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Anyone want to help this person? I'm out of my depth:
Q: Is it possible to push/pull variables between two instances of R?

SzabolcsSuppose I have two instances of R running. Are there existing solutions to easily send variables/data from one instance to the other? Maybe even synchronize the values of a variable between the two instances? For example, first the two instances (R1 & R2) would be connected somehow, then in R1:

Any knitr wizards in the house?
6 hours later…
@BrianDiggs I fear the wrath of r-devel.
1 hour later…
4 hours later…
And the OP edits my question not once but twice adding stuff that wasn't in his question. The temerity...
2 hours later…
And now the OP goes crying to Meta: meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/267793/…
Nice blur of your avatar. No one will be able to trace you back to that answer.
@DirkEddelbuettel wow if I got +17 for every question that I answered myself in two googles I'd be above Jon Skeet now.
I'd invite you to join in over there on Meta and maybe point out that a) the question was lightweight (as you say: one google leads to abort() which causes the desired crash) but adding how to access GitHub is really a tad orthogonal to the already lightweight question.
But hey, that's just my opinion and probably not worth $0.02. Nice to see that gentleman spending his entire day on the issue...
Already commented.
"I made it beginner-friendly!" Um, not quite.
@JoshuaUlrich Thanks.
You're welcome. I left out the part about "Dirk's cranky sometimes."
You haven't seen cranky set.
Not today.
...but it's not even lunchtime yet. :)
Is there an easy way in C to guarantee you have a pointer pointing to somewhere that will segfault when you write to it? int *x;x=0;*x=999 seems to do it...
Not sure you have a guarantee. I see this is in the grey zone of 'undefined behaviour' where the compiler implementation has leeway. I could be wrong -- I tend not play language lawyer all that much.
Calling "abort" is different to segfaulting. I was about to add a comment asking what kind of abortion he's after but I shouldn't probably use that word...
He asked (cf title of question) for 'how to crash' R. man abort gives me 'cause abnormal process termination' which suggests a fit.
A segfault is a special instance of 'abnormal termination' in my book, but what do I know ;-)
can just raise a sigsegv of course...
I've posted a plain C answer to that Q, am wondering what the C++ looks like, but you've probably lost the will to live on that one now...
I do like how the accepted answer doesn't work on Windows.
Hah. Mention it! -- gave it a +1
@Spacedman You're confusing me. C++ is (for all intents and purposes, leaving language lawyers aside) a super set of C. So you also showed a C++ solution.
The mind boggles. The question is now at +19.
And I am now getting random downvotes on unrelated questions. Oh the childishness...
@DirkEddelbuettel Its my Rcpp-foo that is weak then, I tried putting the include in the code with a \n before the call. Must Read Documentation Or Pay Dirk For A Workshop.
You can, what did you try? cppFunction()? The easiest is probably sourceCpp() .
@DirkEddelbuettel I think I read something about SO having a check that when someone goes on a downvote-spree against a person it spots it...
maybe it stops you downvoting more than N answers by the same person in a period of time...
@DirkEddelbuettel and failure to understand percentages
@DirkEddelbuettel You caught me!
@Spacedman answered again so now you too have two answers
2 hours later…
Apparently the OP finally got an accept-ably vague answer to this question!
@JoshO'Brien using a non-existent function? I've not heard of gplot() before. And I checked - it's not part of plotspackage.
I also like that that accepted answer offers a method to visulize the data.
Sounds scientific. Must be good.
Can we close this old question (the answer to which is no longer really correct): stackoverflow.com/questions/5924929/…
@Thomas Just leave it. You did the right thing with an updated answer -- +1'ed.
2 hours later…
Jeebus, Dirk's editing dust-up earlier today has to have generated the most over the top navel gazing on Meta relative to the incident in question than I've seen in a long time. Talk about a tempest in a teapot...
@joran I was wondering how you'd see it as you're over there more often than I am. I am just stunned by that Meta discussion.
Hmmmmm. Where should I tell them to shove their colon?! :-) stackoverflow.com/questions/25149520/…
Yay. And my answer got edited again.
@DirkEddelbuettel I triple-dog-dare you to roll it back. :)
Or say, "thanks for the edit" if you want to take the high road and make the OP look like a jerk.
@DirkEddelbuettel I think you should start a meta discussion about it. Required level of accuracy in snark content?.
@SimonO'Hanlon Now there is a proposal to my liking!
From Sharknado2 to Snarknado2.
@JoshuaUlrich it wasn't the OP. It was a guy who's profile links through to this interesting page on his personal site. antonytrupe.com/p/american
what gives
@SimonO'Hanlon I think Josh meant that by thanking the 2nd editor I'd make the 1st, ie the OP, look like a tool.
it's late here. what can i say.
@DirkEddelbuettel your travails today seem vaguely reminiscent of similar travails I had yesterday which resulted in a totally pointless meta
sharks have been jumped, it seems

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