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A: How to get total from grouped row

OceansFirst of all, I believe you might have made a typographical error: I tryed to use SUM() like SUM(Field.WorkHoursMonth.Value,"Month"). but i get an ERROR =SUM(!Fields.WorkHoursMonth.Value,"Month") But I doubt this is the cause of your issue, based on your error message. I believe you eithe...

we have looked in to it and there is no typographical error (used copie + paste to be sure), we also can't use =SUM(!Fields.WorkHoursMonth.Value)because the result will be 424 because (50+50)+(50+50)+(62+62+62)+38 = 424
Like I said, make sure the sum is still part of your grouping. If you place the expression inside the correct group, the sum should be correct. The other solution is to name the scope like this: =SUM(!Fields.WorkHoursMonth.Value,"Month") but then your group must actually be called "Month"
But how do i do this? That's my problem
Usually the group name is displayed at the bottom-left of the designer. I don't have access to my VisualStudio right now so i cant take a screenshot but i'll look for an image on google.
please look at my edit
I don 't know whats happening with all the "Static" stuff on your screenshot. Have you tried this?: In the tablix data region row group area, right-click a cell in the row group area for which you want totals, point to Add Total, and then click Before or After. A new row outside the current group is added to the data region, and then a default total is added for each numeric field in the row.
the Static stuff is normal each represents a column, And to your question that is exactly what i did rightClick Group -> Add Total -> After but here it only auto Sum Details and no GroupRow
Can you show the grouping expression?
The grouping, not the total
SollStunden = WorkHoursMonth
do you mean the settings of my group?
I expect you are grouping on both the Month ID and the StollStunden?
no only on Month
the report will show the total workhours per month
and for each month also the workhours per section
so my object behind has following fields
and i group just by Month
Ok, and you are grouping on month... and each row from the same month also ahs teh same WorkHoursMonth?
You also need to group on WorkHoursMonth for it to work, from your first exampel iI thought you ahd already done that
Because this value is the same for teh entire month anyway, you must also group on it. Else the value will be accounted for twice
ok and which GroupName do i need then?
None, now right click the cell WorkHoursMonth and do the Add Total... then it should be correct
And I think it'll just be =SUM(Fields!WorkHoursMonth.Value)
But because you are groping on it, the total shoud be correct now
but if i group inside my Month group like i have to i don't think it will match the exspected result in Question
Try it
I can't test it, as I dont have Visual Studio atm...
if i add a total for WorkHoursMonth
the result looks like:
Month | WorkHoursMonth | section | Hours
 |                |   A1    |   12
1 | 50 | B3 | 38
Total | 50 | B3 | 38
so basically in each month there is a total row ad the end
but i would like the total at the very end
so imho it has to be outside the group right?
but if do it outside i get 424
and if i try to add the Groupname i get a ERROR
Nest the grouping
So start Row Group : Month
Then add another child Row Group: WorkHoursMonth
ok i will try it
But don't add a header for the second group
Or you can, idk what you prefer. Doesnt really matter
Ok so If you have teh grouping correctly then do like this:
like what?
This is how it should look like for you
Kind of...
Did it work?
moment please
an i do add a total for my WorkHoursMonth right?
mhh it still sum up
Can you share screenshot of the grouping ?
and one group of SollStunden looks like:
You need to add the total as shown on the screenshot
result in a moment
And its still the wrong total?
i'll have a look in an hour.. Then i'll have access to my VS and I'll test this out.
yes i show you
this is page 2
like you can see the total is a sum of all values
2 hours later…
I found the problem. Didn't realise this was such a big issue in SSRS... Anyway this should solve your issue.
I'll edit my answer
You can scratch the whole thing about nested groups...
Unless the WorkHoursMonth can be different inside the same Moth group...
Just grouping by Month should be enough and this should be the Expression that calculate syour correct total:
Let me know if this worked for you
Also don't forget to mark my answer as the solution when done. More credit for both of us and another closed topic.

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