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00:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

TBH, I do not remember many dates that I should either.
Including that of birthday years of my parents.
> No version of the C standard going back at least as far as ISO/IEC 9899:1990 has included support for comma elision.
Totally weird.
@wilx Does it matter much? I can see the camera effect too, but ...
@wilx Lolwut. Don't tell me you missed it!
It wasn't about (not) remembering the date in the first place.
@sehe I did not watch the whole of it.
It was about fucking listening to the question.
@sehe Yeah, I have noticed that they were supposed to just answer with the date one of the dudes just told them, I think.
You think? Are you a merkin :)
@sehe No comment! :)
@sehe What video is really poorly done.
Did I expose some native origin :)
Knowledge of politics has nothing to do with intelligence.
Hahaha. Well. Good point. It's not really about that, right. It's more about demonstrating the "I don't really care" mentality
Yeah, it's more an "Americans don't give a shit about politics" video.
The "as long as I'm entertained, let them fuck me over" sheeple mode
Which is true.
Also, "watch me annoy random strangers on the street who are clearly busy with other things"
She wanted to boost his confidence so she put the clock forward an hour while he was making love to her. #clocksgoforward #britishsummertime
Now there's an idea
They should get rid of daylight savings time.
@sehe D'awww
I should go check on something
I should have dinner
We should do some thing
@jaggedSpire yes, because eating is good for you
@Lalaland It's less bothersome now that we don't have to manually change our clocks.
@Borgleader and delicious
<3 Thai food
@Morwenn It still sorta screws with sleep schedules.
Keeps you on your toes
I just don't function as well when I don't follow my exact 11:30 PM - 7:10 AM sleeping time.
@Lalaland Haha, we don't need that to screw with sleep schedules :D
@jaggedSpire Me too :o
@Lalaland <functional> habit
@jaggedSpire Yep. Thai and Vietnamese are some of my favorite foods.
@sehe Sorry, not running on a full night's sleep.
For some reason, I thought "Darn, wouldn't it be fun to stay awake until 3 AM in the morning? And then still wake up at 7:10AM?"
Well, it was fun until that 3 AM time.
@Lalaland see, can't blame DST
yeah I woke up at 10 today :|
which would be fine and all but I was up until 5:30
You completely ruined all your arguments there
@sehe Clearly it's the lack of sleep making me screw up :P
with a flexible schedule you can just ignore DST
I went to bed around 1-2 in the morning, but my neighbour's dog kept me up until late (probably chasing up possums in the middle of the night and barking until early morning)
Why is my message starred? For once I'm cluesless ._.
@Morwenn Half the lounge is nocturnal. The other half wishes they were.
@Morwenn Me too, I starred because other people did. I assumed it was somehow funny.
I am a sheep. Count me if you have a hard time sleeping.
@Morwenn because it's true
@Borgleader ONE
Not working
> Your secret is safe with my indifference.
^ This is awesome reply. :D
@Telkitty You could try investing in earplugs.
@Borgleader how fluffy are you? :D
@jaggedSpire im more woolly than fluffy :P
@Borgleader how soft is your wool
@Lalaland that wouldn't solve all problems - I have caught the dog snooping on the chickens over the fence multiple times ... but it's a large dog, so it can't just dig a hole and come across
@Telkitty Clearly the solution is for you to get a dog :P
We all know the only way to fight dogs is with more dogs.
Creating a dog free zone just doesn't work /s
I like my neighbour's dog though, it's usually quiet at night
(Eh, I probably should stop trying to make US gun debate jokes in an international chat room, but whatever)
@Lalaland speaking of which, our family friends dog is going to come & stay in the backyard next month when they go on holidays
@Telkitty Wow. Like all the Australian stereotypes I know combined.
the guy was talking about the dog being wild & fearless and consuming all native animals around it, but the pup was just lamely laying in his palms
@Telkitty Yep. Seems surprisingly tame for a feral dog.
it's a puppy I think
> Jacksonville went well for my proposal (and not so well for Concepts). p0127 was approved in essentially the same form as it was presented in Kona; the only difference in R1 is that I provided alternative wording that implements the same feature with Concepts taken into account. I spoke to Andrew a couple of times before bringing R1 forward; he was OK with both my feature and Concepts co-existing, and that sentiment pretty much removed all of the opposition to my proposal. R1 will be published in the post-meeting mailing.
/cc @Morwenn @Columbo @StackedCrooked ^ great success
@ThePhD This is the auto for templates feature?
What makes it so helpful though?
It doesn't seem like there are that many situations where it would be that helpful.
Some of you guys might find this entertaining:
Lol at Poland.
Kent Beck is my hero
anyone coding with sdl 2.0 ?
@Shago I haven't used that in a long time, but I might remember something.
What's your question?
i want to render text with sdl ttf, but every thing i see on forums and stuff they show how to render text with surfaces
Hey guys. Do thread local static variable deal locate when the thread finishes? Also do they work in msvc 2013?
is there a was
is there a way to render without sdl_surface ?
Use qt's api
@Shago Are you trying to use OpenGL for your main rendering?
Or are you using SDL's rendering API?
Don't know the answer for yu then. I never used SDL's particular rendering stuff.
I mainly only used it for creating windows and reading keyboard/mouse stuff.
Qt is the solution to almost every problem...
@Mikhail It is one heavy dependency though.
ok, i am just looking for a way to draw text with sdl_renderer like SDL_RenderCopy()
If you static link with LTO it's not that bad
Also because it does everything it's all you need.
im using visual studio right now, i don't want to download qt, i know how to render text it's just that i don't want to use surfaces
@Mikhail Well, it also adds a significant amount of complexity to your build process.
Why you just use the msvc plugin...
Frankly if your using legacy c style stuff like sdl you're doing it wrong
@Mikhail Maybe my problem is that I don't use MSVC :P
> deal locate
Sorry I'm on my phone, can't type well
The cha t a
Fuc (kķ this chat app is killing mobile firefoz
@Shago You might want to try asking on SO. Asking questions here tends to be unreliable because it's highly dependant on who is on right now at this very minute.
i have posted a question a week ago
no answer :D
@Mikhail That's why all the cool kids have moved to glfw.org :)
@Mikhail It doesn't seem to say it deallocates. I know Boost's thread_localt_ptr (or something) does it nicely
i am learning glfw at the moment too :D
sdl uses opengl behind the scenes
Thanks for the info. Msvc seems to choke on it anyways.
It doesn't even do static initialization right with c++11 semantics. So, why assume it fixed thread_local?
@Shago Yeah, but if you rely on sdl's rendering stuff you can't really use the OpenGL manually well.
yes, that is true :D
@sehe thread_specific_ptr IIRC
Wow, thread_specific_ptr has a crazy implementation for windows.
I really wish Windows would implement stuff like POSIX and pthreads.
Imagine how many years of human life would be saved
Probably man centuries of coding effort.
@Lalaland It used to have a POSIX subsystem. It was universally ignored. There is an implementation of pthreads for win32 for anybody who really wants it though.
My understanding was that linux services for Windows were so bad that they once were sued for breach of contract by (what I recall) was the department of defense.
1 hour later…
@Mikhail This is the first time I've heard of such a lawsuit. But Services for Unix/Sevices for Unix-based applications weren't what I was actually talking about. Before SFU 1.0 there was a POSIX subsystem included in Windows NT.
2 hours later…
@R.MartinhoFernandes youtube.com/watch?v=r2nsibjxFlQ
@Lalaland template <typename T, T value> blah {} -> blah<dectlype(&fuck::shit::lol::free_func), fuck::shit::lol::free_func>
Etc. etc. etc.
template <auto X> blah {} -> blah<fuck::shit::lol::free_func>
Much more tolerable.
It is relevant to my interests:
lua.set_function("h", sol::call_wrapper<decltype(&A::bark), &A::bark>);
Just to get maximum speed, this is what someone has to write.
It's bullshit.
> You should take better care of your teeth than your heart, because you may lose your teeth before you die but your heart will last as long as you live.
also teeth can be used weapons, hearts can only be victims
Not necessarily. You may get a donor heart or a prosthetic heart.
Is there a C++ library that offers a std::vector<T>-like wrapper for std::shared_ptr<T const[]>?
I.e. not resizable, and cheap copies due to element immutability.
But assignable.
type const& type_ptr::operator*() const {
    auto type = type_.get();
    if (auto univar = boost::get<unification_variable>(type)) {
        if (univar->instantiation) {
            return **univar->instantiation;
    return *type;
absolutely fascinating
such recursion
 type inference
Hi guys, I have a project in which I need to read a matrix from a txt file. I have to use dynamically allocated memory, but I don't know the size of matrix. I considered initializing each row of matrix like this: matrix[i] = new float; but this is not healthy I guess. I saw that there is a method for changing the size of array called realloc.
But this doesn't seem healthy to me either. because if I initialize my matrix 5*5 and then if txt file has a matrix 8*8 size, I must use 8^2-5^2 times realloc method if I am not wrong. Reading file twice is an option but I don't think it's a smart solution. Is there anyway you know?
you want an std::vector
Im gonna be frank, you probably shouldn't be using C++
why :)
I started to learn 2-3 weeks ago
Its harder, and you seem clueless. If you want to do scientific computation use MATLAB or Python until you have a very good reason to use C++
No, never use new or new[].
Project says that I need to use new
Use std::vector<float> matrix(width * height);, then index using matrix[x + width * y] or matrix[y + height * x].
Probably I need to ask If I am allowed to use vector
There is no reason to use new or new[]. You will be punishing yourself for no reason.
One more question. vector does this reallocation things automatically right
Yes, but you probably don't want that for a matrix.
You should find the matrix size first, then create and fill it.
How can we know this is more efficient than reading file twice
normal file formats have headers that tell you the content so that you can allocate accordingly
That's what I am curious. Reading file twice one to know size one to fill it
seems more efficient
why are you reading the file?
Yeah but they provide only matrix not size or something
what else can I do
then its like you loaded the file in one go
Eh, I need boost::variant to std::enable_shared_from_this.
Oh wait, I don't. :D
@erkams you have to read it twice. you can read the file character by character first, count the column & row delimiters to obtain the size, construct the data set, read the file again to fill the data in the cells.
Or you can get the file size, and allocate that much memory
@KhaledKhnifer thank you I am gonna do like you said.
alternatively you can hardcode the filesize
@Mikhail very funny, very very funny.
A: Why does HTML think “chucknorris” is a color?

aWebDeveloperThe browser is trying to convert chucknorris into hex colour code, because it's not a valid value. In chucknorris, everything except c is not a valid hex value. So it gets converted to c00c00000000. Which becomes #c00000, a shade of red. This seems to be an issue primarily with Internet Explorer...

Well i need some help in c++, is this the right channel...i think it was another dedicated to c++ ....
I have this:
template<typename A>
void operator()(A&, unification_variable& b) const;
template<typename B>
void operator()(unification_variable& a, B&) const;
template<typename B>
void operator()(unification_variable& a, unification_variable& b) const;
How do I get overload resolution to prefer the third template function when passing two unification_variable&s?
remove template<typename B> from third overload
GCC says the call is ambiguous.
you don't seem to use it and the argument can't be passed anyway
Oh right.
Yeah that works, thanks.
I have in eclipse: position = position + velocity*t; ( position and velocity are vector3 and t double).
It gives me error: Description Resource Path Location Type
no match for ‘operator*’ (operand types are ‘MyBilliards::vector3’ and ‘double’) Particle.cpp /MyBilliards line 29 C/C++ Problem
In vector3 i have overloaded the operator *:    friend vector3 operator* (const double& number, const vector3& vector)
    		 vector3 result;
    		 result.vector3x = number*vector.vector3x;
    		 result.vector3y = number*vector.vector3y;
    		 result.vector3z = number*vector.vector3z;
    		 return result;
Also v1=v2*6; works fine.... ( i assume 6 is converted to double).. any ideas ??
@EduardoGutierrez here is an idea, why vector3.vector3x .. we already know it's a vector3 member, why not just vector3.x ?
well the name is in the practice not mine ;) teacher said to put this names ;)
vector3 has vector3x, vector3y, vector3z as members
Yay I implemented type unification in C++.
50% chance you misread the directions
Cast everything to void*?
@EduardoGutierrez don't change it, your teacher might have a psychological disorder where they might not give you the mark even if it's a correct answer, if you are not writing it according to how they think it should be.
Or implement type unification by using QVariant
@Zoidberg Implement it in Red Stone.
I need another lightweight wireless headset.
The charging mechanisms for all of these are pretty booty.
The lightweight ones, that is.
well any ideas why position = position + velocity*t; ( position and velocity are vector3 and t double). doesnt work ???
@EduardoGutierrez try: position = position + (t * velocity);
@EduardoGutierrez check if vector3 has an operator*, either member or free, that matches the arguments (vector3 and double). If not, there's your problem.
hint: operator*(const double& number, const vector3& vector) and operator*(const vector3& vector, const double& number) are not the same
melak47 you can read my code above...i have overloaded operator * with double and vector3 just for this situation...
@StackedCrooked @ScarletAmaranth @Mysticial there, watched the last episode of Erased yesterday.
hint: read the hint :)
yea could be ... im gonna try....
@Xeo decent but meh, right?
I liked it, but the whole deal with Kayo felt a bit like a gut punch. At least there's still Airi.
melak47 seems it works thanks.. so i have to overload twice operator * ( double * vector) and vector * double is it right ??
if you want to be able to use it in both directions
is it recommended, is a good practice ???
@EduardoGutierrez well, like you discovered, it would be less surprising if it worked for both double * vector and vector * double.
Also i have another problem i want to: v1=v2.NormalizeVector3(); and the code is vector3 vector3::NormalizeVector3()

double length= sqrt( (x*x) + (y*y)+ (z*z));
if ( length!=0)
this->x = x/length;
this->y = y/length;
this->z = z/length;
else cout << "Imposible calcular vector Normalizado, su longitud es 0";
In general, it's not a good idea to leave a function expecting a return value without returning a value :)
i have an v2 vector, then i calculated its normalised value and then assign it to v1
@Xeo yeah I have neutral feelings about it; "ok it ended" - I like short anime tho so I am fine with it; after having seen like 680 OP episodes... :-\
@melak47 please spare your blood
ex: v1= ( 3,1,2) -> v2 normalized ( 3/14, 1/14,2/14) so v1 has to be ( 3/14,1/14,2/14)
@ScarletAmaranth I heard that the manga has a slightly different ending, so I'll be reading that soon.
@Xeo the only manga I've ever read is... errm... Nodame Cantabile : Opera Hen ^^ (don't tell anyone)
@EduardoGutierrez think about the interface. NormalizeVector3 is supposed to return a vector3 by value - so I would expect it to return a normalized copy of v2 instead of normalizing v2 in-place. Also, you don't actually return anything!
@melak47 fucking hell man
"Normal" people discovering browser developer tools https://t.co/0Err8NY29O
v1=v2.NormalizeVector3(); Error: Description Resource Path Location Type
no match for ‘operator=’ (operand types are ‘MyBilliards::vector3’ and ‘void’) main.cpp /MyBilliards line 81 C/C++ Problem
i ve changed vector3 to void ( as you said normalize doesnt return anything) ... it doesnt work either...
sorry i made a mistake in the example: ex: v2= ( 3,1,2) -> v2 normalized ( 3/14, 1/14,2/14) so v1 has to be ( 3/14,1/14,2/14)
@melak47 this is the perfect time to link the rules
@EduardoGutierrez sigh I said not returning anything is one of your problems, not how it should be :)
@ScarletAmaranth feel free to bin it if that is within your power :p
@melak47 I honestly do feel that this is one of the major problems the lounge has recently had
melak47 ... ive changed the example.. so what can i do...
unchange it
ex: v2= ( 3,1,2) -> v2 normalized ( as length is 3*3+1*1+2*2 = 14) is ( 3/14, 1/14,2/14) so v1 has to be ( 3/14,1/14,2/14) in the command: v1= v2.Normalized3();
you have an assignment there. so you need a value on the right-hand side. so Normalized3 needs to return a value. >>>YOU DON'T RETURN A VALUE<<<
@Griwes lol :D
ffs, get a room please.
I think I'm done anyway :p
get a room to do homework together?
that's intimate <3
No, get a room for fuck's sake.
@Xeo please could you just bin the fuck out of it?
this is becoming a trend in lounge
and the worst part is, even regulars like JerryCoffin do it
I hadn't really noticed this becoming a regular thing.
then you haven't been too observant
I don't generally have a problem trying to help the odd lone wanderer, so I figured what the hell
I just troll the hell out of them
@ScarletAmaranth Do what
@Puppy behave liberally with their excess blood
never a thing that I can be charged with
never a thing I have charged you with
It feels messy even though I work alone .____.
@Morwenn nah, use the branches you need
It's just that I am trying to work on several features at once without actually figuring things out, so work is only half-done and let alone.
that's a bad idea
work on one, finish or tombstone it
Not really, I get good ideas for other branches when working on some parallel branches.
That said, if a branch diverged too much, I delete it and mostly rewrite it.
Wheee, Lilith is fun in Greed Mode.
Spawning ALL the familiars
> I have not hidden any [Easter] eggs in the garden this year but I have told my children I have. Now I can sit quietly all afternoon before the TV and drink beer.
@Zoidberg hide one, but don't hide it until late afternoon
how do you hide them?
sounds dirty this time of the year
1 hour later…
the easter bunny killed the lounge
Just watched a show by this "sand wizard": zandkunstenaar.nl
most impressive
@melak47 lies.
Everybody is just comatose from chocolate overload
discord is more active lately
@sehe exciting
> Compilatie zandschilderkunst films
They got it ALMOST right.
> One man's constant is another man's variable.
le blech
Pretty slow day here
^ That image is nowhere to be found on the linked site.
Ah, it's a github avatar apparently.
nicely drawn
> Voted into WP at August, 21010 meeting.
Great job.
@Morwenn glad to know C++ will still be used in 21010
The forever-lasting language.
@Morwenn Masterbranch bestbranch.
@ThePhD I only push somewhat small commits to it.
My commits
are always huge.
Speaking of, about to make another huge commit.
Then I amend them and force-push them if the previous commit was broken.
I refactored my entire function implementation. \o/
I unfortunately dropped a feature while doing it, though.
lua.set_function<int(int, int)>( "f", overloaded_f );
No longer works.
You have to do lua.set_function("f", resolve<int(int, int)>( overloaded_f ) ); instead now.
@ThePhD You... forgot a closing paren, right?
@Morwenn Yeh.
Better :D
Even better :D
@ThePhD awesome
I'm not sure why I can't make the old one work, though.
I have template <typename Sig, typename Key, typename... Args>
But for some reason "Sig" hard-errors VC++.
I'd need to have, like
8 overloads
To deduce the right type for overloaded free functions and overloaded member functions.
It kinda sucks TBH
I wish overloaded sets were a thing. =/
8 overloads are still maintainable.
On the other hand, I fear that I'll have to maintain 100+ overloads of some function if things keep growing as they do.
How bout 9001 overloads.
Not yet.
I wonder if there's a limit built into the compiler.
I'll tell you the day I break it.
Can't wait :D
You will have to though.
Yay, tomorrow is a holiday.
I can drink beer as much as I want.
But if I want to handle both three-way comparators and execution policies, overloads will get real messy.
@StackedCrooked Only as much as you have since malls are closed .___.
That's not a problem. My town has plenty of little shops that are open on holidays.
Lucky you. I only have three small beers left.
Next week I will likely have to use the expat XML parser.
what's wrong with expat?
I don't know yet. I never used it.
work work work work work
@Zoidberg Here is a beautiful (read: simple) piece of code I wrote today:
public void moveCursorUp()
    int column = moveStart();
    if (beforeCursor.isEmpty()) return;

my video is cooler :P
@fredoverflow blech side effects
@Puppy Have you become a pure FP fundamentalist?
Would you prefer I start a new editor every time the user hits a key? ;)
isn't that the default modus for VS? I reckoned that's why it seems a bit sluggish
@fredoverflow Can be effective depending on what operations you offer.
but probably not
I mean really, why not though? your user probably only has like 100 chars in the buffer or something, you could keep the most recent thousand copies no problem
As a matter of fact, I am in the process of converting to persistent CharVectors. That should render undo/redo almost trivial.
I am not a pure FP fundamentalist and I don't believe that side effects must be controlled through the type system
I do, however, prefer to limit and control side effects wherever possible.
You sound like a Clojure programmer :)
@StackedCrooked it has the better soundtrack
@Puppy if you were doing it with no side effects at all you wouldn't need to keep any copies right :V
00:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

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