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A: Answer difference between two compiler

R SahuYour program exhibits undefined behavior since you are using uninitialized data. You have: char text[256], fixed[256]; which are uninitialized arrays. And then you go to access them using: for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(text); i++) { text[i] = toupper(text[i]); // Accessing uninitialized arra...

sizeof(text) should be 256. You might be thinking of strlen(text), which is indeed UB at this point. Yes, he should probably not iterate through the full array, but I don't think what he's doing at that point is UB.
@mah, using uninitialized variables is cause for undefined behavior.
He's not using an uninitialized variable. sizeof(variable) does not use it and in fact I think it's a compile time construct, not runtime. What use are you referring to?
@mah, accessing text[i] beyond what was filled by getline is cause for undefined behavior.
Your edit makes your thought process more clear but it's overlooking initialization: cin.getline(text, sizeof(text), '\n'); and accessing beyond what is filled in will not affect his results becauuse while the memory content is undefined, toupper() doesn't care and it's not going to disrupt the NULL termination. Yes, there is trouble with how he's written his code, but I do not believe this leads to his issue in any way.
@mah, The call to getline only initialize the elements that are required to hold the input data. The rest are still uninitialized data.
Even though the rest is uninitialized, calling toupper() on it is inconsequential. It's defined that his text will have NULL termination as the last defined value, and it's defined that toupper() will not modify that. It's defined that he is not writing beyond the text buffer, so while his too-many toupper() calls are wasted cycles, the data they operate on is not examined at any point.
I added a line

cout << "Input: '" << input << "', numOfSlots: " << numOfSlots << endl;
in is_palindrome.
The output I get when text is not initialized is:
Input: 'LOLH00X3891', numOfSlots: 11
The output I get when I initialize text is
Input: 'LOL', numOfSlots: 3
Excellent, thank you; that helps me to understand things. (Incidentally, it wasn't my downvote, but now I feel I can upvote).
I don't worry about downvotes any longer as long as I feel comfortable with my answer :)
Understood, and I appreciate your taking the time to make me feel comfortable with your answer as well :)
2 hours later…
@mah @RSahu: The downvote was mine, since in your original answer you just claimed there was undefined behavior in for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(text); i++) {, which mah pointed out there is not. Now that is has been clarified, I removed the downvote.

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