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Hi @Pallavi
Hi @Kartik
@Agarwal hello,
good FRIDAY morning!!!
@RadheMohan no use of beening here any more
@Pallavi gud morning
@Pallavi Out of office today.
Totally free today
@pallavi HRU
@RakeshJuyal hi
yea! you did tell, today is a holiday!
good for you :)
@Pallavi Not holiday I am on leave
@Pallavi On The Way To Daund
ok... cool!
Any issues?
nope... not yet...
good morning @Pallavi and @Agarwal
@venkat hello, good morning
@Pallavi how are y?
Hi @venkat
@Agarwal hii
from this /Date(1275822000000+0000)/ how to get the meridian i.e a.m/p.m
@venkat actually this must be handled by server but we can do it app to if you know the correct format you need
@venkat, that's the current system time in milliseconds since January 1, 1970 00:00:00 UTC
@Agarwal , @Pallavi actually i get this date from service i get the month,day,year from it but i am unable to get the am/pm valueee
@venkat paste your code will modify it
Access to this site has been blocked as per Court Orders www.pastebin.com
where do i paste the code?
@venkat Its working for me?
@venkat use pastie.org
@Pallavi once check whether is it working for you too?
pastebin is blocked in some offices
user pastie.org @venkat
@Pallavi okay but as per him "blocked as per Court Order"?
@venkat paste your code in pastie.org
@Agarwal yeah, there are some security related issues for pastebin
@Pallavi okay
  String ampmFormatt="aa";
thank you pallavi
what the use of +0000 in the date format??
@venkat don't know...
@venkat its related to time zone i think so
ok thank you
@venkat you can try some easy methods to convert?
@Agarwal Any idea about NFC(Near Field Communication)?
@Venky No
oh okay no problem thanks
@Pallavi any ideas do you have regarding NFC?
@Venky nope.. just the basic, you can ask Ghost... he has some idea about it i guess
Yeah sure thanks @Pallavi
no probs :)
I think he's busy now-a-days
@Pallavi the loop in ip should be used this way right HttpPost httppost = new HttpPost("");
@Venky, @Ghost is here
@Venky hi da venky..
@Pallavi any idea?
didn't get what is loop in IP
but your code seems fine
I mean the localhost @Pallavi
I need to connect to the local host
ok... so you need to use local connection itself
but it doesn't seem to be working
@DineshVenkata does the page open in the emulator's browser?
check with the server side
org.apache.http.conn.HttpHostConnectException: Connection to refused
@Pallavi this is the error
have you published your webservice???
@Agarwal any idea on @DineshVenkata's issue
you need to publish the web site before you access it... according to me
ask the server side people to publish it for you
only creating the page is not enough
@Pallavi it is loacalhost
so I don't think it is required
@DineshVenkata i too am working on a local host and believe me, it's required
Hi da , how are you?
i'm fine da.. how abt you?
yeah great thanks da..
hmm.. so, what is it that's bugging you?
DO you know it is possible to Launch NFC tag when screen is locked?
Q: Launching NFC when screen is Locked in Android

VenkyI want to launch My Application when we taps on NFC tag even Phone is Locked same as did in Google Wallet Application. I tried in following ways : 1) Tap NFC tag to launch my application after pressing Power button - Error : 05-23 22:00:22.949: D/NfcService(32443): EnableDisableDiscoveryTask...

wait.. will go thru it and let u know
Sure da
@DineshVenkata not sure i think it is required to pulish even if local host
@Venky good question.. +1 for that.. however, it's not possible since NFC needs the user to activate it..
But Google Wallet does
i incline to agree with the guy who has provided your answer.. double check with google wallet once..
Yeah checked it's working
ok.. well, that's a mystery then.. has the google wallet been uploaded on google projects yet? as in the code..
i've a suggestion.. write a service that runs in the background even when the phone is locked..
this service can activate your NFC tag..
@TraptiGupta hello and welcome..
Problem is we don't know when user will Tap with NFC tag , also nothing happening if user Taps on NFC in locked mode
How come you know user Tapped on NFC make sense?
Thanks :)
hows you?
@TraptiGupta hello
yeah.. nothing will happen.. i think google wallet is definitely designed in a different way than the normal NFC that we design and use.. @Venky
Do you know android Programing??
@TraptiGupta most of the people here know android..
@Pallavi that happened because I forgot the internet permission :P
@pallavi i am fine
@ghost ok
@DineshVenkata lol!!! cool!
so now, without publishing, you can access the site???
@TraptiGupta do what is your issue tell?
@Pallavi nothing as such is required
we can use our own local to connect to
cool!!! @DineshVenkata didn't know that
@Agarwal i want to save and retrieve image from Database.how i could do that,please let me know
@TraptiGupta use BLOB format
@TraptiGupta whats the size of image and how many images you want to save?
I don't but i need to get it work @Ghost
@Agarwal i want to save image from camera
sigh.. are there an chances that you'll get google wallet code to check how it works? @Venky
@pallavi i m using but whane camera is open n i captured image from camera it should be saved into Database
@TraptiGupta i think you should first create the image and then convert it into blob to save it to DB
@TraptiGupta better if you paste your code?
@TraptiGupta just save the image location in the DB.. that way it'll be easier to save and retrieve..
No at all possible @Ghost
@Venky ok.. well, that's difficult mate.. i don't know any work around.. if we could get our hands on that google wallet code, then something could have been done after checking its working.. now, i don't have a clue as to what to do..
@TraptiGupta code?
oh great no problem mate , thanks for suggestion @Ghost
@Venky no probs mate..
@Ghost:,@Pallavi:,@Venky:,@Agarwal: hi all
@VaibhavVajani hey
@VaibhavVajani hi vaibhav.. how are you?
Hi buddy
@Ghost: me fine brother.. how are you? hows job going?
@VaibhavVajani i'm on bench as usual mate.. good enough to be alive and kicking :)
Bye All
@Agarwal bye
All any idea how to copy text from webview in 3.0 and above?
@Pallavi any idea?
@Neha Request access
@Pallavi you there?
Lets solve nehas issues?
but no idea sorry... i thought just long click invokes the copy in webview!
Hello......... Friends :)
@Lucifer hi
@Agarwal whats up ?
I am fine
what about you
I am just Kooooooool :)
you can give her access either :P
Oh i forgot @Lucifer
you too wait here and solve her issue
Me..... ha ha ha. I am fresher in Android yar
how do you know @Pallavi, that she left :P
@Lucifer i refreshed the page and could not see her :P but she's here actually :P
ha ha okies :)
I too refresh the page, and she is there :P
anyways, carry on your work friend , see ya around :)
Congratulations for 6K @Agarwal
no 8 more needed
Hey i got it
just had a look
That's why i said Kongratulations :P
Now my target is to have 7k
All the best for it :)
deadline for that??? @Agarwal
Until i make 998 reps more :P
congratulations by the way :)
Thanks both
@Pallavi you too crossed 600 today
lol right! me 600 and u 6k! :D
Yeah right @pallavi
you need 391 more for 1k
thy thnaks Agrwal
Hi Agarwal
Thanks why? @Neha
Hi @NEha
@Pallavi our time starts now to solve the font issue?
@Neha we can discuss on this?
Q: How to show marathi text in Android coming from webservice

NehaI need to show marathi text in my application. Actually i know the procedure . I have used this code : Typeface font = Typeface.createFromAsset(getAssets(), "Marathi-Saras.TTF"); userNameTxt.setTypeface(font); userNameTxt.setText("Marathi"); But this is hardcoded and limited...

s sure
@Neha where you placed your font file ?
is it throwing any error in logcat?
in assets folder
Actually my data come from webservice
make a sub folder name fonts and place it in it
tht webservice contains some marathi text and some english text
i had gone through you question
n i m not able to show marahthi test using webserviecs
ya i already created a font folder in assets
@Neha we will solve your issue but you need to have patience. Since it take time
font or fonts?
k no probs. i will ait
lunch.... c u guys at 2:45pm :)
We can discuss
font or fonts? which is your folder. it must be fonts.
ya its fonts
m using
Typeface font = Typeface.createFromAsset(getAssets(), "Marathi-Saras.TTF");
replace it with
Typeface font = Typeface.createFromAsset(getAssets(), "fonts/Marathi-Saras.TTF");
i done
now rename your file in fonts folder to marathi.TTF
Typeface font = Typeface.createFromAsset(getAssets(), "fonts/marathi.TTF");
and try now?
also make sure is it TTF or ttf
i can see text in marathi
on single textview
is it working now?
its works for this
can you explain?
what else you need
k w8
my data is coming from webservice
it contains both marathi and english text. And i m facing problem while showing marathi text
which is dynamically coiming from webservice
@Neha so the above solution also didnt worked for you?
Hmmm okay but if you hard code the text it is working?
can you share the code how you are reading from webservice?
i want to share i screen shot with u
plz tel me how should i do
use pastebin.com
to upload your code and paste the link here
All will be back after 2 mins
Access to this site has been blocked as per Court Orders
i m geetting this msg
@Neha then use pastie.org
@Agarwal, you there?
have you used InMobi Ad ?
hi @mcnemesis
@Agarwal hi
hi pals, am performing some forensics on a c program that occasionally fails when talking to postgresql. In the postgresql logs, the complaint is about "unterminated quoted string"
and while trying to trace which part of the system generates the troublesome string, I found this function that's meant to be used to escape strings prior to sending them to the db. Now, am wondering, is this function ok? (pastebing link :
HI @mcnemesis no idea
@Pallavi can you help?
it's the pointer-cleverness that am worried about mostly
@mcnemesis sorry no idea...
it's the pointer-cleverness that am worried about mostly
but thanks, let me try to seek help somewhere...
@Pallavi what doing?
okay continue
@Pallavi r u wokring in android?
Q: Android Back Button doesn't work at all

hectichavanaI have a Fragment Activity hosting a Map and ListActivity. I wanna put a method when the back button is pressed on the activity, but it seems it doesn't work at all. My Log isn't even printed on the Stacktrace. I have no idea what's wrong actually. Here's the method: @Override public boolean on...

1 hour later…
Finally got android installed on my lap today
Hi @Pallavi
@Pallavi ?
@Agarwal hello
Q: Android Text Selection In Webview

DineshI am using webview for displaying content in Android Honeycomb. I created customized action menu for cut,copy and paste.How can i copy the selected text in Webview by using my customized action menu. thanks in advance

can you try this?
619 reps
@Agarwal my tablet is 4.0
not 3.2 version
above 3.0 this issue and i dont need you to check on tablet
You have any idea/solution for this question?
nope.. wait i'll try it...
hmmm okay
just trying to get 50 rep by solvving these
hmmm i know :)
The argument of type null should explicitly be cast to Class<?>[] for the invocation of the varargs method getMethod(String, Class<?>...) from type Class<WebView>. It could alternatively be cast to Class<?> for a varargs invocation
it's giving this warning
	        Method m = WebView.class.getMethod("emulateShiftHeld", null);
	        m.invoke(this, null);
in this code
Method m = WebView.class.getMethod("emulateShiftHeld");
in eclipse itself....
@Pallavi in eclipse itself.... means?
Hi @DhavalKariya
Bye guys
Happy weekend
bye @Manjunath
try this lines Method m = WebView.class.getMethod("emulateShiftHeld");
where do i call this method?
Method m = WebView.class.getMethod("emulateShiftHeld", null);
m.invoke(this, null);
replace by
Or any other solution on googling if you get
that i did
but where do i call this method?
or is it called by itself???
Nov 24 swetha answer in it
i think you should send this link....
in the answer
i already pasted it in comments
edit the comment and write the date along with it
"Nov 24 swetha answer in it " write this too...
along with the google link
I will update the code too in the answer itself
when will you leave today
10-15 minutes
Okay so we can chat on monday again
yes sir :)
what is sir?
sir=sir out of respect :)
atleast you dont call me sir
okay ????
whats plan for tomorrow except friends
@Pallavi ?
hmm saturdays is always for friends :)
my weekend goes off
I think you busy. since you will be leaving shortly
yup.. updating what i did today n all :P
i guessed
you also update about stackoverfloW?
ha ha
Bye tc
lol... nope.. not at all about that :)
check the chart on the right...
Total Reputation
you still in office

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