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@Puppy You can trigger a page-fault with any instruction, even with invalid ones. All you need is for rip to reach a faulting address.
nop? ;p
> £2.75m Gold Melt - 500k Gold Bar Being Made
Once the page tables are set up and you load CR3, anything will trigger computation because the CPU just keeps loading instructions from memory. Just make the next page (or even the current one) invalid.
I read that as 500 kg and thought WTF
@Ven Meilleure vente au pont de sevres
Super rad.
Have you ever used OOC, @rightfold?
What is OOC?
Object-oriented Clojure?
why does it use the Winamp logo
it's a llama indeed
What happens when you make a type error? Will it spit in your face?
Effectively, yes
Effective Llama++
Almost Ell++
_map = size=1 {
  [0] = {
    __cc = (first = "a", second = "b")
    __nc = (first = "a", second = "b")
Why does libc++ have __cc and __nc? (that's an std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string>)
Does anyone know if there is a good dupe target question like this?
@NathanOliver lol "deconstructor"
sup lounge
Breakout! How to stop an infinite loop.. <--- this is so stupid, just don't write an infinite loop in the first palce
@Griwes Yeah it has other issues
I was assigned a project this week, I wrote the whole code base and it works just fine.. then it turns out I have to work with javascript of our company's website.. it's taking more time than writing the whole software!
@Khaled.K holy hacks batman
.. here is an advice if you're gonna write javascript to deal with page content, don't use javascript DOM stuff just forget they exist, just use jQuery.
no, use react /cc @Puppy @rightfold
react is for making user interface, thats irrelevant
React is great
@Ven something about compressed pairs, I'd guess
@Xeo will google. thanks
compressed pair of balls
(lldb) p key
error: out-of-line definition of '$__lldb_expr' does not match any declaration in 'RestRequest'
note: member declaration does not match because it is const qualified
error: 1 errors parsing expression
Mornin guys :)
@OneRaynyDay Good morning
**** yes, I think I fixed another error in my game :D
\o i found it hillarious that over the weekend this happened to me:
valgrind: the 'impossible' happened: Killed by fatal signal
I've sent more than 200 messages and it's still not crashing, as it used to do before :p
segfaulted so hard my debugger broke
Wow lol
yep i was proud and extremely concerned at the same time
@OneRaynyDay we should form a club
I also make my JVM segfault once in a while.
I was wondering
hi @Shoe
Inputting symbols to the command prompt is funny
@Shoe Hello. I remember seeing your pic a lot of times before, but I don't remember your last SO name o.o
Node::Node(): _data(0), _left(NULL), _right(NULL){}
@Ven that's even more amazing
What's the meaning of _data(0) ... ?
Q: What is this weird colon-member (" : ") syntax in the constructor?

nilsRecently I've seen an example like the following: #include <iostream> class Foo { public: int bar; Foo(int num): bar(num) {}; }; int main(void) { std::cout << Foo(42).bar << std::endl; return 0; } What does this strange : bar(num) mean? It somehow seems to initialize the member varia...

Wait, Bartek got kicked? What happend? I missed that drama.
> So what makes actors not composable? Well, an actor (and an Erlang process) is constructed from a function A => Unit. That this function returns Unit rather than a meaningful type means that it must hardcode some action to take once the result (whose type is not even shown) is available. It is this unfortunate property that destroys any chance we have at combining actors in any sort of general way like we would in a typical combinator library.
Wait what
So if you make the function return a reference to the actor it becomes composable?
@Ven Why do we have so many programming languages? Can't people just settle with a handful of useful ones and be done with it already? :)
@EtiennedeMartel he was unhappy that his code dump was binned
Q: Why are there so many programming languages?

SureshI'm pretty fluent in C/C++, and can make my way around the various scripting languages (awk/sed/perl). I've started using python a lot more because it combines some of the nifty aspects of C++ with the scripting capabilities of awk/sed/perl. But why are there so many different programming langua...

Q: Why can't there be an "universal" programming language that serves all purposes?

killownwhy not combine the best features of the all existent programming languages and fit it in a universal programming language?

The collective noun for boars is "singular".
Q: Why are there so many programming languages? Why are new languages still being made?

MosheWhy are there so many programming languages? And what prompts someone to create a programming languages in spite of the fact that other languages already exist?

@fredoverflow lol, "can't everybody agree on something" is a pretty funny question
that sums it up
@fredoverflow "With few exceptions, programming languages are similar"
lol /cc @rightfold
Holy fml debugging logic in serializing is hurting my little head
hexadecimals WHY
How is the Kay's idea of OOP gonna help me design programs easier than with the OOP of C++ for example?
Like many say that what Kay was really talking about with OOP was the actor model with a focus on message passing.
> I learned how to debug programs and also learned how to change x and y coordinates
> I'm learning to make websites, video games and apps, and I also learned to add, multiply, divide and subtract variables on this program.
embedded DSLs via tons of templates: is they good, or is they wack
@ellisbben yes.
pro templates: Type safety
con templates: Hmm, let me think...
stupid morkdown
Anway, you get the pun.
I think templates are amazing, it's just... there's the language of C++ at runtime, then there's the language of templates at compile time
and that latter language, I have yet to learn. i just want To Do Stuff
(and I know that's my failing)
but the language of templates at compile time is not my friend when it comes to pointing out what I did wrong and how, not like the normal C++ compiler is
oh well, just have to learn it slowly and steadily
C++ at runtime is virtual function dispatch, dynamic_cast and typedid... did I miss anything?
s/C++ at runtime/C++ minus deep template magic/
I'm talking about the difference between template computations at compile time and computation-computations at run time
@ellisbben if you just "do stuff" such as make functions and data structures that work with multiple types it is not so bad, if you want to "do stuff" such as simplify mathematical expressions at compile time that is another story
@nwp totally, simple container types and function types are great and totally manageable
@Shoe Unfortunately, I don't know Smalltalk, but I've heard that Smalltalk's OOP is the only true OOP. (Maybe with the exception of Newspeak, which I also don't know.)
HelloBraveNewWorld usingPlatform: platform = (
 platform Transcript open show: 'Hello, Oh Brave new world'.
Now isn't that a nice breath of fresh air compared to public static void main? :)
@fredoverflow this is so not fresh that I now doubt it is new
...ripe for garbage collection?
maybe it works correctly this time and the language disappears
@fredoverflow Not sure about nice =/
@fredoverflow While there are certainly people who claim this, I think it's largely nonsense--and I do know Smalltalk (or used to, anyway).
I don't really care about true OO, so yeah...
It seems like almost every single chat room I've been in has had an OOP discussion
even the ones in club penguin
@fredoverflow Integer addition?
I doubt you can look at an integer addition in assembly and conclude that it came from a C++ compiler ;)
no, but it certainly does happen at runtime in C++.
"Runtime" is overloaded, some people mean "the runtime system" like garbage collection and whatnot.
some people are wrong
@fredoverflow The addition itself, no. The surrounding code, almost certainly yes. Function calls (not necessarily virtual) are the big giveaway. Hand-written assembly typically passes arguments in registers; compilers nearly always use the stack (and when the do use registers, they use them so clumsily they'd often be better off if they had used the stack).
@fredoverflow I use runtime to mean the IME (input method editor) I wrote years ago that was so limited I called it a runt.
sure, but that only suggests a compiled language, not C++ specifically
although for any given binary the name mangling ought to give it away
@Puppy Among many other things. In reality, if you're looking at an executable, you'll find a bunch of exception handling stuff that tells a competent disassembler, so you know it was C++ before you actually look at the code at all.
@JerryCoffin Oh, I forgot about exceptions!
@fredoverflow and there people said they cannot be ignored...
@fredoverflow As long as you forget consistently, it's all right.
@fredoverflow v important, add multiply. she still needs to learn how to divide tho
@fredoverflow no, Self's OOP is the only true OOP .. :)
Hi lovely beings.
hi @Morwenn, lovely god.
@Ven Please, I'm an atheist and I don't believe in myself either.
that still can make one god of loveliness
@Morwenn lol
@Ven Yeah, we can still craft one if needed ;D
@Morwenn If you look deep enough into the templates, the templates will look back at you. And then you'll know you exist.
@Ven If I look deep enough into the templates, I'll get a maximum template instantiation depth exceeded error.
I want 50% of those stars :P
Just one then? :D
Oh, I've got a pull request to handle.
@Morwenn As you stare into the templates, the templates also stare into you.
@Morwenn oh yeah, I saw it go through
@Ven I'll probably merge it and handle the errors if there are any, but it looks pretty fine.
@Puppy Now I'm scared. Next I might get scarred.
@набиячлэвэлиь github.com/Morwenn/static_math/pull/7
On the compile-time math library.
The funniest part is that there are at least 2 or 3 bigger constexpr libraries around that also happen to provide more math stuff than I do.
that is, you're wondering why are you doing this?
I did it for fun. Since it's not the first time I get a pull request, I guess that there might be people using it. I could probably steal math bits from more complete constexpr library to make it more usable.
Hey guys - got a general question - what's the chances of me asking a question about a open source library's inner workings and someone actually being able to answer it on stack overflow? (assuming the library is relatively popular) like, have you guys asked any kind of these questions before and gotten a response?
@OneRaynyDay I mean, this is a shitty answer, but It Depends
I've never asked about the internals of some library, but I have answered about them
@ellisbben it's alright - I realize I probably asked a very shitty question as well
Alright - well you give me hope - I'll go ask it haha
@Morwenn how is constexpr compile performance? I've never tried doing any significant computation of lookup tables or anything
@doug65536 Better than templates when you do math.
@OneRaynyDay this is really the kind of question that's literally impossible to answer
it's not quite "Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?", but yeah
@Ven well, it's not really impossible, i'm just asking for your best estimate of either % chance of anyone answering, or how many months/years I'll have to wait until some person with enough experience on the subject happens to chance my post
estimates aren't meant to be exact answers, just wanted a little approximation :)
@doug65536 Slightly less bad.
But still bad.
Templates compile really fast. It's the instantiation that is slow because it requires the compiler to generate code. When the result of instantiation is a template then the compiler needs to instantiate that too (generate code again). Long chains of instantiation can be really slow. For function templates it gets exponentially worse when overload resolution is involved.
Also C++ compilers are ridiculously fast, they just need to do a lot of work
50 kLOC ain't no joke
I was once dumb at uni, and no one taught me that I shouldn't mix OOP polymorphism with template polymorphism.. I ended up with code that breaks the compiler
@Khaled.K Just because no one taught you something, doesn't mean you're dumb
I hate breaking the compiler. It takes so much time to download it and build it again.
@AndreyErick well I was dumb regardless
CRTP (as a middle man between abstract base and derived) and Impl<T> are two ways that allow you to combine the power of templates and virtual methods.
@AndyProwl hey, I didn't expect it to get starred or anything - it's a repost FROM THIS VERY ROOM :P
@StackedCrooked this is one of those things that works great, until you mix them up..
@StackedCrooked hehe "power of templates"
I can imagine Scott Meyers picking up the keyboard and shouting "By the power of templates!!!"
> By the power of templates, I command thee! Go FORTH and wreak havoc upon the puny Java knaves!
@EtiennedeMartel That link was "Not available in my country". So I needed to do Youtube search for "Who's Got the Power?" in order to see it. That's Youtube.
@StackedCrooked #justyoutubethings
Btw the He-man clip was better.
kawaii girls can't beat He-Man
AWS releases the x1.32xlarge. 64 cores, 1,952GB RAM,3,840GB SSD, 10Gbps network. Finally you can run Java on AWS.
The amount of python and javascript questions compared to c++ ones make me cry inside
@StackedCrooked For the record, Powerpuff Girls is American (by the husband of the woman who created My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, no less), so they're not "kawaii". More like "cute".
Accentuate the positive!
Eliminate the negative!
@CatPlusPlus No. There was some drama between Bartek and Robot (Bartek dumped a wall of code, Robot binned it, Bartek got angry, and so on). I don't think we had a discussion about it.
@EtiennedeMartel Puppy binned it.
Figured from wording
@Puppy Oh, right.
But Robot kicked Bartek.
Kickuminati going stronk
Which implies Robot agreed with you.
Bartek declined to do the sane thing and just repost it on pastebin
instead he went on an angerfest
Maybe adding "don't post anything more than one-liners" would be a good idea so it's not ~~arbitrary~~
I mean, any sensible person would have said "oh, right, my bad".
But not Bartek, noooo.
he's been pretty OK for the most part for a while now
Yes. But sometimes he throws a tantrum.
> >parsing in
"Too big" isn't entirely arbitrary, nor does it depend entirely upon who's present--but it does vary with how busy things are at the moment. Five lines is probably too much when the room is really busy, but 10 might be fine when (for example) it's just Luc and I at ~4AM Euro-time.
Another day
Another starcraft 2 craft
And another.
@JerryCoffin More specifically, I was on my lappy at the time and it wiped nearly the whole browser window, like 20 lines or something
Reminds me of that guy who insisted on not putting spaces around code blocks because it looked better on his browser
For some values of "better"
lol arguing about something that even chat collapses
It takes roughly a third of my screen. So, what the fuck.
@набиячлэвэлиь fixed
it's about half of mine and I'm on a bigger screen here
You're part of the small screen conspiracy
If you only had 9 screens across 4 different devices
anyway, the rational response is simply to post a pastebin, instead of massive rant
it's really the rant that got him kicked
That was the worst proxy 5gates I ever saw
@Puppy yeah, idk why he was so upset about it, I mean we bin stuff like this relatively regularly
mostly from newcomers but its happened to regulars as well
WTF? SC2 matchmaking queues are unavailable??
Even "training" and "against AI" are unavailable. This game is so shit...
@Puppy Yeah, on second thought... it's about half here.
@Borgleader Bartek the screen space hoarder.
His libertarian tendencies means he won't share it.
I don't know what the fuck is going on but mouse is living in some kind of limbo at the moment
it wants you to touch it
Like hovering effects on this page or any mouse movement in the OS doesn't seem to be detected
It only activates if I click
It's super weird
Disconnecting the USB mouse and connecting it again solved the issue
Did bartek rage quit?
@EtiennedeMartel Either way--big chunk of screen, at a busy time--and it's not even real code, nor anything else that's likely to be of any real interest to anybody anyway. Certainly seems binnable to me.
what have you assholes done to Barket again
I don't think it works that way
@JerryCoffin +1
@Borgleader No clue. I'd have to read all of it :)
@Puppy +1 - Although he suddenly started bartekking real hard yesterday or the day before. That was a bit embarassing. I don't assume that means he regressed. He just temporarily lost his cool I guess
@CatPlusPlus I do think the response is adequate. He knows it was a troll. "Yes, but I was really making a point" doesn't make it not a troll, so, let's not give it more attention.
@rightfold Don't mess with MITM
@набиячлэвэлиь Oh man. It's so well played it hurts
@sehe Pff, its only 38 lines if you skip the includes... then again it did take you 3 hours to read the hijacking article ;)
With distractions. I bet I coulda made it in 20m. Anyhoops, it's all about priorities
Later, no doubt!
Anyway, I doubt there's that many, I basically took old code of mine and reduced it down to 2 rules (one of which is nearly identical, and the other was trivial given the first). I just wouldn't want to give bad information :P
@AndreyErick they are clearly racist, 5 people and no asian
That's because asians use pdf's so they're never seen carrying physical books
can attest to fact; am asian
Also, hair pulling moment when my stream impl built for a library doesn't work because of a single byte of difference FML
@OneRaynyDay Could you please tell my wife that? I'm getting sick of carting around her 100 Kg of giant books on physical therapy, anatomy, and whatnot.
@nwp and no aborigines either
Q: Do men or women have more brothers?

laymanDo men or women have more brothers? I think women have more as no man can be his own brother. But how one can prove it rigorously? I am going to suggest some reasonable background assumptions: There are a large number of individuals, of whom half are men and half are women. The individuals ...

Quite a subtle little brain teaser
@OneRaynyDay I thought the power to single-handed assert truths by attest was pre-ordained for the Scottish. Scottsmen, more accurately
@sehe Reminds me of infanticide. It used to be common to leave girls out in the forest to die
In your family? :)
no, I have a sister. 4 brothers though.... spooky
My family failed badly. I have 3 older sisters.
I have one brother, and a brother from another mother.
I have 4 brothers, therefore men have more brothers. checkmate!
Out of a population of N, a family with m daughters and n sons gives a contribution of m*(m-1) / N and n * (n-1) / N to E[# of sisters a woman has] and E[# of brothers a man has]
same family gives a contribution of m * n / N to E[# of brothers a woman has] and E[# of sisters a man has]
@sehe What about nonbinary people?
... now I wanna make a simulation to test this
@EtiennedeMartel Clearly asking about sex, not gender
@ellisbben fully rendered?
:D That should settle the gender confusion
assuming that the sex binary holds + assuming sex for each sibling is bernoulli(0.5) may not be enough to determine whether men or women are more likely to have more brothers
sex is obviously binary aaaaaagh
gender might not be
the distribution of family sizes (china until recently vs. e.g. amish)
@набиячлэвэлиь sssh don't feed the sjws
trivial distinction
@набиячлэвэлиь erm. no. Not obviously. Maybe with the help of genetic test.
Don't pretend hermaphrodites don't exist m8
Intersex, in humans and other animals, describes variations in sex characteristics including chromosomes, gonads, or genitals that, according to the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, "do not fit typical binary notions of male or female bodies". Such variations may involve genital ambiguity, and combinations of chromosomal genotype and sexual phenotype other than XY-male and XX-female. Intersex people were previously referred to as hermaphrodites, but the term has fallen out of favor as it is considered to be misleading and stigmatizing. Some intersex infants and children, such...
That's sexist
@sehe its ok im using boost test suite
Men can't help it they are born with the "WHY!?!" chromosome
@JerryCoffin Oh my god how much $$ did she spend on them?
@OneRaynyDay Every cent I earn. Well, what she didn't spend on clothes, furniture, curtains, rugs, ...
@Ven they are male or female too. you have the organs of your actual gender, like ovaries or testicles
@doug65536 or both or neither
@JerryCoffin Ok so I wanted to be an adult when I was little - now, not so much
@nwp citation needed
if you get XX or XY determines that, right? If the father's sperm was a Y you have testicles
@doug65536 I think at least a few people would argue that what's in your brain counts (at least) as much as any other part of your body.
@doug65536 No, it's not really quite that simple.
@doug65536 those chromosomes usually control development and leave people with rather unambiguous anatomy, but Sometimes Other Things Happen
@doug65536 see sehe's link
> In addition to the most common XX and XY chromosomal sexes, there are several other possible combinations, for example Turner syndrome (XO), Triple X syndrome (XXX), Klinefelter syndrome, (XXY) and variants (XXYY, XXXY, XXXXY), XYY syndrome, de la Chapelle syndrome (XX male), Swyer syndrome (XY female).
> A mix can occur, where some of the cells of the body have the common XX or XY, while some have one of the less usual chromosomal contents above.
@doug65536 It's not that simple I believe thanks to the complexity of the process
life finds a way to get things wrong
wow, the split down the middle one is a surprise
never mind that just gets too complicated

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