i need to call webservice multiple times in that when ever i'm calling the same webservice with object of that class i'm not getting the response so how can i solve this?
@AgarwalShankar when ever i call the webservice from another activity that call is directly going in to the catch block of that method.and It's throughing NullPointerException.
@Pallavi to call a webservice i need to pass two variables with method name to the webservice .The two variables are sessionID and username.These i'm maintaining with the Application.
@Pallavi I need to add a view after clicking a button ,which consists of two spinners and edittext with remove button. In this I need to get the second spinner values, according to the first spinner selected values.
@Pallavi As i'm adding ROW as dynamically so when i'm adding this second spinner i'm getting this ? before that i'll got the added the other view's successfully to the table
I have been trying out SSL session reuse on Android webview. We noticed that the ssl session is being re-used if the consecutive requests happen within ~5 seconds. In the server(nginx) we have set the ssl_session_timeout 10m meaning, 10 minutes and keep-alive is for 30 seconds.
Seems like the...