@thelatemail This Joe guy is one man SAS army. There are 3K questions asked on SAS tag all time and he answered third of them. All the all time top users after him are not active anymore. Without him there will be no support whatsoever for SAS on SO. But that the benefits of a commercial software I guess, it already comes with support
@DavidArenburg - having worked in a SAS-using office for 18 months I never had much luck with their commercial support. They're really good if you want to ask a basic "how do I use PROC WHATEVERTF" query, but not terribly useful when doing something non-textbook.
@thelatemail My first job ever was in a office that used solely SPSS. I taught everyone R in about a month and canceled the SPSS license for the whole office saving thousands of dollars. They are using R until this very day and hiring only people with a decent knowledge in R
@Spacedman hmm interesting... When Seinfeld was running I guess I was too young in order to find any interest in it, so it seems I have a hole in my education...
@DavidArenburg you can pretty much dip into any episode because they didn't have much of a continuing plot, once you get that Jerry lives in this flat, Kramer is the crazy guy across the hall, Elaine was Jerry's gf for a while, and George is just.... George.
@Spacedman Yeah, I'm familiar more or less with the characters, I just not familiar enough to remember the logo/its description. Re being old, well, we all getting old very fast. Time runs, and the older we get, the faster it runs...
@Spacedman I could try to think of several ways, but why bother? The OP posted some OT question without any reproducible example, while asking to teach him stats from scratch while solving his imaginary problem.
i was just curious myself. R gives an error if all covars are NA. I can get NA in the t-value and Pr(>|t|) columns of summary but not in the estimate... hmmmm....
@Spacedman My guess that it was users side error, rather some special case in lm. I also think he will re-post this in CV soon, so you could follow the discussion there
@Spacedman Actually I've encountered in some trolls here, but usually in answers rather than questions. But here's a good example for a troll Q/A (especially A). I should add my new tag to it
Any sufficiently clueless person is indistinguishable from trolling
@DavidArenburg I suspect that q was from a person with a compiled language b/g where a "literal" makes some sense. The compiler compiles the RHS so at runtime its practically a no-op. If the RHS is a function call the compiler inserts the function call code, the function has to do the work...
...and I have to get on my bike and go to work now.
@DavidArenburg I think it's more troubling that they are trying to use a response variable with values outside 0-1 in what I presume is a logistic regression.
And I agree. The error message is very informative!
@SimonO'Hanlon I think this is the OP from this, although I don't have rep (yet) to check deleted messages. If so, this OP is trying to do stats without any backround it seems