao - let's get to the event and let the ROs talk - humour aside
We shall now start the April 2016 SOCVR Room meeting. There are a lot of things on the list, so we’ll go through them one at a time.
first one is:
> Can we ask for someone in the room to edit in a relevant tag on a question so that it can be single-handedly closed with the hammer?
That may constitute a voting ring
7:01 PM
We'll look awful if we do that
Is that even possible? I was under the impression it could only be hammered if the tag you're closing by was one of the original tags.
@ArtOfCode It's possible now, after a meta post.
@ArtOfCode as long as you are not the editor it is possible now.
Fair enough, I'm just not keeping up to date :)
Downvoted proposal: While it accelerates the flow of closing, it gives us to much power in the terms of voting rings
7:01 PM
@ArtOfCode no it's changed - if another user edits that tag into the post - another user can then use their gold badge
Smacks of co-ordinated voting to me.
(using "if someone flagged this for mod attention, would I act on it" as a guide)
Because of the "as long as you are not the editor" clause, I think it's really sketchy to ask for the edit just to use dupehammer.
@Undo you late >:|
7:03 PM
Although to be fair, we have to consider the point of mjolnir to begin with
I agree with all of the above. That looks very coordinated and would be hard to explain in a way that doesn't sound coordinated when a Meta post is made about it.
Temm iz her
@gunr2171 yuck. Please don't.
@ArtOfCode the stats of the using the dupe hammer were considered trusted enough
Subject Matter Experts are trusted with the power to single-handedly close as dupe
7:03 PM
Also, if only one time something goes wrong with that strategy we're going to get slashed on Meta and frozen in a minute.
So if they ask that a question be tagged as the tag they have a gold badge in
I see two sane courses of action: (1) just cast a normal vote, or (2) make a sockpuppet and suggest the edit you want to see. If it gets through review... fine.
I don't think this is a good idea. We do not allow it as that is exactly the type of collusion that was brought up. Mods and SO staff would not like if we did it. Anything you can not do on your own shouldn't be possible if you happen to be a member of our room.
Just don't crossvote and such.
@gunr2171 That doesn't work anyway
7:03 PM
ostensibly we should give them the same level of trust as the system would
@MadaraUchiha Kinda thought it didn't, sure there hasn't been an update?
Mjolnir, as an abuse prevention, only works with tags originally on the question.
2 mins ago, by Jon Clements
@ArtOfCode no it's changed - if another user edits that tag into the post - another user can then use their gold badge
@gunr2171 damnit ninja
Huh, TIL
7:04 PM
Undo is already so late
@MadaraUchiha Yes it does. The system changed to now allow edited tags as long as the are not from the hammer wielder.
@Kyll I thought I was here.
The system trusts you not to abuse that
keyword: trust
@JonClements you trust me?
7:05 PM
For now, everyone is against. Does someone here think we should allow that?
So should we trust gold badge holders to have the site's/question's best interests in mind?
Ring-editing as you propose is the very definition of sockpuppet: Using multiple accounts to accomplish things you otherwise couldn't accomplish.
I'm neither for nor against at the moment
Its clearly looks like coordinated voting, but it would not be bad from SO point of view... the dupes are the most important ones to close.
The system is based on the fact that the editor is unrelated to the closer. Allowing this negates that and makes the system null and void.
7:06 PM
@PetterFriberg Put 'em through the standard process, then.
@rene I do
or, ya know, post them in here where someone with diamond superpowers might see them.
If the question truly is a dupe, no need to reduce the number of people needed to close from 5 to 2.
@Tunaki I'd go as far as banning that practice. It would look way too shifty from the outside.
mods should be relegated to the peanut viewing gallery for these meetings since these rules don't apply to them anyway :-P
7:07 PM
If one of the users wields a Mjolnir or a Gungnir, great. If not, 5 dupe votes is resaonable IMO.
It seems we have reached a consensus: we will not allow tag-editing for handing off to gold badge holders.
Any further arguments before we move to the next section?
Just a small clarif
@gunr2171 I don't agree
7:08 PM
What about re-tagging to reopen with a single vote?
Much the same
@JonClements What's your take?
@BhargavRao I agree that it is the same
@JonClements Could you expand?
If you're coordinating to accomplish something you otherwise couldn't do, it's pretty close to puppetry/abuse.
7:09 PM
@BhargavRao Same. If you can't do it yourself then you should not coordinate with another user
Fine, Danke
JonClements is writing. Or AFK.
Three questions: (1) how long is this meeting, (2) how many things are on the agenda, and (3) how long has it taken us to discuss the first thing?
@Undo I disagree in the sense that I trust the members here - if they wanted to coordinate or do such actions, you and I and they will know what happens... we give 'em a chance
Yeah, I'm gonna disagree there. Sets a bad precedent.
@JonClements that's dangerous because the team is not 100% closed/vetted
@Undo (1) Probs a couple hours (2)… (3) 10 minutes (and counting)
@JonClements Slippery slope. If you let one group do it, others are gonna ask.
People can and do join on a whim and then can also leave after a few moments
And others are gonna turn up here, claim they're part of the group, and use that to abuse it.
7:11 PM
@JonClements You trust SOCVR regulars, thanks. Some people on Meta want our heads on spikes, we can't give them arguments. Also what Tyler said v
That's why moderators are allowed to do such a thing; they are vetted and voted on by all the community
@Kyll this exactly.
@TylerH That's exactly my take.
I trust basically everyone in this room right now, but will I trust the next guy to join? Maybe not.
And what about when the Lounge decides they want to do it too?
7:12 PM
Us mods trusting the users in this room is one thing
until the community votes us all moderators we should act like any other user.
Meta is quite another thing
2 messages moved to Trash can
@NathanOliver that'll be the day
@NathanOliver The unofficial Unlimited Close Votes SOCVR Scheme heh
7:13 PM
I'm gonna go handle some flags until ya'll move on to the next question.
UUCVSOCVRS; need a better acronym. I'm on it
@TylerH Thanks. Looks Swedish right there.
Do we need to argue this more or can we move on?
I'm voting to close this discussion as resolved.
I think we all disagree with Jon
7:14 PM
I think consensus was still reached previously. Jon just dissented
This marks the end of topic 1.
Topic 2:
@MadaraUchiha @Undo don't forget we're effectively civil servants - we have the ultimate say if we need to but we don't need to here... let's move onto the next point the ROs want to make?
@Undo looks like that guy's spamming trash can now; you can deal with that if you like (lob this message over there too)
> Should we leave a comment under posts that were closed as a result of a in order to let the OP know how to improve their question? If so on which close reasons?
@JonClements Yup
7:15 PM
That is one of my point... the idea is simple give OP someone to comment to for help.
Im not against leaving commentary
@gunr2171 theoretically speaking, the close reason itself should contain enough information.
But I trust most users are blind to that.
but for many questions (very simple homework dumps, obvious trash) I think its wasted breath
@gunr2171 I'd say only if it's a special case somehow.
The normal close reasons should be enough, and if they aren't we should fix them.
Comments are pretty useful. If I dug out stats for HR, I bet you that more closed questions where a comment was left are reopened than where one wasn't.
7:16 PM
canned comments under close reasons are unnecessary imo
the close screen contains all necessary links and reasons - if users don't read that, then a comment to the same effect will avail little
@ArtOfCode At HR scales, yes. At SO scales, it becomes impractical pretty quickly.
@gunr2171 Many close reasons encompass a lot of issues. One of the best example is "No MCVE": Does it lack the error message? Is the code too long? it is missing a method declaration? Many times precise guidance can be provided to OP to improve their posts, something more useful than the canned close reasons. I say leave auto-comments as much as possible, except for unrecoverable cases or cases where the close banner gives enough data already.
I say if you feel like being helpful, nobody's going to stop you, but it's probably not a good idea to make it mandatory or it'll lead to unhelpful canned comments.
new user are out in the dark when posting on SO, I think they are worth at least an auto comment, they will feel that someone is trying to help them, they can see the meta, try to understand, comment back ecc..
Let's have some contact with OPs and explain to them, human to human, how to make SO a better place.
7:17 PM
@gunr2171 Upvoted proposal: On all close votes expect duplicate, even if we only help 1 % of the users with this, we helped some users to make a better post
@Magisch The only difference is that you get a notification for a comment, and not for closure.
Human to human is non-restrictive btw.
I think it should not be required. Just encouraged.
@TylerH How about adding such an option to the cv-pls script?
@MadaraUchiha That would not affect me; I don't use userscripts
7:17 PM
@TylerH Definitely not required.
@MadaraUchiha Well yeah. But its the same chicken and egg problem that downvote reason comments attempt to solve
Notice that I created this answer to be linked to from that comment:
Encouraged... meh. Don't feel strongly either way.
When an OP is uninterested in improving their question when they are closed a comment most likely wont fix that
The idea is that last cv voter leaves comment (if SOCVR room was involved), first does not know if it will be closed.
7:18 PM
I think if we say that we should do that, it would limit our ability to triage effectively
some posts are just bad, some users just don't care; we can typically which ones are close to having good questions and which ones aren't anywhere near it
Okay - I'll just note - that if something comes into the mod queue - it's considered a deletion request (effecively)
canned responses aren't great and custom ones would take too much time/effort, not to mention would likely draw much more attention to yourself from the OP/others
Any other input?
Thats all the idea be transparent
Here is how I see it. If the user is missing a key piece of imformation and we need that in order to keep the Q open then yes you should let them know about it even if you vote to close. If the Q is "I have problem with this code <block of code>" then just vote to close and let them read the canned help messages. You get what you put in.
7:20 PM
I think in conclusion that such a comment would really just be repetitive... we should just post a feature-request to improve the CV reason verbiage, IMO
not that that will get anywhere...
Usually the default close reason helps a user if a bad post is closed, posts that can be salvaged by the author should get a comment
My personal take is that it should neither be enforced nor encouraged. Such comment should be left up to the discretion of the user posting the cv-pls. There could be a general guidance, like linking to the Meta @rene linked to. Encouraging this practice can lead to potential spamming or unconstructive canned comments.
I agree with nathan
if there is a specific piece of info missing from the default screen that can be added, otherwise its just more noise
Yeah. I think if we do leave comments, we should avoid canned ones. They are unlikely to be more helpful than the standard close reasons.
@TylerH Post it, and keep me updated.
If it's good, we can push from our side too.
Not making any promises of success of course, but close reasons are something we can affect to some degree.
If you have better wording for a close reason, feel free to post it.
7:22 PM
I already urged Shog to update the NAA flag reason because it's not written how it's used, and he agreed, but said it was low down on the totem pole
You're likely to get less [constructive] responses whenever a user feels you're replying to them in a canned way or you're a bot. Some easy ways of avoiding this is to use vocatives in comments. "Hullo User, and welcome to SO."
@TylerH Flags are different from reasons.
I'm aware
That I reckon is why close reasons aren't as much help as user comments.
they should still be accurately described though :-)
7:22 PM
Editing the off-topic reasons is something mods can do (but is rare to never for us to do so)
I agree with @Madara - we have contacts to the CMs that users don't...
@MadaraUchiha that's useful to know
@MadaraUchiha "sparingly and only in consultation with the community"
@Undo Yes, a.k.a. never :D
But, if you open a meta, that would be consultation with the community...
@Undo oh yea of little faith
7:23 PM
editing that without consulting the CMs and a giant meta discussion first is a cesspool opening on a site as big as SO
getting a little side tracked. Do we need more discussion of the point?
So in conclusion: do we agree on "No, we should not leave comments under posts that were cv-plsed. It is left up to the user making the request."
everyone will want to get their 2 cents in first
@Tunaki Aye
7:24 PM
My conclusion: Definitely don't require it, 'meh' on encouraging it.
@Undo agree
@Tunaki sounds sane
All right then. Settled.
End of topic 2
Topic 3:
> Does the room/group need to be renamed to reflect the fact that it doesn't focus only on "Close" activity?
7:25 PM
@gunr2171 heck no
7:25 PM
@TylerH Ha, please expand.
If we are going to continue doing non-close behavior
That's a PR thing. I don't know no PR, but I do like the SOCVR name and identity.
this is a MUST
7:25 PM
Names don't need to reflect the content
@gunr2171 Downvoted proposal: Our name has historical value
Apple doesn't make very much fruit.
@Undo This is not really comparable to a brand name
Related Clarif - Do we encourage other activities? Like NATO and Flags
... which is a bad analogy because they never did. But whatever.
7:26 PM
no, but off-topic conversation can be requested to move to the ministry of silly hats or tavern
I like our name, its iconic and people already see it as synonymous with the room as it is now. Our primary focus remains CVs, so I think its only natural to keep the name
This is a group that is named exactly based on what it does; Stack Overflow Close Vote Reviewers
that's fine when we are doing review sessions
but we spend 90% of our time doing other things
What benefit would come from renaming it?
I actually has been joking about this but I think NO, but FAQ and info needs to be clear that its not only about closing, but flagging, editing, helping, fighting spam
7:27 PM
more accuracy and transparency, self-awareness of the impact of our actions, etc.
@TylerH You may but not all of us. I focus mainly on closing
@TylerH What other things?
Even CV-PLS is not the same thing as CV Reviewing
Does that mean the Python room should be renamed to "Farm"?
@AshisParajuli Just stop.
7:27 PM
@Tunaki NATO, burnination...
Re-open requests, flagging requests, etc.
1 message moved to Trash
oh yeah, burnination could be a big thing in the future
The room imo is about general moderation discussion, but the primary focus remains close votes and close vote reviewing, so I think the name can stay
7:28 PM
It seems very misleading to call ourselves the Close Vote Reviewers group when we spend the least amount of time doing that
I also dont see any serious benefit in changing it
and it has the least amount of impact on the site
I'm voting to postpone this one topic until we have discussed some of the other topics - Mainly around burnination and the goals of the room
My final opinion: SOCVR has historical value, and it really isn't hurting anything. There is minimal benefit to be gained by renaming. So no.
I agree with @Undo.
7:29 PM
@Undo agreed
I second the vote to postpone
Since when labels have adequately explained something @Tyler?
we need to have a discussion about it
@IͶΔ since the word label was defined
@Kyll I'd also like to postpone.
@TylerH And about our activities
7:29 PM
The room was named so historically and all our history on meta refers to that name. We only inherited it and renaming does a disfavor to our ancient ancestors
Also it's very apt to name something according to its main purpose.
What's the main purpose of SOCVR?
@IͶΔ moderate the site as users
@IͶΔ "Stack Overflow janitors"
We shall be postponing this topic to get to some other related topics first
@Kyll I'd vote for that in a room title election
7:30 PM
Topic 4:
> Are the activities of the room effective at meeting its goals?
What are its goals?
I'd say yes
Yes, our goal is to have events and we have events
And chat so we chat
@gunr2171 We have goals?
7:31 PM
If our purpose is to make SO a little less cluttered with garbage, we're succeeding
I sometimes feel like we're fighting a forest fire with a bunch of pierced buckets of water.
@Magisch yup
Cleaning up SO, educating users. I find it nice that I can ping a user about some action, have them come in and talk about it, and have them leave more educated than when they came in
Jokes aside, this room is literally the best chatroom in the whole system.
I'd say we're also doing a decent job at overall moderation. Close-related VLQ or whatever.
7:31 PM
I have noticed this if I filter for closey tags I mostly get 2-3cv questions, If I don't filter I easily get 4cv question, so I question closey tags for filtering....
Nice to hear @IͶΔ
This room is one of the few reasons I still bother moderating on here. I suspect many feel the same
@IͶΔ err... the Python room is (blatant plug though)
Like that time a user was adding the tag to a bunch of unrelated posts. We explained to them that the tag wasn't appropriate, and they stopped
@gunr2171 Yes, we are effective, as seen with closey and smokedetector
7:32 PM
@JonClements Nope, Python regularly chokes other people.
So we have goals but they are not specific/measurable
We do represent a crazily large proportion of all reviews done in the queue, or at least that's what Closey is saying
@TylerH Ambiguous goals are still goals
What's the goal of this question?
Do they need to be?
7:33 PM
@Magisch yes, i didn't say they weren't goals, just adding some clarification Remember guys that SOCVR is in the top 2 overall rooms
keep in mind this is not a meticulously planned corporate operation, we're all volunteers here, trying to make the site a little better, or at least thats what I'd like to think
@Undo Feeling like a business, with manager things
It's a chat room. I don't think we need a company charter or mission statement.
I think it's okay that they're not specific/measurable because the nature of the system is organic
7:34 PM
Someone give me a ping when we get to the article(s?) about Smokey
I think @ryanyuyu nailed it. Anything else to add?
So yes I'd say we see on a daily basis that we are effective at meeting our goals
@ArtOfCode Will do
@Tunaki I think ryan's comment in no way answers the question :-D
and you've got mods on your side that want to see that happen
7:34 PM
@Undo These concerns were raised by the action of Shog9 to give us 60CV per day for a test period. That felt like we were pressured to deliver to keep something we aksed for a long time
It could have felt that way.
I'd feel that way if this was about me.
@rene only they didn't really give us what we asked for
@rene and how do you feel about that?
Yeah this is also based on Drew's excel, do our vote count can we make it count more?
60 cv and 60 reviews means exactly as many reviews as we have CV
7:35 PM
I didn't get that from Shog's post but I also could've been unaware of previous discussions about it
@JonClements It was kind of amazing, in a weird way =D
Is there a more efficient way to clear the que..
I'll be honest though - how much can one person handle until they "burn out"?
@PetterFriberg probably but then I think it would like targeted voting
@JonClements it varies
7:37 PM
@JonClements Obvious answer, it depends on who that is and how many coffees they had
@PetterFriberg By changing the close votes to 3 like Shog did on programmers SE, we could clear the queue faster
@JonClements We have a mod on Chem that's likely to burn out sooner or later.
some people burn out after 40, some after 1000, some still haven't burned out after 41880 votes
@JonClements I often feel the burnout after like 40, but keep going because we need to keep the 20% reduction to keep our 60 cv
This highly depends on how much moderation burden rests on one person's shoulder.
7:37 PM
@Ferrybig You'd see a lot more re-open votes I bet
It's not that much related to number of tasks.
It's related to the number of tasks other people do.
I'd like to see it lowered to 4 before it's lowered to 3
I'm speaking of drew excel, thats an example, even if I don't agree I give you some example, don't feed the que, vote on only 4cv question... that would drop it drastically (edit out question that should not stay etc)
If I feel I'm alone in keeping a home of 40 clean, then I'd stop cleaning.
I have to agree with Shog, we can't keep placing more on other's shoulders that want to do it
7:38 PM
@TylerH The site documentation states that that value must be uneven, that was what shog said
One of the pillars of the FAQ is "we can't and won't force anyone to do something".
@Ferrybig meh, I disagree since more than 4 can vote on a question
@Ferrybig @TylerH We're not really discussing the amount of CV it would take to close a question. Let's not drift :).
Sure, people aren't obliged to even be on SO.
@JonClements I semi agree. If we are willing to put in the extra effort we should be able to but the root of the problem really does need to get fixed.
7:39 PM
I find once you hit 10k and can see the questions with highest close vote counts you feel like you're doing more because you can close more.
@Tunaki I already gave my answer and summary of everyone's feelings above \o/
5 mins ago, by TylerH
So yes I'd say we see on a daily basis that we are effective at meeting our goals
Is anyone disagreeing with the above? ^
@NathanOliver if I could promise you that I spoke to the dev team, and said, you get 500 CV a day (or something) - would you use that?
I think we can target more without targeting users.
7:40 PM
Is it safe to say that we are content with our current course of action?
Do we need to discuss more or can we conclude that since we have close vote events then we have achieved our goals?
@gunr2171 content*
We're amazing. Let's move on.
let's hope we are not in contempt with our current course :-D
I'm happy with our accomplishments.
7:41 PM
(I'm a programmer, not an English major)
@Kyll Indeed.
@JonClements I would if I had actual time in the day to do that many, at least every so often. but 500 is a lot more than 50 :-D
@gunr2171 You can be both! English Language & Usage
@gunr2171 hardly something only an english major would know ;-)
You people are amazing. If you say it a lot, though, you'll starting doubting it.
7:41 PM
great achievements, so happy to move on, but if the sytem were to grant you a seriously huge amount of CV's a day?
@JonClements some days yes. It really depends on how much pure junk I have to see. I do get that that is not the answer.
@JonClements We'd need some serious tooling behind it, the current system doesn't allow for it
Ok, let's move on to Topic 5
@IͶΔ ty
> What can / should we do to make our votes more effective?
7:42 PM
How are our votes ineffective currently?
@Kyll logical fallacy
They may age away.
We should focus on questions that have 4 votes pending, so our votes don't expire
@Tyler ikr
@gunr2171 go get yourselves diamonds.
7:43 PM
What about encouraging more users to vote?
But seriously, focusing on 3/4-vote ones isn't a bad idea
The problem is you guys can't gang up on closing a question.
our votes can be effective and yet still leave room for more efficiency
@JAL No one in the room is required to do anything
So I'm not sure anything more organized than this will not cause complaints.
7:43 PM
@IͶΔ Except that's exactly what the room is designed for...
@NathanOliver Encouraged != required.
Remember we have multiple outlets in the room right now how to moderate. CV queue, cv-requests, NATO, other queues, beehive...
I find that Drew's beehive is pretty encouraging. He collects questions with 3 or 4 pending close votes. @PetterFriberg mentioned it ealier.
@TylerH Not ganging up, but closing.
@Undo wrong ping.
7:44 PM
@IͶΔ closing doesn't work grammatically as a substitution of ganging up in your sentence...
Also, have you thought about making a bot or something that would track those aging CVs? Just bump old CV requests when votes on them cast at the time of the request would be about to age away.
@Undo the bot would need 3k rep wouldn't it
but Encouraged could == pressuring and we do not want to do that
7:45 PM
There's a difference between leaving a link and asking it to be considered for closure and hunting people's questions.
@TylerH We could run it on someone's account?
Someone would go on meta and complain, unrightfully.
@TylerH No, just assume all votes were case at the time to cv-plz showed up
@Undo so check against duplicate posts in the chatroom?
7:45 PM
We know how long it takes for votes to expire, so bump the request at ${time} - 1d
use the oldest one as the date
@TylerH That'd work
I'd like to add here, that although mods can help out with queues that you are going through, we also have queues that you can't do so
@ryanyuyu IS there a link to this? I haven't seen it
@Kyll Running it from your account would work, just make sure it's not caught by the rate limiter
7:46 PM
There is no reason this would need 3k access
@ryanyuyu yeah, I think the Beehive and the frontend from Rob are great new ways for users that hate the Closde vote queue
@Andy Drew periodically updates the beehive
You just need (1) a way to know what questions are still open (API) and (2) a way to know when cv-plz messages got posted. Which you have.
Also we have the UnclosedRequestReviewer for looking at just past open[cv-pls] questions
I hate the close vote queue because it takes 1 second to load the next question, distracts from the actual closing
7:47 PM
combine all these scripts into a site with a GUI...
@TylerH SO^2?
@TylerH Yep, we have to work on that too.
OK let's see, we're focused on not letting CV's age away. So maybe we should find a way to bump CV-pls's that haven't resulted in closure and are from $X$ days ago.
12 minutes left, 6 topics to go :-D
@TylerH This is always how meetings at work go too.
7:48 PM
Right now we suggest to people to follow a common set of tags when in the CV queue. Is that a good strategy? Should it be expanded to other moderation areas?
So, overall, we seem to agree that we need better tooling and that it will come from the room. What about communication? Getting more people to review?
Related to the beehive we have actively gone after other users (in chat room ecc), no doubt in a day 200-300 question where closed by people in the tag related to the question
@ryanyuyu today I had a change approval meeting that only lasted 20 minutes :-D
What do you mean @Petter?
@gunr2171 I like the recommended set of tags, though I'm curious how they're chosen
7:49 PM
@TylerH Isn't that a SEDE ninja thing?
I think some events should focus on the tags that get the most activity
java, javascript, css, etc.
@Tunaki We went on promotion run for the beehive.... php room, r room, android room ecc, drew set up excel on tags...
@TylerH from SEDE
@TylerH you never clear those
@rene Sure but what's the criteria? Closest to being closed, right?
@rene we're not trying to clear them
we'd be trying to help keep the site clean for the duration of those events
@rene do we hit a live API? Or are we on the weekly batch update of SEDE?
7:51 PM
If you don't clear the tag, you'll be stuck of that tag forever
because they get the most trash, so they could stand to receive some help now and again
hence some events
not always
@ryanyuyu weekly updates
ok, I see what you mean
@TylerH The tags that are used on a top level tag where there are 4 tags on the question
@TylerH You are always free to suggest an event to an RO.
7:51 PM
like one event out of every 7 or 10 or something be a "popular tag" event
just a friendly - don't target users... that's for mods...
@JonClements the question is can you target question, no roomba, 4cv, close votes expiring ecc. (in batches users are never targeted)
Move on? Resolutions: Add popular tag events, filter by tags, use the UnclosedRequestReviewer US (Yes)
7:53 PM
(rene typing)
(Everyone please peer-pressure rene now)
Yeah this topic deserves its own discussion later. Maybe even a meta post. We should move on to the next topic.
Yes, he types slowly
@PetterFriberg prove it should be deleted or other actions taken on it?
@Tunaki but rather quickly for an out-of-focus flower.
7:55 PM
@JonClements question are displayed for review usrs take action as they see fit.
@JonClements by "you" I think he meant can the room's search queries
We need a diverse toolset, based on each others need, we need to evaluate what we have now, improve them in the next few months and re-visit this topic the next meeting.
Who doesn't agree will be kicked
I don'-- moving on!
End of topic 5. We shall now go back to topic 3.
try kicking me -- althogh I agree
7:57 PM
@gunr2171 wat
@gunr2171 still no.
I thought we were postponing that
we still have 6 other questions to discuss
in 3 minutes
I think the schedule is shot by now
oh ye of little faith
ok, moving on to #6
> Are we okay with having a lot of members being privileged Smokey users? Should only RO be privileged in SOCVR and let members be privileged in Charcoal HQ if they really want to?
7:58 PM
resolution = Math.random * 100 % 2 === 0 to end that in 2 mintues
No, and this isn't really something for SOCVR to worry about.
This is a Charcoal problem, if it's even a problem
@gunr2171 Yes to the first, and no to the second
Buuut for the sake of argument, feedback counts in the last 60 days on SO posts:
is it felt a problem?
           "Ferrybig" => 369,
             "Tunaki" => 162,
"Ms Yvette ǝʇʇǝʌʎ sW" => 100,
                "404" => 94,
            "Magisch" => 91,
              "Sally" => 90,
             "Tushar" => 78,
               "Kyll" => 67,
   "Alexander O'Mara" => 61,
     "Petter Friberg" => 61,
        "Brock Adams" => 59,
      "Praveen Kumar" => 57,
         "Kevin Guan" => 46,
               "Undo" => 34,
          "Ms Yvette" => 34,
    "Jeffrey Bosboom" => 32,
         "Wai Ha Lee" => 24,
               "rene" => 24,
7:59 PM
I don't have an opinion on this matter
Dang just needed two more

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