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A: How to delete check box from Android Gridview

SandyInitialize the selectedPic array to store the images that is selected on Adapter private ArrayList<Integer> selectedPic = new ArrayList<Integer>(); Create this methods to track the selected the checkbox poisitions on Adapter Class public ArrayList<Integer> getSelectedChecckedImages() { ...

hi , here is some issue at my side
ArrayList<String> data= new ArrayList<String>(); and private ArrayList<Integer> selectedPic = new ArrayList<Integer>(); selectedPic.add(data.get(pos)); The issue is add (java.lang.Integer) in ArrayList can not be applied to (java.lang.String)
Can i use ArrayList<String> selectedPic = new ArrayList<String>(); instead of ArrayList<Integer> selectedPic = new ArrayList<Integer>();
Or can i use like this = holder.checkbox.setChecked(selectedPic.contains(Integer.parseInt(fileName.get(po‌​‌​sition)))); selectedPic.add(Integer.parseInt(fileName.get(pos))); It is posible to delete
Are you there ?
@p.ld yes you can but need to map the object with data array
@p.ld So what you need to do is You have to save the same object in selectedPic arraylist that we have in the data arraylist
@p.ld there ? have you solved the issue ?
Hi , Are you there ?
Hi yes I am here
Please I want your help .
Yes tell me i will
I'm trying to upload data on server last 3 days but my data is not uploaded on server.I'm using HttpPost method , but always getting status false even my all parameter is right .And tried all the way of post the data on server but still not upload my data on server .
hello , are you busy ?
Yes i had some work i will contact you when i will be free
Ok , I will wait .
When you are free , Please contact me.
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