I would suggest you follow all the tips except the first, but whether you should or shouldn't follow a list of suggestions is more of an an opinion then a fact.
yes may contain } !!! and i cant use starter at all .. i have lines, and .. i have to get all .. this regex work in 3 seconds in php !!! i dont know why i have to wait 2-3 min in c++ boost !!!!!!! — Elh483 hours ago
ALSO Dont Comment on a post which is voted down I mean under 0, It will make them think that you were the downvoter ..... — UltraDEVVSep 25 '14 at 16:42
W. T. H.
@Mysticial Just noticed Jeff was the one who posted it. JeffffffffffffffffffFF?! "Voting strategically"?!?! Really
@JohanLarsson ...and I chip in 7K up and 0.2k down. I'm kind of surprised: for a long time (I believe) Mysticial had managed to get rid of all his downvotes, but now it's showing him as having three.