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Q: Why is this datatable showing no result when for a mobile number?

NevermoreI have a datatable in which I am putting my data. You can see the code below. I want you to notice that; the code will work perfectly right now. However, when you uncomment the Mobile# from the code & then try searching using profile-ids (8 or 12); it doesn't show the records as it shows without ...

When I do not add the mobile#; the search works.. else if I add the mobile#; the search doest work. This is the problem. I want the search to work after I add mobile# in the table. I dont understand the weirdness of Datatable.
@mplungjan I have updated my fiddle .. basically same. Please check it out.
run snippet @mplungjan there is no fiddle
if you uncomment mobile# and change in <td>2312</td> to <td>asf</td> then it works perfectly
i think it confuse between two column which has numeric value..isn't it?
Added a JSFiddle to the question
@debin I want a mobile number man .. does asf appear to be a mobile number? Nope.
I am just giving an example that datatable may b get confused between two column if it has numeric value..I know mobile number has numeric value
refer this: search on particular column..$('#column3_search').on( 'keyup', function () { table .columns( 3 ) .search( this.value ) .draw(); } );
@debin You are correct. However, there must be some way to resolve this. This drove me nuts for 3 hours today :-D
hello debin
Seems like debin just hijacked my answer and explanation, but expanded a bit on it by searching for the function.
A: Why is this datatable showing no result when for a mobile number?

KiboIt seems that the search fields searches in all td elements if it contains that value, possibly using regular expressions for this? I haven't worked with DataTables, but is there a way to set which field it should check in? That would most likely solve your problem. <script src="https://aja...

What is the actual issue? If you uncomment and search, it will search across all fields as it is designed to do. What is the expected behaviour?
"then try searching using profile-ids (8 or 12)"
he wants to search by id
There are no 8 or 12 profile IDs
that's why I asked if it was possible to search for a given column with DataTable
gosh, it's just an example, you can search for 1 and 2, right?
no need to be THAT specific about the issue
And in my posted code, I have 8 and 9 for profile ID and 123 and 456 as phone. It works as expected
because they don't have the same value that the search box is searching for
He needs to hack the code to allow search for "id=8" for example
change phone number of id 9 to 345 and the error will show up again
no, debin already posted what function to use
What ERROR? I do not see any errors
I explained the problem he's having before that
the behavioral error
he wants to search for unique fields, namely the id, but it searches in all TD fields for the value you enter, regardless of the position of it in the TD
It is not a behavioural error. It is working as designed
did you read what OP posted?
But I now seem to understand the issue.
@mplungjan Expected behavior is .. it should search for the input in any column of the table and it should show up.
How would you tell the datatable which column you are searching?
debin already posted the link for that;
So this is solved?
Well.. it searches in every <td>. However, if the data in <td> is redundant; it doesn't seem to work.
No it didnt solve the prob.
You really need to be specific in your language. It works as designed. But it does not work as you NEED it to work.
If you have ID=8 and phone 789, it will show either when you search for 8
How do you want to specify that when you search for 8 you mean ID and not phone?
Check my Fiddle.. Thats the prob.
What fiddle? Do you mean your snippet? A fiddle is code written at
Whether I search for 8 or 9 doesn't matter. It should go through the table and find all matches of 8 or 9 as per the input. However, here its failing.
he already edited the post with the fiddle...
And what is the ERROR? It shows both when searching for 1 or 2 because there is 1 and 2 in both phone numbers
the error is that it doesn't work on his computer
Nevermore, do any errors show up in the console? - that was what I kept asking. What ERROR is appearing
In if you search for 15 or 26 you will get different records
No errors on my console. Console is clean
Which browser and version are you using?
Mozilla 40.3
I understand the problem.. I think. I have also thought of a hack..
Hack is.. I can add padding to the profile-id like 00005 instead of 5 which will solve the prob of searching probably.
why not set each of the column values to have a specific format?
like phone numbers always starting with #
format like?
The user sees the phone number and he will be like what is this stuff starting with #
Or.. may be starting with code .. like (+1) for america
that's a better idea
adding codes like +1 or # doesnt solve the problem either.. the threshold should be more than 1 digit to search..
I will just put a message.. Enter atleast 3 characters to search
:-D That seems to be the only way.. cos of such cases. It is still not showing up for entry of profile-id = 8.
but what if you got a profile id with at least 3 digits, then the same problem occurs
why not create a datalist to select which column to search in? and then use that with the search box
Good point. OMG! I didnt think of this
I was going to use Tablesorter plugin for this. However, it had the same prob. It wasn't showing the search results.
I will better create a search for datalist on each column
You can check an update to my code.
@Kibo Please check the update that I have made to my fiddle. Individual searches fail for datatable
@mplungjan Check my new JSFiddle

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