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A: PySpark dataframe: filter records with four or more non-null columns

Akshat MahajanFrom the docs, you're looking for dropna: dropna(how='any', thresh=None, subset=None) Returns a new DataFrame omitting rows with null values. DataFrame.dropna() and DataFrameNaFunctions.drop() are aliases of each other.- Parameters: how – ‘any’ or ‘all’. If ‘any’, drop a row if...

Thanks @AkshatMahajan. dropna(thresh=...) seems to be exactly what I'm looking for. For some strange reason, it didn't work.
@AlexWoolford I've been trying to replicate what you're going through, and I concur - dropna does work a bit unexpectedly. I've found though that it does work for unintuitive values of thresh - what test numbers did you try for it?
It appears thresh indicates at least how many columns must be non-null. If I have three rows, of which exactly one has two non-null columns, then the only way to get rid of it is to set thresh=3.
I tried 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. They all returned the original dataframe.
@AlexWoolford: So I tried to recreate your actual dataframe using the snapshot you posted above from collect(), and keep being told that 'some types cannot be determined after inferring' when trying to convert a list of Rows to dataframe. Could the issue be simply that the types are not well-defined in your dataframe?
I mention this because I can reproduce how dropna should work with a simpler dataset: d = [{'name': 'Alice', 'age': 1,'he':23}, {'name':'Abs','age':2,'he':None}, {'name':None, 'age': None, 'he': 2},{k: None for k in ['name','age','he']}].
That's an interesting thought, @AkshatMahajan. I ran df.dtypes and see that the columns are string and bigint types.
Hmm. That is really interesting - it should work then. Not quite sure how to improve upon it, I'm afraid. I strongly suspect this is because of the form of your dataframe, though - other dataframes I tried it on all appear to work correctly.
Thanks so much for your time, Akshat. It's greatly appreciated.
I took a sample of the data: web_events_sample = web_events.sample(withReplacement=False, fraction=0.0000005, seed=1234)
| velo_id|hash_email_sha1| ip_number| date|
|3508078722| null|1321903737|20160403|
| null| null|3758088308|20160403|
| null| null|3554056184|20160403|
| null| null|1468415624|20160403|
| null| null|1854489189|20160403|
| null| null|1844701603|20160403|
So, in this case, the first record has a 'velo_id' and an ip_number.
All the other records are meaningless.
... returns...
[('velo_id', 'string'),
('hash_email_sha1', 'string'),
('ip_number', 'bigint'),
('date', 'string')]
So, in this case, I'd like to discard all the records with more than one null values.
Ah, okay. In that case, dropna with thresh actually won't work. thresh specifies how many _non-null column you have to have.
In other words, if you did thresh = 1, all the records would be kept, because every record has at least one non-null value.
You could try the other dropna options. df.dropna(has='any')?
But if I used thresh = 3, then only one record would be returned.
There's only one record with 3 non-null values.
Yes, exactly - only one record in your dataframe has exactly three non-null values. So drpona will keep that, and throw outthe rest.
The strange thing is that this I get all the records returned when I set thresh=3.
Hmm. This is very bizarre. Maybe you could try upgrading your Spark version? I'm using Spark 1.6.0, and this problem isn't happening to me.
I think you're spot on about using the thresh argument. It's just not working the way it says it should in the documentation. :)
Yes. That's a good idea. I'll try that.
I'm going to go running before it gets dark. Thanks so much for your help, Akshat. I'll update the comments in the question if Spark v1.6 resolves this.
Worst comes to worst, you can ask this as a separate SO question or even [open an issue] with the PySpark team(…). This problem is very specific
No problem. Anytime! Have a fun run.
;) Yes. It's weird. I'll figure it out.
One thing I can also do on my end is try and work with the data you have. If you could upload a CSV or similar containing only a sample (maybe five rows or so) of what you have that I could read into a dataframe, I can try and figure out whether this really is because of a difference in Spark versions.

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