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@SpongyFruitcake But yeah. But prepare to run away from my ugliness
Can we nuke this?
A: What is the "-->" operator in C++?

asocsIt is not an operator it means you are about to decrement something and then compare it

@Mysticial Nuclear launch detected
@Mysticial I think it needs at least another downvote or two first.
@Mysticial I guess one downvote is enough--it just doesn't show the "delete" button until it's refreshed...
Apparently my knowledge with Microsoft Access and SQL queries is approximately the same as my grandpa, who asked for help with his work's inventory management system.... I discovered that I prefer general purpose languages more than query languages. Easy access to state, scope, and branching are definite perks of general languages.
Query languages feel dirty because I have to make new tables and learn to filter instead of branch.
@Aaron3468 SQL certainly has a degree of ugliness and (worse) makes some simple jobs much more complex than they should be--but it's widely enough used that for all its ugliness, there's almost no meaningful alternative.
That said, it's certainly true that you can do quite a bit via an ORM (or other wrapper) so you don't have to deal with SQL directly. Some people (probably quite a few of them) have done database stuff for years (sometimes entire careers) using SQL databases, and never written SQL directly.
Yep, I know the basics, but what my grandpa need was something that has ~3 layers of decision making for one query. Too much for my level of skill in SQL.
One day I'll get there, but I really want to avoid web development and databases as much as possible
I did give him an outline of the logic though. It's not extraordinarily difficult to explain or make a diagram, and if it weren't in SQL it's a fairly simple calculation to perform. I'm glad it gave insight into what kind of thing I'm weak at.
@VermillionAzure No I'll be there end of June
@SpongyFruitcake Then I won't be there. I'll be in Seattle.
@SpongyFruitcake Are you Blob or who are you?
And why are you visiting?
Are you coming here for college?
I'm just taking some holidays
And who is Blob?
So, whats everybody working on?
Hi guys.
I'm so happy. I just found a chat for C++ programmers.
Well... I guess I'll just keep this tab open until someone comes...
I'm working on a program that sends a notification for events (warning time, start time, end time). The events info is stored in a file which is parsed. Made a class for an event because I intend to implement more functionality. Kind of lost the drive for now...
@Mikhail woke up really late, having 2 energy drinks and browsing the web
@Telkitty Sounds like the lifestyle of a teenage skater punk.
don't be jealous
One of those bicycles with little wheels
I will work on something once the laundry is done & caffeine sinks in
And the pegs so your friend can ride it too
I thought pegging ment something different :-/
@Mikhail Well, your friend can ride the pegs while they peg you if they want...
I coded a simple XOR encryption and encrypted an .mp3 file with the key 19937 and decrypted it with the wrong key 19936, but instead of breaking it, it produced garbled, creepy sounds... Any other combinations of keys and it breaks it... Notice, 19937 and mt19937
@6EQUJ5 19936 and 19937 are identical except for the least significant bit. If you used (for example) 0 and 1, you should get similar results.
@Morwenn A great man has visited French land
@JerryCoffin I was thinking that so I tried some other numbers that were identical like that (also 0 and 1), but it still broke the file.
Also, I was taking the key in as a string and iterating over its elements (char).
Imagine you have a pig as a friend & you have to explain to people 'my friend is a pig', "that's not very nice to say about your friend", 'no really, he's a pig'
@Telkitty Charlotte's Web...
@Telkitty That book fits.
@6EQUJ5 Ah, I was assuming a number, so 0 and 1 would both be (something like) 31 0 bits followed by either a 0 or 1 bit. The same principle still applies though: 19936 and 19937 sill differ only one bit that's located N bits apart, and any other pair of keys that differ only in one bit the same distance apart will produce an output that's bit-for-bit identical (so it'll unavoidably decode the same way).
@JerryCoffin It decodes the same way, but breaks the .mp3 file. Luck?
who needs a bicycle when you have a pig
as best friend
so how likely does everyone think nuclear warfare will somewhat happen in the next 12 months because N. Korea tension?
@6EQUJ5 If it's producing identical bits, the MP3 decoder will produce identical output.
@Telkitty Essentially indistinguishable from 0.
@JerryCoffin I have also noticed that if I encrypt a .jpeg file and decrypt it with the right key, the second time I do the same thing, the encrypted .jpeg file will be a blurred image. However, the first time the encrypted .jpeg file will be broken... Works for any key as far as I know. This must be because the first encryption/decryption alters the file?
@JerryCoffin Yes, but it doesn't.
@6EQUJ5 Sorry, but I'm not buying it. An MP3 decoder is deterministic--feed it the same stream of input bits, and it'll produce the same stream of output bits.
@JerryCoffin In the string "19937" and "19936" only the last character is different. The characters '6' and '7' is converted to int in my program and XOR's it with the current character of the buffer from the file. So, the XOR operation is different with those two.
@JerryCoffin possible but not probable?
@JerryCoffin Encrypting with 19937 and decrypting with 19936 will produce a different file than the original, won't it?
@Telkitty Probably about the same as the probability of the earth being hit by a large meteor that wipes out essentially all life (on earth) first.
@JerryCoffin Are you saying that encrypting with 19937 and decrypting with 19936 will produce the same file as the original?
@6EQUJ5 Basically most files have a header that identifies information about it. If the header becomes corrupt by the encryption, then the file cannot be read. If you write an encryption scheme that preserves a valid header, you can listen to the garbled audio.
@6EQUJ5 No, I'm saying that if it flips (for example) every 64th bit, then any other method of flipping every 64th bit will produce identical results.
@JerryCoffin But, it can't be identical since the two files are different in the end (can check with diff command in Linux).
@Aaron3468 Yes, but by luck it seems my program does that with the keys 19937 and 19936?
Yeah, either because your encryption doesn't work, or because those values just happen to be similar enough to produce a valid header for the file. You could write code that tests if the file opens in mp3 decoding libraries for each key to automagically find glitch-tunes.
My encryption is simple. I think it's right.

std::string::size_type n = 0;
for (unsigned char &c : buffer)
c ^= key[n % key.length()] + 300;
return buffer;
key is a string
Anyways, I have to go now. I'll check back later.
I somewhat thinks Trump's decision to increase NASA funding and cut climate change bill is the right decision.
A proof must demonstrate that a statement is always true (occasionally by listing all possible cases and showing that it holds in each), rather than enumerate many confirmatory cases. An unproved proposition that is believed to be true is known as a conjecture.
if a nation funds scientists who can not tell the difference between correlation & causation, then the nation doesn't deserve much scientific break through
If a nation funds defense that cannot tell the difference between terrorists and radicals, then the nation does not deserve much protection.
Meh, it's a really nuanced topic. I'd prefer there to be funding for both, or at least less posturing that either one is a waste of money, because they both yield their own benefits.
@Aaron3468 Based on when and how the problems from climate change happen, it may well make sense to spend money now on projects that have more immediate benefits to more people. Then, in a decade or two we end up spending more (total) on reducing climate change, but we've increased people's wealth enough with the other programs, that it's still a smaller percentage of people's income.
Yeah, maybe.
must not feed the trolls
If people disagree with you, they must be trolling you. Good one
@Telkitty In the past you seemed to rather brag about your status as not merely a troll, but a truly elite troll, as I recall.
but not everything a dentist do is about dental
in fact a dentist might spend less than 10% of their totally life working on other people's teeth
@JerryCoffin imagine having to live with those comments for the rest of your life, 10% guilt, 38% embarrassment + 42% joy (the rest 10% depends on mood)
I suppose I could try to imagine it, but I'm not sure it would really accomplish much.
@JerryCoffin but you need imagination, look:
I have imagination. I just think there are many other subjects to which it can be devoted.
I really like this project :P
2 hours later…
I also have an imagination
I just think there are many other subjects to which it can be devoted
I don't have imagination.
Although there are many subjects to which it can be devoted.
When someone said I am an 'elite troll', it's emphasizing on the capacity not the occupation. Like the difference between 'a fast runner' and 'a runner'.
a runner runs, but a fast runner is fast at running, does not necessarily run that much
@Borgleader But why Paris? D:
Can a paper be folded more than 7 times? - here if your answer
@fredoverflow We used it for embedded cards on coffee-makers in my previous job.
Java? Coffee? Awesome
A toast provides simple feedback about an operation in a small popup. It only fills the amount of space required for the message and the current activity remains visible and interactive.
if you coded for android in java, you would know that toast has been made in java for ages </trollololo>
@fredoverflow lol, bikeshedding about a terrible language
typedef int X;
void f(int(x), int(X), int X);
What are the three parameter types? :)
void f(char(u), char(c), char(k));
i c what u did there
@fredoverflow int, wtf..., int
@fredoverflow int, int(*)(int), int
@Xeo correct
I can't read them
@Ell int(X) is an anonymous function parameter (where int is the return type and (X) is the parameter list), which is silently rewritten to a pointer-to-function parameter.
1 hour later…
@fredoverflow XD
2 hours ago, by rightfold
@fredoverflow lol, bikeshedding about a terrible language
Interesting casestudy writeup
@milleniumbug Remember when we talked about this? stackoverflow.com/questions/30155802/…
Well I solved by using a alias to the incomplete type in translation unit A. Then I was allowed to do what you suggested in translate unit B.
@Morwenn You'd have to ask them xD
1 hour later…
@fredoverflow could it maybe be that Linux only knows C and refuses to learn other languages so just learns enough to form an argument about why he doesn't like them?
@thecoshman Linus?
The fi ligature is so common, I wonder if it ever will evolve into its own grapheme/letter.
@thecoshman I suspect it's a little more insidious than that. I suspect he's simply spent so much time working on the Linux kernel he's nearly incapable of understanding that there are really other kinds of things to do, so anything that wouldn't work well for it (as it's designed now) is "horrible", "awful", etc. Of course, given its current design, that basically means C is the only language that isn't (bad | horrible | awful | etc. )
In other words, it's not that he's being intentionally dishonest--just narrow-minded to the point of fairly obvious bigotry.
@wilx :P yeah
@JerryCoffin I agree.
@JerryCoffin yeah, very narrow minded
that said, Java really does stink
@thecoshman Sure. Even a clock that doesn't run is right once or twice a day.
but it's not that it has a really bad smell, it's just so a long drawn out smell that you think is gone, then something nice goes past you, and makes you realise there's still that fetid smell lingering around
@JerryCoffin false
a clock with no hands is never right... nor wrong
@thecoshman I said "that doesn't run", not "that doesn't have hands". If it doesn't have hands, it's not a real clock! :-)
@JerryCoffin a clock can run or not with or without hands :P
I guess I should have been more explicit in imitating his bigotry and said a clock without hands is "horrible, just horrible".
I think what you meant to say was "a set of clock hands pointing to a valid time is at right at twice per day, except for unusual days where it might only be right the once, or perhaps right for a third time"
Daylight savings time (or summer time, or whatever name you happen to use locally) is itself wrong enough that I don't need to take it into account when talking about a clock being right.
sadly, it can never be undone now :P
@thecoshman Sure it can. Probably won't be, but surely can nonetheless.
we can stop it being used, but we can't change that fact that it has been used and thus must forever be accounted for
yay time
@thecoshman I'm not at all sure that's true. How many people pay any attention to the time keeping used by the Navajo or Crow tribes 500 years ago? They surely did something, but I rather doubt anybody's even sure about the details, not to mention accounting for them.
@JerryCoffin for the vast majority of people sure, they care only about their own local time. But someone will be care about 'ye old' time keeping and thus our poor programming comrades must handle it :(
@thecoshman Probably. Then again, if it was all too easy, we wouldn't be able to make a living at it...
@JerryCoffin oh, whilst I have you about... solder... what % lead would you recommend? does it really matter much? Thinking mostly of through hole soldering, though I might suffer surface mount at some point, but I'm not opposed to getting solder for that specifically along with tips
@JerryCoffin as long as we can maintain the illusion :P
@thecoshman I dunno. I've used 60/40 and 63/37, as well as some that contains a little silver. Didn't seem to make a lot of difference in use.
Big thing is to get really thin solder. Lots of solder is really thick, so it almost immediately forms blobs that are huge compared to the pin spacing on a modern IC / PC board.
@JerryCoffin like 1mm? or is it that 'thick'?
@thecoshman I'm going from memory, but it seems like the usual "fine" solder is 0.8 mm.
ok then
depends on price ofc
1 mm would be all right as well, but I think 0.8 will be easier to find.
well, looking on RS, 1mm is cheaper :P
but I didn't look that far
@thecoshman Okay. I wouldn't worry a lot about price though. Unless you're doing a lot of soldering, a few bucks worth will last essentially forever. The roll I have right now is probably over 10 years old (and not even close to gone yet).
@JerryCoffin that's true :P
I'd fire that guy right away.. for being bad teeamplayer
@fredoverflow oh wait, his point is not that Java is bad, but just that it's eco system and 'owners' are bad?
Wow, a pirate :o
I've been known to frequent this pit before
We've played with a pirate folk band a few weeks ago.
pirate metal <3
It wasn't metal ^^'
We often talk about the sea in our songs. Does it count as pirate? :p
bleh bleh bleh
@thecoshman get the rosin core stuff
@thecoshman Do you like the Pogues or the Planxty? It was the same kind of band.
@Morwenn does it involve rape and/or pillage?
@Morwenn Pogues are ok, not exactly a fan, not heard of the latter
@thecoshman Well, there's a bit of death and destruction, but generally no rape/pillage.
the multicore one
@thecoshman For some reason the Planxty are almost unknown despite being a great band to listen to when going to the pub.
Looks like things are worsening again in Turkey.
what's the summary?
No more Wikipedia.
ah that thing
what are they playing at?
Dictatorship I guess.
Also even more censorship on TV.
wikipedia though
of all things
it doesn't even hvae contraversial stuff
@Ell But porn articles.
@Ell information
and communication
@thecoshman And articles about sorting algorithms.
@Xeo my party ended up being triple agents
@Ell That doesn't narrow it down a whole lot. Eliminates the giant half-kilo blocks they sell to plumbers, but that's about it.
@Shoe Saw some folks asking about computed properties in Vue. What a terrible library
binding watch recommendation for all of you
Thanks I will
integrals is the sexiest tghing in math
only if they are Lebesgue integrals
@JerryCoffin I was actually thinking of the multicore one
let me find it
this brand
I'm hungry.
Guess I'll go to sleep.
@Ell I didn't know Polaroid made solder (in fact, I didn't know they were in business any more).
@rightfold doing some calc these days?
Does anybody know if my answer to this question is correct? stackoverflow.com/questions/43711288/…
no, but I certainly downvoted it, and the question too
Oops, just realized that there's a Q&A room.
Thank you, Puppy :)
@Puppy can I ask you why?
@piribes you didn't read the rules
Apr 20 at 11:32, by Spongy Fruitcake
Welcome aboard Lounge Airlines! Please read The Rules and keep your seat belt fastened at all times.
see the thing on the right
@Ell You're right, I didn't read the rules. I found them after asking.
@piribes well, that's why puppy downvoted you
I don't agree with it but that's why vOv
@Ell It could be, I'm waiting for his/her reply.
I'm certain that's the reason
Well, anyway it's fun. I don't agree too, there's a price for everything someone said.
btw about your answer
I have no idea if it's correct
@piribes Because if I wanted to look at questions and answers, I would have gone to the question and answer site, not the chat site
it looks like it works
@Puppy Right, I've read the rules after asking here, sorry for that.
@Ell Thank you
@piribes don't mind him :P
do mind him
he's a genius
nah he's not
he doesn't even know that a monad is just a monoid in the category of endofunctors :D
I'm an experienced professional and you're barely a student
I'm an experienced professional too!
for some definition of "professional"
I make the computer do as my boss demands and he pays me for it
so I think that meets the definition
then I'm a professional then ;)
since when?
since the start of last year
as in, since the start of my studentship
I have a scholarship
so I work in the summer
it's a start I guess
@Puppy Given your definition, I wonder if the boss and I have to refer to different persons, or whether they can refer to the same person. In the latter, I would be a professional too!

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