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Here is the fixed part. Let me know if it gives the output you're looking for
#Read in data
reach.file <- "C:/Users/c10406a/Documents/R/examples/reachdat.csv"
reach.dat <- read.csv(reach.file)
#add a column for stream ID
reach.dat$streamID <- as.numeric(reach.dat$stream)

#add a column for reach ID
reach.dat$reachID <- 1:nrow(reach.dat)

#add probabilities of selecting each reach, within each stream (prop to length)
reach.dat <- reach.dat %>%
  group_by(stream) %>%
  mutate(totals = sum(length),

#reorder columns for organization
@Christopher the functions should be quicker now
do we still use the saved Rdata files samples and pi?
No need. Just test the output on 1000 samples and see if it looks like it should
1000 simulations
Ok. Heading to meeting right now. Will try when I get back in 2 hours!!!!
Ok let me know if it works
2 hours later…
@PierreLafortune it seems that when I run this code
sample.1.6 <- strata.uneq.pi(n1.6, nsim)
sample.7.8 <- strata.uneq.pi(n7.8, nsim)
sample.9.10 <- strata.uneq.pi(n9.10, nsim)
I get an error of objects not found.
What is the specific error?
Error in mapply(FUN = f, ..., SIMPLIFY = FALSE) : object 'n1.6' not found
You did have n.vec defined as =n1.6
but, I thought that was an error, as nvec should ideally be each individual size not just n1.6
Those three lines were left behind from the first example
All of the samples are in the list samples
You can delete those lines
The same for getpi too
try pi.lst <- lapply(samples, getpi, nsim=nsim)
Instead of these lines
pi.1.6 <-  getpi(sample.1.6, nsim)
pi.7.8 <-  getpi(sample.7.8, nsim)
pi.9.10 <- getpi(sample.9.10, nsim)
They should be deleted
So I should leave this n.vec=n1.6 in this code block
s <- split(reach.dat, reach.dat[,"streamID"])
s.reach <- lapply(s, '[[', "reachID")
s.probs <- lapply(lapply(s, '[[', "length.probs"), function(x) if(length(x) != 1) x else NULL)
strata.uneq.pi <- function(n.vec, nsim) {
  replicate(nsim, unlist(Map(sample, x=s.reach,
take out n.vec=n1.6
does the i=6 mean we are only testing this on the first 6 elements in the list?
so n1.6 through n15?
Here is the whole thing with the right parts taken out
#Read in data
reach.file <- "C:/Users/c10406a/Documents/R/examples/reachdat.csv"
reach.dat <- read.csv(reach.file)

#add a column for stream ID
reach.dat$streamID <- as.numeric(reach.dat$stream)

#add a column for reach ID
reach.dat$reachID <- 1:nrow(reach.dat)

#add probabilities of selecting each reach, within each stream (prop to length)
reach.dat <- reach.dat %>%
  group_by(stream) %>%
  mutate(totals = sum(length),

#reorder columns for organization
reach.dat <- reach.dat[, c("stream","streamID","reach","reachID", "length",
its running now...
no errors,
waiting for ouput
I think it worked. But I am having trouble binding ht.lst
ht.lst <- mapply(ht.fun, samples, pi.lst)
save(ht.lst, file = "htmeansRPD5k.RData")

n <- rep(names(sizes), each=16)

stream <- as.character(rep(sort(unique(reach.dat$stream)), 30))

true_mean <- rep(true_y$true_y,30)
sim_dat <- data.frame(cbind(stream, n, true_mean, do.call(rbind, ht.lst)))
In cbind(stream, n, true_mean, do.call(rbind, ht.means)) :
  number of rows of result is not a multiple of vector length (arg 1)
The row lengths do not match
I think something might be wrong with ht.lst when I look at it
n, stream, true_mean all have a length of 480
yep, which is 30 "sizes" multiplied by 16 "streams"
ht.lst has differing lengths because each of the samples have a different number of rows
as determined by n.vec.
For some samples it pulls multiple reaches. How are you combining it all?
For some samples (sampling rates) there are more than 1 reach being sampled for a given stream.
You should still only get 1 mean for that sample, 1000 different times. So in the end, for a given stream (for example Speelyai) at a given sample (for example, sampling rate of n15) we should still only get 1 mean for each simulation (1000 times). So as the end result, I thought this would be a Row where stream was Speelyai, Sample was n15, followed by 1000 columns with a mean value
I think ht.fun needs to be adjusted
hmm, ht.fun worked in the previous code, for column SUMLWD where I did not have to remove null values in rows
What is this line in ht.fun doing?
If I have a df in the form:
    pi         y                        stream size
1  0.4 0.2680000                  Brooks Creek   17
2  0.3 0.2250000                  Brooks Creek   17
3  0.3 0.2200000                  Brooks Creek   17
4  0.3 0.3400000                  Brooks Creek   17
5  0.3 0.2000000         Buncombe Hollow Creek    9
6  0.3 0.3766667         Buncombe Hollow Creek    9
7  0.2 1.5800000                Bypass Channel    8
8  0.6 0.6950000                Bypass Channel    8
9  0.6 0.7500000                Bypass Channel    8
So, if our sizes list dictated that for Brooks creek, at n17.18 had 3 reaches selected each time you did a simulation
for each of those 3 reaches, you have a Y value, and a PI value. You get a Y/pi for each of those three reaches
then that sum(y/pi) would be the result for sampling rate n17.18 for Brooks creek
and that gives us a "total" for that sampling rate on that stream.
then we can divide that total by how many reaches are found in the stream, to get a estimate of the mean
hopefully that made sense :/
It does. I have a conference call to get on
I am not sure what the 2 is doing or the 1 is doing in this function
ht.fun <- function(sample.n, pi.n) {
  apply(sample.n, 2, function(ind) { <----RIGHT HERE AND,
    df <- data.frame(pi.n[ind],
                     reach.dat[ind, "y"],
                     reach.dat[ind, "stream"], stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    df$size <- num.reaches[df$stream]
    df <- df %>% group_by(stream) %>%
             mean=total/size[1]) <---------RIGHT HERE
2 means to go over the columns.
In that scenario, 1 would mean to go by rows
In size[1], it is used because there is one size per group and they all have at least one
    pi         y                        stream size
1  0.4 0.2680000                  Brooks Creek   17
2  0.3 0.2250000                  Brooks Creek   17
3  0.3 0.2200000                  Brooks Creek   17
4  0.3 0.3400000                  Brooks Creek   17
5  0.3 0.2000000         Buncombe Hollow Creek    9
6  0.3 0.3766667         Buncombe Hollow Creek    9
7  0.2 1.5800000                Bypass Channel    8
8  0.6 0.6950000                Bypass Channel    8
9  0.6 0.7500000                Bypass Channel    8
Each stream has one size related to it. I use 1, I could have also used unique(size)
oh, each stream has 1 size (number of reaches) per a given sample (sampling rate, for example n15)
yes. so using '1' is as good as using any other. But every stream has at least one size
gothca, ok
yea, there should defintely be 16 rows for every n1.6, n7.8, n9.10 ........ and so on.
I don't see how. n1.6 will have less means than n25.26
the mean is computed for the stream, at that sampling rate.
sampling rate of n1.6, we get a mean for each stream, same at sampling rate 25.26
the only thing that changes is how many "reaches" we are sampling to calculate that stream level mean.
so for n25.26, for the first stream we are randomly selecting 4 reaches, and coming up with a mean for that stream, then the next stream we randomly select 2 reaches, and come up with a mean for that stream..... and so on
for each reach, we have a Y-value, and a Pi value associated with that particular reach
so continuing with the previous example....
at sampling rate n25.26, 4 reaches are randomly sampled from the first stream. For each one of these sampled reaches, there is a Y value, and Pi Value. To come up with our mean for this stream we take y/pi for each of the 4 selected reaches and sum them. Then we divide that by the number of reaches in that stream
I tired the brute force way
and still got the original error
## Read in Data on reaches for generating 1st order probabilities
reach.dat <- read.csv("reachdat.csv")

#add a column for stream ID
reach.dat$streamID <- as.numeric(reach.dat$stream)

#add a column for reach ID
reach.dat$reachID <- 1:nrow(reach.dat)

#add probabilities of selecting each reach, within each stream (prop to length)
length.totals <- reach.dat %>%
  group_by(stream) %>%
  summarise(totals = sum(length))

reach.dat <- merge(reach.dat, length.totals, by  = "stream")

reach.dat$length.probs <- with(reach.dat, length/totals)
Error: wrong result size (16), expected 11 or 1
Only tried to use 3 different sampling rates, and 1000 sims to make it small and easier to go through
Let's look at it again the amount of reaches in each stream is different
So down the line we are expecting one mean for each stream
No matter how samples were pulled or the probabilities associated. So can we guarantee that 16 different streams will always be selected?
even thought the amount of reaches in each stream is different, they are used to calculate 1 mean for the entire stream.
so obviously, if we only have one reach that is selected then the mean for that sample is (Y/Pi) / total number of reaches in that stream.
If a stream has only 1 reach in then entire stream, then the mean (regardless of sampling rate) is Y/Pi (divided by 1, but obviously it is just Y/PI)
The strata function needs a tweak
Did you get the script I sent you called Error_Help
ah, ok good.
Okay this works for me pretty well
Tell me if it works for you
# Running Simulations -----------------------------------------------------
#define sample sizes
sizes <- list(
Let me give you more of the code. I made a change at the top
#Read in data
reach.file <- "C:/Users/c10406a/Documents/R/examples/reachdat.csv"
reach.dat <- read.csv(reach.file)

#add a column for stream ID
reach.dat$streamID <- as.numeric(reach.dat$stream)

#add a column for reach ID
reach.dat$reachID <- 1:nrow(reach.dat)

#add probabilities of selecting each reach, within each stream (prop to length)
reach.dat <- reach.dat %>%
  group_by(stream) %>%
  mutate(totals = sum(length),

#reorder columns for organization
reach.dat <- reach.dat[, c("stream","streamID","reach","reachID", "length",
You'll notice that there is a second call for reachID
I had thought about moving reachID until after removing NA columns
was that the only problem?
oh, strata is changed
I don't even recognize it now :)
Does it work?
it Works
Cool man. Interesting problem
yea, it got to the point were it was over my head, and I knew it.
I would be working on the problem for so long, and end up changing so many things I would get lost and when I changed things other errors would start up and I would forget the original problem
Now I have to beef it up for 100,000 sims to estimate Pi (1st order inclusion prob.) then when I actually use a metric (in this case it was RPD) I will do like 5000 or 10,000 sims to generate the horvitz thompson means
Ok, how can I dump off my reputation points to you!
It's a tough problem. You stuck it through though. Keep coding man
No worries. Learning the different techniques and troubleshooting code was more important to me
If you are ever bored, late at night, and feel like annotating and "desciribing" the code to me, feel free to do it and email it. I would love to understand it line by line someday
This has been a good challenge
You are a saint!
Good luck ttyl

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