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Q: Window popup close and refresh the parent page on successful login Facebook

Jonas DulayI'm done on the login with social network sites but I'm having a trouble of how can I make my popup window close and refresh the parent page upon a successful login here's is my current approach (This may not help you but I just want you to know that I have done my job) This is my JS: func...

before closing the pop up you can do window.opener.location.reload(); na
@Plum That's my problem I don't know how can i use that and where to put it in
how you are closing the popup page
None. I haven't done anything because I don't know how and that is what I asked for.
may be there should be a close button inside the pop up page and the when you click on it trigger window.close(); window.opener.location.reload();
but how i can make it on successful login only
Why can't you make it on successfull login. you can do like this na if($login=='success'){ echo '<script>window.close(); window.opener.location.reload();</script>'}
still not working
whats the error you getting?
i dunno
how to check if there an error
i dont see any errors
function CloseWindow() {
how can i make it on page load?
i mean without clicking anything
You can try like this in your view page. if($user_profile) echo '<script>window.close();
thanks bro
welcome. you can vote my answer also.

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