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And sometimes better than both for some reason.
yay I solved my problem with infinite looping in Haskell
You switched to C#?
It turned out that JSPar.parseLazyByteString JSPar.value o :: [[Entry]] (where JSPar is Data.JsonStream.Parser) is not lazy because it uses Data.Aeson
changing it to JSPar.parseLazyByteString (JSPar.arrayOf JSPar.value) o :: [[Entry]] fixed the problem
Well... I still can't Haskell .____.
@milleniumbug that would use instance FromJSON [a] or similar, right? do you happen to know where that lives?
oh dear, I misread the haddocks lol it’s there plain as day
class foo { struct fuck_you{}; void bar() { throw fuck_you(); } };
@LucDanton haddocks?
You can never catch this except with catch (...), right?
@sehe Tonnerre de Brest !
@Morwenn erm. with friend
> Do not use the value parser for the whole object if the object is big. Do not use json-stream applicative parsing for creating objects if they have lots of records, unless you are skipping large part of the structure. Every <*> causes parallel parsing, too many parallel parsers kill performance.
@milleniumbug weird lib
first one that let me lazily parse infinite list of JSON objects
I tried Aeson and some other before it
I’m actually curious how they perform the alleged parallel parsing since they appear to reuse the aeson Parser (which in turns comes from attoparsec)
The "Every <*> causes parallel parsing" part made me puzzled too, I have no idea what it means
can’t really find anything more about that, the mystery will remain unsolved for now
@milleniumbug anyway the docs do mention the arrayOf/value::Parser [a] thing, better read them carefully
@milleniumbug oh they actually roll their own Parser a which makes sense
it’s just I thought value meant they were straight reusing the one from aeson, which they don’t
their Parser is not monadic so all is good in the land
@sehe Twitter, the voice of the IT savvy.
Teehee. You must be jawking
@milleniumbug all-in-all cool lib even with the pitfalls, thanks for the heads-up
when I want to stream I tend to gravitate towards the pipes ecosystem though
no idea of the state of JSON streaming though
one should always use binary for streaming, JSON is too wasteful in regards to your bandwidth </troll>
1 message moved to C++
sehe will help you ... to move it to the trash
1 message moved to bin
Brutal, sehe, the newblet was going to give you the email. Why? Is the newbie not your type?
@HubertApplebaum I love how that room has a blanket excuse for abuse:
> A room for questions about and discussions of C++ and related things. Unprovoked abuse is not allowed.
@sehe you’ve just provoked me into a joke, prepare yourself
> Too hard to explain ELI5
@HubertApplebaum do your thang
@Mysticial get yo ass on discord <3
Is std::max constexpr?
> Still no photo, the artwork is not an acceptable substitution.
I refuse to put a photo of my face in the system.
@jaggedSpire Good enough for me.
who's complaining about the lack of a face?
Did someone say face :3
But my Professor wants me to upload a picture of my face onto the school's course system.
I do not want to.
@CatPlusPlus :3
@ThePhD give him sparklebjarne instead.
Sparklebjarne solves all problems
@jaggedSpire inb4 the professor is bjarne
@ThePhD That sounds moronic
@Borgleader just as planned!
@CatPlusPlus whiskers to compensate
I saw that
@CatPlusPlus it looks okay on my end :(
Chrome might not be v good at text
omg kill it
k i l l m e
what does it look like on your end, @Luc ?
also chrome
stupid crashy screenshot program
All these efforts for that
I found a capital Omega Ѡ̈
@HubertApplebaum ikr, so well worth it
@LucDanton much better

paw meow() {
paw kitten = "fur"
nice trim
@hexicle nonsense award of the day
@hexicle wot
@LucDanton join us on discord m80
my god
did you think of the effort
I agree
less effort than I spent on it
There is an entire channel dedicated to catface
well it’s not like I have a habit of that
I can quit any time
@LucDanton :3
famous last words
sometimes I purposely say dumb things so my last words aren't eerie
in case I die
like right now
this is too meta for me
oh good
any meta is too meta amirite
I'm so meta even this acronym
no double underdot unicode pls
in C++, 31 mins ago, by Questionare232
woah kool, ok link: http://pastebin.com/vGguwZVJ
in C++, 25 secs ago, by sehe
@BryanEdds what do you say, is it too early to call that "unprovoked abuse"?
The state of C code teaching.
how long is that function
someone copy to coliru pls
there is no god
@HubertApplebaum Consider it done: coliru.stacked-crooked.com/a/5299c62d1335b0dd
bless you unicode
@LucDanton there is no end to that catsoul's torment
@sehe Ma reconnaissance est sans limite
@sehe of course it would output 27k newlines
@LucDanton Yes! And the sleeps!
printf("\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nEnter anything to exit..");
in C++, 21 mins ago, by Questionare232
huh.. didnt even see those, dont even kno why does it compile.. the sleeping is jus to make it look a bit more professional
for (y = 0; y < 3000; y++) {
OMG what is that abomination. It made my eyes brun.
@sehe wtf
The coliru paste ..
all in all a nice PoS system
See what you guys miss! All these gems, chased away by eager binmeisters. That was... how did kitty call it? Cruel
I didn't even really look at it much beyond seeing how big it was
@sehe nice
so I scrolled, and scrolled.
@LucDanton UB to the rescue :)
the main function is 1860 lines long
so I scrolled, and then I noped
loading times=professionality
@jaggedSpire Yup. I love the comment:
wtb dynamic in C++ thanks
who do I need to bribe
@jaggedSpire It's a nice christmas tree. And it even uses functions!
@HubertApplebaum where was my bribe
All of them void(void)
@sehe :(
no types best types
at a guess they don't understand arguments
so they decided to sidestep the problem by combining most of that horror into main
@sehe How are you getting that error message?
Also v nice font and color scheme
copied from CHandler it seems
@HubertApplebaum can’t be bothered to do the usual dance, i.e. erasure or variant?
@Prismatic cppcheck, Ubuntu's Monospace and jellybeans
@jaggedSpire they?
gender-neutral third-person
@LucDanton It's not just that
dynamic robert; robert.do_the_unusual().dance(); // compiles
@jaggedSpire Oh. They didn't teach you global variables yet, did they! They're awesome because you can use them from inside the functions
@sehe I somehow managed to go through all my life without hearing of cppcheck
It's not the best. But it's free
not bad for a 5 yo
@sehe D:
@sehe a ringing endorsement
@HubertApplebaum pfultz at it again
> This response is so factually incorrect that I can only believe it was written to be purposefully misleading.

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