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T x{ .a = ..., .b = ... };
Is is that rare thing where you can do `mything a = { var_ = 20 } ?
@ThePhD lol its really simple, make boost::vulkan, and eventually it might get standardized ;)
@Xeo Wow, do want.
@ThePhD That fun thing that almost allows named parameters.
bah. I had to consult this page just now to get my project to compile on the CI server gcc.gnu.org/gcc-4.6/cxx0x_status.html
@Morwenn yesss
Luckily I have mandate to progress things. So. The sooner the better
Named parameters are sexy.
@Xeo don’t you mean struct T x = (struct T) { .a = Kappa };
@ThePhD Poland
@LucDanton struct point p = { .y = yvalue, .x = xvalue }; says GCC's docs
@набиячлэвэлиь 'course not
@milleniumbug Neat, I ddn't know you were there!
@ThePhD old
@Rapptz Really? Why is it in the 2016 paper list, then?
Or do old papers just automatically propogate until rejected?
Oh, okay.
and actual paper
Herb's been toying with this for eons
He's not doing a very good job...
@Xeo well yes but that’s not as funny
THe "Input Devices" paper is a trainwreck by the time you get to "specifications".
Minutes for low-latency development meeting oh boy, this is gonna be fun to read.
Btw @ThePhD, here's something for reading: gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc/Designated-Inits.html
> struct point ptarray[10] = { [2].y = yv2, [2].x = xv2, [0].x = xv0 };
@ThePhD low-latency meetings FTW
@ThePhD The paper is huge AF.
@Xeo ... I want it. I want it so bad.
aka « which proposals are low-level and performance-oriented enough to be of interest? ».
@ThePhD Welcome on board.
@ThePhD Write a fucking proposal :D
@Morwenn I'm in school damnit and I ahve so much work to do. ;~;
IIRC @JerryCoffin implemented a ring_buffer kinda thing once?
> Wwednesday evening session on SG14
Were they drunk?
@ThePhD Also note how several papers were already rejected.
AA evening session
Heeey I implemented this.
IINM the only thing they changed is to give move operations to std::raw_storage_iterator.
@Morwenn Where do you see rejection status?
@Morwenn IINM?
@ThePhD There's a Bugzilla for the library issues.
@ThePhD If I'm Not Mistaken
@ThePhD god fucking dammit I hate copying from PDFs sometimes
it's giving me single letters in a thousand lines
Yeah PDF copying is the worst.
@Xeo That makes two of us.
@Xeo We know how that feels, haha
Anyhow, the point about default-ctoring / copy ctoring being unavailable if there's no assignment operator is... wrong? Shouldn't it just be elem->~T(); ::new (elem) T(source); or something?
The 2D graphics paper made it to the design review stage noooo
Lol, yeah.
it shall not pass
Fixed point real numbers made it to the sg_review stage.
I can't find the ring paper, though.
Look for circular buffer.
They linked back to circular_buffer.
wow so circular
> We actually intend to study the design of C++AMP, OpenMP Accelerator/OpenACC, OpenCL, OpenGL and Vulcan, Diectx12 for a GPU accelerator design to support gamers. We plan to review this paper under a co - located SG14 session which can run with SG1, but we are interested in taking this work further
^ This is what Herb should be doing.
Not ripping off any C++ 2D framework he can get his hands on and then putting it through a renaming mill.
@milleniumbug only if circular buffer links back to the ring
argh they should fix that
What happened to SG13 (Graphics)? Its forum looks dead and it got renamed to "HMI" (what's that?) And now there is SG14 (games and low-latency) - will it be new SG13 ?
I hope SG13 dies.
@ThePhD why? I'd be glad to have standard graphics library
Yeah, and then you ask yourself "what is a standard graphics library?" and things start going to hell real fast.
@ThePhD uhm... drawing? I bet other languages have such thing
At the end of the day, when you're dealing with a graphics library, you need to essentially demand what is going to be the desired visual representation for X programming commands. The problem with that is that there's about 3 different industries sitting between that specification and what ends up on a monitor / printer / etc.
And that industry does not have its shit together.
the committee always tries to be careful to not add half-assed things into standard library... but at the end of the day, it happens anyway
@ThePhD Windows GDI works fine with different devices (monitor|printer|etc)
@Abyx And look how much fun GDI is to work with....
Windows Global Defense Initiative
@ThePhD I don't see other flaws except C-style API (or COM-style for GDI+)
one can draw stuff with it, what else is needed?
@Nooble Does it even work in any way shape or form?
@Abyx Graphics acceleration, access to important hardware features, different API philsophy choices by GDI partially exclude some of the performance and neat tricks that can be done by other graphics APIs, etc...
Not that GDI is bad, it's just dated and would need to be touched up to make it work better.
@ThePhD standard graphics is not supposed to have high performance, just like <iostream>
see how many people are complaining about <iostream>'s performance
> Otherwise, if the symbolic reference to the class, array, or interface type resolves to an interface or is an abstract class, new throws an InstantiationError.
I wonder what happens when InstantiationError is an abstract class.
Let's try that!
P0215R0 - A Civil-Time Library , lol they should make a military-time library as well.
Does anyone here run OS X?
Well. You don't then.
The cppget library Blizzard refers to in its proposal isn't there anymore...
Maybe Benjamin Gruenbaum way down at the bottom of the active users list does though.
I do, but I don't care about your question.
@fredoverflow I found a way to instantiate abstract classes in Java.
If you try to instantiate an abstract class, you'll get a java.lang.InstantiationError exception instead of a new object. However, if java.lang.InstantiationError itself is abstract, it will still be instantiated.
I'm on OSX right now.
@ThePhD I wish it were only once...
Oh nice. I'd like to ask if you use Valgrind at all. I'm considering installing it, but it cities it has only limited support for 10.11 right now and wasn't sure if I could use it to do my leak checks.
Oh, I do all my dev work in a CentOS VM.
But I do use valgrind there occasionally, FWIW.
And if NoSuchMethodError lacks the appropriate constructor it'll enter an infinite loop.
This stuff is fun.
@Abyx Hmm...looks like a (pretty thin) wrapper around mktime, gmtime, localtime and time_t (probably one or two others I'm missing at the moment).
@JerryCoffin No std::chrono use? tsk tsk
@caps You could do it that way too, of course--but I was thinking of roughly the "simplest" base to start from, and I'm still left wondering whether it adds enough to justify its own existence.
@JerryCoffin Hmm, I like it.
Recently had to write some code to figure out which 15-minute segment of the day I was in using Unix timestamps.
I could definitely see places where a civil_time library would be useful.
At the same time... not sure it needs to be in the std?
Well, the labs I use have computers running xubuntu with valgrind installed. I can always test there. But was hoping someone had tried to use it on OSX. I can try myself and find out I suppose.
@Owatch That's what I would do. :shrug:
Thanks though!
Or look for a similar tool that explicitly works for OSX.
Yeah, I tried using clang's sanitizers, but the sanitizers themselves aren't supported on OS X either.
> LeakSanitizer is only supported on x86_64 Linux
Oh well!
@Owatch lol
That's funny since Apple are big clang pushers.
Your issue probably (but not definitely) is not OS-specific. So if your app is not OS-specific, it could be worth it to try it on the ubuntu boxes.
Yeah it's not a problem do to it on the boxes.
I've done it before.
played a game online which just reminds me why I dislike it these days
@caps Yeah, that's where I have misgivings. It kind of reminds me of a lot of early C++ libraries that took some existing code, converted every f(a, b, c) to a.f(b,c), and apparently though they were really accomplishing something. It's not clear to me that this really provides much in the way of a higher level of abstraction, easier use, etc., to just a time_t and the normal C functions. Maybe it does, but if so it's not immediately obvious to me that it does, or if so how.
spent the whole game with a whiny teammate who couldn't tell how to use the ingame stats and just insisted everybody else was doing poorly when it was in fact him, and couldn't even decide if doing a thing was good or not- it was terrible play for his allies and a great thing for him
@Puppy what game
starcraft 2
@Puppy Was it really that he couldn't tell how to use them, of perhaps that he just didn't want to admit that he sucked?
I'm honestly fairly convinced that he couldn't tell how to use them
he kept saying that he had twice as many kills when he in fact had twice as much income
sounds like usual noob
@Puppy I suppose I should follow the old dictum and not assume malice where stupidity provides a perfectly adequate explanation...
personally I find it increasingly difficult to find a game where the other players actually qualify as sentient life
maybe I've just grown standards in my old age
@Puppy "We've upped our standards. Now up yours!" :-)
I'm bored. Time to play Aura Kingdom.
I just watched an interview.
It was a refreshing experience.
who was interviewing who?
looks like I received a message from "I moved to bitbucket"
Just played your game
I guess it will get better.
I was gonna do something important
but I forgot.
man, I wish VS'15 had extended uniform init rules that allow NSDMIs on POD types
I thought you were doing VS 2013?
at work, ye
as if I'd get stuck with that at home
So many people try to offer me jobs on LinkedIn because I'd finish university soon.
it's never gonna end
One offered me a PHP job.
So terrible.
Well better than Python but still.
Python 4 lyfe
Compiler plugins via constexpr
Python 4 incompatible with all existing Python 2 and 3 libraries.
@Zoidberg lol, did you just add me as a contact on LinkedIn
@Zoidberg Another one?
Yeah it suggested you.
This is one of the really nice things about Java. Java 8 code will still work in Java 9000.
There is a python 4?
since when!
vOv fuck it, why not
I'm not sure what stalking it was doing to connect us
lol looking at Niebler's profile
I had lunch with that guy
@thecoshman Finding connections like that is pretty much their "secret sauce"...
secret sauce ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
@slaphappy :(
I like the circular_buffer proposal.
..not sure if I'm simplifying the process by breaking it into tiers, or leading it to become exponentially complex at some point
It's very nice.
The ring_span is a sweet data structure that I've wanted many times.
I want it for my own library.
One More Time is a great song.
@KhaledKhnifer what are you trying to do
using NetBeans.
skia has required includes for its core module in other module source directories
i just
@Prismatic text processing for Arabic language on different levels
sounds lame. I'd just harfbuzz all the things
I just noticed that none of the picture on my cats' food is of a black cat. How fur-colorist!
There's three variants, each with four flavours. None of the twelve pictures is a black cat.
good thing cats are colorblind :]
@Prismatic text processing, not converting text literals to glyphs for representation
> Like cats, though, dogs are partially colorblind. Specifically, due to lack of L-cones they have trouble with differentiating between red, orange, and chartreuse shades, though they can do things like distinguish red and blue and distinguish between the various shades of blue and the like
No, they aren't
@KhaledKhnifer What do you mean by text processing? Word processor style? Languages that have combined forms are a pain. I'm going to have to figure out something for simple unicode text editing at some point
@набиячлэвэлиь I don't think colorblind ever usually implies you can't see any color
I hurt my wrist while sleeping last night
It was obviously a joke, thanks for ruining it
didn't even know what happened ...
@Prismatic first-tier is character-oriented operations, definitions of basic literals in the language, functions to read and write from different encodings, not just unicode
@KhaledKhnifer sounds painful lol
Hiiii from Warsaw
that is not the painful part
Haskell meetups are officially awesome cc @sehe
@BartekBanachewicz hello from the imaginary side
So you're doing actual circlejerks?
Here's Bartosz M. explaining lens theory
That image needs a caption
@BartekBanachewicz Six Haskell developers observing a lambda term.
[something something monad joke]
@Cat we talked and stuff
And I kinda got talked into speaking at the next one which is nice
@Zoidberg actually those 6 are all mathematicians
You can be both.
@BartekBanachewicz that's cute, you're bad English is showing, and you're still so proud of yourself.
Well sure you can
@thecoshman why shouldn't he be?
> you're bad English
classic thecoshman
@thecoshman I might have had a few beers yes
¬_¬ I was wanting to mock the way he used 'awesome'
we’ll do’ne
@thecoshman why is that bad english?
@BartekBanachewicz Hi.
@BartekBanachewicz you're a mathematician?
no he's a loser with a short fuse
@Zoidberg love him
@KhaledKhnifer Isn't the word 'mathematician' synonymous with 'haskeller'
@slaphappy That's wank yank english
> However, if java.lang.InstantiationError itself is abstract
@Zoidberg wat
send help
@Prismatic Stop using MSVC
@slaphappy because the word he was looking for was 'lame'
@Prismatic not quite sure..
@набиячлэвэлиь thats qtcreator
oh what the hell!? Is my illiteracy really that entertaining?
no, what's entertaining is the pure irony
@thecoshman Yes.
Well that's just crumulent
@thecoshman well, the irony is golden here
you can shove that irony up your arses
oh shit! A migration that I'm sort of lined up to be working very much on was pushed back a sprint... and now it lines up with a weekend I'm going to a gig... I've got to get that shit moved!
@Zoidberg 8 new subscribers in the last 48 hours. Maybe I should release more Java videos? :)
why not gitlab
@JohanLarsson If the parameter is null, there is no problem, right? Value parameters can't magically change from other threads :) I don't know enough C# to be certain in the other case.
we should be safe as we control the creation of the list
Are you talking about the null case or the not null case?
@Xeo I filed a bug for that, they "deferred" it :(
@slaphappy cat said it sucks :p
also the best part is their memory leakage by design
how do you pronounce sjw
Aug 4 '15 at 8:50, by Griwes
@slaphappy Es Jay DoubleYou
Or sjw if you're polish and drunk
so cial jus tice war rior
es jay doub el yoo
whats an acronym good for if it's hardly shorter
@slaphappy charcount
@slaphappy It's shorter to type. Which is the context it's most used in.
By "keyboard warriors", right?
@milleniumbug hm that doesn't quite sound like "leaking memory by design" exactly, more like "eh it leaks, CBA to fix it, just kill it"
@caps I did say "pronounce" though
@fredoverflow not sure which is which
was a bit busy coding, sry
@melak47 which isn't too different really
true, I guess both involve various degrees of not caring about leaks :D
e.g. the end result is the same
whoa are you saying the ends justify the leaks?
what I'm saying is that they have leaks they don't intend to weed out completely
@slaphappy I would change the phrase to "Social Injustice Fanatic". It's more accurate, and SIF is easy to pronounce.
I wonder if we can produce an automated lounge software rating. input name of software, calcualte score based on lounge transcript :v
@набиячлэвэлиь It's actually su'j'wu.
@melak47 Could probably calculate it, but I'd have serious doubts about the meaning of the result.
@Nooble Su "J" Wu
A popular North-Korea-escapee rapper
Wu is a Chinese last name.
And I'm a fucking expert, right
According to my sources it's you that has a "hot Asian GF", not me
Lol who said that.
BlackJesus, IMMSMR
If My Memory Serves Me Right
do u even acronyms man
@melak47 search-lounge 'program-name' | grep 'shit' | wc -l
Literally no one says IMMSMR.
@Nooble Well fuck them
@milleniumbug hmm..I'm thinking more tag cloud of words used in proximity :v
@набиячлэвэлиь JHOIPEWJRW
if you see gigantic SHITs and FUCKs flying around, avoid :p
If Your Mom Serves Me Right
Andy coming through in the clutch
@melak47 most shitty program would be MSVC
thankfully Alex is not around so I don't get scolded for mom shitposting
@milleniumbug pls
@AndyProwl Your mom will scold you for mom shitposting
Is @jagged a "Weed Doctor"?
@набиячлэвэлиь yes
> Smoke good with Nubel, n'jagged the weed doctor
Nobody's gonna get this
Gret sukses: I found an SIMD sorting algorithm to steal. Now I only have to wait a decade to actually add it to the library once we have SIMD parallelism in the standard.
@Morwenn a decade? thats a bit optimistic
Yeah right.

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