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@Mikhail You'll get duplicate case values, and it won't compile.
Yeah so strings implement the < operator so you can have some ugly comparison chain
If you hate your colleagues we can std::map<std::string,int> and back it with #define macros as is my fashion now days. Then switch on the result of the map :-)
@Mikhail Or just use a different hash function. For a switch, you obviously have some finite set of case values, so you can use gperf (or whatever) to generate a perfect hash over those values, and off you go.
Thats a noob move, compare the pointer to something in .bss :-)
Can I get in on the discord action? :O my discriminator is 7755
Wasn't there this library that had like awesome switch cases
that there was no real point of using? :P
@Mikhail I don't usually read strings at runtime, but when I do, I read them into .bss!
you are just gonna let .bss go to waste?
@A.H. As big as my waist is anymore, it probably won't make any noticeable difference.
You're mama is so fat she drown in a string pool
@Mikhail We've come full circle, all the way back to theories about strings again.
@TelKitty The green one's neck looks a little on the long side--more like a turkey than a chicken.
There are two green ones, they are both very tiny. Even smaller than my tiny chicken.
The small chick is the perfect size for lightly squeezing though, I love to induce Stockholm syndrome in my pet chickens as young as possible.
@TelKitty Yes, but only one is visible enough in the picture to say anything about it beyond its likely presence.
7 hours later…
How many levels of abstraction you on today?
I'm just a high-level abstraction above cells and a bunch of random bacteria
If you look back far enough, your ancestors and chickens ancestors are probably siblings.
2 hours later…
@JerryCoffin Cheers. You're on top of standard proceedings. I always wonder how people muster the energy :)
If you center a picture in Powerpoint it centers the top left corner. Brilliant.
Seeing is believing. Maybe "center" wasn't so much the aligment (verb) as well as the anchor placement. It would make a little sense that centering on the anchor would reveal that the anchor used to be top left.
3 hours later…
Powerpoint crashes every time I try to change a link to a video. I can't tell if it's because it's a network drive or the video is named something.video.mp4.
1 hour later…
1 hour later…
@sehe I have more energy left for following standardization because I don't spent 3 hours writing and revising a Spirit-based parser on SO quite as often as one Polar Bear I could name...
std::dynarray has been left to rot since 2014
Remember the Arrays TS?
Me neither
I've recently used std::unique_ptr<T[]> a few times.
@StackedCrooked I guess that's better than nothing, but my personal opinion is that when/if that's the best option available, it's a failure.
Why not use std::array?
Have you guys ever wondered if there as some good way to cache repeated vtable lookups? Like const auto prop_a = pure_virtual_interface->get_a(); const auto prop_b = pure_virtual_interface->get_b(); ? There has got to be some way to communicate that the vtable lookup only needs to happen once because the object is unlikely to change between subsequent function calls? One potential solution is the visitor pattern but thats kinda clunky.
@JerryCoffin touché
@Mikhail You mean caching the return value of virtual methods? (Because that's what your code example seems to do.)
Now I'm starting to think of vtables. A vtable lookup is an indexing operation into a global array of which the address is known at link time with an index that is known at compile time. So technically it should be possible for the compiler (in cooperation with the linker) to optimize away the indexing instruction and replace it with the immediate address. I wonder if compilers already do this.
Oh wait, the vtable address isn't known at compile time. It's stored in a pointer inside the object.
Never mind.
Also de-virtualization can sometimes happen (what you described), this is where the compiler figures out that you don't need a virtual table.
I mean cache the vtable lookup, because after the first call the compiler should know the type, which can be maybe be reused for subsequent calls.
I assume repeated vtable lookup aren't that expensive because probably in the scenario I mentioned (repeated calls to methods of the same polymorphic object) the CPU has cached the vtable?
But it is intellectually stimulating that the visitor pattern avoids repeatedly looking up the type.
auto* resolved_ptr = static_cast<type>(pure_virtual_interface);//resolved once, can we do it with better syntax?
prop_a = resolved_ptr->get_a();
prop_b = resolved_ptr->get_b();
A: Why do we use char* as a buffer, why not a string in boost::asio?

seheI think both the answers, by giving arguments against string or int[] miss the general point: Boost Doesn't Make That Choice For You In other words You Are Free To Use All Of These To Your Taste Demo Live On Coliru: #include <boost/asio.hpp> #include <iostream> template <typename Buffer> siz...

Flurb. Why do people insta-accept answers. And how does everyone fail to detect a false premise?
@JerryCoffin I consider it a clean building block. But using it raw is just as iffy as using raw T* indeed. The responsibility for tracking the size should be tightly tied to it so it doesn't become a bug source or encourages sloppy interfaces.
@Mikhail because std::array is disappointing :(
What I want is regular arrays in the language
also 2D/3D/4D arrays
Of course it's impossible to change that stupid decaying behaviour but w/e
std::mdspan looked nice, but the syntax sugar extension was killed and now it doesn't look as pretty :(
I actually ran into a sad problem where I couldn't find an 5-D array wrapper in C++ when porting some python :-(
That's sad
Pretty obvious the C++ language needs a reality check to make it congruent with the problems people in the Python world solve.
> Alexa play Despacito
@Mikhail I can feel valarray making a comeback already...
@sehe Oh yeah--as a building block it's great. But it's a brick, not a house.
@JerryCoffin Amy Winehouse's song about them.
@sehe because there are entire discords AFAIK dedicated rep farming on SO
also reporting people
It was an offensively dumb proposal because it didn't take into account how people used these arrays. For example, it was 1D only. We needed numpy.ndarray
array but got some std::byte-level of garbage.
Just thinking about std::valarray makes me angry :-P
Don't be angry. Standard library is about general purpose utilities. And valarray was a mistake in that regard. If you good special purpose utils then you should look elsewhere.
@Mikhail std::valarray is a graveyard of 'could have been'
It also seems like whoever designed it didn't do any scientific programing. Just like the 2D graphics ts
scientific programming is just designed to always be cursed with MATLAB, Labiew and more recently python
All I can say is, they can be glad they mostly dodged Java
You're missing FORTRAN, and having 2D arrays isn't a curse. MATLAB historically was a library like Eigen. LabVIEW is instrumentation.
@Mikhail Valarray itself is 1D, but part of the point of the design is to support arbitrarily high dimensions reasonably transparently.
By inheriting from from it? I don't think they thought this one through.
@Mikhail In...what? Sorry, but it's about as solidly anti-inheritance as the STL stuff. No, the arbitrary dimensions are handled via slice and cousins. Here's a quick demo of doing 2D stuff with it: codereview.stackexchange.com/a/45465/489.
Lol, are you responsible for std::valarray?
Also poor naming std::slice is really doing a ravel_index
But still pretty awful because the dimensions aren't stored in the actual object. its like std::vector but with more steps
@Mikhail Not at all. But before condemning it, I tried to learn at least enough about it to understand what it was and what it wasn't. Its big problem is timing--it's designed for machines (like old Crays) that used static RAM for the main memory instead of using caching--and unless you mostly do small arrays, it does really badly with cache.
I mean the ergonomics are garbage compared to using eigen or python. I'm not sure what this has to do with caching.
^ Consider that example, what would go wrong if they replaced valarray with std::vector (switch std::valarray<int> data; to std::vector<int> data;)
With valarray you can get garbage like being able to do element wise operations BUT in the example, the trucking array is actually a private data member!!!!
@Mikhail The ergonomics can work pretty nicely at least for some cases. For one (admittedly trivial) example: stackoverflow.com/a/1723071/179910
@Mikhail Yes, and intentionally so. It was specifically intended to allow some things like shallow copies under the right circumstances.
Okay well I need to get back to work, can spend all my time being angry.
The primary intent was to get performance. The problem was that it takes some work to get good performance with it, and it's been a chicken and egg problem--almost nobody uses, so nobody works on it, so performance (mostly) sucks, so nobody uses it. On the other hand, a few years ago somebody at Intel decided to actually make an attempt at optimizing their implementation--and got roughly a 2:1 performance improvement, at least in some quick testing I did.
Nobody uses it because of the ergonomics, it offers almost nothing compared to std::vector except for a few limited operations that already are implemented on containers.
OpenCV, Eigen, cimg, almost any other library provides 2D structures
There are people who'd happily put up with its interface if they got enough speed from doing so.
I mean you can get the same speed from using any of the other libraries I mentioned, but also get ergonomics.
With ranges we can probably just do const auto sum = std::accumulate(vector)
@Mikhail Yes, they are starting to get fairly close to what valarray did in 1993...
What specs do you typically look at when purchasing a professional build server?
Things I consider: enough RAM (8Gb), 512 Gb SSD and native Linux (ie no VM) with admin rights
As there really anything else that matters?
@traducerad Cores and memory. If I were buying a machine today, I wouldn't consider less than 16 gig, and for a build server at least 32 Gig. More cores and more memory means more parallel compiling and less waiting.
@JerryCoffin cores and memory, makes sense. So yhea this confirms that actually there are not so many things you have to look at
I felt like only considering the above 3 factors + numbers of cores were too few things and that I maybe was missing something
@traducerad I haven't done a side by side test, but compiling is pretty disk intensive too, so faster SSDs might well be worthwhile.
Is this really very disk intensive? What makes it so disk intensive?
I thought you d just need SSD to be able to "quickly" retrieve the sources from the disk. And enough storage space to guarantee you can store all your source code
@traducerad Reading header files. Compiling a single fairly small source file can mean reading several megabytes of headers. Building for Windows is especially bad--<windows.h> works out to several megabytes by itself.
I see, makes sense
What types of machines are typically used for this? I presume a build server is not just a regular laptop which you use as a server
Because frankly speaking, if you don't have too much code a raspberry pi could do the trick too haha
Although it would take more time
Most companies use the cloud
@Mikhail I am not a hypster.
Either way, "the cloud" is made out of a specific type of machines. I guess it s not a normal HP laptop
Normal people would hook up the build machine to the CI
Got references of a build machine?
@Mikhail I d say you could just have your build machine do the CI, rather than having it separate
Sounds like more work, also making sure the code builds is part of the CI.
@Mikhail On the contrary, actually. To me the CI is: storage, build and testing
so you could just have it all on a single machine
Yes you can duplicate data on other systems for safety etc, but that s not what I m looking at here
@traducerad Most companies buy machines built as servers. More emphasis on storage, cooling and redundancy and (a lot) less on things like graphics that are barely used.
I see
Would a NAS be better than a regular laptop?
Forget what I said here above.
@traducerad Probably. But in terms of price/performance, almost any sort of desktop/server machine will be better than a laptop. Even with a big laptop, you're still paying a pretty heavy price to get something relatively small and portable.
Ya'll are out of date, try a modern gitlab based workflow.
@JerryCoffin It looks like most NAS barely have any RAM.
@Mikhail having a gitlab based workflow does not say anything about the underlying hardware. Which is what I am trying to figure out atm
gitlab + cloud (probably azure)
What hardware runs in the cloud?
@JerryCoffin Huh, only dual core?
I d expect you want at least quad core or so if number or cores matters
Cloud based instances have access to interconnects and faster between node networks than is typically available or affordable compared to SuperMicro solutions. Often IO is higher throughput. Also RAM speeds can be faster than commodity RAM.
@traducerad No, that's dual processors. Each is an EPYC, which means (if memory serves) a minimum of 8 cores apiece (and up to 64 cores apiece).
oh yhea, my bad
As a temporary intermediate solution: amazon.de/dp/…
Would this make any sense?
just run the CI on that cheap NAS and upgrade afterwards to a professional sever
@Mikhail High speed interconnect is mostly Infiniband, which Supermicro sells (they're a Mellanox OEM).
My devops skills ar sub-par lol
@traducerad Probably need to look carefully. Most pre-built NAS boxes won't let you run arbitrary code like compilers.
@JerryCoffin urgh...
Personally, I'd probably just grab something off of ebay. For example: ebay.com/itm/…
Indeed I was just looking for towers as well
But thing is, I have personally tried using a tower in the past as a build server that would be up 24/24 7/7
but after a couple of months the tower didn t boot any more. So I have the impression that every day towers (that you can eventually ugrade) are typically not built to run 24/7
@traducerad Look a bit more carefully at the one I pointed out. It's basically designed as a workstation, so it uses a server CPU, can take ECC DRAM, etc. In short, it's pretty much a server but in a tower case instead of rack mount.
ooh, OK I see. I have never ever looked into that kind of stuff. I didn't even know what workstation really meant. I thought it was just some synonym for every-day usage consumer laptop
*reading specs*
A new world is opening up for me lol
@traducerad At one time, "workstation" meant machines from DEC, Sun, Apollo, SGI, etc. Very high-end machines (for their time) for use by people expensive enough that spending a lot more on the machine to improve their productivity even a little bit was well worth it. Unfortunately, there's no clear definition, so everybody and his brother with aspirations of their machine being "high end" claims it's a workstation.
To be clear: I definitely do not recommend (at least the majority of) Dell's consumer level machines (and most others, such as HP's consumer level machines are little or no better). But their professional workstations (again, both Dell's and HP's for that matter) seem to be pretty decent machines.
@JerryCoffin I always say: HP makes decent printers AFAIK. But they should keep their hands off anything else
I ve had some bad experiences too. Don't know for their "workstations" though
It sad because, I d expect that companies who have been making consumer laptops for so many years would by now be able to produce a decent consumer laptopt
It s not as if whirlpool suddenly starts making laptops. They have no experience in that field, so IMO it would be understandable that their first laptops would be shit
@traducerad (Almost) none of them actually make laptops any more. Last time I checked, essentially all laptops were actually made by about half a dozen companies (Compal, Wistron, Inventec, Foxconn, to name the few I can remember off the top of my head). Whirlpool could start selling just as good of laptops as HP, Dell, Apple, etc., within a matter of months if they wanted. And they'd come out of the same factories as HP, Dell and Apple laptops do too...
Didnt know that. I -naively- thought they all made their own laptops +/- from scratch in house
Don't get me wrong: a vendor the size of HP/Dell/Apple will usually write up the specs (especially for their higher-end stuff) and often even have people working on-site at the factories doing QA and such. But no, building their own is pretty much history. About the only ones that even consider it are are small niches (e.g., I suspect Panasonic still builds their own--their Toughbooks really are built to withstand abuse that will kill almost all other laptops.
But you pay for that--their laptops are big, heavy and damned expensive.
So they are "just" assemblers actually
they = DELL and co
Order all subsystems (power supply, motherboard, etc...) at different manufacturers and then put it all together
@traducerad No. They mostly write specs and do testing on the result. The ODM/OEM builds complete machines.
BTW, you can actually purchase unbranded ones which is often cheaper or lets you reuse old components.
@Mikhail I would say you can also get no-name components, but that's technically not true. KingSpec, Wejinto, and GoldenFir are all names--just ones most of us haven't heard of before...
GoldenIIR requires fewer coefficients, though

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