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Also I realize « pace » is probably not a word and I can't even find the word I'm looking for in French -____-
Oh, it is.
And the right one actually.
@Morwenn Um. The casting doesn't sound like this is a book that would appeal to me. ("19-year-old bisexual substance abuser." – WTF?!)
@Morwenn The German translation is similar to that of "step".
> The near-plotless story weaves a vividly raw, image-intensive journey through the daily monotony of drug-induced hallucinations, vicious acts of violence, overdoses, suicide, and group sex.
@sbi The book is pretty strange. It's really just describing the live of young Japanese for a few days and how they just don't feel at ease with themselves and society. It doesn't tell a story. It's just... well, an atmosphere maybe. Anecdotic things and daily pseudo-horror.
@milleniumbug Well yeah, that's pretty much it. I guess that the fact that there isn't any plot makes it easier for me to read it again.
@Morwenn Ah, the Fantasy stuff. This is great. I have two more Earthsea books to read until I'm out of books again and need to find something else to buy. Before that, I'll read another SF by her, though. You should read her Hainish cycle books. Start with The Left Hand of Darkness. That was the first I ever read of her, and it is incredibly good.
And it has all the screwing with gender preconceptions you could ask for, as the protagonist comes to a planet where (among other strange things) the humans can take both male and female roles. The last one I read (Four Ways To Forgiveness) had black owners and white slaves. Did I mention she is magnificent?
Yes you did :D
@Morwenn Pretty much like Haruki, then. :)
I should really read some more, but I always have a hard time taking time to read.
@Morwenn I have two 33mins S-Bahn rides per day, which helps a lot. But then I wouldn't even know how to close my eyes in the night without reading at least a page or two before I turn off the light.
@sbi I almost always read that Ryu was darker, but I can't judge since I never read Haruki ^^'
@sbi I used to read too when I had 2h30 of public transportation everyday.
Now I drive. I would still take public transports if it didn't take 2h30 vs. 1h of car.
come on MSFTCONN, I've gotten used to you responding to things quickly
now I've got a library and compiler issue open that you're just not moving on
@Puppy too busy with update 2 to fix bugs :p
@Morwenn He most likely is. (BTW, here, Haruki Murakami is mostly know for this book.)
@Puppy Ping STL and Jon Caves on Twitter.
@sbi Seriously? The only books whose names I know are Sputnik Sweetheart and Kafka on the Shore.
@Morwenn I read these, too, but I think the other one is what made him famous in Germany. ICBWT.
> While he never acquainted himself with many writers, Murakami enjoys the works of Ryu Murakami [...].
@Morwenn Ah, but 2:30 of reading vs. 1hr of concentrated driving – a car would have no chance with me.
@Morwenn :)
@sbi Well, I like to have time with my father or my little brother, or just for personal projects and/or booze when I'm home :p
@Morwenn If I worked late, I sometimes had a beer on the train, while reading. It's funny how some old women would look scandalized at me for this. :) (Interestingly, they don't look that way at the construction workers who drink beer while riding home around 5pm.)
I don't think we're allowed to drink alcohol in public transports here.
I may be wrong though.
I don't think it's allowed here either.
Also, I don't always read both ways. Sometimes I write code, too. Having an 8 core machine puts the fun back into writing C++ code when you're on the train. :)
I also have a new laptop and it can handle working on Wide on the train
Ow, coding in transports isn't something I would do. When I wasn't reading, I mostly slept.
I'd rather sleep in bed.
I guess it's what I'm about to do.
Yeah, me, too... I do have two seminars to prepare, and I promised myself I'd start next week. So I guess I'd better go to bed now.
Sleep well, both of you.
@JerryCoffin Thank you :)
Thanks! Stay awake well, @Jerry!
@sbi Trying to--but having a bit of trouble now and again...
Well, then go and fix that marriage of yours. From what I read here sometimes, it seems in need of a repair really badly. Maybe then you can sleep better?
> >tfw you cannot use CI service because it doesn't handle Unicode
@набиячлэвэлиь Windows issue, IMHO, not CI issue.
wilx plz
How do you think I made all these branches
I was actually surprised git handled Unicode so well
@набиячлэвэлиь Sure, but blaming Microsoft is so much more fun! :-)
My main dev machine is Windows, so M$ cannot be blamed
took decades but someone finally got it right :P (inb4 someone got it right decades ago)
@Zoidberg depends just how far from center or surface you wanna get, right
This ... is nothing special for oatmeal twitter.com/Oatmeal/status/714586306760716288
@Zoidberg Simpler example: You walk from your home to mine, and I walk from my home to yours. At some point in time, we're going to meet, assuming we walk on a straight line of course ;)
@Borgleader Doesn't matter much if they did--a lot of people got it wrong for a long time anyway.

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