I am trying to do some demand forecasting with daily data, from jan 16, 2012 to Oct 10, 2013. But the forecasting just returns awful results. Any clue why?
This is how the data looks like in a plot: There are weekly and monthly seasonalities exist. Ie: More demand during weekday and less demand ...
Do we have an r-package tag? I thinking about a tag related to creating packages (stackoverflow.com/questions/20223601/…) Do you think creating one would be a good idea?
@csgillespie I think that's a decent idea, as long as we're pretty explicit about restricting it to package authorship issues...there will be a temptation by users to use it for things like installing/loading packages, or finding the right package, etc.
@joran Close. "Dual mandate to prevent 'tag' inflation and promote 'SO' growth". No word about employment, which is why all of us still linger here, underemployed.