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10:33 AM
14h with no message? Shame!
4 hours later…
2:25 PM
@BilltheLizard Are you an R user now?
Moving on from your SICP project?
3:10 PM
@Shane No, I'll continue the SICP project until it's done. No telling how long that will take, since I'm doing other projects at the same time as well as working full time and attending school part time. I've looked into R just to get a sense of what it's used for.
4 hours later…
7:15 PM
I have to use Visual Studio at work. I hate it. The End.
7:37 PM
I always liked Visual Studio...
Does a really nice job with debugging...
Well, right now it's just blowing up because it can't find QuantLib
8:00 PM
I looked on CRAN and I can't find a package that will help keep my 3 yo from waking me up at 4am after I stayed out late for the Chicago R meetup. I even tried using RSeek and using the google code search tool.
let me check Hadley's git hub
I was going to say, I'm sure Hadley has a package for that.
How was the meetup?
it went really well I think. But I host so I have a far from objective view point.
Jay talked about possible future paths for R and he loaded his presentation down with disclaimers. Most folks in Chicago had no idea why his ideas might be seen by some as sacrilege. Romain's slides are already up on his blog.
@JoshuaUlrich, your Visual Studio "problem" is really an ID10T error.
Oh boy...
Would be interested to see Jay's presentation.
8:09 PM
@shane it's recorded. you'll get to see it.
Just looked at Romain's. R5?
well it's not in S so it can't be S5 (S3, S4...) so it must be R5
at least in French
He covered a lot of ground there...
S4 isn't in S either, is it?
So R5 is the new reference class in R 2.12?
I have some learning to do on that...
you got me. I was stuffing pizza in my face during his presentation and greeting people at the door who were coming into our room when they were supposed to be down the hall
For a moment we thought a second female was going to join the group. But she had the wrong room. naturally.
and the old men in ties were easy to spot. I made eye contact then leaned in to their hearing aid to tell them they were in the wrong room. It was a busy night for me as party host.
party host/bouncer, it sounds like.
8:16 PM
I'm bummed I missed it.
But I'm glad I wasn't forced to present.
our next meetup is in January
plenty of time to prepare something... I have ideas if you need them ;)
@JDLong Let's hear 'em
1 - minimum viable package
2 - Sweave
3 - Pentaho BI integration
4 - any text editor/GUI/IDE
5 - your fav workflow
6 - integration of R into a corp. environment: challenges/solutions
7 - how to create a postage stamp image of Hadley using only base graphics
the list never ends
You can also steal some of my ideas:
Whatever happened to doing "Chicago by the numbers"?
Get a few people to present on some kind of statistical analysis of the city with R.
Hi quick question, If Dirk is still on here he should be able to answer this
8:21 PM
I like the idea of Chicago by the numbers but have not had anyone gravitate to doing it... and I'm working hard to not present at every meetup
How are logicals stored in R?
He's gone, I think.
dirk's not here
He's a ghost.
Well do you guys know.
if I pass a logical into a .C function do I have to convert it to an integer
8:22 PM
i do not. I am not a good R guts source
@Halpo logical is stored as an integer
@JoshuaUlrich Thanks
Is that because C does not have a bool?
@Halpo I'm not sure of the why...
do you know if Rcpp have an easy way to convert Logical vectors into bool vectors?
I don't know about Rcpp. I know the .Call interface treats logical and integer vectors differently though.
8:26 PM
how so?
I was just looking at Rcpp. I would bet that it does, with their as() construct.
that would be nice if it did.
One is LGLSEXP and the other is INTSEXP
For what it's worth, I strongly recommend working with Rcpp instead of C if you can...
(based on my small amount of experience)
I'm working with C++ with a extern "C" around the interface functions.
8:27 PM
@Halpo Then you should take a good look at Rcpp
@Shane I'm going to change to Rcpp soon, but didn't want to tackle too many problems at once.
Makes sense.
I've done some Rcpp, but never a full package like I'm trying now. But I also have the complication of adding CUDA.
It's VERY fast.
All the improvements that Dirk and Romain worked on recently make life much easier.
Their stuff is awesome.
8:29 PM
CUDA? Did you see Dirk's recent paper on GPU's?
No. Which paper?
It looked like the pickup from using a GPU vs. multithreaded BLAS was minimal...
(for R)
I'm running custom code for computing a likelihood and get an order of magnitude improvement
And the related material on his blog/site.
I haven't work with CUDA at all, so it's not my area.
Are you running monte carlo simulations or something like that?
I get a drop from about 560ms to 100 ms with memory over head. which is a one time operation for this MCMC.
MCMC disease transmission models
8:32 PM
Got it.
That's a good application for it.
each step required evaluation the likelihood for the full data
Using gputools in R?
very expensive step
Or something more direct?
No I'm writing direct CUDA
I just interface with R through extern C in the library
8:33 PM
Got it. I've heard that CUDA is a pain to work with...
I found it to be quite nice.
make very logical sense for many thread programming
but I can also see that if you are trying to make it work with everything you might see minimal gains.
Cool. I imagine that your simulation can't be too memory intensive for it to work?
There seems to be a fair bit of fiddling for optimization.
I have 9000+ observation as my toy data set.
So I would say that it is fairly intensive.
Computing the likelihood required comparisons between every pair of patient. 9000^2 get really big.
Good stuff. @JDLong I'm surprised you never tried this instead of using EMR?
@Halpo I've thought about using CUDA to speed up some probability of drawdown calculations I have, but I don't have a card to play with. :(
8:39 PM
I guess EMR is pretty cheap, so it's a trade off between development (with CUDA) and a small price (with EMR).
you can emulate.
then put it on a card
Get a netbook with ion
@Halpo My wife has said she would like a netbook... hmm...
@JoshuaUlrich The ION graphics card has 16 cores, not much but enough to play with
I think that there is good performance that could be gained from this type of programming in stats.
Have a look at Dirk's benchmark paper and let me know what you think.
@Shane so is the paper just the package? or where was the paper published
8:43 PM
If it's true that using Goto Blas is almost as fast, then it might be easier.
Although if you're coding in C directly, then that will probably still be faster.
I think the vignette with the package is the paper.
@Shane correct wrt EMR being cheap and dev with CUDA having high barriers to entry and high dev costs. CUDA needs to get abstracted way up for me to use it. I'm just a humble agricultural economist.

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