All jokes aside, but am I the only one who simply doesn't use pipes (i.e., Hadley's newest offerings)? I feel like I should invest time in getting to know magrittr and dplyr, but the syntax really doesn't appeal to me. However, I felt the same way about ggplot2 about two years ago. Am I missing out on something that might become an important addition to / modification of the language?
After my encounter with row_number I'm tempted to write a blog post announcing my departure from the hadleyverse and that I'm writing everything in Haskell. Or Julia.
ICYMI: if you use row_number in filter(), does it a) use a .GlobalEnv row_number if it exists, or b) use dplyr:::row_number or c) none of the above
@DirkEddelbuettel afaict row_number() (ie empty parens, in a filter clause) is undocumented
it just works because filter calls C++ which just defines its own row_number function that has nothing to do with dplyr:::row_number (although I think it falls back to that if there's a parameter)
actually I'm not sure it does, there's a bunch of C++ ranking functions and it probably gets despatched to one of them.
@Roland I use magrittr some, but not all the time. It doesn't let you do anything that you couldn't do without it. But, really, that statement is true of every package, so that can't be the only reason to not like it.
Where I find it useful is in iteratively getting some analysis/transformation where I want it to be. I do something with some data, look at the results, realize that, say, apply gives me the transpose of the matrix I really want, and then want to send that to t().
I can just wrap everything up to that point in t( and ), and for such a simple thing that's fine, but then maybe I want to output that in my Rnw so I want to call xtable and then print (because I want to specify some of the custom options in print.xtable) and now the real work that I am doing is buried inside a bunch of other things that are there just for formatting and output.
I can do each step assigning to multiple, temporary variables, wrap everything in ever deeper nesting calls, or pipe from one call to another. All three work. Good IDE's help all three work.
I find that when I need to go back and check what is happening (because, and this may come as a shock to you, sometimes the code I write is not completely correct in all possible cases the first time), I want to run the first parts of the transformations to see what/where things go wrong.
With pipes, these are the first few statement; with nested calls, theses are the innermost statements, and I have a harder time getting the exact right parenthesis match for executing a subset of code than for selecting the first few lines. In this regard, multiple temporary variables are the easiest, but I dislike the clutter of what are really anonymous variables.
@DirkEddelbuettel Wrapping said process into a function usually is the next step once I'm convinced it is working. And being in a function does the cleanup of the temporary variables nicely. At which point %>% is really just syntactic sugar replacing 'assigning to a variable only so that I can refer to it by name in the next statement and never speak of it again'. Since the variables are throwaway, I don't want to think about their names much, and so my code has tmp <- ..., tmp2<-f(tmp1, ..., etc.
With a few tmp2a, tmp2b's thrown in when I forget steps and have to put them in later.
It's not a great revolution in programming as we know it. It's some nice syntactic sugar for not having to name lots of temporary variables or nest things really deeply. Nothing more, nothing less.
@Roland Coming back to an earlier comparison to learning ggplot2, magrittr is nowhere nearly as important/useful. ggplot2 is very useful to learn primarily because it forces you to think about plotting in terms of the Grammar of Graphics approach, where values of data are represented by different visual aesthetics and the connections between those are made explicit by scales/legends. Add some one-the-fly transformations and faceting, and those are major concepts that you need for plots.
@Roland I don't use pipes much, but only because I do little data manipulation at the moment. I think the idea is neat, and exists in many other languages, although using different forms. For example in unix it's |, in most method languages it's the . and apparently in F# it's |>
It a shame that in R you have to write %>% to make an infix operator. That's ugly. But otherwise I think the concept is clever and useful.
@BrianDiggs Nice summary
BTW, (nearly) the same operator has existed in ggplot2 in the format of +, but operator overloading is also fraught with difficulties.
@DirkEddelbuettel which is fine if the scope isn't the global environment...
@Roland at the moment you aren't missing anything. That might change if some really useful package arrives on the scene with the pipe firmly as part of it's workflow. That said, I would assume you could always working with temporary objects and retain your currently work pattern
@DirkEddelbuettel No, I grepped that. Doesn't strike me anyone would be using %>% in a function (serious) just like using plyr in a production package or code. Dropping this stuff into your own on-the-fly functions as part of an analysis is fine but then adding steps sequentially storing intermediate objects still strikes me as cleaner code.
@GavinSimpson I would, and I have used %>% inside a function where that function made use of dplyr. I don't see much downside to using that. It's a fairly lightweight wrapper.
ahh, I see. Probably a more efficient way to go about it, but using combn() to generate the indices combined with unique() to get rid of duplicates would work, at least for smaller type problems
@Chase yeah, you might get away with only computing the combs where A_i != B_i but you still have to put all the bits back together again... If the OP cant be bothered with clarification I'm not bothering with optimisation...