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A: HTML 5 required validation for .NET Web Forms dropdown list and date time picker

ZinkRemove runat='server' on the control as I think this may be changing the ID via .NET at runtime. Edit: Target it via class and not ID, like so... <input required runat="server" class="datepicker" readonly="true"/> <script> $(function () { $(".datepicker").datepick(); });

I updated my answer.
Okay one second I'll try it like this
You may want to give it a better class name too, not datepicker, like I suggest! :-)
P.S. I've updated my first question showing how I edited by using ur answer... Its sIt doesn't validates it again :/
what does it do? Any different errors?
It doesnt validates the controll still using "required" tag... It just skips it for some reason I've updated the errors from console in my question. Can u take a look ?
Hi :)
are you definitely loading JQuery
<link rel="stylesheet" href="//" />
<script src="//"></script>
<script src="//"></script>
is this it? Its loaded in head tag
does the datepicker work - i.e. popup
yes it works
so thats fine
the value is picked up from code behind
1 sec brb 1 min
okay take ur time :)
ok try this
okay ? :)
$(".datepicker").datepick({onSelect: function() {}});
still skipping it like it never existed
set the field type
<input type="text" required runat="server" class="datepicker" readonly="true"/>
this isnt a .net issue i dont think
this is html5 validation issue
its really annoying one lol
try this
<input type="text" required runat="server" class="datepicker" readonly="true"/>
its really annoying one lol
okay one sec
have you actually tried an text box
<asp:TextBox runat="server" ID="datepicker" class="datepicker" required />
I havent tried that one :D
sry for the slow replies, my pc got all slow i have like million tabs opened up
no probs - also just a basic check...
you have this all wrapped within a <form> right?


i neeed to logoff now but hopefully I was of some help..? Myabe not... It's a wierd issue
i think so lemme check one sec :D
yes its all wrapped up in form tag
it works with
<asp:TextBox runat="server" ID="datepicker" class="datepicker" required />
What about the dropdown list.. any idea why isn't it validating it properly?
what's the additional problem?
maybe you should mark my answer and create a new question - otherwise it will get messy
okay sec
well im using
okay so the problem is with dropdown list
         <asp:DropDownList ID="dropCountry" required  runat="server"></asp:DropDownList>
the required tag doesnt triggers validation there as well...
but it does now on the datepicker?
yes it does on datepicker... date picker now works good
you may need a validator
hang on
okiees take ur time :D
I felt like to do all the controls via html 5 so its a smaller messs
<asp:RequiredFieldValidator ID="reqDropCountry" runat="server" SetFocusOnError="true" InitialValue="0" ErrorMessage="*" ControlToValidate="dropCountry" />
agree but they dont all work
ooh bugger
i wanted to be all consistent
and add required="required" to <asp:DropDownList
try both
okay sec
i haven't done .NET for a while
I moved over to Mac / Linux
so I cant even test this for you
hahaha thats okay mate ur helping a lot even like this ;D
Do u think I should use jquery validators?
thers tons of solutions out there lol
I want all controls to be validated consistently with one type of validation
doesn't matter which one
be honest I would stay away from html5 validation - it sucks
you should use this... 1 sec will find it
its pretty solid
yeah i was thinking of that
html5 validation looks nice but doesn't work in all browsers (not in IE8 / 9 if you care!!?)
plus u just remove "Required" tag and the validation's pretty much gone lol
i do
im making a web shop and if the validation doesnt works.. its just not good for me
it also doesnt work properly when the form field is hidden
it still tries to validate a hidden control
which is wrong
its a known issue
anyway mate I have to go now - good luck - there are sooo many options with this.
maybe native ASP.NET validation is better for you
or just dont use ASP.NET
this was my final project with .NET :D
Im working with MVC now :D
but i got back on it since the guy i did it for needed some more features lol
okay mate u enjoy ur evening, thanks for the help !! :D
No worries dude
u 2
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