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Q: TextViews do not Stretch to MATCH_PARENT

DavidBI am writing an Android app that requires me to programmatically add a TextView to a TableRow which is, in turn, added to a TableLayout. For the design to look proper, the TextView width must be the same as the TableRow width. The problem I am having is that even though I have attempted to set th...

@JyotmanSingh I can try it, but the TableRow background matches the width of the TableLayout.
can you share the layout image?
@Pooya I've added it to the question.
@DavidB: each row in the layout you have shown, there is just one TextView that is displayed like that or multiple textviews?
@Pooya Except for the first green row which has three TextViews, all of the other rows have two.
@Pooya I've also noticed that the maximum TextView width taken on by the other rows seems to depend upon whatever the largest width of one of the three TextViews is in the first row.
@DavidB: is there newline character ("\n") in your texts? specially the third one I mean
To me the match_parent works
the width is stretched to the bounds of the screen
The code is working for you?
the layout you have shown I mean is correct regarding match_parent
I know, but I want the TextViews to stretch to fit the screen width, which they are currently not doing.
sometextview.setText("this is a very long texts that needs to fit to the screen width")
if you put that in your code
the text doesn't fit the screen width?
Not if it is in one of the rows besides the first one.
The problem seems to be that the maximum width that any of the TextViews will take is the maximum width of one of the TextViews in the first row.
The first row works just fine, and the TextViews work just fine, but all of the other rows assume the maximum width of the largest TextView in the first row.
I am not sure if my explanation makes sense.
all of the textviews have match_parent for width?
Yup. I do it in Java (myTextView.setWidth(TableRow.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT);) as well as in XML (android:layout_width="match_parent").
there is something in your code that is questionable
you have tablelayout xml
but you are dynamically creating tablerows and textviews in your code
What's wrong with it?
which has nothing to do with the xml you have defined
Well, the dynamically created stuff is supposed to be added to the TableLayout.
that is correct
but the things that you have defined in your XML has no use
Okay, good. I didn't screw that up at least.
The three TableRows?
They are used. They are the only ones that work properly.
that is what I'm saying!
the rows and textviews that you are dynamicaaly creating
should have the exact properties as what you have defined in your xml
for example if you are defining TableRow dynamically
That's what I want, but it is not working out for whatever reason.
you show set all of the properties
this is also true about the textview
in your code you set the width of your textview to match_parent
The only option that Android Studio is giving me for table row is "setMinimumWidth"
wait I check something
TableRow.LayoutParams params = new TableRow.LayoutParams(
Added the width and height MATCH_PARENT and it did not make any difference.
What should I do with that?
TableRow tr = new TableRow(this);
this is how to set the width and height of tablerow
if you don't set this, then your textview has no idea what is the parent's width to match to it
Still not working. :(
can you show what have you tried?
I did exactly what you wrote in the chat.
I can't think of anything else
but try this search phrase in google:
"tablerow dynamically set width"
Is there some hierarchy issue possibly?
there are also some SO answers which can help you
of course
IMO because the textview has no idea about the width of tablerow, it can expand
it can't expand*
Well, could I set weight somehow?
you need the width
weight is how the layout distributed among childs
just a thought
Well how about this? When I remove MATCH_PARENT, the TextViews stretch to meet the width, but word wrapping does not work.
Okie dokie.
I personally prefer listviews
but that is a personal thing
because you are also using just one column
I think it is good if you consider using listviews instead
I will have to look in to them. I have never used one.
you can use adapters to generate views dynamically without worrying
Thanks! I have to go for now.
Thanks again though!

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