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yo hello guys!
@Ccr Hi there.
somebody is in love ! " but deep down we love each other."
We do.
@Nooble where r u from?
He's in the US.
hey @Lalaland how do u do
Dealing with annoying Java code now.
@Ccr The best part of eastern US.
@Nooble thats nice..
anyone experience with ios here?
Anything but Apple! Please!
why @nooble
i got oppertunity to get trainning for ios.. so i was wondering hows its like
@Ccr Graphics development for iOS is a PITA.
@Ccr Have you any experience in Swift/Obj-C?
What do you know?
just basic c and c++
@Ccr So essentially just C :P
ya still weak at pointers
@Ccr "basic, c, and c++" or "basic c, and c++" ?
the later one
@Ccr Don't use pointers if you don't have to.
@Borgleader Speaking of Basic, Visual Basic was such a weird language.
i was basically electronics guy. but evea since i got laptop and internet i tried on embedded system. now learning c++. but its very hard to grasp c++.
@Ccr What about?
@Nooble why is the documentation so difficult to understand? isnt it suppose to give solution?
@Ccr What documentation?
c++ documentation.
I sure hope you're not talking about the C++ Standard.
@Ccr en.cppreference.com/w is the best C++ reference.
Documentation doesn't really give answers to problems, it's just documentation.
@Lalaland Yeah :D
The standard is actually somewhat readable as well.
There's one on Github!
@Ccr But, it's usually best to start with a book if you are learning. There is a stackoverflow post of C++ books.
@Lalaland I've never learned from a book, kinda just learned as I went along. I need a book.
I guess you win the "most updated draft" war.
@Lalaland Hahaha.
@ʞɔᴉN yeah, now too lazy to find it back. should be somewhere in the star queue of the js room
@Nooble kinda just learned as I went along ... give me some tricks
Any chance of rescaling kubuntu's UI?
I have a highDPI display and it is pretty shit
@ElimGarak As much chance as there is for Icicle's support for transparency.
@ElimGarak Google is your friend.
I, on the other hand, am poor for high dpi displays.
@Ccr Start a project or something.
@Lalaland You know what's poor? Your keyboard. Clean it.
But the dust isn't doing any harm to nobody!
It just sorta sits there.
One day I'll wind up in your home and rescue your keyboard.
Just--wind up.
@ElimGarak What display BTW?
@Nooble Planning any trips to Houston?
@Nooble Surface Pro 3's, 2160x1440
12" diagonal
equals tiny shit
@Lalaland Probably not until I'm an independent adult.
@ElimGarak Man that's a nice display.
Good. Houston's not that exciting.
Los Angeles is much more fun.
And here I am with a 1920x1080 24 inch monitor.
And it looks like, due the bad design of the Java library, I am going to have to add a couple of wonderful singletons.
@Lalaland Like my OpenGL contexts!
@ElimGarak Holy shit. I'd love to try programming on that with default DPI.
And see how impossible it is.
I'm running that resolution on a 27 in. monitors.
It's pretty sexy when the OS and the apps are aware of the DPI. Right now, I have to squint to read messages. I've found some settings though here, will try to nudge them towards my DPI.
It took me a while to adjust to from 1080p to 1440p for the same size monitor. (27 in.)
But 1440p on a 12in. That's insane.
I had trouble testing out a 4k on a 28 in. at the local electronics store.
Alright, managed to get the apps to force a higher DPI. The toolbar still looks like a 10 pixel rect, tho.
@Mysticial 1440P on 27 inch is perfect.
I like 21:9 though.
I hate super-wide though.
I had to turn one of mine vertical since 3 x 27 in. horizontally is too much.
@sehe way to completely miss the point
@Mysticial 3x24" fits perfectly on my desk, but I wouldnt have space for 3x27" either
3x24" also here. Replacing with Dell UHDs soon, waiting for them to arrive.
hah, my system would choke on UHDs
I actually have 4 x 27. One's on top.
You've probably seen the pictures already.
I have the fourth one on the side, but it is useless, so I use the Intel XTU as a screensaver on it and don't count it :D
Wellp, KDE suckage. But less suckage now.
And of course, the mandatory pic or it didn't happen
what is that white folded screen in the middle
That's a lot of screens.
@AnastasiyaAsadullayeva That's paper. I know. Antiquated technology for a more civilized age.
what is it used for?
Equation derivations, sketching out acceleration structures and stuffs.
Aren't acceleration structures a p much solved problem
As in, everyone uses the same ones anyway
Ah, for lighting.
Or more specifically, light propagation in realtime.
Doesn't light sorta just move at light speed. No acceleration.
That's just phase velocity, light always propagates at c between particles of any medium. Everything else is just a quantum dance of absorption/emission
I mean, I guess you could call it acceleration when it changes speed through a certain medium.
But not really.
Which basically destroys weakminded theories that FTL propulsion can be achieved by draining the classical vacuum.
Yes, I have learned that part of the theory.
Ohhh someone is working on ray traced lights :D
@ElimGarak Trying to get fancy shadows, refractions, and reflections?
@Lalaland Full global illumination in realtime. Already have the solution, the issue is performance. It requires a shit-ton of processing.
The hard part is finding a structure that can be processed in a branchless fashion and with minimal memory scattering
Let me guess, similar to en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radiosity_(computer_graphics) where you precompute what areas can "see" each other?
@ElimGarak That's really nice.
Though I can see how that 4th monitor isn't very useful unless you have an awesome neck.
@Lalaland Actually, far from it, those are some basic techniques. I should have a paper for you peoples soon, who are into graphics. But basically, it revolves heavily around procedural simplifying of the scene in realtime and using that as a basis for all light transport calculations, with both dynamic and static parts.
And doing it efficiently, not the half-assed way which gets you a frame each 40 ms. But it does depend on some modern tech like volume tiled resources (DX12) to trickle light structures in and out of system memory as it is needed. The current way which most researchers go is the cascaded approach.
Dropping resolution as you move away from the camera and then recombining the various levels with a bit of snapping which creates artifacts in non ideal scenarios (most everything in gaming)
Neat! Noise is very tolerable. How many FPS?
(48, but that's an interior scene) I am just terrified of what to do with big open spaces. It drops to 25. I have some ideas how to make it better, but it'll mostly revolve around people getting PCIe 4.0 CPUs, motherboards and GPUs. The higher the resolution of the light structure, the better the result. And that requires memory and bandwidth.
Um, really? Memory bound algorithm? I'm surprised
Volume tiled resources, moving from sys -> video. PCIe 3.0 doesn't let up more than 16 GB/s in ideal conditions. Not to mention how gamers pick their components and end up with PCIe 2.0 processors, PCIe 3.0 GPUs and wonder why the shit is stuttering.
Especially dumbasses that buy multiple GPUs and a CPU which only has half of the necessary PCIe lines to feed them.
Tiled resources have already been applied by Nvidia to shadow mapping, always being crisp (no shit popping up in the distance). Resolution and distance dependent, always so-beauty. Microsoft did a demo on streaming textures for large landmasses.
@ElimGarak I have the exact opposite problem. I have 40 PCIe lanes and I'm only using like 16 of them.
Arguably, I should be using more than that.
calling my mom a large landmass is not a very nice thing to say
@AnastasiyaAsadullayeva At least she's doesn't have her own event horizon.
@Mysticial That is a sweet problem to have, though. :D We've had devs reporting issues that they're not getting the PCIe 3.0 promised bandwidth, only about 5 GB/s, 8 GB/s tops. All of them turned out to have Sandy Bridge CPUs.
@ElimGarak I'm cheating though. Since it's a Haswell-E.
I'm a bit confused, how can a tick be preceded by a tock. Kaby Lake seems to be the next in line for us mortals.
Intel is having trouble with 10nm.
So they're gonna insert one more arch before shrinking.
Yeah, but even trouble with 10nm is impressive.
They're still kinda cheap on the PCIe lines in the regular units (Skylake). Probably saving +16 for extreme variants.
Some mobos have plx chips that can split PCIe lanes.
Yeah, and switches to enable shorter turnarounds. But still, moar.
6700K from Gamescom, 16 lines still. Also, I need to drop my line slang. So difficult, habits. Also, only 2 mem channels. 128 bit memory interface. Shiet. I'd expect something targeting gamers out to have 4, to match the bandwidth on consoles (at least the Xbox One's).
My local Microcenter finally stocked the 6700K. But it's overpriced and I'm not as interesting in building that rig as I was 2 weeks ago.
They also only have 3 left in stock (6 earlier today).
Probably will be sold out before I wake up tomorrow.
I always hope for 4 memory channels to become the norm. And always get disappointed. Server-oriented architectures are already moving towards 6 with SP.
It's hard to satisfy 4 channels with a quad-core unless the code is shit.
I am waiting for Bartek to mistake Haswell for Haskell.
Also, you won't wait for the extreme variants? With multiple GPUs, all of the standard choices guarantee underutilization for me.
Wondering whether they can offer me something that will throw a shadow on 5960X, though. Skipping a gen might be good.
I want Skylake Purley for the AVX512.
what are you going to do with it
@AnastasiyaAsadullayeva Rub it on his cheek and whisper soothing sounds of love to it.
Yet another retarded flag on a completely innocuous post lol
Just how far on the autism spectrum are you
There's flagging happening still?
Is someone trying to summon the Elder Mods of the Far Realms?
who bring order in their wake
Jon said he already banned one flagger. And a second is getting pretty close that to based on the starboard.
well, that's nice. Though not so nice for Jon, having to deal with them.
Just 32 more flags and he'll get there
holy shit, really? They're close and they have 32 flags to go?
I suddenly feel sorry for you >10kers, if they've been flagging things that incessantly.
:ironicat: intensifies
I assume they have 31 now.
They flagged your message
I'm intentionally not counter-flagging to keep it alive as long as possible for a moderator to see who it is.
TIL mods can see the identities of flaggers, but only so long as the flag is still alive. I've seen in meta that they are not actually omniscient, but it is interesting that they don't keep records of counter-flagged flags.
then again, this seems mildly unusual, so I'd assume it's not really worth the effort to put a system in place to deal with that.
Of course it's worth it, auditing is important
They just don't give a shit
inb4 flag
I try to remain (probably foolishly) more optimistic than that.
Thus, I will assume you know what you're talking about and delude myself that they just haven't had the time, instead of deluding myself that it's not worth it.
because I'd lay really good odds that you do, in fact, know what you're talking about.
OpenGL weee.~
@ThePhD is that a sarcastic weee, a royal weee, or a happy weee?
@ScottW I am ready to go to sleep
sehe was lurking like a friendly bear until 9:30ish CST
but fine
Friendly bear - the kind @ the zoo or the ones ransack your rubbish at night?
I think probably the kind that doesn't maul people.
he could also be just pretending to be friendly to lure newbies into a false sense of security, for better mauling later.
You know, as an investment.
@Nooble Mumble?
While I'm unwisely staying up past my bedtime, you can too.
You're already not sleeping, after all.
And you can go to bed anytime you want, so what's the problem with dropping in and saying hello?
@fredoverflow That's a neat bug.
I'll probably DNF at the 7x7x7
@R.MartinhoFernandes DNF = Duke Nukem Forever?
Did Not Finish
The time limit is 10 minutes.
Mumble s the empties.
@jaggedSpire The royal weeee.
... I do not know what the royal wee is, but it sounds fancy.
And therefore a good default choice.
This old woman at the swimming pool had the bright idea of swimming sideways across all 8 lanes
@AnastasiyaAsadullayeva Is this a metaphor for bad driving
No she was swimming perpendicularly to the lanes if you want
Didn't last long because the lifeguards told her to stop
What the fuck
OpenGL is querying me the input/output variables in... ... RANDOM order....????
> Indepth Functional programming in C.php
I don't think I want to know
@ʎǝɹɟɟɟǝſ WTF are you talking about? Where is this quote from?
Woah, calm down, Susan
@fredoverflow From the very last slide
@fredoverflow "so I was sitting in a cafeteria with my macbook doing javascript"
@ʎǝɹɟɟɟǝſ I don't think the .php is part of the title ;)
It's actually part of the link ;)
@BartekBanachewicz Hipster coding?
@ʎǝɹɟɟɟǝſ lol I was just trying to click the link on the the slide inside the YouTube video :D
You need to sleep more :P
@ʎǝɹɟɟɟǝſ oh the fuck
> Hunter Loftis is responsible for the Node.js platform at Heroku
@fredoverflow and it's actually from Carmack
> it would be irresponsible to exhort everyone to abandon their C++ compilers and start coding in Lisp, Haskell, or, to be blunt, any other fringe language.
no it wouldn't
@BartekBanachewicz So? Are you not allowed to link to other people's cool articles?
Glad to have you back Bartek :)
I introduced my coworker to Idris and Agda yesterday
he said something along the lines of "and I thought I knew a lot of languages"
@BartekBanachewicz That was my reaction when I learned Haskell :)
Haskell is mainstream compared to all those
There, DNF
My first official score
I need a better 7x7x7. My hands hurt now.
@R.MartinhoFernandes heh
I'll go into the side room and get pics of the multi blindfolded peeps
I feel drunk but I haven't had a drink :(
@R.MartinhoFernandes start poking them
@Ell Did you eat fruit before going to bed last night?
People have been known to get elevated alcohol levels just by eating apples late regularly.
really? o.O
@fredoverflow I want that haskell sticker
I'm sure you can either order them somewhere or make them yourself.
Just like you can have your own T-shirts printed.
@BartekBanachewicz Hipster
@fredoverflow How many programming videos do you watch?
It's awesome. I love programming videos too.
man I gotta get to the post office
@ʎǝɹɟɟɟǝſ Sometimes 5 a day, sometimes 0 a month.
I know what you mean, brother.
Depends on what's up.
Have you written non-text-based games?
For example, right now I could either clean up my room or watch programming videos. Thankfully, I have a fast Internet connection :)
so your room never gets cleaned, is that what I am hearing? >_<
@ʎǝɹɟɟɟǝſ Yes, but it's been a while... lol 7 years
@chmod711telkitty Basically, yes :)
Whoa, my pot lid is talking to me!
> tsssss bzzzzz
@fredoverflow clearly it's the pot talking
@ʎǝɹɟɟɟǝſ Note the counter in the background picture, below the coloured screenshot. I was very proud of that :)
@fredoverflow my chickens try to talk to me sometimes
or birds when they want to be fed
Do they tell you that chicken is already plural
dinner ... will be on mumble in an hour?
Are you sure it's not figuratively 5am?
I'm stealing that one
@ScottW night doggie
lol starcraft
I just got matched with a player from Master
he has around 60% winrate this season
and I won
this is just plain dumb.
Bartek is back
I mean a typical master player should wipe the floor with me
and that guy was just plain hopeless
he didn't survive a poorly executed 7RR
eh, that's not really indicative of his skill level
there's plenty of pro games where the pro takes a risk with early economy and gets wiped out by some early aggression
if you had played standard instead he probably could have wiped the floor with you with the economic advantage he got from like, 15CC or whatever ecocheese build
he did a fast expand
he saw my overlord over it
(it was on Coda LE)
and yet he didn't even place a bunker
@Puppy so basically arrogance lost him the game :P
it's usually more like a calculated risk, but that calculation can sure involve some arrogance
still, 4 leagues difference :D

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