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12:06 AM
> ...down on his knees
in the context of that video that phrase has multiple meanings.
anyways....carry on
I should do a Sharknado marathon. Opinions?
what's sharknado?
opinion: there are better uses for your time than Sharknado
12:53 AM
sharknado is the best way to spend time ever invented
disclaimer: I have never seen sharknado
@wilx do it
It is a parody comedy horror of the so bad it is is good kind.
Quality overflow is undefined.
1:16 AM
if you are above top quality, they you get quality overflow
1:34 AM
A day later, sim problem not solved
luckily, I have another phone
2 hours later…
4:02 AM
4:13 AM
@jaggedSpire I preferred Two-headed Shark Attack and Plane vs Volcano tbh
I would not recommend Mega Shark vs Mecha Shark or Robo Geisha (the trailer for this though is worth watching)
4:41 AM
4 hours later…
8:36 AM
> [Aide / Help] ils ont pas de lardons aux US
9:05 AM
Went to a bar, bought some people drinks, instant existentialist crisis. People I'm surrounded by are mostly the same sex and boring as fuck. Cooked 1 lb of ground beef. Can't hide behind work because I am the Übermensch therefore finished my work. You guys do anything fun?
@Mikhail Winter party at a friends place.
Leave Champaign and come to the city. You'll like it better.
both plans for yesterday and today got cancelled, did nothing all weekend
I also had absolutely nothing to do while I was down there.
Yesterday was supposed to be an autonomous (toy) car thing, but that was deferred until Jan. Today friend was sick and re-scheduled for tomorrow evening or the day after
i'm so fucking pissed off at the dating scene. The chicks I like are all called for, and the ones I meet at the bar are cocaine fiend. Typical story, "lets go to this after party", then when we show up its all black people party and my friend and I can't get in because they don't know me.
Not to mention the cocaine, which I don't don't do.
9:10 AM
Also trying to avoid dating scene, a guy wants to meet up in the next few days. But already got schedule for most of the days
@Mysticial My publication record will work against me when I beg the CME Group for a job they offered me for 120 as an undergrad 5 years ago.
Yeah? It was C++, this is the smallest sum our qualified candidates will except in CU.
That's pretty good for a something fresh out of undergrad.
But I was good, or rather I googled the answers to the questions on GlassDoor
And then they contacted me twice because they were surprised I didn't take their offer.
9:14 AM
@Mikhail Just to clarify, 120k is a lot for a fresh undergrad.
I was like: "fuck you I'm going to learn to physics, C++ is really easy". Half that statement is true, C++ is really easy, but their ain't nobody that knowns physics.
I find physics easier than C++
@Mysticial Depends on the city. But I think its fucking hilarious that as somebody with an graduate degree (maybe), I am offered less money than I was offered as an undergraduate. And by hilarious, I mean existentialist crisis.
@Telkitty That isn't true. But in reality, most people who get a physics degree don't know physics.
@Mikhail Next time you come to Chicago, let's talk. You're falling in the same trap I did before I bailed from school.
@Mikhail it depends on the person, and also same thing can be said about people who got C++ jobs
9:19 AM
@Mikhail And while I haven't seen much of your actual code, your interactions here demonstrate enough relevant knowledge and experience that you might be suitable for the place I'm at.
Also, should I be worried if being able to build a self driving car gets me more excited than dating any guy on the face of earth?
@Mysticial Indeed, but I think I'm going to go the SBIR phase 2 route, and start my own company. The problem is that my patents, at present, would be all owned by the university. C++ is fucking easy, owning your own work is fucking hard. Finding a person with two X chromosomes that will tolerate you is even harder.
@Telkitty I would hesitate to compromise our online friendship by asking you for a favor this early on in the game :-)
@Mikhail That last part is something I'm also working on. And it really helps to be in the city.
My bitcoin appreciate which means I have way too much money, especially as my Judeo-Marixist interpretation of money demands I live a life of poverty.
The real thing that brings the cosmic balance of Karma out of wack is that the people whom I think are least successful in their professional endeavors (by publication count), are the most happy.
Not to mention that nobody in my building as has any clue as to what I'm talking about on the physics side, or event he implementation (C++) side.
in real life, physics is really useful
9:27 AM
No, in real life connections and politics are useful
not as useful if you sit in front of a PC all day
Physics and equations meld to the reality that old men in power want.
As I mentioned to Mr. Jerry Coffin life is politics
Maxwell's equation are easy compared to asking somebody for $100,000k
I am talking about building physical things ... or experience the likes of free fall or the need to calculate the fraction of rocky surface and your buddy's fat butt to ensure the impact between said butt and the rock beneath is not likely to damage any bones.
That is easy. In my field everybody knows what to do, you an break the diffraction limit by five times and everybody knows how to build that kind of system. But our lab has no money, and the assholes I work with know its easier to take my work or do nothing at all. Ignorance is bliss in your personal life.
if shit doesn't work, get your more knowledgeable college (who gave countless hours of his life to learn how shit actually works) to do your work.
But in my fields its kinda worse, because what we do is easy, but nobody has any money. So, I've started spending my own personal money on industrial equipment. The hope is that I can get the fuck out of here sooner, although because my PI doens't care about my work (or any work), its not a successful strategy - at this point.
Ignorance is not helpful in things that take experience for granted ... like how to excel in exams, knowing how much speed limit to exceed without copping a fine ... or be able to know just roughly when the asset you are interested in possessing is about to increase in value
9:35 AM
So then I talk to people who who don't fucking care (about work, or anything) and I envy their bliss, and as of recently the families they have.
I finally find out the purpose of this chat - to release the pressure out of regulars by allowing them to whine here
whiners, unite!
@Telkitty Exams are for Chinese people, who take 7 years to get their PhD's with only 1 research paper and no citations.
the school you attend does not look at your marks?
@Telkitty once you're in they don't, but the grades can be managed by not taking hard classes, or if you're me - you just don't give a fuck
You will get lower grades, if -god-forbid- you try to actually learn anything
The trick is to know stuff before coming in...
Fortunately, none of the kids I TA or mentor as an RA read this chat. Those kids also lack legitimacy. Actually, I wished they didn't' suck. Typically when they get up to C++ knowledge they leave our lab for financially lucrative internships.
@Mikhail I am the opposite, I take the hard way - 2 degrees and 1 post-degree, never taken 1 similar major ... in fact the harder the subject, the better I fare
I am the lazy genius, I don't work very hard most of the times. Period
But I like challenges, the hard the better
then I try to avoid any boring things like a plague
In the long run, I only work hard on things I am interested in ... and I can be very hard working on them
9:44 AM
@Telkitty I'm pretty sure you and I are in different positions with different aspirations. My only source of income is sucking dick on MISC 1099 forms, while I think you inherited property from your family. Most importantly, I came here for world domination...
I didn't inherited any property. I got a bit help from my parents, yes. But I bought it with mostly my deposit and money borrowed based on my salary back then.
So, if you owned a condo in Chicago's downtown, there is a good chance that your condo appreciated in value more than $60k in the last 2 years.
add a 0 to mine :p
One day the revolution will come or the fucking Chinese will own everything
also built another one, financed by my parents but I own the land which is a lot more than the building material itself
I have built a lot of useful things, I think I am entitled to own whatever I am owning now :p
9:54 AM
The key thing is that it has nothing to do with the wage slavery and dick sucking that ordinary people are stuck in.
Another alternative fact is that when the revolution comes, we'll get you too
Except that there will probably be no revolution :-(
I went to one of the top universities in Australia, had a scholarship & graduated with honours. Also top 1% in maths competition. It's not like I am born with ordinary intelligence :p </shameless_self_promotion>
Need to go for a jog, bbl
I also had a scholarship, but I don't want this stuff to decent into a pissing contest. Mostly, because I know how to win at them, heck I paid for undergrad doing php, but I don't know how to win at the stuff at the stuff I want from life :-)
Well, back to reading Gabriel Garcia Marquez in the original Spanish - another skill that nobody gives a fuck about and can't relate to. Including the people that speak Spanish.
10:33 AM
Is there anyway that I can catch a nullptr exception with a smart pointer?
11:06 AM
My mother remembers him, he taught at the Conservatory of Leningrad where she studied when she was young
11:26 AM
@Columbo uh what. That's... all over the place, and so violent. Many details are completely unintelligible or snowed-under.
Oh. It's more than the e-flat prelude. I'll keep listening for a bit
11:50 AM
@sehe What the hell.
The violence is exactly what I love it for.
2 hours later…
2 hours later…
3:23 PM
Anyone here
3:55 PM
4:42 PM
no one at all
5:16 PM
everyone on the internet except you is a bot
5:34 PM
4 hours later…
10:01 PM
@набиячлэвэли Not really bots. Just my sock-puppets.
10:23 PM
Google Finally Lets You Mute Autoplay Videos
really? I have been doing it for ages by turning the volume to zero and turn the speaker off altogether ...
10:58 PM
Q: How do you make python run sha256 hashes faster

MattI am currently in the process of making a bitcoin mining application in python, however I am struggling to get faster hashing rates than ~3000 hashes per second (which really sucks) Here is what I have so far... import time import hashlib import random import string def id_generator(chars=stri...

This one is right up there with the "enumerate all GUIDS" question
@lizardbill @zopatista It's right up there with https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/oldnewthing/20131029-00/?p=2803 and https://stackoverflow.com/questions/10029651/fastest-way-in-c-sharp-to-iterate-through-all-guids-possible (screenshot for mere mortals :))
Couldn't find it in time for the edit
@sehe Well, for one, the "enumerate all GUIDS" is funnier.
It is? Nah. The "Please make my bitcoin miner go fast" - in is funnier, because pettier
Alright, thank you for your help! — Matt 1 hour ago
That so sounds like "I will not listen to any one of you."
11:15 PM
Matt wouldn't need to exploit additional planets for his problem. "Therefore, before you run this program, you will need to acquire 100 earth-sized planets and convert them all to SSDs. " (R. Chen)
but did he run the numbers for spinning-disk platters or tape drives?
@Puppy He outsourced that to the Borgs.
telstra - the largest telco company in australia, after getting transferred more than 10 times, the sim problem is still not solved
talking about imcompetency
hire imcompetent people, increase GDP!

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