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04:00 - 10:0010:00 - 14:00

@nkvp welcome
@Pallavi any luck
@nikki please tell me what happened
@venkat no need to start a new "Thread" AsyncTask itself is a new thread
Actually i want to know something about c2dm
oops, i don't know much about it
is it possible in c2dm case that c2dm show notification only in that case if app is running in background actually my app displaying notification on both case either in background or foreground
if in foreground then it is creating problem to my app
you no about c2dm
@nikki he will be back around 4:30 had a meeting i guess
@Pallavi errror pastie.org/4119731
@havanacigar any comments on this?
@venkat you cannot call ViewPagerFragmentActivity.this
you have to have pass a Context in stead of ViewPagerFragmentActivity.this
k let me check
@venkat please try this
why constructor
i find the proble
ok cool what is it?
i write the handler in ReStoreDB
so this why it is not executed
thank you
ohk! cool
cool cool
thank you very much @Pallavi ,@havanacigar
@venkat :) good it's solved, how are you going to handle that now?
i remove the handler in ReStoreDB
every thing is fine now
cool :) that's really good
Hi All I am back
@nikki hi
@Pallavi hi
@AgarwalShankar hi
@AgarwalShankar got the answer to my question?
@Pallavi No
ok no probs :)
@Pallavi we got stuck in to some others issues and the time up
ok... no issues ask any time later
@Pallavi Will ask them personally now
it's not an emergency, ask them when time permits
@Pallavi Hmmm then okay
@Pallavi @havanacigar @nikki i have another client meeting from 5.30 to 7.00 PM
If you have any quries then ask
Hope @nikki you was having some query?
@nikki tell what you wanna to know?
s it possible in c2dm case that c2dm show notification only in that case if app is running in background actually my app displaying notification on both case either in background or foreground
if in foreground then it is creating problem to my app
You must handle it if it is in foreground
@nikki you know about onresume and onstop method?
@nikki wait 5 min will try to give you some code
i know
how can implement the page adapter here to change activities pastie.org/4119864 @Pallavi @havanacigar
Hi Guys
@user1398150 hello and welcome
@DineshVenkata sorry i don't have enough knowledge about it
@Pallavi no problem
@nikki u there?
@Pallavi Thanks
i have a problem i.e., i have a view in that view a spinner is there the spinner consists of two items when the user selects the view is constant . Now when the user selects the second item in the spinner i need to add some extra views to the whole view. I'm doing it by using if else (In that i'm using visibility and gone conditions to achieve it)
Now my problem is for all this i need to do some calculation at the end so how can i set that view according to the first item and second item? help me regarding this.
@user1398150 the 1st view where spinner is there is a normal view?
@nikki once you are back let me know
hi @niiki
@Pallavi yes at that time the view is normal
@nikki My suggestion is to maintain a variable to know the app state
but when user selects second item i need to add some fields
@user1398150 extra views you are adding dynamically?
@AgarwalShankar need ur view
@user1398150 refer to the person in your chat to avoid confusion
@havanacigar which view you need
@nikki got some idea?
@user1398150 you have to create the extra fields dynamically and add to the view that's what you are doing right?
@Pallavi i have created it in the layout but when the user selecting first item in the spinner i'm hiding the unnecessary views when selecting the second item i'm enabling the views which r required
@nikki you need to just overide on resume and onpause and can maintain the app sate
@user1398150 use it this way
@user1398150 right ok..
@Pallavi ok thanks for suggestion
@user1398150 so now what's the problem?
@AgarwalShankar on clicking onto an item from spinner a button will appear named submit
thn tht SA-ID will be assigned to the complaint no
@Pallavi how can i show the calculation field according to the both view which id i can refer
@user1398150 ok, i need a rough idea what your view looks like, so that i can suggest.
@Pallavi hows the look
@havanacigar your screenshot above?
@Pallavi ok how can i attach m view here can u guide me..to do this
yup @Pallavi
@user1398150 you don't have enough reputations to upload the screenshot
@havanacigar the blue "complaint" C is going out of the grey box... other wise it's good
@Pallavi nything else
@user1398150 you have used Relative layout?
@user1398150 use tinypic.com to upload image
and thn paste it here
@havanacigar the 'status' column does not seem to be aligned
@Pallavi !!
@Pallavi yup i used relative layout.
@user1398150 ok... so it would adjust itself right?
use www.pastie.org to paste your XML code
@havanacigar what happened???!!!
except align ment
evry thing ok ? @Pallavi
@havanacigar lol! how do i know if the readings are correct or not?! :P otherwise it looks good :)
ok I did tht in photoshop
thts why a bit messed
ny way gotta ask u a qstn
ohk.. no probs
can the list view item be different
@Pallavi pastie.org/4120036 this was the xml
i mean one item have(textview/textview/textview) and the next one have (textview/spinner/textview)
@havanacigar row elements you are talking about?
@user1398150 ok.. so for item 2 you want to show all
and for spinner item 1, you don't want to display any thing?
@Pallavi yes
just look @ my image u'll understand
@havanacigar what's the issue?
do i use listview
or something else
have you tried doing textabc.setVisibility(VIEW.GONE)?
u see in SA-ID column either the SA is assign or not.
@havanacigar yes you can use list view
if not i gotta add a spinner
@Pallavi and for item one and two first three are mandatory
@havanacigar you can handle that in getView() function
@Pallavi and for second item rest of the fields i need to include
@user1398150 you can setVisibility to GONE and VISIBLE
differently for each spinner selection
@Pallavi nything else u wanna propose
except listview
@Pallavi i'm using that with the help of if and else but the problem is the last item total i.e, button and edit text
@Pallavi common for both na
@user1398150 in the setOnItemSelectedListener of the spinner, set or re-set the visibility depending on the getSelectedItemPosition()
so then don't set visibility for those 2 items!
@havanacigar list view is the most efficient one next would be table layout
better go for listview
@Pallavi jo hukum mere aka
he he ha ha ha
@havanacigar u too!!! :P
@Pallavi no i'm not setting visibility to those two items but it was not visible properly
@havanacigar that right is only given to lalit sir! not to ne one else :P
@user1398150 as in you had to scroll down to access those 2 items?
@Pallavi lalit popatni !
yup he's d DON :D
"don of listview "
@Pallavi pastie.org/4120125 now this was my activity can u just run it by placing two items in the string array..
@user1398150 i didn't understand
@Pallavi u got my activity
@user1398150 could you please send this one too R.array.countries_array
ok.. now you may delete the post
@Pallavi is it ok.
@user1398150 fine! got it! you are putting the button and text view using relative layout
@Pallavi yes
that's why it is overlapping!!
wait... let me see
@Pallavi ok
@user1398150 pastie.org/4120274 sorry to keep you waiting
hey guys
@Pallavi Thanks allot for u r help . i have one doubt here how it is taking the last button according to the spinner.
i am not disabling the button
adjusted in the XML itself
@Pallavi i'm also not disabled in my activity..
yes right! that's why it is showing
you remove all the text view and edit texts above
automatically button moves upwards
@Pallavi i have hidden the views which r not required when ever they required i enabled those... naa
@user1398150 yes right!
@Pallavi i haven't found the difference except the layout..its right
@user1398150 right i used table layout that's it
bye folks
@havanacigar bye c u tomorrow
c u too.
@Pallavi again Thanks allot for u r help..
@user1398150 no probs :)
@AgarwalShankar hello
I am Back from meeting
And my bad luck i have an another meeting from 07.30 to 08.15 again
@Pallavi you attend meeting/client calls?
nope... we have in-house production
so no client meetings and calls
@AgarwalShankar Hi Agarwalshankar
this is harish
@Pallavi can i ask another ?
@Pallavi Thanks.. i need to exit from my app'm from multiple places..Now when i'm starting my app from menu i need to get it from the first screen but i'm getting it as where i stopped..
where ever i need to exit there i'm writing clear tags and finish()..
but when i need to move forward from that activity it is not going to the next screen..
ok it's quite complex
@Pallavi so how can i achieve this prob..
can you show me the manifest file- the launcher activity i want
@AgarwalShankar please look into his issue. i have to leave now
@user1398150 hi
@Pallavi bye
@Pallavi OK.. bye
@AgarwalShankar hi
@Pallavi Thanks for u r help
@AgarwalShankar i need to exit from my app'm from multiple places..Now when i'm starting my app from menu i need to get it from the first screen but i'm getting it as where i stopped..
where ever i need to exit there i'm writing clear tags and finish()..
but when i need to move forward from that activity it is not going to the next screen..
@user1398150 can you explain me from start?
How can you start from menu's?
@AgarwalShankar i.e.,
from home by clicking on icon launcher
how you are exiting the app from many places?
by clicking on exit button in my app
i mean the code?
and also we dont have any exit button?
from my app
exit button
okay code for that?
in button onclicklistener i'm writing finish()
that finish only the current activity?
sorry i need to leave ..i'll get back to u tmrw..
not the complete app
but anyways thanks for help
@user1398150 okay
A: exit entire app at once

Agarwal ShankarNot recommened but still you can use this. Better go with this solution in case you need to quit the app. According to me the best solution is finish every activity in your app like below. step1) maintain a static variable in mainactivity say. public static isQuit = false; step2) on click ...

Also refer these for exiting the app completely.
once again thnks coperation.
sorry to leaving
bye all
@Pallavi bye
04:00 - 10:0010:00 - 14:00

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