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> I might wrong but suggesting that a narcissistic bully is too much of a wuss to be a Real Hitler seems shortsighted twitter.com/derektmead/status/775750329753362434
@Ell long time no seen
I'm tempted to bin the tweet because "no gifs". :D
Oh boy. I didn't even see it.
Q: Downvoted and censored after asking for feedback in the chat

Dan DascalescuAccording to this question, if you have a new, answer to an old question and you believe it's better than existing answers (or offers a solution not available at the time), it's OK to notify other answerers of your solution. It's specifically "not forbidden": while it is not forbidden, some p...

^^ pwned
I was just kidding, btw
@sehe I pop in now and then :3
Dont have anything to say nowadays
On your way to Buddhahood
@sehe I got in an argument the last time I said it, but I maintain that if Hitler had died of, say, a massive heart attack at the right time (e.g., shortly before the invasion of Poland), he'd be remembered as one of the great leaders of the 20th century. He was originally put in charge of the country largely because he'd been tremendously successful in engineering a recovery from a massive recession.
@JerryCoffin I thought that it was mostly financed by massive debt and the German economy wasn't remotely sustainable in real terms, or something?
@JerryCoffin That would have to be WELL before that invasion, but point taken.
@sehe I wish
but personally
A thing of beauty
I still maintain the opinion that the war he started was pretty critical
To what (besides, nearly everything)
our social evolution
@sehe Oh, I don't mean it would have had to be right then--just that that's about latest it could have happened and still be seen as a good leader.
Hitler proved to everybody what happened if you let nationalism run rampant
and got started some pretty serious pacifism movements too
I learned recently that nuclear disarmament meetings in the US now receive basically no attendance
probably because everybody who remembers how terrible nuclear weapons are when they're actually used is now dead.
@Puppy You guys seem to be proving that too, at the moment. :P
yep, absolutely.
@JerryCoffin I'm pretty sure there would have been way too much dark shadows. A good part of the intellectuals had already moved to a different continent, for some reason. Not even Mussolini gets a favourable reading in history, despite mostly staying on that "just a strong leader" side of the line
There is a difference between nationalism and fascism though right
I mean the US is very nationalistic
nationalism is just a synonym for stupidity anyway so I don't really care all that much about whether or not they're different
But are conservative
personally, my current theory is that if you don't have a terrible war, people don't really realize how terrible war is, and they don't struggle so hard to avoid it
In comparison to the UK
Which apparently also is nationalistic
and people who remember WW2 are more or less dead now
@Ell There is. But I've yet to see fascism that doesn't thrive on nationalism
so I think we're about in line for WW3, give or take.
@sehe hmm I suppose
lessons of WW2 forgotten
@Puppy how many years do you give it?
There's a difference between fire and and ovens. Yet, historically they're closely related
@Ell 4 months. If the right person takes office.
I'm sure the wrong person will take office in either outcome :V
@Ell That assumes that the effectively outright destruction of countries like Syria or Libya doesn't already qualify as having started it.
What's wrong with Libya currently?
Sorry for being totally ignorant
there's no state
basically, they threw out Gaddafi but never figured out who or what should replace him.
it's a patchwork of territories controlled by whoever has more men with more guns
@Ell The first thing he's gonna do is replace all the sensible advisers with his family. Once that's in place, the first thing he'll do is nuke Syria to get rid of ISIS. The fallout from that will escalate into a full scale nuclear war between US, Russia, and China. And we're all dead.
get a hundred warring factions loaded with military hardware, throw in a bit of Islamic State action, and you're done
@Mysticial what? the puppy is getting into the office?
@Puppy BS. cold war started immediately after ww2
clue's in the name
no WW2 ? very hot war.
@Puppy nationalism != racism != fascism
although arguably in that case, it's probably just WW2 but with different factions
@Abyx Nah, they're just different things you can be really stupid about.
I don't really see a difference between "I'm fucking stupid about your skin colour" and "I'm fucking stupid about the patch of dirt you got born on or this item was made on"
People can have pride in their Nation
@Abyx No, the puppy wouldn't nuke anyone because he doesn't give a flying fuck about anything - let alone flying nukes.
if they're stupid they can
It isn't about hating other nations
hold on, gonna get some whiskey
now it's good
@EtiennedeMartel Cicada was probably behind it
@Ell It pretty much is.
Is it about hating other races?
@Mysticial he already confessed that he would nuke ME
@Mysticial I personally absolutely would drop a nuke in Syria.
what a moron
see above w.r.t. lessons, wars, generations, etc.
well it's not like I don't understand such sentiments
if memory serves Islamic State basically already promised to commit genocide against the West; we should just show them what that really means and why everybody else learned to live and let live.
@JerryCoffin That actually makes a lot of sense
Interesting perspective
@Puppy and kill hundreds of thousands of civilians?
@Puppy actually most of IS is in Iraq
@Ell You're assuming they would otherwise survive.
or a significant part of it
but compared to the death toll already in that part of the world, the number of civilian deaths isn't actually that high.
@Puppy do you think IS will kill every last one?
if it had the effect of ending war there, it would probably cause less deaths than a long drawn-out conventional war
Umm, who do you nuke?
@Ell They certainly have done in places, but more likely, they'll kill a substantial portion over a large area.
@Puppy huh? it's only because we count every military-aged man as a combatant
So what do you do about all of the IS outside of Syria?
Or other fundamentalist muslims
@Abyx Well then, the civilian death tolls must be understated and it must actually be even higher than we estimate, huh
@Puppy Except that this is no conventional war
@Ell Personally, I'm of the opinion that people who see the other guys on their team perish in atomic fire give up pronto.
@Puppy I personally think it's better to send in a million soldiers than to nuke. Even if most of the civilians end up being slaughtered by ISIS anyway, some of them will survive. And you won't have the PR hit of "nuking civilians". Nuking Syria also has the side-effect fallout with Russia since they're supposed to like the president of Syria or something. IIRC.
@Mysticial The PR hit is exactly what you need- it's the best effect.
btw you cannot destroy IS by killing its soldiers. they would just recruit more
in fact I figure that you could probably destroy them more easily with conventional weapons, if not necessarily with a lower total death count
No nukes will be dropped in Syria
@Mysticial Russia hates IS too
@Abyx The problem is bigger. You can kill off ISIS, but new radical groups are gonna form. That's probably why the UN hasn't "gone in" and wiped them out yet.
nukes have the downside of being a mass destruction weapon in the broadest sense of the word
That probably goes against a bazillion acts and pacts
@Puppy there are hundreds of thousands
see, you see that as a downside
All over the world
meaning, the cloud will get you in Europe when you nuke Syria
but I think of it as an upside.
@Mysticial UN just doesn't work, forget about it
upside is when it rains back on you in middle Europe?
@Abyx Bush went in and "wiped out" the Taliban. And ISIS replaced them.
Yeah, nukes have a negative effect on everybody on the long run
The problem is bigger.
Israel doesn't want to touch IS as IS doesn't directly treat it
we've had one precedent already where it rained in Norway after having nuked in Ukraine
@Mysticial nope, Taliban is still there. They're don't govern Afghanistan but they still exist
@Mysticial what about the million soldiers?
@Shoe That's debatable.
@Ell Oh, as an alternative to nuking Syria to get rid of ISIS.
What's debatable is whether those negative effects are worth it
@Mysticial Well, he failed to wipe them out in a pretty hard way. And ISIS still replaced them ;p
I doubt you can debate that it doesn't effect everybody negatively at least a little bit
@Mysticial no I mean, the deaths of said soldiers
and that's fundamentally why I favour a nuclear strike
It's not very fair on them I guess
I know they're paid to die but
I think that nobody replaces the guys who die that way
You have to include them in the death toll too
The problem isn't total annihilation of one group. Whether you do it by soldiers or nukes, they're gonna keep coming back. The problem is the ideology. That can't be easily fixed.
or joins their team
the thing about the Islamic State that it's an idea of Islamic State (caliphate)
@Mysticial very true
you cannot destroy an idea
also the support by other countries that want to keep this party going
You can make people forget said idea
Or show them that it's terrible
See nazism
@Mysticial Nah. I think that if you destroy them with a nuke, the other guys will decide their ideology is not worth it.
They won't
nazism isn't forgotten
@Puppy I doubt that will happen
They will think "I will be rewarded for being a martyr"
anyways, IS is a part of Islam
that's for individual soldier deaths.
your whole family, your entire city, they're not martyrs
they're just wiped out.
they didn't die in glorious combat against your holy enemies
Quran says that there should be a caliphate, and IS says that they're the one
Fundamentally the problem boils down to this. Their ideology requires that all everyone else be dead. There is only one fixed point in this equation. Is that either their ideology goes to zero. Or everything else goes to zero. The implication is obvious. But it's unthinkable to commit ideological genocide in today's world.
@Mysticial Unless you're Islamic State who already tried it against some smaller religious sects in their area.
another reason why I favour targetting them specifically
@Mysticial not exactly dead. just under the IS
@Puppy They didn't?
certainly did.
it was big news over here
@Puppy inshallah.
we had to call the Kurdish army and drop 99999999 bombs to stop tem
@Puppy I'm saying that ISIS and Taliban and such, are just gonna keep coming back under new names until either they are completely wiped out. Or the rest of the world is wiped out.
@Mysticial Yes, I agree. That's why you need to demonstrate that you have the power to wipe them out, and that you will use it if you have to.
@Mysticial It's the ideology that you need to wipe out
@Puppy but you can't. we have no such power
Conquer the land, slowly teach your values to newer generations
@Puppy Unfortunately, the ideology extends far beyond just the groups.
And let few generations pass
@sehe Oh, no question there would be (quite a few) who'd point to the way things like civil liberties were thrown out virtually the minute he became chancellor. And from our perspective it's obvious they'd have been right. Nonetheless, he did accomplish some positive things.
And BOOM, you have democracy or whatever setup you want
@Abyx Pretty sure that my country alone possesses enough nuclear warheads to end pretty much all life on Earth.
@Puppy so you've nuked Libya. What then when they don't give up?
Nuke turkey?
Nuke all of the middle east?
well if they don't give up, then obviously you need a new theory of social evolution
@Ell exactly
You can't do that.
I figure you could drop one, maybe two at the most.
The political implications of nuking turkey are not even something to consider from far away
@Puppy I really doubt about that entire Earth thing.
after that if it's still not working find another approach
@Puppy of course they won't give up. there is no such thing as "give up" for them
@Puppy well let's start from there
@Puppy IS is no Japan
Because nuking Syria is not going to work
These people are not afraid of death
like, sorry Allah, Kaffirs nuked us so we will abandon you
they're not afraid of their own death.
not happening
@Mysticial woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwww
it's a very different prospect when it's the death of hundreds of thousands of their families.
@Puppy Neither were a lot of Japanese soldiers during WWII, but they cared about their families. That's the difference.
I would say that most of them don't have a family
I feel like post-fixing anything with of the fast
@Puppy they don't care about their families
@Mysticial of the fast (pi computation)
well if the families are dead they can't produce new militants so that's something to start with
Moreover if you drop nukes there, they'll use all the civilians you killed as the biggest propaganda to "fight the devil".
they only care about faith
It would just spawn x10 more combatants
@Puppy you can recruit foreigners
I'm sure they'll get lots of useful propaganda
@Puppy what will you do about Muslims in UK?
"Join team "Everybody dies in atomic fire"! You'll be victorious!"
Civilians that might be on the neutral side will start to question whether they'll be next. And join them to fight the threat.
what about them?
there are civilians on the neutral side?
@Abyx I'm not sure there's any real agreement that GB alone had enough to wipe out all of mankind, but there's virtually no room for question that between the US, Russia, France, etc., that mankind as a whole had considerably more than enough to do the job pretty thoroughly (and reverse global warming for the next several decades in the process).
@JerryCoffin New plan: nuke syria to avoid having to cut emissions
Civilians are almost by definition neutral, in the sense that they are not actively fighting against anybody
@Puppy some of civilians would join IS
or rather join jihad
I cannot imagine any person joining an organization that was nuked.
@Puppy "We're not really committing genocide. They're just incidental victims of the war on global warming." Yeah, I can think of some politicians I can almost imagine saying something similar.
@Puppy you can't nuke organization or idea
you can't nuke ideas but you certainly can nuke organizations
just find their headquarters and there you go
if organization not destroyed, repeat
@Puppy there is no headquarters, it's distributed
maybe my evil corrupt Western media is lying to me, but I'm told that Raqqa is the headquarters of the government, insofar as you can call it that, of Islamic State.
even IS doesn't have a real capital
it's 1am and I have work tomorrow so as much as I love, or possibly hate, feeling that this business is only going to end when somebody gets nuked and it's just a matter of time and we should just skip to the endgame, I do need to sleep
@Puppy it's not completely true. some of their mid-level executives are there, but not all the guys
@Puppy you'll never defeat IS with such attitude
@Puppy Good night.
@Abyx Probably not going to with a different attitude either. Fortunately, it's not entirely his responsibility to do so.

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