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Q: Twilio call autodisconnect

Rahul VarmaI am making browser to browser call, after successfully call establishment, the call disconnects automatically. The receiver isn't getting incoming function executed. Can anyone help me out? Twilio.Device.setup(token, { debug : true}); Twilio.Device.ready(function (device) { console.log("C...

Could you share the console log from a call that acts this way? Thanks!
@philnash I have added console for the twilio
Thanks @Rahul. The end of the call there shows that the connection closed with undefined parameters for From and To, which is strange. Do you have the console log from the other side of the call?
console log of the other side of the client, would like to mention we are using ubuntu and recently converted website to https. Earlier it worked fine in firefox and chrome but due to non-support of http support in chrome, we had to make our site secure. Thanks @philnash
So does the other side never receive the incoming call?
No it doesn't receive incoming call, that is my issue !
Ah right, sorry! Does your TwiML application receive a request from Twilio when you initiate the call?
Like we have not used any TwiML application to receive a request after making the call. Usually the other side receive a call with ring and he needed to accept the call by approving the microphone permission. To establish a connection between we have used Firebase
Hey Rahul
You should have a TwiML application in order to set up the call.
When you initialise the capability token for making outbound calls, you pass it an Application SID
that application SID refers to a TwiML app (you can see yours in your account portal, here:
the application should have a URL set that is requested when you make a call and should respond with TwiML
Is it necessary to have a TwiML application in order to set up the call between browser to browser?
if this was previously working for you, then you must have a TwiML application.
So if I have a TwiML application, i need to check it that into my account, and if I am having what would be the error?
I know this is assumptions but just in case
To be honest, I don't know what's going wrong with your app right now, I'm just trying to find out all the information I can.
If you can find out what your TwiML app is doing and if it receives a call from Twilio when you initiate the call that would help.
Also, it'd be great to know what the response is that your TwiML app makes.
ok, I will check into this Twilio account and let you know about it!
I'm hoping to rule it out of the problem, just got to cover all the cases.
I'll be here :)
ok thanks for the help!
Just in case I'm not here, feel free to email me at [email protected] as well.

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