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@JerryCoffin I see right through your plan: you want to be able to compile C++ programs in under a week
@orlp There was discussion at one point of having something like 8 chips connected to a couple terabytes of DRAM. I did sometimes think that 2048 cores and a giant RAM disk should make for some fairly decent compilation times. Who knows--might even be able to compile Rust projects in under a month...
@JerryCoffin blasphemy!
@JerryCoffin in 500 years we'll be harvesting the energy from entire galaxies to be able to compile rust
@orlp Rust: Security through obscurity slow compilation.
Hello, i had a question i hoped someone had the specialty to answer, On windows, I was wondering if there was a way to access GPU memory similar to how one might use memory mapped files? (and if not is there a different way)
@Greg С++AMP might be an answer
@Greg Microsoft's preferred route to using GPU memory (or the GPU in general) is probably C++ AMP.
ah i see thanks, i will read that
My situation is that Im transfer very large images (for image processing) between processes, and at some point in the future will be doing some of the processing on GPU
Use OpenCV, and their umat wrapper
I do this kind of work for a living
so I'm wondering if I'm going to have to copy the memory to the GPU every time, or if i could just work out of the gpu memory
^ love the C# one :)
Ah cool mikhail im using open cv
right now im sharing the images through file mapped memory
Thats really fucked up
What's the difference between file mapped memory and memory mapped files?
err im sorry memory mapped files
Anyways, the umat has a wrapper for OCL, there is basically a function to load the structure into the GPU, and then you can call your own kernels, etc
Boost.compute also has some nice functionality but I haven't used it, although if I were to rewrite my stuff I'd definitely use it because of its easy inseparability between OpenCV and OGL.
i see, hmmm does the umat operate out of standard memory, and copy it to gpu memory to do the transform?
depends if the authors implemented the OCL backend
ah right
I basically used it like a more compatible version of thrust
so operating specifically out of GPU memory isn't something i can (or maybe should) do?
Never said that. You can operate directly on GPU memory, thats how you write your kernels...
ah i see
the umats are a wrapper for std::vector, and thrust::vector (except its OCL). So you can call something to upload or download the GPU data.
omg mrting oderksy
so im wondering down the road, can i just change my pointers to point to a GPU memory location and have my cpu operate on that memory without a significant penalty?
@Greg I'm not aware of a way to do that
@Greg most likely not
Remember that guy who wrote a ram disk adapter that used GPU ram. That was an good use of GPU ram.
i wish i did
then i could read about how he did it lol
@Mikhail Where can I get 128 GB of it?
Is there a site I can download it from?
@Mysticial Yeah, there still isn't a download more GPU ram website
ah it appears the concept is called "Zero copy"
Q: Default Pinned Memory Vs Zero-Copy Memory

Jawad MasoodIn CUDA we can use pinned memory to more efficiently copy the data from Host to GPU than the default memory allocated via malloc at host. However there are two types of pinned memories the default pinned memory and the zero-copy pinned memory. The default pinned memory copies the data from Host ...

@Greg This depends heavily on the hardware. AMD has kind of pushed their vision to support something (at least roughly) along that line, but it really only works with the APU chips (i.e., CPU and GPU on a single chip, sharing memory). For a discrete GPU, any access to its memory from the GPU (or vice versa) has to go over the PCIe bus, which is fairly slow compared to the processor talking directly to its own memory.
ah i see
thanks for the info, i will take it under consideration
oh foo, zero-copy pinned memory is the GPU using the CPU memory
your program design sounds fucked because it relies on the OS for caching, memory mapping, don't do that
it isn't a design yet
good don't do that
right now its just using memory mapped files to share memory for IPC communication
it doesn't have a disk space backing it
so its always in memory
From my experience, anything that relies on the OS for caching is doomed to fail unless the purpose of the task is to fail.
@fredoverflow oh, right, the moronic @uncheckedVariance
because Odersky created the only mainstream language with a useful type system but doesn't understand the difference between bottom and unit
its really just Named shared memory
OS caching is intentionally designed to make things as bad as possible. Both Windows and Linux. There are no exceptions.
Thats because its a C api!
@Mysticial for what reason?
@TonyTheLion Don't ask me. Ask the OS writers.
I'm trying to random access a file that's larger than ram. It's really bad. Almost 100% of the accesses are page faulting.
Well Windows has slow condition variable notify times, so that your program doesn't fuck the whole system. It is possible to fix this by elevating the PIC but isn't done by default to protect users from your code.
@Mysticial defragment
So I give the OS a caching hint that I'm trying to random access the file. What does it do? It pages itself out of memory in a futile attempt to cache a 30GB file into 16GB of memory. And the system hard locks and requires me to hit the power button.
use a memory mapped file
holy crap thats terrible
@rightfold That's some real shit
and just access the sections you need one at a time
@Greg Read: "Random access"
you probably want HDF
Well either way, I'm sure manually mapping and unmapping each access is still better than hard-locking the system.
just map the entire file
and grab each piece from a fileview
i suppose you could load 1GB chunks or something
No need. I solved the problem by passing FILE_FLAG_NO_BUFFERING. IOW, I told the OS to gtfo.
im betting the loader uses a memory mapped file behind the scenes though =D
@Greg No, it uses DMA. FILE_FLAG_NO_BUFFERING requires sector alignment.
why should we use delete when our code runs same without it?
@ADG because people will yell at you if you don't
The access pattern touched every byte of the file exactly once in a non-sequential manner. So you can't really do better than 1 seek per access. The problem is that any time I let the OS cache anything, it results in much more than 1 seek per access.
@Greg hmm.. what?
Also the OS typically doesn't cache writes, but typical applications, can cache writes...
@ADG If you've seen a sign that says, "don't walk on the frozen pond". And you walk on it anyway without crashing through. Have you ever asked the question, "What's the point of the sign if I'm not crashing through the pond?"
@Mysticial I understand but I think memory is cleared after the program terminates...
Someone know a mysql library written with asio /?
@ADG I don't use delete
@ADG It is a joke, every post I see on a C++ problem has a comment, "YOU DIDNT FREE YOUR MEMORY!"
I use std::vector, std::string, std::unique_ptr and std::shared_ptr so I need to deal with filthy low-level savages
i don't know how to respond to your statements... are they sarcasm? are you serious? are you joking?
@milleniumbug Unique_ptr is for people Who don't know how to create a own memory management library
Q: Is leaked memory freed up when the program exits?

Martijn CourteauxIf I programmed without knowing it a memory leak, and the application terminates, is the memory of the memory leak freed?

using new/delete means you're stuck in the 90s
@milleniumbug Even in the 90's you could largely do without new/delete unless you were writing optimized containers.
@ADG Are you a compiler writer?
@TonyTheLion FWIW, the pagefile is only good for dealing with FF memory leaks. Any legitimate use of more memory than the system has will hard-lock the system - both Windows and Linux.
Windows will sometimes recover. At least the mouse will move after a while and it will keep moving until you stop moving it - at which the mouse handler gets paged out again and you need to wait a bit before the mouse becomes responsive again.
In Linux, it just hard froze completely. The KVM which sat between the mouse and the box seemed to completely dismount.
The test case here was attempting to compile something that need 40GB to compile with only 32GB of ram.
In Windows, it does actually survive if the pagefile is on an SSD. I haven't tested it in Linux yet.
@ADG I'm 100% serious
@Mysticial And if you are writing your own containers, that should normally be operator new and operator delete, not new and delete expressions.
not using containers and smart pointers is not only a disservice to yourself, but to everyone else who will be forced to read your code
@JerryCoffin shouldn't it be allocator_traits::allocate?
@Greg Memory mapping files works only when you intend to use a file like memory. That's not the case when you're doing single-passes over the data.
to be safe I always delete multiple times
Since memory mapping is essentially a form a cach - which is precisely not what I want.
I'm touching a terabyte of disk exactly once in some random order. I do not want any caching at all.
sounds like some crazy stuff
@Cubbi If you're going to use an allocator, sure. I'm not convinced that allocators provide a particularly useful abstraction any more. They were really invented to isolate containers from the ugliness of MS-DOS small/medium/compact/large/huge memory models. They were good for that, but I'm not convinced they accomplish a whole lot any more.
Can you add a tag to a post and then Mjölnir it?
@rightfold no
What are the criteria?
Someone else added the tag?
It has to be there from the beginning. To prevent you from adding the tag, duping, and removing the tag.
@JerryCoffin You can still use them to swap in allocators of other kinds, like memory pools. I'm not sure if anybody actually does that, though, and especially notable is the lack of other allocators by Standard.
@Mysticial Cache is clearly useless if the data won't be used again. The real question in this case is whether you can pre-compute the data you're going to need far enough ahead of time to at least hide some of the read latency.
@Mysticial Ok.
So the best chance of not getting your question closed is to add only one rarely-used irrelevant tag when creating it, then immediately editing it. :D
@JerryCoffin The answer is yes. They're typically either sequential passes or strided passes. But I still manually overlap the I/O with computation. That overlapping implies prefetching.
Interestingly, when I do a no-buffering I/O in Windows which is blocking, the hard drive still seems to be able to do NCQ.
@Puppy Yeah, in theory there are things you can do. We seem to agree, however, that actual use is minimal (at most). The only real question is whether you can accomplish the same things by replacing ::operator new/::operator delete and/or operator new/operator delete for a class. They don't give exactly the same capabilities, but at least in my experience they're typically sufficient.
eh, I think that's a pretty shitty way of doing things
I'd rather fix allocators to be useful rather than try to hide the problem
But in Linux when I do O_DIRECT with O_SYNC, it seems to completely block. So it's slower - at lot slower than in Windows for random access.
@JerryCoffin somehow I had to work with pools of some kind most of my jobs.. and then there were a few years at Bloomberg which is the allocator-only company. I find them useful.
Why do many libraries prefix functions with an BLA_EXPORT macro?
the minimal allocator interface helps, I think
@Puppy It's not really a matter of good or bad. It's a matter of what you want to accomplish. An allocator lets you change allocation on a container-by-container basis. If, however, you want to change allocation for a class in general, the changing that class' operator new/operator delete is the right thing to do.
@rightfold It's for __declspec(dllexport) on Windows
What is that?
Is it the opposite of static, but explicit?
DLL marker.
"This function belongs in a DLL."
@JerryCoffin Yes, but when would you ever want to change allocation for a class in general? That sounds like a pretty suspicious thing to do really. The class shouldn't give a shit where it's allocated.
@rightfold It causes MSVC to generate code to load a DLL and hook up the function for you.
@rightfold it's for making symbols visible across DLLs.
So functions are DLL-private by default?
Like CLI internal?
you can also export them through a .def file
and I think you can possibly export them through other means
The macro is usually to swap between import and export.
dllimport/dllexport isn't really about visibility, it's about generating glue code for you to make it easier
@rightfold Because when you're building the DLL, you need to specify __declspec(dllexport), and when you're building client code you need to specify __declspec(dllimport). So, in your header you use a macro that changes from one to the other, typically based on whether some other macro like BUILD_DLL is defined or not.
So you can use the same headers to build the DLL as you use to link to it.
#   if defined ZMQ_STATIC
#       define ZMQ_EXPORT
#   elif defined DLL_EXPORT
#       define ZMQ_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
#   else
#       define ZMQ_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
#   endif
2 messages moved to bin
@R.MartinhoFernandes Makes sense, thanks.
@Aven You might want to try elsewhere. This is basically chat among people who use C++, but questions about C++ are fairly minimal. The one I linked really is for questions about C++.
would someone mind looking at a small function and telling me why it says I am accessing unauthorized memory
@JerryCoffin oh, okey thanks
@Puppy Changing its operator new has no effect for locals or globals. It just gives it a private heap (so to speak) for dynamic allocations.
yes, but dynamic allocations from where?
presumably not randomly inside a std::vector
@Puppy That's what it controls--you get to decide where the memory comes from.
ok, so what if you're in a std::map and then the allocated object is an internal class and at best, contains more than one user-defined class?
@Puppy As previously noted, if you want to control allocation for a container, then that container's allocator is the right place to do the job.
yeah, I just don't like the idea of trying to change it on a per-type level for a random allocation function that the language happens to deem should be used in a few cases
@Puppy I just don't like the idea of trying to change it on a per-container level for...
it's not a per-container level, it's a per container instance level.
More to the point than my like or dislike, however, I rarely see it accomplish much.
truth be told, I don't think that enough people have performance problems with dynamic allocation to really justify it, especially considering that the Standard doesn't ship with any other allocators
@Puppy I said container, not container type. A pitcher is a container. "Pitcher" is a class into which lots of similar containers fit.
@Puppy C++17 adds a few pool allocators.
your face is a pool allocator
@Puppy I'd like to allocate a pool in my back yard.
I don't possess a back yard
and I'd want an indoor pool anyway ;p
@LucDanton Does the mandatory RVO proposal for C++17 say anything about incomplete types? Would this be legal in C++17? coliru.stacked-crooked.com/a/504082dc1b5599f0
GCC hasn't implemented mandatory RVO in any form yet.
@Mysticial I do not think any kind of RVO is possible without knowing the size of the returned object. IMHO.
@wilx You can forward declare functions that return incomplete types. But you can't call it unless the caller has access to the complete type.
@Mysticial Exactly.
You need to know the type's size.
@wilx But with mandatory RVO, you technically don't need to know the size of the return type in the wrapper function.
You just pass the return address through the wrapper.
IOW, I don't see any technical barriers. Just wondering if the language will allow it.
Or if I overlooked a technical barrier.
The idea here is that Object is a very large object that pulls in a shit-ton of other things. And the header is included by everyone. But only a small number of users actually need to use the function that returns Object.
So you hide the definition of Object from everyone else who doesn't need to use it.
The work-around is to move the definition of the wrapper out of the header. But that's a bit annoying and it inhibits inlining.
@lefticus Due to a communication breakdown (not of the Led Zeppelin kind...) with waiter, I had four digestifs too so...ask me anything? ;-)
Now's the time
If you're interested in getting flamed, you can try out one of the chatrooms. — Mysticial 5 secs ago
Wait, I'm not a dog.
@ThePhD Meow :3
@ThePhD -Rabbit noises-
AMA incoming
@wilx So I went ahead and parsed the proposal. It looks like it's possible. IOW, my assumption that the wrapper doesn't need the complete type is correct. And the proposal specifically allows it. ( /cc @Luc
@ThePhD :3
God vocaloids are catchy but if I wasn't participating in a joke I would be avoiding them
@набиячлэвэли qq pls no
@Mysticial err
I'm 99% sure you're wrong
I'll try to show it tomorrow :P
> Guaranteed copy elision P0135R1 No
^^ Unless it's out of date.
Something about demoscene videos is soo satisfying. Here's one made with 8kilobytes
@Mysticial RVO goes back to c++03 unless there is a particular form you're thinking of
I could be wrong ofc
I'm no expert
C++17 mandated RVO Ell.
@Ell I'm talking about mandatory RVO.
So without C++17, you can't return bricks. Everything you return has to be either copyable or movable.
Luc did show me an exception with aggregate initialization. I'm not 100% sure how it works though.
Ah my bad, I apologise

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