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It sounds like premature optimization would be a good thing
So where this question started was "validate on text changed or TextBoxLeave"
When you posted the pros/cons you basically covered everything. At this point it's really a UX question, not an efficiency question.
Because any sort of extra computation would be negligible between the two
So, at this point, worrying about which one is "technically better" is premature optimization
Yeah, one might be faster but you're wasting more time thinking about it than it would take to run the longer one a billion times
I see
But when you bring in the option of checking the database, everything changes
Now you're introducing an external resource
If this is something that you're likely to have to do, yes, it makes sense to consider it
Because if you choose key-press validation now, in the future every time a user enters text you've got to make a trip to the database and see if what they entered already exists
Now, in some cases this might not be a problem
Say, if you're hosting the database on the same network as the user and they are physically close to each other
Then you're spending an extra microsecond on every key press, and who gives a shit about that?
But then you have to deploy to someone on the other side of the planet and suddenly there's a two second delay every time they type
But, someone in the future could change the database locations
Now you have a problem
So, it's not premature optimization to worry about something that is going to be a likely business concern.
Okay that clears it up. (the definition of premature optimation)

wasting more time thinking about it when the difference is negligible
Don't solve bottlenecks if you don't have to.
:) thanks
In most cases these days, it's cheaper to add more hardware than to pay a dev to optimize it
"The application is slow!"
"Triple the ram in the server!"
right, I've been wondering about that.
That's where "solving problems that you don't have yet" comes in to play
when It makes sense to spend time optimize your code best as possible when the computer handles it faster than the blink of an eye either way
but still theres got to be something to be said about writing clean optimized code from the start
And yes, one day your application might need to run on 64k RAM in a satellite traveling at 90% the speed of light
But you don't need to worry about that now
Oh definitely
I'm not saying this is an excuse to write bad code
right. I get it :)
But this database validation is a perfect example of that. We are considering the performance impact
its a good point.
But don't worry about whether your code runs in 10ms or 15ms
If you need that kind of efficiency then you've got bigger problems than validation :)
okay thanks! :)
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