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Some might say my media centre was a bit over dimensioned.
It's not really bad tbh, especially now that it has an optional standard desktop. A few glitches and a poor attempt at replacing the control panel, but I've grown a bit fond of it
At least it can handle the upgrade :) 61Mbps not bad.
@Aaron3468 I'm hearing lots of similar feedback. So yeah. Worth the shot
It's all being replaced by a chromecast HDMI dongle. Basically.
So the PC will be repurposed. We really need an extra machine for the kids. So all I need to buy is a monitor.
Nice! And it'll be good enough to do a little 3d gaming for them :)
Yup. Actually, they're quite interested in minecraft, so I'd rather give them the real deal instead of the Android knock-offs they found on their tablet.
@sehe I do recommend that you use a handful of mods. Optifine makes it run much, much better on any computer, and if you really want, you can find some really nice texture packs (and shader mods) so it isn't an eyesore if you want to game with them too :)
Anyone here use RakNet?
@Aaron3468 Ok! Stored in medium term memory
Whoops. That's harsh truth
it’s been a while since the last time, but I may have a bikeshed to paint cc @KretabChabawenizc go to work already
as much as I use 'smart constructors' (make_tuple etc.), I sometimes have a need for a companion smarter factory that’s functionally an identity function if the argument is already of the appropriate type
I wouldn’t mind a nice naming convention for those
Back at square 1 ?!
@sehe No, it was downloading the file, now it's preparing to install the file
How can you possibly "no" me?
Finally decide to try Win10 on my only windows machine (the media centre). This has been my screen for hours now... https://t.co/guD6c0ATsj
When I started posting in the lounge was merely after I had finally hard-reset my machine after hours of inactivity at that screen.
I can only conclude it had been doing some updates in the background (but no network or CPU to betray it). Because that's what it ended up doing when the machine came back on. I'm really stumped why I go back into that state now, it seems.
Ah! This time it's not hours, but minutes. And it seems they have since learned from user feedback
Oh, wow.
*stutterly whispers* Anyone here wanna try out my Java API I wrote all by myself? *Faints*
O.o whoa.
I have Windows Media player and I'm on Windows 10
Maybe it's a punishment for those who stalled
I think I'm one of the few who upgraded willingly
I think Windows Media Center is a different software package entirely.
As long as I have Windows Media player I'm good
I hate the groove music or what'sit called player
It's slow
@sehe you were told not to turn the computer off!!!
@LucDanton I was not, in fact.
@MarfGamer player != centre
Dec 24 '15 at 15:11, by sehe
Apparently Windows 10 just silently removes Media Center. http://www.winbeta.org/news/windows-10-means-no-more-media-center-even-if-you-pa‌​id-it-windows-81
@sehe Whoops, didn't see that.
Hey guys I have a quick question, so in my networking API I have a thing where clients that try to connect with a wrong protocol are temporarily blocked. How long should the block time be?
I was thinking like 5 minutes
@MarfGamer That sounds like a good place to start. Imo, begin there, test and adjust as necessary, and include the option to set a different blocking time
@Aaron3468 It's for my my library JRaknet, github.com/MarfGamer/JRakNet :)
Check it out if you want :D
Cool, I'll take a peek sometime
@QPaysTaxes It's a networking library that implements RakNet's protocol
I was wanting to make a Minecraft: Pocket Edition server software and it turns out MCPE uses raknet, so I decided to make my own library for it in java since there weren't any good ones out there I liked
Wrote it all bymyself :D
It took about a month to write, but I'm still adding features that I deem necessary. 1.4 I think will be the last major update. I call it the security update since it makes use of client blocking
However the knowledge has been built upon years of work. I first learned about RakNet back in 2014 and that was the same time I first started learning to code. I've worked relentlessly to try to make a working MCPE server software. One of my key mistakes was not having a library made to handle RakNet, but I was still new to networking back then.
Plus Mojang keeps on updating the game before the community can enjoy the one we just got and same goes for developers, it's getting old to have to keep on updating D:
So much non-abstracted code. I want to refactor it so bad
@Aaron3468 Are you talking about my code or?
No, the code I linked to. It's an interpreter tutorial, but the implementations basically reuse the same conditional statement a few times and the lexer doesn't permit new tokens without modification of the code itself.
if op.type == PLUS:
            result = left.value + right.value
            result = left.value - right.value
Amazingly I haven’t complained about C++ references in a long while (or so I think), perhaps because I skirt around the issues by pretending assignment does not exist. I don’t think I can avoid it this time though, and I’m sad. (Ugly demo if you too want to bang your head against a wall)
I really dislike having to use unref
oh yeah? well... I can't code in C++! Hah!
Oh wait that's not a good thing
@QPaysTaxes To just chill, as the rules say this chatroom is for.
I just wanted to, I do all the time to just talk about random stuff
Normally what other people are talking about or suggestions for features in programs that would make sense even if it's not necessarily C++
Cause cool people are here
Like you :D
That was supposed to be a complement but Ok
Normally I'll just watch for something to happen and if nothing happens that I can talk about then I'll just go
@QPaysTaxes I think it whooshed over. +1 for effort though :)
^ Beautiful
@QPaysTaxes I think it's aggregate initialization.
It couldn't qualify as an initliazer list anyhow because it has different types.
That is, 1 is an int, 2.0 is a double.
Initializer lists must have uniform types for each element of the list.
Alright, I think I finally have the block system working in JRakNet, time to implement it's usage
Concrete blocks
@QPaysTaxes no that's base and member initialization list, not initializer list IIRC
Server won't even try to handle packets from blocked clients
Regular, it's per port for now. I forgot to make it per address.
Shouldn't be hard to make it per address
I know it was a joke
I still responded to tell you how the blocking mechanism worked :P
Jul 23 '12 at 20:23, by StackedCrooked
initialization list, not initializer (it's confusing, I know)
It's one of them random tidbits you learn when lounging
Should I call the object BlockedClient or BlockedAddress ?
Its blocking all connections from that address
So I'm assuming BlockedAddress would be better
Fuck that. I'm going to bed.
@sehe Microsofts bad OS updater worked against them
I heard W10 still tracks data even if you tell it not to
Something with special particles in precipitation... can't get my finger on it
@sehe nice
I guess you could say that blocked address served it's time in the...
I'll stop now
> hahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahaahahahaa
stop poking logic shaped holes in his laughter
@sehe What's rubix.exe?
he works with c++ now he needs all the merriment he can get
@NaCl It's evil because anything ending is .exe is evil per creepypasta protocol
hah I got you to laugh at my jokes
i cri everytim :,(
I can't believe it
@sehe You've doomed us all!
You as in the downloader
it puts the update on its skin or else it gets the hose again
The downloader is forcing you to download it
Imagine if viruses could do that
to misquote a memorable photoshop
Yep, and they can be 2D printed
Cutting edge
> winky face
As in an excited face
I like ice cream
What's with deleting the faces?
This is so retarded. Why did I have to download Win10 only for it to fail and download it a third time?
Because Microsoft
They don't seem to get the message that if someone doesn't like their product they won't use it
Because MS needs to get their stuff together. I once had to reinstall just to get a service pack to install so I could update to win 10 >.<
Windows 7 > Windows 10
Too bad my PC came with Windows 10 :(
Windows 7 ~= windows 10
There's almost no reason to choose one over the other
@MarfGamer In my case, it looks like they want to be sure only the very very determined get to see Win10
And the not-so determined get to see nothing?
Well. I got 1 rollback. Don't know how many it would successfully achieve
Great. Re-download completed.
Joke's on you, MS. You're paying for the bandwidth (well, I am too, but it's fixed-fee)
I couldn't leave well enough alone. Doing a retry
How are they not
They distribute win10, and making me download it 3 times means I use a lot more bandwidth
They're paying for bandwidth (on their servers) to transfer the file to sehe. sehe's just paying for access to bandwidth whenever he wants
Likely, MS has fixed fee contracts with akamai or somesuch too but hey :)
Once more on the lengthy "Preparing for the upgrade" screen.
I guess this mostly means their rollback feature works pretty well
Storyboard for later on twitter if it still fails imgur.com/a/vJMVr
I'm having a weird glitch, before I block the client and throw the ADDRESS_BLOCKED hook I always make sure the client isn't already blocked so ADDRESS_BLOCKED doesn't keep spamming, to make sure it isn't already blocked I do blocked.containsKey(address) == false
In my System.out.println() to check its value I prints false then true, indicating it has been blocked
Yet the hook isn't being thrown
Same thing
i did that too
I know, I normally do that
I was just typing -- false in chat because it's more noticabe
I'll commit real quick
If there are out of place System.out.println() remember it's probably for debug
@sehe a true thriller
@MarfGamer Eventually you'll want to switch to a logger so you can suppress some messages, see only the important ones, and/or dump to a file. I like using print for debugging what I'm working on, and loggers for debugging what I've already made.
@LucDanton this is just the plain sailing part. The thriller is in that it cycles :) (or at least did once)
I have test files made just for making sure stuff works
if I need to debug I add stuff for that moment
oh that
That works normally, but if you want it: github.com/MarfGamer/JRakNet/blob/master/src/main/java/net/…
I didn't know @FunctionableInterface existed, I'll make use of it now
Okay that's really cool
I'll use that a lot more now
> However, the compiler will treat any interface meeting the definition of a functional interface as a functional interface regardless of whether or not a FunctionalInterface annotation is present on the interface declaration.
My code looks alot cleaner in the test files now anyways
@QPaysTaxes I was just about to mention that
Alright all classes that make use of my hook system now use lambdas :D
And they work flawlessly
Still trying to figure out the bug with the hooks
I fixed the hook problem
Apparently if you get the value from .put with a hashmap something blocks, dunno why
So I removed that and everything is fine and dandy
Poor dear.
@ScarletAmaranth ironically it looks like --noasync to get rid of the new async loading facilities helps many rigs cope with the game
Alternative to std::function is template or auto parameter C++14 :)
1 hour later…
how about an assignable<foo> as a semantic helper. very similar to optional<foo> in that assignment does destroy->construct (aka reset/emplace for optional) with room for optimization if the type is already assignable
@R.MartinhoFernandes still juggling bits of state everywhere with inside-out state machines
@QPaysTaxes Yes. Also: this
well done user
Not bad, right. Only a day work
IMO It's one heck of a cool thing I was able to do most of that via VNC. Which simply kept working. Well done*, Microsoft (*unironically)
Which brings us to: what is the best anti-virus thing these days?
I never used any, but it's not for me.
Nice. I have /more/ roam available after upgrade. Surprising, but nice
@sehe Honestly, I use avast and haven't had issues. Probably my favourite balance of free/not adware. Gratz on the upgrade :) You'll probably want to change it to the desktop mode in settings so that you can multitask better.
I'm p. sure it's already that.
Oh, right. They made it to the default ^^;
@sehe Gentoo
That's like saying "ugliness" is the best protection against unwanted pregnancy
Death is
True. But that's not similar to what you said. (That would be "turn off your computer and/or destroy it")
That's better than using Windows.
There's no chance to use any of it if the virus scan gets first chance
I want a TV tuner that renders the screen black when a commercial starts.
99% of commercials cause cringe. 0.5% cause annoyance. 0.4% cause sadness. 0.1% cause laughter.
@sehe I just have what comes with Windows nowadays (defender / security essentials)
> Today, I could code a biomolecules simulator in Node.js with MySQL.
masochism squared
Hi, lounge.
> Today, I could code a C89 packages install tool in Pascal with PostgreSQL.
Definitely for you, @rightfold.
> Today, I could code a SQL database in Perl with Amazon S3.
This website is amazing. :P
@nwp I don't know why I found this so hilarious.
you must be a hater
@Ven lol
That's not a library
@Feeds I don't get it :(
@StackedCrooked it's like killing someone and arguing it's fine because "they were gonna die someday anyway!"
@Ven But why is it going faster now?
I'm missing a piece of information.
@StackedCrooked she broke it. And now she's trying to shirk
> Meyers
@rightfold it's literally still starred.
stop doing so much drugs.
come on dude
@Ven though, can you explain it to me?
@Shoe "toy for teenagers / hipsters"
i see, thanks
@Ven oooh so that's where I got it from
@Ven #whoosh It's a database that's designed for ephemeral storage: designed-to-forget your data! /cc @Shoe
1 message moved to bin
It just took me forever to parse the type “int (F::* (FD&&)) () &&” in libc++‘s tests. Typedefs exist for a reason!
@Xeo you're as swift as an apple :o
@Ven pff, STL's parser-fu is weak
@Xeo what did you move my messages, did i did something wrong?
We don't appreciate random question dumps here
@amin you did did not read the rules :)
yes i did, why rule did i vilolated?
*which rule?
@Xeo hah, it's unfair because loungecpp is down
@amin It's literally impossible you did, the website is down
Not knowing the law doesn't protect you from prosecution. :P
I've read the rules for this room before.
(but lol, fix it, @Cat)
Yeah, but the law should be somewhere to be read
it seems that asking questions is wrong here ... is it?
1 min ago, by Xeo
We don't appreciate random question dumps here
@Xeo say i have a really buggy question, and its not something i can find on google.
so should i ask you people ?
by that logic all questions here are random questions.
you got it! :D
That really sucks, learn something from javascript chatroom. you people are selfish.
here's a really awesome site that has thousands of people just itching to answer your question: Stack Overflow
Also, it's insanely easy to find the answer to your question by googling.
I disagree.
you didn't read my question.
I did
why do people always have to argue
"why does my program terminate when I throw an exception from a destructor" is a question whose answer you'd find in a heartbeat, if you tried to search on google and SO
just accept it and go to the site that is dedicated to answering your questions
It just terminates when its wrapped in a unque_ptr<T>
see, if that was a simple question i wouldn't be asking here.
wrong. next! On stackoverflow.
Q: throwing exceptions out of a destructor

Greg RogersMost people say never throw an exception out of a destructor - doing so results in undefined behavior. Stroustrup makes the point that "the vector destructor explicitly invokes the destructor for every element. This implies that if an element destructor throws, the vector destruction fails... The...

@Ven just take a look at this, http://cpp.sh/9sk5m.
I know about this, i've read the above link before coming here.
its different, i'm telling you.

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