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Q: How to register a background service as a SensorEventListener in Android

BulaI'm trying to have a background service which reads the azimuth, pitch and roll of a phone and sends them over the network. I have already created a IntentService and the calculation code to calculate the orientation however I'm not quite sure how I am meant to register the background service as ...

It works for me, what do you put at the place of the dots exactly? mSensorManager.registerListener(this,...)
@jbarat Yes sorry. I updated the question
Just to make sure if the code is the problem not something else, if you put this code into an activity does it work?
@jbarat seems not
Are you trying in on an emulator or on a real phone? And What is compilation target?
On a real phone and it's lollipop
Just found out if i put a log.v at the beginning of the onSensorChanged method my logcat does continuously print it. So I assume there is a problem somewhere in the middle of the function
Do you have a magnetic sensor? you need both type of sensor to enter to the third if
I just realised that
        Sensor mGravity = mSensorManager.getDefaultSensor(Sensor.TYPE_MAGNETIC_FIELD);
is not the same as what i had
which was
    Sensor mGravity = mSensorManager.getDefaultSensor(Sensor.TYPE_GRAVITY);
I changed that. Everything works
silly me. Thanks for the help
is it working as a service too?
I was worried the service one might not work
But it works like a charm
cool then
one slight complication is that
is that the data doesn't get printed until after i stop the app from running.

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